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Description: The Architecture of the Roman Empire, Volume I: An Introductory Study (Revised...
Selected Bibliography
PublisherYale University Press
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Selected Bibliography
The footnotes should be consulted for additional references to the subjects and monuments discussed, as this selection does not include all the titles cited there. For full citations of short titles used here, see the List of Abbreviations on pp. xix–xxi. The entries are arranged under the following headings:
Texts and Other Non-architectural Sources
Handbooks and General Works
Studies of Particular Periods
Italian Sites outside Rome
Building Types and Forms
Architects and Builders
Materials and Technology
Architecture and the State
Design and Meaning
(see also below, Boëthius and Ward-Perkins, under HANDBOOKS)
Crema. (Index of modern authors, pp. 643–51.)
Fasti archeologici, 1946 (pub. 1948) ff. (Annual of archaeological bibliography; author indices.)
Mostra augustea della romanità, Catologo, Appendice bibliografica, Rome, 1938. (This exhibition, with additions, today comprises the Museo della civiltà romana; see below, Pietrangeli, under HANDBOOKS).
Robertson, D. S., A Handbook of Greek and Roman Architecture, corrected 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1945 (pp. 347–78 and addenda [see p. xi]). Reprinted, New York, 1969.
Rounds, D., Articles on Antiquity in Festschriften, Cambridge, Mass., 1962. (Thorough index of articles published through 1954.)
Bartoli, A., I monumenti antichi di Roma nei disegni degli Uffizi di Firenze, 6 vols. Rome/Florence, 1914–22.
Becatti, Arte e gusto negli scrittori latini, Florence, 1951.
Bourne. (Texts and inscriptions of the first century A.D.)
De Ruggiero, E., Dizionario epigrafico di antichità romane, Rome, 1895 ff.
Donaldson, T. L., Architectura Numismatica; or, Architectural Medals of Classical Antiquity, London, 1859. Reprinted, Chicago, 1966.
Fasolo, V., “Rappresentazioni architettoniche nella pittura romana,” Atti, 3, 207–13.
FUR. (Much useful material in addition to that on the marble plan itself.)
Piranesi, G. B., Le antichità romane, 4 vols. Rome, 1756. (Later Rome and Paris editions and selections; cf. W. L. MacDonald, Piranesi’s Carceri: Sources of Invention, Northampton, Mass., 1979.)
Pollitt, J. J., The Art of Rome, c. 753 B.C.–337 A.D., New York, 1966.
Promis, C., “Vocaboli latini di architettura posteriori a Vitruvio oppure a lui sconosciuti,” Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino, Memorie, 28 (1876), 207–450.
Rostovtzeff, M. I., “Der hellenistisch-römische Architekturlandschaft,” RM, 26 (1911), 1–186.
Vitruvius, De architectura libri decern. (English translations by M. H. Morgan, Cambridge, Mass., 1914, and by F. Granger in the Loeb Classical Library, 2 vols. 1931–34; Morgan’s is more satisfactory.) See also: Boëthius, A., “Vitruvius and the Roman Architecture of his Age,” ΔPAΓMA, Martino P. Nilsson . . . dedicatum, Lund, 1939, pp. 114–43;Brown, F. E., “Vitruvius and the Liberal Art of Architecture,” Bucknell Review, 11.4 (1963), 99–107; Choisy, A., Vitruve, 4 vols. Paris, 1909; Nohl, H., Index Vitruvianus, Leipzig, 1876. Reprinted, Rome, 1962.
Zorzi. (Palladio’s drawings of ancient buildings.)
(see also below, DESIGN AND MEANING)
Anderson, W. J., R. P. Spiers, and T. Ashby, The Architecture of Ancient Rome, London, 1927.
Atti, 3 (also entitled Saggi sull’architettura etrusca e Romana).
Bettini, S., L’architettura di San Marco, Padua, 1946 (four chapters on Roman architecture).
Bloch. (Tables of dates of buildings in and near Rome as determined by brick stamps, pp. 348–50; see also Bloch’s article in AJA, 63 [1959], 225–40, on the brick stamps of A.D. 123.)
Boëthius. (Chapters 3 and 4 are on the Domus Aurea and the insula.)
——— “Roman Architecture from Its Classicistic to Its Late Imperial Phase,” Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift, 47.8 (1941).
——— “Three Roman Contributions to World Architecture,” Festschrift J. Arvid Hedvall, Göteborg, 1948, pp. 59–74.
