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Description: Legend, Myth, and Magic in the Image of the Artist: A Historical Experiment
PublisherYale University Press
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Adam, A., 133
Admetus, 75
Aelian, 72
Aesthetics, 42, 62, 102
Albani, F., 113, 118
Alberti, L. B., 49, 55, 58
Alexander the Great, 15–16, 40
‘Ali, 98
Andersen, H. C., 37
Anderson, W., 95, 133
Apelles, 5, 40, 62, 96, 103, 120, 125
Aphrodite, 67
Apollodorus, 66
Apuleius, 99
Archimedes, 125
Architect, 11, 12
biblical, 57
changed into ape, 86
and devil, 58
ends life upon completion of work, 85, 130–31
God as, 53
heavenly inspiration of, 57, 98
saves life by artistry, 87 see also Artist, Building, and specific architects
Arellius, 117
Aretino, P., 16, 48, 63, 133
Ariosto, 44
Aristotle, 21, 67
Armenini, G. B., 46, 92, 133
beginnings of, 74–75
as Devil’s handiwork, 80
as imitation of nature, 8–9, 15–17, 34. 39–40, 43–44 62–71
surpassing nature, 43–44, 61
theory, 39-43. 47. 49. 59-61, 83, 94, 126–27 see also Work of art
Art history, 7, 20–22, 44, 48–50
Artisan, 88, 113, 124
becomes artist, 14-15, 17, 27–28
as alter deus, 49, 61
ambivalence to, 89–90
anecdotes, defined, 10
anonymous, 3–6
as “ape” of God and nature, 86, 98
and aristocrat, 40–42, 51, 99
biblical, 5, 57
childhood of, 8–9, 13–26, 64
choice of profession, 14–15, 18–20, 22, 43
and client, 88, 102–06, 111–13
in comedies and farces, 100–02
craft a secret, 124
“dead to the world,” 125–28
deceiving and outwitting other artists, 8, 62, 100–01
destroying own work, 111–12
discovery of, see Talent
falling in love with work, 72
in fiction, 37–38, 41, 58, 104, 107–09, 117, 124–25
heroized, 13–61, 87, 89, 109
historical accounts, 3–7
and layman, 40–41, 91–94, 101, 113
linking of great, 23–24, 121
low esteem of, 38–39, 41–43, 90, 113
as magician, 61–90, 109–10
mistrust of, 41–42
and model: love of, 116–17
     murderer of, 118–19
as murderer of rival, 122–23
mythical, 21, 69–71, 79, 86–89
pastoral-rustic background, 32–34
and his public, 99–114
punished for presumptuousness, 84–89
relation to work of art, 7, 114–32
“riddle of,” 1–3, 114
rise in social standing, 17–18, 25, 27–28, 40, 44, 48–49
rivalry and competition between, 10, 27, 96, 120–25, 130
seeks death when work is flawed, 130–31
self-taught, 15, 17, 19–20, 37, 43
society’s attitude to, 2, 14, 38–43, 90
speed of, 94–95
taking revenge on critic, 104–07
virtuosity of, 91–99 see also Architect, Divino artista, Painter, Sculptor
Astrology, 51
Athanasius, 55
Athenaeus, 72
Athenagoras, 74
Atmeidan obelisk, 130–31
Autobiography, 14
Automatons, 69–71
Autreau, J., 104
Baldinucci, F., 27, 122, 133
Baldovinetti, A., 31
Baltrusaitis, 55
Balzac, H., 124–25
Banco, N. di, 121
Bandello, M., 28, 117, 133
Barbi, M., 108, 133
Barocci, F., 122
Bassano, 98
Basset, R., 88, 133
Baudelaire, C., 112, 133
Baudissin, K. von, 113, 131, 133
Beccafumi, D., 26, 64, 97, 105
Bellori, G. P., 16, 92, 133
Benelli, S., 108, 134
Benzoni, G., 98
Bernheim, E., 36, 134
Bianchi-Bandinelli, R., 42, 134
Bible, 53–54, 56–57. 84, 86 see also Artist, biblical
Bicci, L., 95
Bielefeld, E., 80, 134
classical, 14, 44
enacted, 132
fixed themes, 11
and mythology, 12, 22, 26–38 52
typical anecdotes about artists 8–12; see also Artist
Birt, T., 72, 134
Birth, depicted as myth, 51–52, 59
Bittremieux, L., 134
Boberg, I. M., 58
Boccaccio, G., 23, 65, 86, 107
Böcklin, A., 105
Bode, W. von, 64, 134
Borinski, Κ., 55, 80, 83, 134
Bossert, H. Th., 100, 134
Botticelli, S., 107
