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Description: Flesh and the Ideal: Winckelmann and the Origins of Art History
PublisherYale University Press
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Adorno, T. W. 276, 270–1
Adrogyny 131
Aeschylus 99
Albani, Cardinal A. 17, 189–94, 197, 199, 209, 219, 278
Alexander the Great 56, 85
Althusser, L. 260
Ancient Art see antique art, Egyptian art, Etruscan art, Greek art
Andre, C. 268
Anhalt Dessau, Prince of see Friedrich Franz
Antique Art see also antique sculpture
classic phase 19, 24
coins 84, 85–9
decline of 24, 32, 38
Greek originals and Roman copies 18, 29, 31, 37, 64, 95
implications for contemporary art 29–33
Antique Sculpture
Antinous relief 64
Apollo Barberini 94, 95
Apollo Belvedere 4–5, 16,18, 30, 61, 64, 118–32, 136, 146, 227
Apollo Sauroktonos 92–3
Athena Farnese 83, 89, 132
Belvedere Antinous 16, 60–4, 84, 95, 129, 131, 146, 151, 152, 153, 167, 179, 234
Belvedere Torso 59, 61, 131, 171, 174, 179, 234
Hercules Farnese 15, 117–18, 135, 151
Laocoön 4, 16, 38, 61, 82–3, 90, 103–8, 111, 113, 131,136–44, 146, 171, 179, 234, 246
Niobe 2, 61, 82–3, 103–8, 84, 89–90, 113, 136–44, 179, 235
Parthenon Marbles 30, 125
Venus de’ Medici 18, 117, 129, 131, 227
Apelles 99
Apollo Barberini see antique sculpture
Apollo Belvedere see antique sculpture
Apollo Sauroktonos see antique sculpture
Arcangeli, F. 17
Aristotle 100
and history 51
Arscott, C. 286
Art History see history of art
Ashton, R. 285
Athena Farnese see antique sculpture Athenagoras 97
Augustus 19, 56
Baldwin, J.
Another Country 131
Barrell, J. 264,271
Barthélemy, J. J. 34, 76, 89, 267
Barthes, R. 265,275
Bartholdi, F.-A. 272
Basedow, J. B. 274
Baudrillard, J. 273
Baumecker, F. 274
Baxandall, M. 268
Beauty see ideal beauty
Beauvoir, S. de 276
Beger, L. 267
Bell, C. 271
Bellori, G. P. 157–8, 261, 274
The Idea of the Painter, Sculptor and Architect, Superior to Nature by Selection from Natural Beauties 157
Belvedere Antinous see antique sculpture
Belvedere Torso see antique sculpture
Benoit, F. 259, 284
Berendis, H. D. 189, 208–9, 277, 285
Berg, F. R. von 195, 205, 215, 218, 280
relationship with Winckelmann 202–7
Bernal, M. 274–5
Bernini, G. L.
Ecstasy of St Teresa 234
Bianconi, G. L. 209, 215
Bloom, C. 264, 280
Bois, Y. A. 265
Bouchardon, E. 275
Brandt, P. 273
Braunschweig, Prince of 197–8
Buffon, G. L. L. 76, 274
Bünau, Count H. von 16, 35, 185–6, 190, 196, 210
Bungay, S. 269
Burckhardt, J. 70
Burke, E. 114–7, 127, 132, 135
A Philosphical Enquiry unto the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful 114
Burke, P. 258, 261, 263, 270
Byron, G. G.
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 125
Canova, A. 268
Carpenter, R. 261
Casanova, G. C. (also J. Casanova de Seingalt) 212
Cassirer, E. 274
Castellani, N. 214–15
Caylus, A.-C.-P. de Tubières, Comte de 34, 38, 73, 82, 102, 264, 266, 269, 282
and main schools of ancient art 78, 78–80
and Winckelmann 76, 76–81
Collection of Antiquities 76, 77
Chaussard, P. 228–30
Cicero 72, 98, 103, 266
Cicognara, L. 257
Cleland, J. J. 280
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure 210–11
Clement XIII, Pope 189, 193, 199
Clement XIV, Pope 200
Clérisseau, C. L. 194
Condillac, E. B. 34, 260, 263, 269
and fetishism 170
and ideal beauty 155
and the Greek ideal 167–73
Crompton, L. 271, 281
Crow, T. E. 283
Darnton, R. 280
David, J. L.
