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Description: Esthetic Recognition of Ancient Amerindian Art
PublisherYale University Press
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Academie der Künste (Berlin), 155
Acosta, José de, 60–61, 211n77
Adorno, Rolena, 217n185
after image, 111
Alcina Franch, José, 33–34, 143
Allen, Harrison, 133
Amalrich, etymology, 207n2
America, island or hemisphere, 207n2
Amerigo, variants, 203n9
Amerindian: origins, 65; rationality, 49
Anello Oliva, J. 213n120
Angers, P. J. David d, 97
anthropological archaeology, 189
archaeography, meanings, 203n11
archaeology, merger with anthropology, 188
architecture: polychrome, 114; evolution, 114
Armour, Allison V., 123
art, as historical force, 17
artifact, 17
artisan, 55
arts, deconstructed, 114
Australia, Spanish sighting, 1562, 203n11
Aztec and Inca compared, 61
Aztec and Rome compared, 64
Aztec sculpture (Holmes), 125
Bacon, Francis, 6
Balinese, fig. 40
Bandelier, A. F., ethnologist, novelist, 169–71, 183
Barr, Alfred, 143–44
Bartsch, Paul, 125
Bastian, Adolf: anthropologist, 163–64, 232n5; compared with Boas, 172
Bateson, Gregory, 145
Baudot, Georges: on Martin de la Coruña, 210n41; on Olmos, 210nn51, 52; on Motolinia, 210n55
Baumgarten, A. G., 131
Bell, Betty, 185
Benedict, Ruth, on Boas, 174
Bennett, W. C., anthropological archaeologist, 193–94
Benson, E. P., 157
Bernal, Ignacio, 196
Beuchat, Henri, 132–33
Beyer, Hermann, 178–82
biological metaphor of art history, 131. See also Winckelmann
Boas, Franz, ethnologist, 172–74; as art historian, 195; and Kroeber, 173
Boone, E. H., 158
Borgia, Codex, 179, fig. 44
Boturini Benaduci, Lorenzo, 8; relation to Vico, 87–89; as historian, 87–89
Brainerd, G. W., 185
Brasseur de Bourbourg, C. E., student of native manuscripts, 100–03
Braunschweig, J. D. von, diffusion in 1840, 31
Broda de Casas, J., table of Torquemada’s sources, 212n102
Buber, Martin, 13
Buffon, G. de, 6, 7
Bunge, Mario, 196
Burckhardt, Jakob, 83
Bush, Vannevar, 188
Bustamante, Carlos Maria de, Creole scholar, 100–01
Calendar, invention, 55
Camera lucida, 127
Caricature, 147, 228–29n73
Carnegie Institution of Washington, 152, 186
Caso, Alfonso: on social organization, 142; archaeologist, 189–90
Castañeda, José Luis, 10
Castizo, 201n10
Catherwood, F., drawing by, fig. 36
Chac Mool, fig. 28
Chalchihuites (Zacatecas), 186
Chanchan (Peru), 171
Charnay, C.-J.-D., traveler, 104–08
Chase, George, 188
Chichén Itzá, Castillo (in Landa), fig. 12
Chichimec history, 81
Chimalpain, Francisco de San Antón, historian, 83
Chodowiecki, D. N., 97
Cholula, 9, fig. 24
Cihuacoatl, fig. 13
“civilized,” degrees of, 207n87
Clavigero, Francisco Javier, 7, 8–9
Coatlicue, fig. 25, 151
Cochiti, pueblo, 170
Cocom, 211n69
Codex Magliabechi, fig. 8
Codex Tudela, fig. 8, 51, fig. 10
Collège de France, 165
Collier, John, 145
Columbia University, 165
Columbus, Christopher, 41–43
Comunero revolt, Spain, 48
Consumers of archaeology, 188
Cook, Warren, 79
Cook de Leonard, Carmen, 182
Copán: drawn by Catherwood, 127; sculpture at, 135
Corbel vault, Maya, 124
Corcoran Gallery, 122
Correlations for Maya calendars, 138
Cortés, Hernan, 4; as “new Moses,” 44–49; writings on Conquest, 47–48; as humanist lawyer, 208–09n17
Coruña, Martín de la, 50–51
Cosmogonies, Mexican and Andean, 34
Cosmos Club, 122
Costumbrismo, 128
co-tradition, areal, 194
Courajod, L., 232n138
Covarrubias, Miguel, 147–50
“Creole myth,” 209n23
Crespillo, Indian artist, 54
Cuicuilco, 138
Culin, Stewart, 109–10
Cultural materialists, 102
Cummings, B. C, 128–29
Curiosity cabinets, 17
