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Description: Invisible Gardens: The Search for Modernism in the American Landscape
PublisherMIT Press
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Aalto, Alvar, 94, 110, 114, 135
Ackerman, Frederick L., 38, 40
Ain, Gregory, 131
Alexander, Christopher, 288
American Institute of Architects (AIA), 38, 40–42, 54, 92, 144, 292–293
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), 28, 167, 207, 284, 287, 292
establishment of, 28, 181
meetings of, 58
Amisano, Joseph, 293
Anshen and Allen (firm), 244
Appleyard, Donald, 218
Arbegast, Mai, 231
Architects Collaborative, The (TAC; firm), 227, 229
Architectural Associates (of) Colorado (firm), 254–255
Arizona State University, 252
Aronovici, Carol, 48
Arp, Hans (Jean), 58, 94, 110, 135, 141
architecture viewed as, 71–72
cities as works of, 37, 145
gardens as works of, 56–91, 92, 150
landscape architecture viewed as, 12–13, 143
planning and building environments as, 36, 38
and science, 130, 140, 209, 258–259, 281–283, 310
Artists, roles of, in society, 19–25, 29, 71–73, 79, 82–83, 139–141, 156
Arts and Architecture, 132, 139
Ascher, Charles, 43
Bac, Ferdinand, 69–70
Backen, Arrigoni & Ross (firm), 288
Bacon, Edmund N., 218, 287
Bakanowsky, Louis J., 218
Barnes, Edward L., 150, 175
Barragán, Luis, 5, 30, 56–58, 67–78, 91
Camino Real hotels, 78
childhood and education of, 69
and Ciudad Satellite, 78
and El Pedregal, 70, 73–75
and Las Arboledas, 76–77, Plate 4
residence of, 68–69, 78
and San Cristobal, 76
Bartholomew, Harland, 207, 210, 215
Baskin, Leonard, 161
Bassett, Edward C., 242, 244, 247–249
Bauer, Catherine, 38, 48, 55, 144, 150
as housing activist, 53–54, 325n44
Bauhaus, 102, 124, 137, 281, 285
ideal of collaboration of, 140, 168, 183, 229
Baum, Paul, 154
Bay Area style. See Bay Region style
Baylis, Douglas, 93
Bay Region style, 102, 113, 133
Beaux arts. See Ecole des Beaux-Arts
Beck, Eldon, 121
Belknap, Raymond, 263, 265, 300
Belluschi, Pietro, 175, 252, 254–255, 297
Bemis, Walter, 302
Benjamin Thompson & Associates (firm), 164
Berg, Shary Page, 182
Berkeley (California)
built landscape of, 101, 259
campus of (see California, University of, at Berkeley)
Bierstadt, Albert, 19, 21
Bing, Alexander M., 38, 42, 43, 55
Blum, Sigmund F., 293
Borglum, Gutzon, 80
Back Bay Fens, 15
Franklin Park, 20
Brancusi, Constantin, 82
Braque, Georges, 123
Brazil, the modern movement in, 71–72
Breuer, Marcel, 92, 150, 168
Bridgers, S. William, 121
Bufano, Beniamino, 127–128
Bunshaft, Gordon, 85–89
Burle Marx, Roberto, 5, 30, 56–67, 91, 114, 174, 219, 259
artistic concerns of, 58–65, 66
and Brazil Reinsurance Institute, 59, 62
childhood and education of, 59
as environmental activist, 63, 65–66
garden, Sao Paulo, 61
and Le Nôtre, 66, 326n10
and Monteiro garden, 60–61, 70, Plate 3
and native plants, 56, 58–63, 66
residence of, 64–65
Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 24, 281
Burns, Richard, 300
Cage, John, 154
Cairns, Burton, 125–126
California, University of at Berkeley, 94, 98–99, 116, 120–123, 127–128, 133, 153–154, 182–183, 210, 231, 266, 290, 297, 305
at Los Angeles, 210
at Santa Cruz, 111–113
California, University of Southern (USC), 119–121, 258
California Polytechnic State University, 219
Campbell, Gerald, 300
Campbell, John Carden, 138–139
Campus planning, 92, 111–113, 233, 252–256, 305, 308
Carson, Rachel, 262
Carter, Donald, 121, 154, 164
Casillas, Andrés, 76
Caudill, William, 292
Cautley, Marjorie Sewell, 33, 43, 44, 49–52, 55, 323–324n24
Chambers, Walter, 182
Chermayeff, Serge, 148–149, 288
Chicago, World’s Columbian Exposition in, 21–24, 281
Church, Frederick Edwin, 19, 21