art and revolutionary politics 223–38
Brutus 224
Death of Bara 224, 228, 230–6
Death of Marat 224, 231
Death of Socrates 224
Intervention of the Sabine Women 224, 228
Leonidas at the Pass of Thermopylae 224, 231, 235, 237, 238
Oath of the Horatii 224
Davis, W. 263, 272, 281 283
De Man, P. 262, 263, 265, 268, 269, 276
Delécluze, E. J. 284
Deleuze, G. 272
Dellamora, R. 273, 285, 287
Demetrius 100,269
Demosthenes 103, 111
Derrida, J. 50
Détournelle, A. 224, 226 284
Diderot, D. 181, 275
Dilly, H. 257–8, 285
Dionysus of Halikarnassus 269
Dollimore, J. 286
Dubos, J. B. 261
Duncan, C. 284
Dupaty, C. 271
Eagleton, T. 270, 273
Egyptian art 34
Eméric-David, T. B. 31, 226 284
Enlightenment see also under freedom, homosexuality, history of art 5, 21, 33
and class difference 159
and freedom 26, 55, 181
and ideals of rationality 6
and masculine identity 144
and race 159–63
and the ideal nude 71, 118
and the sublime 114
Ernst, W. 258
Etruscan art 34
Falconet, E. 266
Fea, C. 256
Félibien, A. 261
Fernow, C. L. 256
and contour 170
Fiorillo, J. D. 257
Flaxman, J. 272
Fontius, M. 258
Forster, J. G. 259
Foucault, M. 258, 274
and art 57
and ideal beauty 4, 53, 145, 226
and the French Revolution 55
and the Enlightenment 55
in ancient Greece 48, 54, 60
French Revolution
aesthetic debates during 25
and freedom 55
and the Greek ideal 223
images of republican virtue in 26, 235
Freud, S. 150–3, 172, 276
Fried, M. 258, 266, 283
Friedrich Christian of Saxony, 56, 201
Friedrich Franz of Anhalt Dessau 128, 221
Furtwängler, A. 267, 268
Füssli, H. 201–2
Gearhart, S. 260, 262
German Idealism
and freedom 55
and Greek ideal 29
Gibbon, E. 258
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 34
Gilman, S. L. 274
Goethe, J. W. von 19, 24, 239, 260, 276, 283
Gombrich, E. H. 261, 263, 268–9, 272
Goodman, N. 265
Graeco-Roman Art see antique art, Greek Originals and Roman Copies
Greek art see Greek Ideal
Greek Ideal 60–1, 91
and castration 166
and climate 57, 58, 159
and contour 167–73
and fragmentation 65
and freedom 54, 145, 225–6
and French Revolution 222–7, 233
and German Idealist thought 29
and hermaphroditism 166
and homosexuality 214, 241
and narcissism 145–54
and race 159–63
and subjectivity 145, 173–81
and the boyish figure 165
as paradigm of perfect art 18, 23, 25, 28
eroticisation of 49, 114
favourable circumstances of 47, 54
intractability of 48–9, 67
revival of 23, 29–33, 225–6
Greenberg, D. F. 270–1, 273, 277, 281
Gruber, G. M. A. 269
Guasco, O. de 264
Hadrian 19, 56
Halperin, D. 270, 274
Hamann, J. G. 277
Haskell, F. 258, 266, 282
and Penny, N. 257, 259, 267
Hatfield, H. C. 258
Hazlitt, W. 125
Hegel, G. W. F. 19, 24, 110, 271, 286
on Winckelmann and the Greek Ideal 20
Heidrich, E. 257
Herder, J. G. 19, 27–9, 32, 239
Heres, G. 261
Herkma, G. 277
Hercules Farnese see antique sculpture
and the Greek Ideal 166
Herodotus 100
Heyne, C. G. 27–8, 37, 193, 220
High Renaissance 25
Hillis Miller, J. 285
Historical process 7, 52
Historicism 24–5, 29, 32
History see history of art
History of Art
and historical rupture 23
and history of language 52, 96–101
as cultural history 32
as narrative form 22, 47–8
as new paradigm 24
as process of rise and decline 14, 26, 28, 38, 39, 50–4
as process of stylistic development 38, 40, 72
as system 21–2, 33–7
conceptions of in the Enlightenment 22
ideal versus real history 48, 51
Homoeroticism 60, 91, 124
and male friendship 183–4
in the Enlightenment 18, 144
Hunt, L. 272
Ideal Beauty
and political freedom 4, 53, 145, 226
and sexual desire 154
and sexual difference 158
and signification 102
and simplicity 155
and stillness 1, 163–4
contour 170–2
ideal oneness 155
theory of 156–64
Ideal nude
and class difference 71
and the Enlightenment 159
Turkish Bath 237
Inquisition 199
Jansen, H. J. 256, 283
Jauss, H. R. 257
Journal Encyclopédique 11
Junius, F. 261, 263
Justi, C. 15, 265, 276
Kant, E. 115, 127, 270
definition of the sublime 117
Kristeva, J. 270
Kuhn, T. 258
La Mettrie, J. O. de 215
The Art of Enjoyment 211
Lamprecht, F.W.P 204–5, 217, 280
and style 96–101
Lanzi, L.