Boutades, 74
Bramantino, 63
Bronzino, 116
Brunelleschi, F., 85, 98, 108, 121, 125
Bruno, 107
Buddha, 57, 74–75
Buffalmacco, 58, 101, 103, 107
Building, erection of, 84–86, 95, 98–99, 130–31
Butades, 21
Calderon, Pedro, 98
Callistratos, 44
Canaletto, 130
Cano, A., 95
Canova, A., 34
Cantarini, S., 122
Caracci, A., 28, 92
Caravaggio, P. da, 27
Caricature, 106–07, 125
Carpenter, R., 118, 134
Cassirer, E., 21, 134
Castagno, A. del, 27, 122
Casti, G. B., 103, 134
Castiglione, B., 50, 102
Casts from live forms, 16
Cennini,C., 55
Ceramics, invention of, 21
Chamberlain, A. B., 101, 134
Chamisso, A. von, 118, 130
Chavannes, E., 69, 134
Ch’en Shih-Hsiang, 74, 134
Ch’ên Yung-chih, 46
Child prodigy, 31–32, 38
Childs, Ν., 104, 134
Chnum, 53
Christ legends, 60
Cimabue, 22, 24–26, 30, 35, 64, 130
Clovio, G., 126
Cogniet, L., 76
Cohn, W., 74. US
Columbus’s egg, 98
Condivi, AA., 102, 116, 135
expansion of, 128–29
mythical and theoretical, 21
Constitution, 14, 50 see also Endowment, Talent
Coomaraswamy, A. K., 65, 93, 135
Cornelius, P. von, 105
Cosimo, P. di, 46
Coulton, G. G., 123, 135
Craftsman, see Artisan
Creation stories (myths), 53–54, 59. 129
Creativity, 6, 10, 12, 124–32
heroization of, 54
and sexuality, 115–16 see also Inspiration
Crespi, D., 118
Croce, B., 7
Crollius, O., 53
Ctesicles, 106
Cult objects, 56, 80
Culture hero, 20–21
Curčin, M., 34, 135
Cuvreux, W., 69, 135
Cyclopean walls, 84
Dactyles, 89
Daedalus, xii, 21, 66–68, 71, 87 , 123
Dalitzsch, M., 10, 135
Dante, 22–24, 105. 115
d’Arpino, C., 27
Dauw.J., 55, 135
Demetrios, 40, 82
Democritus, 67
Depersonalization, 108
Der Nersessian, 64, 135
Deus artifex, 20–21, 38, 53–60, 90
Devil, in pact with artist, 58, 85
Diels, H., 54, 135
Dipoinos, 21
Divino artista, 6, 38–61, 94, 127
Dobschiitz, E. von, 56–57, 135
Domenichi, L., 105, 135
Donatello, 104, 108, 111–12, 121–22
Doni, A., 57, 110, 135
Dornseiff, Fr., 42, 135
Dossi, D., 55
Dostoevsky, F., 108
double elaboration in, 110
universal, 36–37, 87
Du Gué Trapier, 46, 135
Dürer, A., ix, 9, 49–51, 63, 92–94, 97, 121–22
Duris of Samos, 12, 15, 17–20, 35–36, 40, 96, 103
Dwarves, 89
Eberhard, W., 74, 83, 135
Ecstasy, 42, 48–50, 129
Effigy magic, 73, 76, 78–79
Egypt, 5, 21, 53, 79–80, 94
Eisler, R., 88, 135
Empedocles, 54
Endowment, 43, 50
Engelmann, R., 119, 135
Enthusiasm, see Ecstasy, Inspiration
Epimetheus, 86
Erasmus of Rotterdam, 93, 109. 136
Erigonos, 17, 19
Erman, A., 53, 136
’Ertesen, 124
Eucheir, 21
Eumenes of Cardia, 17–18
Eupompos, 14–20
Euripides, 66–67, 75
Eyck, J. van, 124
Fa-Hsien, 136
Fairy tale, 36–37, 58, 110
Family romance, 37
Fan K’uan, 127
Fate, 18, 28, 37, 132
Fattus, 87
Feddersen, M., 65, 136
Fernkorn, A. D., 130
Feuillet, O., 37–38
Filarete, A. A., 64, 136
Fire, 86, 89
symbolic significance, 87
Fischer, O., 83, 128, 136
Floerke, H., 44, 64, 82, 97, 102 104–05, 107–08, 113, 130 136
Floris, F., 64
Flötner, P., 97
Flying, 87–88
Folena, G., 112, 136
Forgeries and copies, 97–98
Francia, F., 115, 130
Fréminet, M., 92, 94
Freud, S., x, xiii, 13–14, 36–37
Frey, C., 136
Fuhse, F., 122, 136
Fulgentius, F. P., 75, 85, 136
Geertgen tot Sint Jans, 50
Geffcken, J., 77, 136
Gelli, G. B., 112, 136
Genealogization, 19–20, 22–24
Genius’, 6, 8, 28, 31–32, 37–39, 45. 49
community of, 7, 12
divine origin, 51, 59
glorification, 52
and poverty, 114
Gerlach, G., 93, 136
Ghiberti, L., 24–25, 81, 96, 131, 137
Ghirlandaio, R., 27, 101
Giants, 58, 84–86
Giles, Η. A., 17, 47. 57. 65, 74. 88, 97, 114. 122. 128, 136–37
Gioggi, B., 102.