Church, Thomas D., 5, 92–115, 131, 133, 135–138, 174, 310
childhood and education of, 98–100
and Donnell garden, 63, 108–111, 129, 151, 157, Plate 6
and Eckbo, 93, 116, 122, 124–126
and Gardens Are for People, 111
and Halprin, 93, 104–6, 109–111, 116, 150–153, 169
influence of, 92–93, 114, 212
and Keator garden, 94
and Kirkham garden, 104–105
and Martin garden, 111–113
and Meyer and Kuhn garden, 98
and Royston, 93, 116–117, 127–129
and Sullivan garden, 103, 106
Churchill, Henry, 48–49
Ciampi, Mario, 139
City Beautiful, 24, 28, 281
Clarke, Gilmore, 30, 52
Clarke, Lewis, 231, 258
Clay, Grady, 228
Cleveland, H. W. S., 5
Collins, Simonds and Simonds (firm), 285
Colorado, University of, 252–256
Columbia University School of Architecture, 40, 49, 324n24
Conant, James B., 261
Conklin, William, 269–270
Connecticut General (CIGNA) headquarters, 85–89
Connoly, George, 234
Constructivism, 57, 58, 94, 114
and Eckbo, Royston, and Williams, 126, 129, 133, 140–141
and Halprin, 151
Cornell University, 93, 148, 183, 205, 290
Cornwall, Robert, 121
Costa, Lucio, 59, 72
Crane, Jacob L., 205
Cubism, 57, 92, 114, 123
and Barragán, 67
and Burle Marx, 59, 65
Culver, James, 302
Dailey, Gardner, 102, 108
Dalí, Salvador, 65, 167
Danadjieva, Angela, 154, 158–160
Dawson, Stuart O., 175, 209, 219, 232, 252, 336n12
as designer, 234–239, 241
Day and Klauder (firm), 252, 255
Dean, Francis, 121, 258
De Chirico, Giorgio, 70–71, 84
de Forest, Lockwood, 30
De Mars, Vernon, 125–126, 131
De Mars and Reay (firm), 244
De May, Kenneth, 218, 228, 252, 254–255
Depression, Great, 45, 48, 116
and Church, 100, 104
and Eckbo, 116, 122, 125–127
Diman, Joanna, 85–86
Dober, Richard, 232, 252
Downing, Andrew Jackson, 11, 16, 19
Du Bose, Charles, 239
Durand, Asher B., 20
Eakins, Thomas, 21
Eames, Charles, 132
Eckbo, Dean, Austin & Williams (firm), 119, 141, 285, 305
Eckbo, Garrett, 116–127, 129–139, 150, 201, 219, 258, 287, 296
and Alcoa garden, 135–137
childhood and education of, 121–126
and Church, 93, 122, 124–126
and community planning, 119–120, 125–127, 130–131, 141
as educator, 119–121, 141–143, 258
and Farm Security Administration, 125–127
and Kiley, 123–124, 174, 182–185
and Landscape for Living, 120, 129–131
and Porterfield, 305–308
as theorist, 6–7, 10, 118, 123–124, 129–131, 143
Eckbo, Royston, and Williams (firm), 116–143, 258, 310
and Ladera, 117, 131
and Mitchell Park, 140–143
and Muller garden, 134–135
and Naify garden, 135
and Standard Oil Rod and Gun Club, 141
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, design tradition of, 29, 40, 99, 122, 211, 225, 281
Ecology, and landscape architecture, 161–163, 204, 209, 261–265, 305–306
EDAW, Inc. (firm), 119, 285, 296
and Minnesota Power Plant study, 286–287 (see also Eckbo, Dean, Austin and Williams)
Edward McCleod & Associates (firm), 159
Eero Saarinen and Associates (firm), 236–237, Plate 10
Einstein, Albert, 198
Eiseley, Loren, 270
Eliot, Charles, 30, 261
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 37, 177, 181
Employee Stock Ownership Program, 301
Enerson, Jon, 121
England, landscape gardens and parks of, 14–16, 63, 235, 243, 276
Entenza, John, 132, 139
Environment, total, and architectural design, 291–293
Environmentalism, and art, 66
Environmental Planning & Design (firm), 285
Environmental Simulation Laboratory, 121
Ernest J. Kump and Associates (firm), 240–242, Plate 11
Esherick, Joseph, 102, 163
Estern, Neil, 161
Evans, John, 280
Armory Show, 29
International Style, 29
in San Francisco, 138–139
Centennial, in Philadelphia, 25
Louisiana, in St Louis, 38
Panama California International, in San Diego, 40, 41
Panama-Pacific, in San Francisco, 138