Curtis, Lewis, Jr., 158
Cyclic creations, Amerindian, 216n179
Daguerre, equipment, 129
Darwin, Charles: on play, 110; on esthetics, 115–16
Davies, Nigel, as antidiffusionist, 206–07n84
Davis, Whitney, on “image-making,” 204n35
de Pauw, Corneille, 7, 85
Delight Makers, novel by Bandelier, 169–70
desamor al indígena (aversion to Indians), 154
Dessoir, Max, 175–76
d’Harnoncourt, René, 143–46
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, 54
diffusionism, 3, 27–33, 171, 207n94, 220n53
“disinterest” as esthetic, 189
Division of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 188
Donnan, C. P., 157
dream content, 206n64
Dürer, Albrecht, 14, 43, 208n11
Dupaix, Guillermo, explorer, 9, 92–96, fig. 39, 201nn20, 23, 203n54
Durán, Diego, 6, 61–62
Duveneck, Frank, 122
Egypt, 183
eidetic imagery, 20, 110—11
elementary ideas, 163
Emeryville mound, 177
“empires” in America, 132
encomienda (royal award of native labor), 53
encyclopedic etymologiae, 159
Engerrand, Jorge, 132–33
“engines of change,” 199
esthetics, xv; of Amerindians, 2; “laws,” 115; and biology, 115; Holmes, 117–19; prior to culture, 177; evolutionary, 176; origins, 178; as impulse, 182; as intuition, 189; and invention, 191; as condition, 195; content, 195; as cause, 196; choices, 199; limits, 230n94
ethnohistory, xv
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 110–13
Fejérváry-Mayer, Codex, 179, fig. 44
Fellows, O. E.: on Buffon, 202n32
Fernandez, Justino, as historian of Mexican art, 151–52; on Covarrubias, 149; as “historicist,” 230n95
Fernández de Echeverría y Veytia, Mariano, 87
Fernandez de Enciso, Martín, 87
Fernandez de Oviedo, Gonzalo, 85, fig. 19
Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, 117
Focillon, Henri, 138
form, follows function/meaning, 241n7
Foucault, Michel, 12, 15–16
Frazer, J. G., 163
Freud, Sigmund, 164
Friedrichsthal, Baron, 222n89
Fuentes, Carlos, 196
Galindo y Villa, Jesús, 186
“Galton’s Problem,” 40
Gamio, Manuel: esthetic experiments by, 153; anthropological archaeologist, 185–86; esthetic sense, 185; S. Miguel Amantla, 187
Gaos, José, 17
Garcia, Gregorio, 64–65
Garcia Icazbalceta, J., 169
Garcilaso de la Vega (el Inca): historian, 76–78; army service, 216n168; compared with Guaman Poma, 78
Gérard, François, 97
Gerbi, Antonello, 84–87, 202n50
Gibson, Charles, 158
Giedeon, S., 21
Gilbert, K. E., 109, 175
Gladwin, H. S., 147
Glanville, Bartholomew de, 159
Glass, John, 202n41
glottochronology, 205n58
Gobineau, Comte de, 108
Gothic “international style,” 160
graded series, xvi, 17
Granada, Spain, 77
graphs on esthetics, 118–22, figs. 2932
“great art”: term used by Kroeber, 177
Grieder, T., 32–33
Guaman Poma, Felipe, 78–81; map by, fig. 17; influenced by engravings of Roman cities, 216n180
Gutierrez de Santa Clara, 69
Guzmán, Eulalia, 142
Hebraeus, Leo, 76, 215nn162–64
Hegel, G. W. F., 8, 132
Heine-Geldern, Robert, 147
Henry, Mary, 122
Hentze, Carl, 32, 147
Heraclitus, 151
Herbart, J. F., 154
Herder, J. G. von, 9, 100, 127, 130, 202n48
hermeneutic field, 197
Hewitt, Edgar Lee, 183
Historia de los mexicanos por sus pinturas, 51
historiography, as measure of error, 197–99
history: as anthropology, 177; tribal, 197
Hitchcock, H.-R., 143–44
Hodge, F. W., 125
Holbein, H., Madonna, 111
Holmes, William Henry, 117–26; influenced by Semper, 114–15; sources, 225n62
hologeistic (whole-earth) method, 40
horizon: cultural, 35, 136–37, fig. 38, 177, 193; style, 194, 227n36
Huamachuco (Peru), fig. 20
Huitzilopochtli, 47
human-heart sacrifice, 52
Humboldt, Alexander von, explorer, 9, 97–100, 131