Giordano, L., 95
Giorgione, 124
Giotto, xi, 9, 22–28, 31–33, 35–38, 45, 50, 52, 59, 64–66, 96–97, 99, 102, 115, 130
Girodet, A. L., 105
Gnomes, 89
as artist, 20–21, 55–56; see also Deus artifex
defiance of, 87
envy of, 84–90
Goes, H. van der, 116–17
Goethe, J. W., 47, 89, 92, 103, 105, 137
Goldschmidt, L., 86, 137
Goltzius, 51
Gombrich, E. H., ix–xiv, xvi, 107, 137. 139–40
Gomperz, H., xvi
Gospel, 59–60, 90
Gossaert.J., 101, 125
Goya, F.J. de, 27, 116
Grazzini, A. F., 107
Greco. El, 56, 120, 126–27
Grisailles, 64
Guercino, 28
Gusmin, 131
Gyges, 21
Gyllander, H., 58, 137
Habich, G., 86, 137
Hackin.J., 74, 137
Haggadah, 84
Hagia Sophia, 57, 98
Hals, F., 121
Hampe, Th., 9, 93, 97, 137
Han Kan, 17, 129
Harris, E., 46, 116, 137
Hartmann, A. G., 63, 105–06, 137
Haskell, F., 76, 137
Hasiuck, F. W., 123, 136
Heere, L. de, 117
Hempel, E., 100, 137
Hephaestus, 68, 71, 86, 89
Heraclitus, 78
Hercules, 32, 66–67
Hermes, 79
Hero, 10–12, 37–38
myth of, 52 see also Culture hero
Herodotus, 26
Hertslet, W. L., 34, 138
Herzfeld, E. E., 87
Herzfeld, M., 46, 138
Hesiod, 121
Hirth, F., 21, 65, 83, 138
faking, 24
and mythology, 12, 20–22, 87; see also Mythology
role of anecdotes, 10–11 see also Art history
Hoefnaghel, J., 30
Hoffmann, Ε. Τ. A., 117
Hokusai, 47, 95
Holbein, H., 50–51, 101
Hollanda, F. da, 50, 138
Homer, xii. 68. 88. 121
Houbraken, A., 121, 138
Hsin Ch’ang, 128
Huelsen, Ch., 131, 138
Hugdietrich, 65
Ibsen, H., 131
Icarus, 88
llg, A., 55, 58, 65, 103, 123, 138
Illusion and reality, 66–69, 108
Ilmarinen, 69
of artist, defined, 2, 11–12
ban on, 78, 87
magic of, 71–84, 106
Imagination, 45–47, 77
lmhotep, 21
Inspiration, divine, 42, 44–49, 56–58, 127
Invention, 47, 98
of artistic techniques, 21–22
Islam, 72, 87
James, M. R., 60, 138
Janson, H. W., 46, 55, 138
Jeremias, A., 53, 138
Jesus as artist, 60, 90
Joke, 10
pictorial, 64
and superiority of artist, 99–109
Juggler, 99, 104
Junker, H., 21, 138
Kaibel, G., 89, 138
Kalkmann, A., 18, 138
Kallab, W., 34, 139
Kant, I., 54, 139
Kao K’o-ming, 127–28
Kehrer, H., 27, 116, 126, 139
Kennedy, R. W., 62, 139
Kerkopes, 86
Keyssler, J. G., 92, 118, 139
Kinkel, G., 58, 64, 81, 105, 123, 139
Klauner, F., 55, 139
Kneller, G., 63
Koch, J. A., 34
Köhler, R., 100–01, 139
Koppers, W., 54, 144
Koran, 60
Kris, E., ix-xvi, 2, 48, 58, 89, 97, 107, 112, 116, 137, 139–40
Kristeller, Ρ. O., 42, 140
Ku-Chün-chih, 128
Ku K’ai-chih, 73–74
Kuo-Shöng, 128
Kurz, O., ix-xiv, 92, 140
Ku Teng, 129, 140
Kyosai, 95
Lagerlöff, S., 60
Lalo, C, 74, 120, 140
Lamaistic literature, 56
Lane, G. S., 69, 140
Lanfranco, 31, 104
Laomedon, 85
Las Casas, B. de, 140
Laufer, B., 56, 74–76, 134, 140
Lecomte, G., 105, 140
Buddhist, 57, 75
Chinese, 75
German, 53, 85