History of Italian Painting 13
Laocoön see antique sculpture
Laplanche, J. 273–4, 276, 283
Lavin, S. 257
Leider, P. 266
Lenoir, A. 284
Leonardo da Vinci, 240
Lepenies, W. 260, 262
Leppman, W. 276
Lessing, G. E. 259, 270
Laokoön 136
Lodge, G. H. 256
Lomazzo, G. 74
On Sublimity 103
Lucian 267
Lyotard, J. F. 270
Lysippus 38–9, 73, 91, 99
Mahon, D. 274
Male friendship
and homosexuality 183
Mariette, P. J. 70
Marpurg, F. W. 278
Martin, J.-C. 285
Martinson, S. M. 262
Marx, K. 50
Masculine beauty
and adrogyny 131
and the Apollo Belvedere 118
and the Enlightenment 144
and the sublime 115–17
Masters, J. 281
Mattick, P. 270
Meinecke, F. 257
Meiners, C. 280
Mengs, A. R. 191, 217, 282
on antique art 30
relation with Winckelmann 16, 189, 201
Mengs, M. 208
Meyer, H. 256, 260
Michelangelo 40, 74
Michel, R. 283–4
Mitchell, W. J. T. 268, 270
Momigliano, A. 261
Monk, H. 270
Montesquieu, C L. de S. de 24, 44, 258
and Winckelman 43
On the Spirit of Laws 33, 41–2
Thoughts on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and their Decadence 35
Montfaucon, B. de 261
Müller, K. O. 260
Handbook of the Archaeology of Art 33
Mulvey, L. 273
Münchhausen, G.A. von 200
and the Greek ideal 145–54
and death 1
and the History of the Art of Antiquity 21
Nero 64
Newman, B.
Vir Heroicus Sublimis 115
Nietzsche, F. 1
Niobe see antique sculpture
Namowicz, T. 258
Nude see ideal nude
Ockman, C. 283
Oeser, A. F. 16
Olander, W. 283–4
Onians, J. B. 269
Outram, D. 276, 284, 285
Panofsky, E. 71, 270, 274, 285
Parthenon marbles see antique sculpture
Pasolini, P. P. 17
Passionei, Cardinal D. 189, 197, 199
Pater, W. 222
and Leonardo 244–5
and the modern 244, 252
on sculpture and the Greek ideal 250–1
on Winckelmann and Greek ideal 20, 238–53
The Renaissance 240, 252
Pelzel, T. 282
Pericles 19
Pfeffer, R. G. 264
Phidias 15, 38–9, 72–3, 91, 99–100
Philip of Macedon 59, 85, 88
Piles, R. de 261
Pindar 99
Plato 99, 269
The Statesman 109
Pliny 38, 39, 57, 72–4, 89–91, 97
Plutarch 2, 59
Pocock, J. G. A. 258, 263–4
Podro, M. 262, 264, 265
Poliakov, L. 274
Political freedom 28, 199 see also freedom
and beauty 53–4
and genius 81
and the Greek classic period 58, 59
Pollitt J. J. 266
Polycleitus 72–3
Pommier, E. 260, 283–4
Pompa, L. 260, 263
Ponce, N. 284
Praxiteles 15, 38–9, 89, 91, 99
Preziosi, D. 257
Quadrata 74
Quatremère de Quincy, A.-C. 13–14, 227, 259
Quintilian 72, 98, 266
and the Greek ideal 159–63
Raphael 73
Rehm, W. 276
Renaissance 25, 32, 35
Reni, G. 74
and the sublime 103
Richardson, S.