Husserl, Edmund, 175
Iberoamerikanisches Institut, Berlin, 155
idealist racism, 108
idolatry extirpated, 65
Iglesia, Ramón, 47
Indianists, 6, 49–65
Indian manufacturers, 49
Indians, Jewish origin, 101
indifference (disinteredness), 205n46
indigenista movement, 190
Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 101
International Congress of Americanists, 162–63
international medieval style, 232n138
Iturbide, emperor of Mexico, 164
Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de Alva, 3, 81–83; lost manuscripts, 217nn187, 189, 192
Izamal, 56
Jackson, W. H., 122
jaguar vessel, colossal stone, 181, fig. 45
Janson, H. W., 138
Juan de la Cruz, 54
Jung, C. G., 163
Kant, Immanuel, xvi, 7
katchina, 140
Kaufmann, Theodor, 122
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 122
Keen, B., 152
Kelemen, Pál, 154, 160, 225n73, 232n136
Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 186–89
kinematic individuality, 239n169
Kirchhoff, Paul, 149
Kluckhohn, C, 188
Koepping, K.-P., 163–64
Kowalski, J. K., 211n69
Kroeber, Alfred, anthropologist, 176–78
Kugler, Franz Theodor, 2, 130–31, 200n4, 226n20
Kultermann, Udo, 130
Kunstwollen, 141–42, 227n44
Kutscher, Gerdt, 155–58
Labna, 117
labret, 208n8
Lafaye, J., 209n8
Landa, Diego de, 55–59; Relación, 57; alphabet, fig. 12
Larco Hoyle, Rafael, 155
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 5, 49–50
legend of the suns, 67
Lehmann, Walter, 141, 155
Leo XIII, Pope, 165, 169
León, Nicolás, 186
León-Portilla, Miguel, 2, 155
Leroi-Gourhan, André, 19–27, fig. 2, 157–58
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 164
Libby, Willard, 192
“light-chaos,” 112
Linton, Ralph, 145, 194
Loubat, J. F., 165
Lowie, Robert, 176, 182, 237n124
Machu Picchu, 172
MacDougall, W., 175
MacNeish, R. S., 186
“Made in USA,” 198, 241n10
Maler, Teobert, 139, 191
Malinowski, B., 197
Map of Chalca territory, fig. 10, 83
Marcos de Aquino, Indian artist, 54
Marsh, O. C, 103
Marshall, H. R., 182
Martinez Compañón, Baltasar Jaime, 89–92
Martyr, Peter, 19, 41, 43–44, 208n9
Marx, Karl, 116
material culture, 109
Maximilian, emperor in Mexico, 164
Mendicant Orders, 4–5
Mendieta, Jerónimo de, 59–60
Mercator, Gerhard, fig. 4
Merriam, C. J., 188
mestizaje, 216n272
mestizo historians, 81
Mexico as Utopia, 53
Miller, M. E., fig. 28, 194–95
missionary ethnography, 60
Mitla, 93, fig. 21, fig. 23
Mochica (Peru): art, 28–29, fig. 3; style, fig. 42
Moctezuma, 44, 47; colonial genealogies, 214n136
Mogrovejo, Toribio, archbishop, 89, 90, fig. 20, 219n24
Moles, Abraham, 17, 113–14
Monte Albán, 125, 139, 140, fig. 37, fig. 39, 190
Montesinos, Fernando, 66–67, 172, 213n124
monuments (Urdenkmäler), 130–31
Moore, Henry, 107
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 169
Morison, S. E., 18
Morley, Sylvanus Griswold, 183–85
Morris, Desmond, 12
Morrow, Dwight, 145
Motolinia, 5, 53–54
mound builders, 131
Moxó, Benito Maria de, 96–97
Müller, Max, 179
Mueller, W., 31, fig. 4
Murua, Martín de, 79, 217n182
Muybridge, Eadweard, 183
Nadaillac, Jean François de, 103, 165
National Gallery of Art, 117, 125
“New Archaeology,” 189
Nicholson, H. B., 167
Norbeck, E., 110
Nuttall, Z., 186
O’Gorman, Edmundo, 15, 17, 18–19, 201n10
Olmec, 18
Olmos, Andrés de, 51–53, 210n50
ontology, 17, 204n30
Orozco, J. C, 152
Ortega y Gasset, 161
Palacios, E. J., 201n24
palaeolithic art, 20–26
Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 67–68
Palenque, 105, 128–29; House E., 167, fig. 43
Panofsky, E., 197
Paredes de Benavente. See Motolinia
participial mode, 19
Pasztory, E., 149
Pecos, pueblo, 170