——— and J. B. Ward-Perkins, Etruscan and Roman Architecture, Harmondsworth, 1970.
Brown, F. E., “Roman Architecture,” College Art Journal, 17 (1958), 105–14.
——— Roman Architecture, New York, 1961.
Cagnat, R., and V. Chapot, Manuel d’archéologie romaine, I, Paris, 1916.
——— Significato della architettura romana . . ., Rome, 1959 (= BollCentro, 15.
Daremberg, C., and E. Saglio, Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines, Paris, 1877 ff.
Enciclopedia dell’arte antica, 9 vols. Rome, 1958 ff. (Architects, building types, sites, etc.)
Giedion, S., Architecture and the Phenomena of Transition, The Three Space Conceptions in Architecture, Cambridge, Mass., 1971
Kähler, H., Rom und sein Imperium, Baden-Baden, 1962. (An English version was published in New York in 1963 as The Art of Rome and her Empire.)
Kaschnitz von Weinberg, G., Die Baukunst im Kaiserreich, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1963 (= Römische Kunst, 4; introductory).
Lundberg, E., Arkitekturens Formspråk, 2, Stockholm, 1951.
Noack, F., Die Baukunst des Altertums, Berlin, 1910.
Pietrangeli, C., et al., Museo della civiltà romana, Catologo, Rome, 1958.
Rakob, F., “Römische Architektur,” in T. Kraus, ed., Das Römische Weltreich, Berlin, 1967 (= Propyläen Kunstgeschichte, 2).
Rivoira (see Chap. 1, n. 42). Reprinted, New York, 1973.
Robertson, D. S. (see the entry above, under BIBLIOGRAPHIES).
Rodenwaldt, G., “Art from Nero to the Antonines,” CAH, 11, 775–805.
——— “Römische Staatsarchitektur,” Das neue Bild der Antike, ed. H. Berve, 2 (Leipzig, 1952), 356–73.
Van Deman, E. B., “Methods of Determining the Date of Roman Concrete Monuments,” AJA, 16 (1912), 230–51, 387–432.
Van Essen, C. C., Précis d’histoire de l’art antique en Italie, Brussels, 1960 (= Collection Latomus, 42; cf. the review in Gnomon, 33 [1961], 207).
Von Gerkan, A., Von antiker Architektur und Topographie, Stuttgart, 1959. (Collected articles and essays.)
Ward Perkins, J. B., “The Italian Element in Late Roman and Early Medieval Architecture,” Proceedings of the British Academy, 33 (1947), 163–94.
——— Roman Architecture, New York, 1977.
——— “Roman Concrete and Roman Palaces,” The Listener, 56 (1956), 701–03.
——— Roman Imperial Architecture, announced in 1978 (a revision of Parts II–IV of Boëthius and Ward-Perkins, above).
Wheeler, M., Roman Art and Architecture, London and New York, 1964. (Popular.)
Boëthius. (Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the first and second centuries.)
Brown, F. E., “Hadrianic Architecture,” in Essays in Memory of Karl Lehmann, New York, 1964, 55–58.
Delbrueck, R., Hellenistische Bauten in Latium, 2 vols. Strassburg, 1907. (Palestrina, Tivoli, Cori, the Tabularium, etc.)
Fasolo, F., and G. Gullini, Il santuario della Fortuna Primigenia a Palestrina, 2 vols. Rome, 1953. (The Tabularium and the sanctuaries at Tivoli and Terracina, etc., as well as Palestrina.)
Frank, T., Roman Buildings of the Republic . . ., Rome, 1924 (= Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, 3).
Gullini, G., L’architettura romana della fine della repubblica, Turin, 1962. (Lectures.)
Kähler. (Fundamental for Hadrianic architecture.)
Lugli, G., “Nuove forme dall’architettura romana nell’età dei Flavi,” Atti, 3, 95–102.
Paribeni, R., Optimus Princeps, 2 (Messina, 1927), 23–149. (Trajan’s works.)
Van Essen, C. C., Sulla als Bouwheer, Groningen, 1940.
Von Blanckenhagen, P. H., Flavische Architektur und Ihre Dekoration, Berlin, 1940.
Lugli, G., “La Villa di Domiziano sui colli Albani,” four articles in BC, 45–48 (1917–20; also collected and printed separately).
Tortorici, E., Castra Albana, Rome, 1975.
Borriello, M., and A. D’Ambrosio, Baiae-Misenum, Florence, 1979.
I campi flegrei, Rome, 1977 (= Atti dei convegni Lincei, 33).