World’s Columbian, in Chicago, 21–24, 180, 281
Expressionism, 57, 157
Farmer, as landscape designer, 185
Farm Security Administration (FSA), 125–127
Farrand, Beatrix, 30
Fein, Albert, 287–291
Fisher and Davis (firm), 252, 255
Fisher-Friedman Associates (firm), 304–306
Fitch, James Marston, 184, 287
Fleming, Bryant, 207
France, gardens of, 122, 175, 186, 188, 191, 243
Frank O. Gehry Associates (firm), 307
Freeman, Allen, 164
French, Daniel Chester, 22
Friedberg, M. Paul, 140, 165, 331–332n23
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 80
Funk, John, 131
Furtado, John, 263, 265
Gabo, Naum, 135
Gallagher, Percival, 207
Garden city
definition of, 45
and evolutionary change, 36
landscape in, 33, 49–52
as objet dart, 53
as organism, 35
and revolutionary ideals, 32, 35–36
Garden city movement, 30–33, 35–36, 49
Geddes, Patrick, 35, 42
Geddes, Robert L., 269–270
Geering, Robert, 304–306
Gehry, Frank O., 121, 307
Geometrism, 59
Gerow, Floyd, 104
Gerrard, Terry, 121
Giedion, Siegfried, 53, 120, 208
Gilbert, Michael, 300
Gillette, Charles, 181
Goeritz, Mathias, 78
Goldfinger, Erno, 120
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, 40, 41
Gorky, Arshile, 79
Graham, Bruce, 243, 247
Graham, Martha, 81, 84
Graham, Robert, 161
Great Depression. See Depression
Greendale (Wisconsin), 206
Gregory, Frederick, 63
Gropius, Walter, xiv, 65–66, 149, 228–229, 271
as educator at Harvard, 124, 150, 168, 183, 215, 269, 271
and ideal of teamwork, 229
Guevrekian, Gabriel, 184
Gutheim, Frederick, 196
Haag, Richard, 132, 209, 219–223, 335n29
and Bloedel Reserve, 220, 222–223, Plate 9
and Gas Plant Park, 220–221
Hackett, Brian, 231, 261, 264
Haffner, Jean-Jacques, 183
Halprin, Anna (Schuman), 149, 150–151, 153, 154, 156
Halprin, Lawrence, 81, 139, 144–169, 174, 207, 258, 267, 280, 296
and Caygill garden, 152–153
childhood and education of, 148–150
and Church, 93, 104–106, 109–111, 116, 150–153, 169
and ecological processes, 161–163
gardens of, as stage settings, 151–153, 157–158
and Haas garden, 152–153
and Haas Promenade, 154–155
and McHarg, 267, 280
and New York, New York, 146–147
and RSVP Cycles, 156
as theorist, 9–10, 155–157, 167–169 (see also Lawrence Halprin & Associates)
Hanamoto, Asa, 121
Hancock, Macklin L., 218, 229, 335–336n5
Harris, Charles W., 220, 231, 287
as educator, 209, 216–217, 263, 267, 290
Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 174, 224, 261, 288–290
Charles Eliot Traveling Fellowship of, 181, 264, 332n25, 336n8
Department of Landscape Architecture, 93, 94, 99, 122–124, 126–127, 133, 182–185, 198–201, 205, 211–221, 232, 263–271
Gropius’s teaching at, 124, 150, 168, 183, 215, 269, 271
Jacob Weidenmann Prize of, 336n12
Sasaki’s teaching at, 198–203, 213–221, 262–263
Sheldon Traveling Fellowship of, 100
Hastings, Robert F., 292
Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum (HOK; firm), 228, 285, 295, 305
Henderson, Joseph L., 154
Hills, G. Angus, 261, 263–264
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 4
Hobart D. Wagener & Associates (firm), 252, 255
HOK. See Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum
Holford, Sir William, 269
Hollister, S. C., 292
Homer, Winslow, 21
House Beautiful, 92, 94–95, 116
Housing, 40–42, 46–47
in England, 35, 41, 53, 54
in the United States, 31–55, 92, 125–128, 131, 186, 230–231, 279, 288–289, 301–306
Howard, Ebenezer, 35, 41, 42, 45
Howard, John Galen, and family, 107
Howland, Joseph, 95
Hubbard, Henry Vincent, 29, 123, 129, 182, 216
Hudson River school, 19–20
Hunt, Richard Morris, 21, 22
Ikeda, Sue Yung Li, 154
Illinois, University of, 210–211, 290
White’s teaching at, 198–204, 206–209, 211–213, 215, 225