Indian, 75
Nordic, 87, 89
Rumanian, 87–88
Tibetan, 74–75
Tocharish, xii, 69–71
typical, about artists, see Artist see also Mythology
Leonardo da Vinci, 46–47, 50, 63, 101, 105, 130, 140
Levey, Μ., 130, 140
Levitine, G., 74, 140
Leyden, L. van, 121–22
Leyen, F. von der, 72, 85, 140
Liberi, C, 103
Li Ch’êng, 128
Liebrecht, F., 72, 140
Lindner, A., 118, 140
Linton, R., 2
Lippi, F., xi, 28, 92, 117
Löbell, J. W., 36, 140
Loga, V. von, 27, 140
Lucían, 93, 111, 123
Luther, M., 51
Lysippus, 14–22, 24, 26, 43
Lysistratus, 16
McCown, C. C., 58, 75, 140
Macrobius, 115
Magic and art, 61–90, 106, 109–10
Magnus, A., 82
Mallius, L., 115
Malvasia, C. C., 57, 106, 141
Mander, C. van, 30, 50–51, 64, 92, 101, 103, 116–17, 122, 124, 141
Manetho, 21
Manetti, A., 108
Mann, T., xiii, 31
Mannerism, 97, 127
Mannhardt, W., 69, 141
Mantegna, A., 63
Massys, Q., 64
Mast, Η. van der, 64
Mayer, L. A., 88, 141
Mayers, W. F., 75, 141
Menzel, A. F., 106–07
Messerschmidt, F. X., x–xi, 33, 88–89, 105, 119, 125, 141
Meštrovič, I., 33
Michelangelo, 9, 48, 50–52, 57, 59. 97. 99, 102, 104–05, 110–11, 115–16, 118, 122
Mi Fei, 127
Mignard, P., 31, 97
Millais, E., 63, 141
Misson, M., 116, 141
artist’s relation to, 116–18
choice of, 43–44, 61
nature as, 15–17, 34
Monnier, P., 94, 141
Mordtmann, J. H., 57, 98, 141
Morgenstern, C., 58
Mostart, G., 103
Muhjîeddîn, 99
Münzer, F., 18, 141
Murillo, B. E., 63
Musper, Th., 34, 141
Mythology, 20–22, 26–38, 84-90, 95, 115
Babylonian, 53
Finnish and Lithuanian, xii, 69
Greek, 5, 53, 66–69, 85–86, 124 see also Legends
Nagler, G. K., 88, 95, 98, 105, 141
Naturalism, 19, 65, 78–79
artistry of, 55–56
revelation of, 128 see also Art
Nazzaro, M. del, 112
Nealkes, 46
Nebesky-Wojkowitz, R. de, 141
Netscher, K., 28
Neudörfer, J., 97
Neumann, C., 113, 141
Nicholas of Cusa, 55
Nicodemi, G., 118, 141
Nietzsche, F., 11
Noe, H., 122, 141
Nollekens, J., 104
Normann, F., 99, 141–42
Odenius, O., 58, 142
Okyo, M., 27
Old Testament, 5, 54
Oppenheimer, M., 113
Orcagna, A., 105
Otto, W. F., 42, 142
Overbeck, J., 16–17, 44–46, 62, 66–67, 72. 74. 82–83, 89, 93–94. 97, 118, 142
Ovid, 72
Pacioli, L., 98, 142
Painter, 12
God as, 55
as swindler, 104 see also Artist and specific painters
of insect, taken for real, 9, 64–65
on marble, 56
origin of, 74–75, 124
Palomino, A., 95, 142
Pandora, xii, 69
Panofsky, E., xvi, 41, 44, 49, 54, 63–64, 86, 97, 127, 142
Panzer, F., 92, 142
Paracelsus, 53
Parmigianino, 125
Parrhasios, 10, 40, 43, 62, 118, 120
Pasias, 19
Pasiteles, 17
Passeri, G. B., 16, 28, 51, 104, 113, 142
Pathography, 120
Pauli, J., 51, 115, 142
Pauly, A. F., 21, 53, 67–69, 89, 94 123 , 142
Pausanias, 17, 78–79
Pencz, G., 64
Peripatetic school, 12, 18
Perugino, 113, 118