D’Ancora, G., Guida ragionata per le antichità . . . di Pozzuoli e luoghi circonvicini, Naples, 1792. (Based on Paoli, cited below.)
Maiuri, A., I campi flegrèi, 3rd ed. Rome, 1958. (Plan of the excavations, pp. 70–71.)
——— “Il restauro di una sala termale a Baia,” BdA, 10 (1931), 241–52. (The “Temple of Mercury.”)
——— “Terme di Baia. Scavi, restauri, e lavori di sistemazione,” BdA, 36 (1951), 359–64.
Paoli, P. A., Antiquitatum Puteolis, Cumis, Bais existentium reliquiae, Naples, 1768.
Rakob, F., “Litus beatae veneris aurem. Untersuchungen am ‘Venustempel’ in Baiae,” RM, 68 (1961), 114–49. (Hadrianic domed buildings.)
The Campagna
Ashby, T., The Roman Campagna in Classical Times, London and New York, 1927. Reprinted, London and New York, 1970.
Tomassetti, G. and F., La Campagna romana antica, medioevale e moderna, 4 vols. Rome, 1910–26. Reprinted, Sala Bolognese, 1976.
Brion, M., Pompeii and Herculaneum, London, 1960. (Bibliography, pp. 231–32.)
Crova, B., “Le terme romane nella Campania,” Atti, 8, 271–91.
D’Arms, J., Romans on the Bay of Naples, Cambridge, Mass., 1970.
De Franciscis, A., and R. Pane, Mausolei romani in Campania, Naples, 1957. (Important drawings and photographs.)
Maiuri, A. (see above under Baia).
Salinas, R., “Le cupole nell’architettura della Campania,” Atti, 8, 289–91.
Maiuri, A., Capri, storia e monumenti, Rome, 1956.
Bastianelli, S., Centumcellae (Civitavecchia) Castrum Novum (Torre Chiaruccia), Rome, 1954.
Bartoli, A., “L’acropoli di Ferentino,” BdA, 4 (1949), 293–99.
Boëthius, A., and N. Carlgren, “Die spätre-publikanischen Warenhäuser in Ferentino und Tivoli,” ActaArch, 3 (1932), 181–93.
Gullini, G., “I monumenti dell’acropoli di Ferentino,” ArchClass, 6 (1954), 185–216.
Maiuri, A., Ercolano. I nuovi scavi (1927–1958),2 vols. Rome, 1958.
Isola Sacra
Calza, G., La necropoli del porto di Roma nell’Isola Sacra, Rome, 1940.
Schiavo, A., “La villa romana di Minori,” Palladio, 3 (1939), 129–33.
Calza, R., and E. Nash, Ostia, Florence, 1959.
Meiggs, 2nd ed., 1973. (Fundamental; includes Porto.)
Ostia. (The first volume of the official excavation report; nine more had appeared by 1980.)
Paschetto, L., Ostia colonia romana, Rome, 1912.
Thatcher, E. D., “The Open Rooms of the Terme del Foro at Ostia,” MAAR, 24 (1956), 168–264.
Fasolo, F., and G. Gullini (see above, under STUDIES OF PARTICULAR PERIODS).
Kähler, H., “Das Fortunaheiligtum von Palestrina Praeneste,” Annales Universitatis Saraviensis (1958), pp. 189–240.
Lugli, G., “Nota sul santuario della Fortuna Prenestina,” ArchClass, 6 (1954), 133–47.
Muzzioli, P. A., Praeneste. Pars Altera, Rome, 1970.
Brion, M. (see above under Campania).
Coarelli, F., et al., Guida archeologica di Pompei, Verona, 1976.
Maiuri, A., L’ultima fase edilizia di Pompeii, Rome, 1942.
Lugli, G., and G. Filibeck, Il porto di Roma imperiale e l’agro portuense, Rome, 1935.
Scrinari, V., “Strutture portuali relative al ‘porto di Claudio’ messo in luce . . .,” Rassegna dei lavori pubblici, 3 (1960), unpaginated.
Testaguzza, O., Portus, Rome, 1970.
(see also above, Campania)
Maiuri, A., Studi e ricerche sull’anfiteatro flavio puteolano, Naples, 1955 (= Accademia di archeologia, lettere e belli arti di Napoli, Memorie, 3).
Lugli, G., Anxur-Tarracina, Rome, 1926.
Aurigemma, S., Villa Adriana, Rome, 1961. (Bibliography, and lists of restoration drawings and vedute, pp. 203–06.)