Ingham and Boyd (firm), 50–51
International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), 167
International style, 29, 102, 149
Isaacs, Reginald, 215, 226–227
Italy, gardens of, 24, 80, 100
Jackson, John Brinckerhoff, 287
James A. Roberts and Associates (firm), 301
Japan, gardens of, 80, 99, 202, 243, 276
Jensen, Jens, 30, 49, 210, 261
Johnson & Day (firm), 131
Johnson, Johnson and Roy (JJR; firm), 224, 285
and University of Michigan, 233
Johnson, Jory, 238
Johnson, Philip, 4, 150, 273
Johnson, Reginald D., 51
Johnson, William J., 219, 231–232, 234, 287, 296, 336n8
Jones, A. Quincy, 131
Jones, Grant, 263
Jongejan, Dirk, 121
Juneja, Narendra, 283, 339n39
Jung, Carl, 154
Kagi, Edmond, 299
Kahn, Louis, 175, 186, 292, 297
and Barragán, 78
and McHarg, 271–273, 274
Kalfus, Melvin, 13
Kandinsky, Wassily, 59, 126, 135
Kansas City (Missouri), Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 170–174, 189
Karner, Gary, 219, 299
Kawamoto, Casey, 93
Keeler, Charles, 101, 138
Kent, Adaline, 107, 109–111
Kent, T. J., 131
Kepes, Gyorgy, 120
Kessler, George E., 38
Kevin Roche & John Dinkeloo Associates (firm), 187–188
Kiler, E. L., 133
Kiley, Daniel Urban, 10, 150, 170–197, 201, 219, 224
apprenticeship to Manning, 180–181
childhood and education of, 177–180, 182–186
and Eckbo, 123–124, 174, 182–185
and French design tradition, 175, 177, 186–188, 191
and Hamilton-Cosco Company, 177
and Hamilton garden, 195
and Henry Moore Sculpture Garden, 170–174, 189
and Miller garden, 176, 189–191, Plate 1
and North Carolina National Bank Plaza, 192–194
and Oakland Museum, 187–188
philosophy of design of, 175, 176–177, 179, 194–196
Killingsworth, Brady & Associates (firm), 307
Kimball, Theodora, 123, 129
Kinoshita, Masao, 234–235, 238–239, 241, 242, 336–337n8
Klee, Paul, 59
Knorr, Don, 132
Kobayashi, Harold, 121
Kohn, Robert D., 38, 40, 49
La Farge, John, 21
Landor, Walter, 131
Landscape architects, demographic profile of, 290
Landscape architectural firms, corporate and multi-disciplinary, 224–257, 284–310
Landscape architectural profession, 3–13, 19, 27–31, 57, 114, 168, 211–213, 312–318
expansion of scope of, 212, 277–281, 284–288, 290–296
Fein’s study of, 287–291
Landscape Architecture, 124, 211, 228, 284, 287, 305, 317
Landscape architecture
and art, 5, 10, 24, 56–92, 110, 114, 143, 149–150, 173–174, 250
as collaborative activity, 2, 24, 127, 157–164, 226, 256–257, 305
and economics, 273–274, 277–279, 294–303, 308–310, 317–318
education in, 28–29, 98–100, 122–124, 182–185, 198–222, 224–225, 258–259
and natural sciences, 161–163, 200, 204, 208–209, 212, 258, 261–267, 274–283
and technology, 28, 130, 262, 265–269, 309–310
viewed as art, 12–13, 24–27, 143, 258–259, 318
Landscape design
formal vs. informal qualities in, 28–29, 114, 123
history of, 99, 122–123, 149–150, 182, 186, 215, 317
split between, and fine art, 27–29, 139–140, 281
and vernacular, or anonymous, landscapes, 8, 27, 56, 124, 308
viewed as architecture, 173
Landscape designers, and artists, 19–25, 56–59, 63–65, 107–108, 138–140, 154–156, 168, 171, 242, 244–245
Landscape Exchange Problems, 207
Latin America, artistic and cultural milieux in, 70–73
Laurie, Michael, 297
Law, Richard, 289, 299
Lawrence Halprin & Associates and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, 160–161
and Freeway Park, 158–160
and Ghirardelli Square, 153, 154, 164–165
and Lovejoy Plaza, 157–158, 160, Plate 7
and Sea Ranch, 161–164, 267
Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), xiv, 66, 120, 129, 149, 184, 271
and Barragán, 67, 69
modernism and classicism of, 175
and “objects in space,” 84, 102, 315–316
residential designs of, 124