Peruzzi, B., 64, 122
Pescia, P. M. da, 97
Petrarch, 115
Phidias, 44–45, 55, 57, 93, 97
Philippus, 67
Philosophy, 19, 44, 49–50, 53, 78 83
Pidzag, S., 64
Pierino da Vinci, 51
Pigler, A., 64, 76, 142
Piles, R. de, 28, 31, 63, 94, 105 118, 122, 124, 142
Piloto, 107
Pilucca, 107
Pinelli, 112
Pitias, 81
Planiscig, L., xvi, 33, 142
Plato, 32, 39, 42–43, 49, 61, 68 83, 86, 94, 126
Pliny the Elder, 14–19, 21–22, 40 45–46, 62, 64–65, 74, 82, 92 96–97, 103, 106, 117, 123 125, 142
Pliny the Younger, 10
Plotinus, 44
Plutarch, 15–16, 41
Pocetti, B., 27
Poets and graphic artists, ranking, 42, 44, 113
Poimandres, 54, 142
Poliziano, 112
Polo, M., 75, 142–43
Pordenone, G. A., 122
Porta, G. della, 72
Portrait, equated with object portrayed, 62–84
Pòschel, Η., 42, 143
Poseidon, 67
Possis, 65
Poussin, Ν., 28, 125
Praxiteles, 72. 81, 116—17
Primitive people, 3, 53–54, 76–77
Projection, 89
Prometheus, 85–86, 89
Proportion, 55, 93–94
Protogenes, 40, 45, 62–63, 82, 96, 120, 125
Psychoanalysis, x, xiii, 116 see also Freud
Psychology, xv, 2, 9, 13–14, 29, 36, 47, 120, 124
Puhvel, M., 58, 143
Pygmalion, xii, 69, 72, 117
Quadratura, 63–64
Quintilian, 82
Rank, O., 37, 143
Raphael, 50, 63, 102, 119, 130
Rathe, K., xvi
Realism, 16, 19, 34, 64 see also Portrait
Reggio, R. da, 33, 122
Reinach, S., 40, 143
Religion and art, 41–42, 53–54, 59–60, 73. 79–80 see also Deus artifex
Rembrandt, 63, 66, 94–95, 113
Reni, G., 16–17, 51. 57. 97. 106
Reuterswärd, P., 62, 143
Richter, J. P., 143
Ridolfi, C., 143
Robert, C., 67–69, 74, 143
Roeder, G., 21
Roessler, A., 56, 95–96, 113, 143
Romano, G., 85
Rorschach, Η., 47
Roscher, W. Η., 72, 89, 143
Rosenblum, R., 74, 143
Rosenfeld, Η., 76, 143
Rosiger, F., 18, 143
Rossi, F., 97
Rumohr, C. F. von, 10, 65, 143
Sacchetti, F., 58, 102, 107, 143
Saga, 36, 58, 85, 89
St. Augustine, 80
St. Clement, 83
Saints, life of, 32
Sandrart, J. von, 118, 144
Sansovino, A., 27
Sauer, B., 20, 46, 144
Saxl, F., xvi
Scaliger, J. J., 59
Scheggia, 107
Scheurl, C., 63, 144
Schick, J., 93, 144
Schiller, F., 105
Schlegel, E., 53, 144
Schlosser, J. von, x, xvi, 22, 34, 55, 57, 86, 105, 115, 126–27, 137. 143–44
Schmidt, R., 72, 144
Schmidt, W., 54, 144–45
Schnabel, P., 144
Schwarz, P., 72, 87, 144
Schweiker, B., 21, 40–41, 144
Schwind, M. von, 58
Sculptor, 12, 44, 81, 119
breathing life into statue, 85–86
God as, 53, 55
low esteem of, 39, 41
paranoid delusion of, 88–89 see also Artist and specific sculptors
Sculpture, origin of, 74
Secondary elaboration, 87
Segantini, Giovanni, 33
Segantini, Gottardo, 34, 144
Sellers, E., 17, 40, 46, 96, 103, 142, 144
Seneca, 49, 82, 118, 144
Servaes, F., 33, 144–45
Sexuality and artistic creation, 115–16
Shadow, 74–75
Shakespeare, W., 86