Boëthius, A., and N. Carlgren (see above under Ferentino).
Carducci, C., Tibur, Rome, 1940.
Clark, E., Rome and a Villa, New York, 1952. (Part II: Hadrian’s Villa.)
Giuliani, C. F., Tibvr, Pars prima, Rome, 1970.
——— Tibvr. Pars altera, Rome, 1966.
Gusman, P., La villa impériale de Tibur, Paris, 1904.
Hansen, E., La “Piazza d’Oro” e la sua cupola, Copenhagen, 1960 (= Analecta romana instituti Danici, Supplementum, I; see the critical review in Gnomon, 33 [1961], 243–50).
Herter, H., “Die Rundform in Platons Atlantis und Ihre Nachwirkung in der Villa Adriana,” Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, 96 (1953), 1–20.
Kähler. (The fundamental modern study of the Villa.)
MacDonald, W. L., and B. M. Boyle, “The Small Baths at Hadrian’s Villa,” JSAH, 39.1, 1980, 5–27.
Ricerche sull’Architettura di Villa Adriana, Rome, 1975. (= Quaderni dell’istituto di topografia antica, 8.)
Vighi, R., Villa Hadriana, Rome, 1959. (An illustrated guidebook, trans. J. B. Ward Perkins.)
Winnefeld, H., Die Villa des Hadrian bei Tivoli, Berlin, 1895 (= JDAI, Ergänzungsheft, 3).
(see also above, Mostra augustea, under BIBLIOGRAPHIES; Bartoli, Piranesi, and Zorzi, under TEXTS; and Pietrangeli, under HANDBOOKS)
Boëthius, A., “The Neronian ‘nova urbs.’ Notes on Tacitus’ Annales . . .,” Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 2, 1932 (= Corolla archaeologica . . . Gustavo Adolpho dedicata), 84–97.
Castagnoli, F., et al., Topografia e urbanistica di Roma, Bologna, 1958 (= Storia di Roma, 22).
Coarelli, F., Guida archeologica di Roma, Verona, 1975.
Desgodetz, A., Les édifices antiques de Rome, 2nd ed. Paris, 1779. (Detailed drawings of major buildings; 1st ed., Paris, 1682; other versions pub. London [1771/95, 1848] and Rome [1822]; 1st ed. reprinted, Westmead, 1969.)
Dudley, D. R., Urbs Roma, London, 1967.
de Fine Licht, K., The Rotunda in Rome, Copenhagen, 1968.
Gatti, G., “Caratteristiche edilizie di un quartiere di Roma del II secolo d. Cr.,” Quaderni, 31–48 (1961; = Fest. V. Fasolo), 49–66.
Guattani, G. A., various pioneering works (Roma antica, Roma descritta ed illustrata, Monumenti antichi inediti) published in Rome and Bologna from the 1780s onward.
Jordan, H., Topographie der Stadt Rom im Altertum, I, parts 1 and 2, and II, Berlin, 1871–85; I, part 3, rev. by C. Huelsen, Berlin, 1907. Reprinted, in 2 vols., Rome, 1970.
Lanciani. (Still a useful introduction to the ancient city.)
——— Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries, London, n.d.
——— “Segni di terremoti negli edifici di Roma antica,” BC, 45 (1917), 3–28.
Lugli, Roma. (Detailed handbook of the central monuments; includes bibliographies.)
——— Fontes ad topographiam veteris urbis Romae pertinentes, Rome, 1952 ff. (Inscriptions and texts, by regions.)
——— I monumenti antichi di Roma e suburbio, 3 vols. and a Supplemento, Rome, 1930–40. (Lugli’s Roma is a later, augmented version of Vol. I.)
——— Itinerario di Roma antica, Milan, 1970.
MacDonald, W. L., The Pantheon—Design, Meaning, and Progeny, Cambridge, Mass., and Harmondsworth, 1976.
Middleton, J. H., The Remains of Ancient Rome, 2 vols. London, 1892. (Still useful; basically archaeological.)
Nash. (1300 illustrations; expands and updates the bibliographical entries in Platner-Ashby; there is a German edition; revised English ed., 1968.)
Nibby, A., Roma nell’anno MDCCCXXXVIII, Parte II, Antica, Rome, 1839.
Platner-Ashby. (To be used in conjunction with Nash.)
Tamm. (The Palatine.)
Werner, P. C., De incendiis urbis Romae aetate imperatorum . . ., Leipzig, 1906.