and Vers une architecture, 130
Legorreta, Ricardo, 78
Le Grain, Pierre, 184
Le Nôtre, Andre, 66, 177, 186, 189, 196, 326n10
as gardener to Louis XIV, 122
Leopold, Aldo, 262, 302
Letchworth (England), 41
Levi, Rino, 61
Lewis, Philip, 209, 218, 261, 264–265, 287, 290
Lin, Maya, 89
Linn, Karl, 305
Lipschitz, Jacques, 191
Loble, Schlossman and Bennett (firm), 153
Lohmann, Karl B., 207, 210
Los Angeles, 131, 297–298
Alcoa garden, 136–137
artistic and cultural milieux in, 132
Baldwin Hills, 49, 51
Loudon, John Claudius, 11
Lowthorpe School, 205
Lynch, Kevin, 218, 266
Lyndon, Donlyn, 164
MacErlane, Roger, 288
MacKaye, Benton, 38, 48, 55
Magritte, Rene, 70
Malraux, Andre, 146
Manning, Warren, 30, 99, 180–182, 186, 261
Marini, Marino, 244
Marx, Leo, 169
Massachusetts, University of, 219, 266
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 218, 266
Masten and Hurd (firm), 240–242, Plate 11
Maybeck, Bernard, 101–102, 138
Mayer, Albert, 48–49
Mayes, David, 121
McCarthy, Francis, 131
McCoy, Esther, 132
McGrath, Raymond, 149
McHarg, Ian, 10, 259–261, 263–264, 267, 269–283, 287, 296–298, 318
childhood and education of, 269–271
and Design with Nature, 276, 296–297
as educator, 270, 278, 280, 290, 305
and Halprin, 267, 280
and Kahn, 271–273, 274
and Mumford, 260, 271
and Olmsted, 280–281
and urban and regional planning, 260, 269–274, 277–279, 282–283, 297 (see also Wallace-McHarg Associates; Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd)
McKim, Charles, F., 21
McKim, Mead and White (firm), 165
McLaughlin, Charles, 12
McMahon, Aline, 43, 83, 326n26
Mead, Margaret, 275
Melville, Herman, 19, 37
Metropolis, decentralization of, 35, 37–38, 54
Mexico, vernacular landscape in, 56, 67, 69
modern architecture in, 67–68, 70–78
Michigan, University of, 219, 231–233, 258, 290
Mick, Floyd, 100
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, xiv, 126–127, 183, 273
Miller, J. Irwin, 191
Miró, Joan, 58, 70, 94, 95, 110, 135, 141
Mocine, Corwin, 131
Modernism, 48, 292–293, 320–321n10, 324n33
definitions of, xii–xiv, 4–11
in Europe, 29, 46–47
and postmodernism, 238
Modernity, 29
Modernization, global forces of, 57, 63–65
Modern movement, 2–3, 6–7, 29
in architecture, 29, 102, 149
in landscape architecture, 3–11
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 120, 123, 135, 137, 150, 168
Mondrian, Piet, 135, 141
Moore, Charles, 154, 157–158, 164
Moore, Henry, 170–174, 189, 191, 235–236, 244, Plates 1, 10
Moore/Lyndon/Turnbull/Whitaker (firm), 157–158, 162–164
Morgan, Julia, 101
Morley, Grace McCann, 138
Morris, William, 27
Morse, John W., 293
M. Paul Friedberg & Associates (firm), 164–165
Muchow, William C., 253, 255
Muhlenberg, Richard, 274
Mumford, Lewis, 36–39, 42–45, 48–55, 83, 129, 166, 184, 208
and the Bay Region style, 102
and The City in History, 144–146
and The Culture of Cities, 37–38, 42, 144
and the garden city movement, 28, 32, 36–38, 52–55
and Halprin, 144–146, 169
and modern technology, 37–38, 52–53, 271
and objets d’art, 53, 196
as social critic, 28
and Sunnyside Gardens, 43–45
theories of urbanism of, 37–38, 144–146
Nagel, Chester, 226–227
National Conference of Instructors in Landscape Architecture (NCILA), 261
National Conference on Instruction in Landscape Architecture (also known as NCILA), 206, 259
Netsch, Walter A., 293
Neutra, Richard, 132
Newton, Norman T., 184, 201, 216–217
New York (city), 30, 45, 52, 54, 272–273
Central Park, 16–19, 33, 281
Halprin’s studies for, 146–148
Jacob Riis Plaza, 164–165
metropolitan and regional development of, 37–38
Mumford’s recollections of, 54
Museum of Modern Art, 29
Paley Park, 165–166, Plate 8
Prospect Park, Brooklyn, 26–27