Clarissa 203
Richter, G. M. 257
Richter, S. 256, 269, 273, 275
Riedesel, J. H. 219
Riegl, A. 265
Robertson, M. 264, 267, 286
Robespierre, M. 227, 232–3, 235
Rocheblave, S. 266, 282
Rococo 21
Roger, C. 266
Rothenberg, J. 259
Röttgen, S. 282
Rousseau, J. J. 24, 34, 43–5, 181, 273
Discourse on the Origins and Foundations of Inequality among Men 181
La Nouvelle Héloïse 203
Rousseau, G. 270, 277, 282
Ruggieri, C. 205
Ruskin, J. 22
Sacher–Masoch, L. von 128
Venus in Furs 126
Sade, D. A. Marquis de 5, 281
Saint-Victor, J. B. 259
Saxony, Crown Prince of (see Friedrich Christian)
Schapiro, M. 265
Schiller, F. 262, 268
Schlabbrendorf, F. W. 218, 221
Schlegel, F. C. von 24
and A. W. von 19
Schlosser, J. von 261
Schneider, F. 278
Schwanthaler, L. 272
Schweigerhaeuser, J. G. 259
Scopas 89
Seeba, H. C. 257, 259–60
Sénéchal, P. 258
Seroux d’Agincourt, J. B. L. G. 257
Silverman, K. 273
Skinner, Q. 264
Smithson, R. 268
Société Populaire et Républicaine des Arts 224, 226
Sodomy in the Enlightenment 207, 209–14
Solomon-Godeau, A. 283, 285
Sophocles 99
Spector, J. J. 267
Spence, J. 118
Stafford, B. M. 256, 274–5
Stark, C. B. 261
Starobinksi, J. 276
Stepan, N. 274
Stoll, H. A. 257, 278
Stosch, H. W. M. 194, 197–8, 199–200, 202, 208, 214, 217–19, 221, 281
Stosch, P. von 210, 281
and systems of law 69
as theory of visual signification 68, 70
high and beautiful 62–7, 82–96, 98, 103–11, 132–42
meaning and representation 102, 102–12
systematic theories of 70–1
visual style and rhetoric 96–101
and the Greek ideal 173–81
Sublime 113–17, 132–5 see also style, high and beautiful
Sweet, D. M. 277, 282
Symonds, J. A. 286
Ten Kate, L. 265
Teyssèdre, B. 270
Thiersch, F. 14, 260
Thomson, J. 118
Thorwaldsen, B. 268
Tibal, A. 257, 260
Trumbach, R. 277, 281
Turnbull, George 261, 264
Usteri, L. 209, 280
Usteri, P. 280
Vasari, G. 100
and Winckelmann 75
Lives of the most famous Architects, Painters and Sculptors 40
Venus de'Medici (see antique sculpture)
Vico, G. 52, 260
New Science 34
Vidler, A. 262
Visconti, E. Q. 14, 30–1, 267
Vivant Denon, D. 227
Voltaire, F.-M. A. 24, 55–6, 261
Essay on Customs 36
Vyverberg, H. 258
Walther, G.C. 196
Warburton, W. 269
Warner, D. 274
Warner, M. 272
Weeks, J. 271
Weisse, C. F. 210
Wellek, R. 259
White, H. 257, 260
Wiesner, J. 262
Wilde, O. 271
Wilkes, J. 185, 199, 200–1, 216, 279
Winckelmann, publications
An Attempt at an Allegory, Particularly for Art 97
History of the Art of Antiquity 3, 4, 6–7, 9–10, 11–15, 48, 51, 56, 59, 67, 85, 95, 109, 138, 145, 160–1, 173, 174, 182, 192, 201, 205, 206, 207, 215, 217, 224, 225, 240, 241, 245
On the Imitation of the Greeks 4, 16, 138, 187
Remarks on the History of the Art of Antiquity 13, 202, 217, 279
Reports on the Most Recent Discoveries at Herculaneum 201
Treatise on the Capacity for the Feeling for Beauty 195, 202, 205, 207
Unpublished Antique Monuments 17, 57, 84, 93, 99, 191, 192, 195, 201
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
and earlier histories of art 40, 73–81
antiquarian scholarship 15, 27
conversion to Catholicism 17, 186, 192
correspondence 182–8
death of 17
early career in Germany 16
friendship and freedom 184
male friendship 6, 184–8, 201–17
patrons 188–201
political freedom 199–201
posthumous reputation 18, 21, 33, 222–56
Rome 17, 189–201
Wittkower, R. 274
Wolf, F. 14
Wölfflin, H. 265
Principles of Art History 71
the linear vs the painterly 71
Xenophon 99, 269