Shi Huang, 21
Sieg, E., 69, 145
Signorelli, L., 75–76
Silanion, 17, 19
Singer, S., 54, 145
Sinninghe, J. R. W., 88, 131, 145
Skyllis, 21
Smith, J. T., 104, 145
Socrates, 26, 43
Sodoma, 92
Solomon, 58
Soper, A. C., 74, 145
Sostratus, 111
Spinelli, P., 120
Steinmann, E., 115, 118, 145
Stirling-Maxwell, W., 145
Storm, T., 76
Strabo, 62, 82
Strange, E. F., 47, 145
Stummer, F., 75, 145
Sublimation, 116
Suidas, 44, 86
Sung-Ti, 46
Su Tung-Ρ'o, 129
Syrlin, J., 88
Talent, 2
discovery of, as a mythological motif, 18, 26–38
evident in childhood, 8–9, 25–26, 28–32, 37–38
innate, 34, 50–51
Talos, I., 88, 123, 145
T’ao Hung-ching, 114
Taoism, 127–29
Tasso, T., 107
Telchines, 89, 124
Telecles, 94
Teniers, D., 98
Textual criticism, 9, 12, 17, 19, 62
Theodorus of Samos, 94
Thieme-Becker, 20, 27, 145
Thode, H., 57, 110, 145
Thompson, S., 88, 123, 131, 145
Thucydides, 26
Tiepolo, G. B., 94
Tietze, H., xvi
Ting Lan, 75
Tintoretto, 76
Titian, 9, 63, 124
Tower of Babel, 84–86
Tribolo, Ν., 107
Troy, 85
Ts’ang Chieh, 21
Tubach, F. C., 58, 115, 146
Tyche, 18, 25 see also Fate
Uccello, P., 101, 122, 125
Udine, G. da, 34
Vaga, Pierino del, 28
Van de Waal, H., 96, 146
Van Dyck, A., 121
Varese, C., 108, 146
Varrò, M. T., 65
Vasari, G., xi, 26–28, 30–31, 33–34, 46, 48, 51–52. 56, 58–59. 63–64, 73 . 75–76, 85. 92, 95–96, 98–99. 101, 103–05, 107, 112–13, 116, 120–22, 125, 130, 146
Veckenstedt, E., 69, 146
Veneziano, D., 122
Venturi, L., 48, 146
Vernet, H., 105
Verrocchio, A. del, 112, 130
Villani, G., 86
Virgil, 81–82
Volbach, W. F., 64, 134
Voss, H., 105, 146
Vossler, Κ., 23, 146
Vries, V. de, 64
Warburg, A., xvi, 73, 146
Wegner, M., 57, 146
Weixlgärtner, A., 64, 146
Wen Yü Κ'o, 129
Wesselski, A., 97, 112, 146
Weyden, R. van der, 124
Whistler, J. A., 95
Whitley, W. T., 63, 146
Wickhoff, F., xvi, 22, 24, 36, 130, 146
Wieland, C. M., 87, 147
Wigalois, 65
Wilde, O., 73
Wille, H., 74, 147
Winner, M., 147
Wittkower, R., 115, 118, 145
Witz, K., 100
Work of art
as child of artist, 115
considered to be alive, 71–74, 83–86, 110, 125
as a copy of reality, 61–71, 83; see also Naturalism, Realism
dimensions of, 97
endowed with movement, 67–71
evaluation of, 43, 48
flawed, 130–31
inferences from, about artist’s life, 119–20
mistaken for real thing, 8–9, 62–71, 80–84
produced by chance, 45–46
replacing deceased person, 75–76
unfinished, 48 see also Art
Wortham, B. H., 72
Wurzbach, A. von, 125, 147
Wu Tao-tzŭ, 97, 122, 128
Xenocrates, 40
Xenophon, 26, 43
Zauner, F. A., 130
Zeus, 44, 55, 57
Zeuxis, 5, 10, 19, 40, 44–45, 61–62, 71, 82, 120
Zilsel, E., 16, 59, 109, 147
Zimmer, Η., 75, 147
Zuccaro, F., 63–64, 105, 147
Zurbarán, F. de, 27
Legend, Myth, and Magic in the Image of the Artist