Sunnyside Gardens, 33, 43–45, 49
New Yorker, 36, 206
Niederman, Duane, 230
Niemeyer, Oscar, 72
Nishita, Satoru, 121, 154, 157
Noguchi, Isamu, 5, 31, 56–58, 79–91
and Beinecke Rare Book Library, 88–89
and California Scenario, 89–91, Plate 5
childhood and education of, 80–82
and CIGNA headquarters, 85–89, 247
and Contoured Playground, 81
and Errand into the Maze, 81
and Japanese gardens, 56, 84
and objets d’art, 83, 196
training and apprenticeships of, 57–58, 80–82
Nolen, John, 180
North Carolina State University, 231
Novak, Paul, 226–227
O’Donnell, Robert, 209
Ohio State University, 100, 122, 262
Oles, Steve, 234
Olgyay, Victor, 218
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 11–31, 33, 37, 52, 170, 171, 209, 248, 280, 310
as artist and designer, xiii, 5, 13, 16–28, 281, 339n45
and Back Bay Fens, 15
childhood and education of, 14
exhibition of work of, 212
as founder of landscape architectural profession, 4–5, 19, 168, 293
and Franklin Park, 20
legacy of, for designers, 177, 182, 281, 285
and Manning, 180–181
pastoral landscapes of, 124, 238
social purposes of, 5, 27–28, 182, 203
and World’s Columbian Exposition, 21–24, 281
Olmsted, Frederick Law (son), 28, 30, 182
Olmsted, Frederick Law, and Calvert Vaux, and Central Park, 16–19, 33, 281
Olmsted, John C., 30
Olmsted, Olmsted and Eliot (firm), 310
Olmsted, Vaux and Company
and Prospect Park, 25–27
and Riverside, 6, 33
Olmsted Brothers (firm), 28–29, 180, 205, 209, 210
Olson, Don, 218, 231
Omi, George, 299
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 140
Osmundson, Theodore, 93, 207, 287
Osmundson and Staley (firm), 141
Page, Russell, ii, 85
Parker, Barry, 41, 42
Parks, public, 14–20, 24–27, 33, 127, 158
parkways, 30, 52
and works of art, 160–161, 170–173, 244–245
Paxton, Sir Joseph, 14
Peets, Elbert, 124, 182
Pei, I. M., 150, 175, 297
Pennsylvania, University of, 38, 274, 290
McHarg’s teaching at, 270, 278, 280, 305
Pennsylvania State University, 305
Pepsico headquarters, ii, 85
Perkins, G. Holmes, 215, 263, 269, 292
Perkins and Will (firm), 225–226, 228
Perry, Charles, 244
Peterson, Irving L., 207, 210
Peter Walker William Johnson and Partners (firm), 219
Pevsner, Nikolaus, 4
Philadelphia, 25, 53, 267
Picasso, Pablo, 59
Pittsburgh, 49–51, 133, 285
Platt, Charles, 21, 24
Platt, Kalvin, 299–300, 303, 307
Platt, William, 24
POD (firm), and California Housing, 288
Pond, Bremer, 183, 216
Porter, Harry, 219
Porterfield, Neil, 305–308
Portland (Oregon), 157–160
Progressive Architecture, 292, 297–298
Providence (Rhode Island), 269–270
Radburn (New Jersey), 32–35, 39, 43, 45–49, 52–54, 230
Rain forests, devastation of, in Brazil, 63, 65–66
Rand, George, 147
Rapson, Ralph, 132, 292
Reich, Robert, 121
Regional planning, artistic and cultural aspects of, 36–38
Regional Planning Association of America (RPAA), 38, 48, 54, 144
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 50, 51
Richard Haag Associates (firm), 219, 221–223
Richardson, Henry Hobson, 21, 37
Rio de Janeiro, 59–65, 72, 73
Riverside (Illinois), 6, 7, 33
Roberts, James A., 301
Roberts, William H., 278, 298
Robertson, Jacquelin, 170–173
Robinson, Charles Mulford, 206–207
Robinson, Florence Bell, 210
Robinson, Jack, 252
Roche, Kevin, 175, 187–191, Plate 1
Rockrise, George, 93, 109–110, 151
Romanticism, 19, 21
Roosevelt, Franklin D., administration of, 32, 48–49, 54–55, 125–127
Root and Siemens (firm), 38
Roper, Laura Wood, 13
Rose, James, 93–94, 123–124, 183–185, 201
Rosenberg, Gene, 299
Ross, John, 280
Rouse, James, 32, 278
Royston, Robert, 116–121, 127–129, 133–143, 258
childhood and education of, 128, 141
and Church, 93
as educator, 120–121, 141–143 (see also Eckbo, Royston, and Williams)