periodízation, 34–40
Phelan, J. L., 201n22
Philip II, 15
Pierce, C. S., 28
Pigafetta, Antonio, 87
Pijoan y Soteras, José, 138–41
Pliny the Elder, 1
Popol Vuh, 101
Porter, D. H., 203n4
portraiture, 28, fig. 3
pre-Columbian architecture, 124
Preuss, K. T., 167
Primitive Art, Boas, 173–75
Proskouriakoff, T., 139, 152–53
Prown, Jules, 110
psychophysics, 111, 172–73
Puebla, Cathedral, 68, fig. 15
Pueblo archaeology, 136
Quetzalcoatl, 2, 47
racism, of Gobineau, 108
radiocarbon dating, 191
Ramirez de Fuenleal, 51
Ramirez, J. F., 202n44
Ramos, Samuel, 151
Raynal, G.-T. F., 7
rebus writing, 76
recognition, 198
Reisner, G. A., 188
Reiss, W., 171
Relatión de Michoacán, 50–51, fig. 9
Remesal, Antonio de, 65–66
Rhetorica cristiana, 72–75, fig. 16
Riegl, Alois, 141, 154
Rio, Antonio del, 93
Rivet, Paul, 154
Robertson, Donald, 158–61, 201n26
Robertson, William, 7, 127
Rockefeller, Nelson, 143, 146
Román, Jerónimo, 64, 201n28
romanticism, 154
Ross, Denman, 133
Rowe, John, 171, 194
Ruiz de Alarcón, H., 66
Russell, Bertrand, 182
Sahagún, Bernadino de, 2, 54–56
Salinas y Cordova, B. de, 79
San Miguel Amantla, 186
Santa Clara pueblo, 170
Sarzeau, mound at, 131
Saville, Marshall, 186
Saxl, F., 159
Schapiro, Meyer, 177
Schele, Linda, 195, 220n62
Schellhas, Paul, 135
Schelling, F., 163
Schiller, F., 110
Schopenhauer, A., 142
Scott, J., fig. 39
“secular” interpretation, 228n54
Seler, Georg Eduard, 164–69, 233n29, 234n37
semiology, 197
semiotic analysis, 28, 197
Semper, Gottfried, 114–15
Sharer, R. J., 185
Shaw, E., 144
Siecke, Ernst, 166, 179
Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de, 68–71
Smith, J. W., and R. A., 35
Spencer, Herbert, 113
Spengler, O., 154
Spinden, Herbert Joseph, 133–38, figs. 18, 37, 198, 226n29, 227nn34, 37
“spiritual conquest” of Mexico, 63
Spranz, Bodo, 182
Springer, Anton Heinrich, 131–32, 226nn21, 22
Squier, E. G., 147
Steggerda, Morris, 190
Stegner, W., 123
stepfrets (grecas), 142
Stephens, John Lloyd, 2, 102, 127–29, 130, 205n41, 225n3
Stone, Rebecca, 176, 236n97, 240n188
stratigraphy, 171, 187, 194
Stübel, A., 171
“superorganic,” 236–37nn104–05
superstition and ancient custom, 61
Swadesh, Morris, 25–26
Sydow, Eckart von, 157
Tarasca, 50, 143
Tariacuri, ruler, fig. 9
Taylor, W. W., 188
Tenayuca, 5
Teotihuacán, 124, fig. 34, 139–40, fig. 47
Teozacualco map, 190
Termer, F., 155
Tezcatlipoca, 54
Tezozomoc, Hernando Alvarado, 71–72
theogony, 142, 227n476
Thomas, apostle, 61, 100
Thompson, Eric, 102, 133, 165, 190–91
Thurnwald, R., 155, 176
Ticul vase, 129, fig. 36
Tikal, 135–36
time, biblical, 60
Tlalhuica, 61
Tlatelolco, fig. 14
Tlatilco, fig. 41
Toltec “priority,” 166–67
toltecáyotl (Sahagún), 55
Torquemada, Juan de, 6, 62–63
Toscano, Salvador, 151, 153–55
Toussaint, Manuel, 151
transpacific contacts, 147, 229n79
Trenton, N. J., palaeolithic tools at, 117
triumphal arch, of Aztec rulers, 69
Tula, 104, fig. 26
Uchilobos. See Huitzilopochtli
Uhle, Max, 171–72, 176
upstreaming, 56, 191
Uxmal, 117
Vaillant, George Clapp, 191–93
Valadés, Diego, 42, 59–60, 72–76, 215n158
Valera, Blas, 66, 67
Vespucci, Amerigo, 14, 203n9
Veyne, Paul, 16
Veytia. See Fernández de Echeverría
Vico, Giambattista, 8, 87–88, 102, 131
Vierkandt, Alfred, 175–76
Viollet-le-Duc, E., 106–08
Voit, A., 200–01n5, 226n21
Wagner, H. R., 210n57
Waldseemüller, Martin, 14
Wauchope, R., 186
Weber’s law, 111
Westheim, Paul, 141–43
Willey, Gordon R., 101, 186
Winckelmann, J. J., 9, 131
Wingert, Paul, 145
world art, history of, 131
World Columbian Exposition, 123
Worringer, W., 141–42, 154
Xibalba, 101
Zongólica, 186
Zumárraga, Juan, 51