Royston, Hanamoto, Alley and Abey (firm), 119
Royston, Hanamoto, Mayes and Beck (firm), 285
RTKL (firm), 228
Rudolph, Paul, 150
Ruskin, John, 27, 208
Saarinen, Eero, 113, 132, 291–292, Plate 10
and Kiley, 174–175, 186–191, 224, Plate 1
office of, as model of organization, 230
and Sasaki, Walker and Associates, 235–238, Plate 10
Saarinen, Eliel, 225
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 21
San Diego, Panama California International Exposition, 40, 41
San Francisco
amenities of, 259–260
beauty of, 148
Crocker Plaza, 251
Ghirardelli Square, 153, 154, 164–165
Golden Gateway Center, 242, 244–245
Museum of (Modern) Art, 110, 124, 131, 138–139
Valencia Gardens, 127–128
San Francisco Bay Area
artistic and cultural milieux of, 107–108, 138–141
gardens by Church in, 94, 98, 102–106, 108–115
gardens by Eckbo, Royston, and Williams in, 133–135, 141–143
gardens by Halprin in, 151, 153 (see also Bay Region style)
Saō Paulo, 59, 61, 72
Sargent, Charles Sprague, 25, 27
Sargent, John Singer, 21
Sasaki, Hideo, 209–216, 296, 301, 308
as designer and critic, 225, 234–239, 250, 253–256
as educator, 8, 198–204, 207, 211–216, 218–222, 224, 261, 262–263, 290
and Japanese architecture and gardens, 202–203
and professional practice, 212, 224–257
and urban renewal, 226–227
Sasaki Associates (firm), 219, 300–301
and Greenacre Park, 242
and Place Bonaventure, 242
Sasaki, Strong & Associates (firm), 227
Sasaki, Walker and Associates (firm), 224, 227–257, 285, 298–301, 308
and Alcoa Plaza, 244
and Constitution Plaza, 239, 241
and Crocker Plaza, 251
and Deere and Company Headquarters, 235–238, 243, Plate 10
and Foothill College, 240–242, 298, Plate 11
and Golden Gateway Center, 242, 244–245
and Sea Pines Plantation, 230–231
and Sidney Walton Square, 244–245
and University of Colorado, 252–256
and Upjohn Company Headquarters, 85, 243, 246–248, 250
and Weyerhaeuser World Headquarters, 247–250, Plate 2
Sasaki, Walker, Roberts (SWR; firm), 301–302
Schaffer, Otto G., 210
Schnier, Jacques, 107
Scott, Geraldine Knight, 188
Seattle, 158–160
Segal, George, 161
Selye, Hans, 276
Sert, Jose Luis, 292
Sevely, Marvin, 269–270
Shillaber, Caroline, 288
Shurcliff, Arthur, 30, 180
Shurcliff, Sidney, 207
Simon, Robert E., 32
Simonds, J. O., 207
Simonds, O. C., 207
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM; firm), 175, 211, 224–225, 228–230, 242–249, 296
and Beinecke Rare Book Library, 88–89
and CIGNA headquarters, 85–89, 247
and Golden Gateway Center, 242, 244–245
and Upjohn Company Headquarters, 243, 246–248
and Weyerhaeuser World Headquarters, 247–250, Plate 2
Smith, Frederick E., 287
Smith, Whitney, 131
Spain, gardens of, 69, 100
Spengler, Oswald, 203–204
Spirn, Anne Whiston, 274
Stafford, Jack, 93
Stahly, François, 242, 244–245
Stanford University, 120, 122
Steele, Fletcher, 30, 99, 184, 205
Stein, Clarence S., 5, 28, 31–55, 63, 83–84
childhood and education of, 40
and modern technology, 46, 324n33
and Toward New Towns for America, 144
as visionary, 42, 54
Stein, Clarence S., and Henry Wright and Baldwin Hills, 49, 51
and Chatham Village, 32, 49–51
and Sunnyside Gardens, 33, 43–45, 49, (see also Rad burn)
Stein, Joseph Allen, 131
Steinitz, Carl, 261, 265, 266–269, 290
St. Louis (Missouri), 38–41, 188
Stern, J. R., 244
Stone, Edward Durrell, 297
Stone, Edward Durrell (son), ii, 85, 287
Stourhead, 15
Strong, Richard, 227
Sturtevant, Butler, 133
Sullivan, Louis H., 21–24, 37
Sunset, 94–95, 116
Surrealism, 79
and Barragán’s work, 70–71, 73–78
and Burle Marx’s work, 59–66
characteristics of, 57
and Church’s work, 92, 96, 114
and Halprin’s work, 151
and Noguchi’s work, 83–85, 87–91
SWA. See Sasaki, Walker and Associates; SWA Group, The
SWA Group, The (firm), 219, 296
and Concord Pavilion, 307
and Elkhorn Resort, 307
and Ethan’s Glen, 304–305
and Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 303
and Promontory Point, 302–303, 306–307
and Tanner Fountain, Plate 12
and Woodbridge, 289
Sweetzer, Arthur, 240–242
Sylvester, Arthur, 181, 186
Tange, Kenzo, 83, 84–85, 297
Tanguy, Yves, 70
Taniguchi, Yoshi, 84–85
Task, 150
Taylor, A. D., 181, 205, 207
Technology, expression of, in landscape architecture, 83–84, 89–91
Telesis, 131, 150
Texas, Agricultural and Mechanical College of, 262
Thoreau, Henry David, 19, 37, 177, 178–180, 183, 208
Tillich, Paul, 275
Todd, Thomas A., 298
Trailer, Howard, 121
Tunnard, Christopher, 114, 124, 150, 184
and Chermayeff garden, 148–149
and Gardens in the Modern Landscape, 148–150
Turnbull, William, 154
Twiss, Robert H., 266
Tyndall, Ian, 175
Unwin, Sir Raymond, 41, 42
Urban, Max O., 293
Urban and regional planning, 35–38, 54, 141–143, 144–147, 226–227, 263–267
McHarg’s work in, 260, 269–274, 277–279, 282–283, 297
work of second-wave corporate firms in, 286–287, 289, 296–298, 301–303
Van Gogh, Vincent, 58, 59
Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold, 16
Vaughan, Henry Leland, 122
Vaux, Calvert, 16–17, 19, 33, 281 (see also Olmsted, Frederick Law, and Calvert Vaux, and Central Park; Olmsted, Vaux and Company)
Vignolo, Richard, 121, 153, 154
Villagrán García, José, 72–73
Violich, Francis, 131
Virginia, University of, 170, 219
Vitale, Ferruccio, 207
Volpe, Joseph, 219
Voorhees, Alan M., 297
Walker, Peter, xv, 209, 227, 296, 298–299, 318, 336n8
as designer, 234, 241–249, 251, 304–307, Plates 2, 11, 12
Walker, Peter Kerr, 175
Walker, Rodney, 132
Wallace, David A., 277–278
Wallace-McHarg Associates (firm), 224, 277–278, 285
and Plan for the Valleys, 277–278, 297
Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd (WMRT; firm), 277–279, 296–298, 303
and Metropolitan Open Space from Natural Process Study, 278
and Probability Growth Model, 297
and Richmond Parkway Study, 279, 282–283
and The Woodlands, 279
Walquist, Lawrence, 209
Walton, Jean, 121, 151, 154
Warnecke, John Carl, 113
Washington, D.C., 160–161, 167
Washington, University of, 219–220, 248
Watts, Alan, 276
Waugh, Frank, 261
Weese, Harry, 175, 177, 252
Welch, Lyndon, 292
Welwyn (England), 41, 53
Whistler, James McNeill, 21
White, Elwyn Brooks, 204–206
White, Robert F., 262
White, Stanley, 198–213
childhood and education of, 204–205, 206
as educator, 198–204, 205–209, 210–213, 215, 218–222, 261
Whitney, Elizabeth Baldwin, 12–13
Whittemore, Harlow, 258
Whittlesey, Conklin & Rossant (firm), 297
Wilkinson, Dennis, 280
Will, Philip, 226
William C. Muchow Associates (firm), 252, 255
Williams, Edward A., 116–119, 122, 129, 131–139
childhood and education of, 133
as planner, 118, 133, 141–143 (see also Eckbo, Dean, Austin & Williams; EDAW, Inc.; Eckbo, Royston, and Williams
Wilson, Merrill and Alexander (firm), 51
Winslow, Carleton Monroe, 41
Wisconsin, University of, 149, 305
Wolf, Harry, 192–194
Wolff, Jean, 106
Wong, Worley K., 138–139
Wood, Edith Elmer, 38
Woodard, John, 242, 244
Wright, Frank Lloyd, xiv, 37, 102, 120, 149
Wright, Henry, 5, 28, 31–53, 55, 83–84, 144
childhood and education of, 38
and modern European housing, 46 (see also Stein, Clarence S., and Henry Wright)
WRT (firm), 297
Wurster, William W., 114, 131, 144, 150
and Church, 101–102, 107, 110–111, 127–128
Wurster and Bernardi (firm), 132
Wurster, Bernardi, and Emmons (firm), 164, 244–245
Zion, Robert, 165–166, 219, 332n25
Zion & Breene (firm), 165–166, Plate 8
Zube, Ervin, 266
Zuelke, Lawrence, 209