(see also above, ITALIAN SITES: De Franciscis and Pane, under Campania, and Herter, under Tivoli; and below, Smith, under DESIGN AND MEANING)
Altmann, W., Die italischen Rundbauten, Berlin, 1906.
Bieber, M., The History of the Greek and Roman Theater, 2nd ed. Princeton, 1961.
Boëthius. (Chapter 4: the insula.)
——— “The Reception Halls of the Roman Emperors,” Annual of the British School at Athens, 46 (1951), 25–31.
——— and R. M. Riefstahl, “Appunti sul Mercato di Traiano,” Roma, 9 (1931), 447–58, 501–14; 10 (1932), 159–70.
Callmer, C., “Antike Bibliotheken,” Opus Arch, 3 (1944), 145–68.
Chiolini, P., I Caratteri distributivi degli antichi edifici, Milan, 1959.
De Gregori, G., “Biblioteche dell’antichità,” Accademia e biblioteche d’Italia, 11, no. 1/2 (1937).
Derand, F., L’architecture des voûtes, ou l’art des traits, et coupe des voûtes, Paris, 1643.
Girri, G., La taberna nel quadro urbanistica e sociale di Ostia, Rome, 1956.
Goethals, E:, Arcs, voûtes, coupoles, 2 vols. Brussels, 1947.
Hornbostel-Hüttner, G., Studien zur römischen Nischenarchitektur, Leiden, 1979 (= Studies of the Dutch Archaeological Society, 9).
Krencker, D., et al., Die Trierer Kaiserthermen, Augsburg, 1929. (Descriptions, with plans, of baths throughout the Empire.)
Laurenzi, L., “L’origine della copertura voltata e la storia della cupola,” Arte antica e moderna, 3 (1958), 203–15.
Lugli, G., “Considerazione sull’origine dell’arco a conci radiali,” Palladio, 2 (1952), 9–31.
Maiuri, A., “L’origine del portico ad arche girate su colonne,” Palladio, 1 (1937), 121–24.
——— “Portico e peristilo,” Parola del passato, 1 (1946), 306–22.
Makowiecka, E., The Origin and Evolution of Architectural Form of Roman Library, Warsaw, 1978.
Neuerburg, N., L’architettura delle fontane e dei ninfei nell’Italia antica, Naples, 1965 (= Memorie dell’Accademia . . . di Napoli, 5).
Rakob, F., “Hellenismus in Mittelitalien. Bautypen und Bautechnik,” in Hellenismus in Mittelitalien, ed. P. Zanker, 2 (Göttingen, 1976), 366–86 (= Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Phil.-Hist. Klasse, 97/11).
Smith, E. B., The Dome, Princeton, 1950.
Swoboda, K. M., “Palazzi antichi e medioevali,” BollCentro, 11 (1957), 3–32.
——— Römische und romanische Paläste, 3rd ed. Vienna, 1969.
Tamm. (Reception halls; the niche and the apse.)
Tosi, G., “Il palazzo principesco dall’arcaismo greco alla Domus Flavia,” Arte antica e moderna, 7 (1959), 241–60.
Van Aken, A. R. A., Niewe Wegen in de romeinische Woningbouw van Sulla tot Domitians, Utrecht, 1943.
Ward Perkins, J. B., “Constantine and the Origins of the Christian Basilica,” PBSR, 22 (1954), 68–69. (Role of the Domus Flavia basilica.)
(see also above, Brown, under TEXTS [Vitruvius])
Bianchi Bandinelli, R., “Apollodoros di Damasco,” Enciclopedia dell’arte antica, 1, 477–80.
Briggs, M. S., The Architect in History, Oxford, 1927. (Esp. pp. 28–52; reprinted, New York, 1974.)
Clarke, M. L., “The Architects of Greece and Rome,” Architectural History, 6 (1963), 9–22.
Cultrera, G., “Apollodoro di Damasco,” Enclt, 3, 680–81.
Dickinson, H. W., “A Brief History of Draughtsmen’s Instruments,” Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 27 (1949–51), 73–83.
Downey, G., “Byzantine Architects, Their Training and Methods,” Byzantion, 18 (1946–48), 99–118. (Much useful information.)
Frothingham, A. L., “The Architect in History, II, Roman Architects,” The Architectural Record, 25 (1909), 179–92. 281–303.
MacDonald, W. L., “Roman Architects,” in The Architect. Chapters in the History of the Profession, ed. S. Kostof, New York, 1977, 28–58.
Martin, R., “Apollodorus of Damascus,” Encyclopedia of World Art, I, cols. 511–14.
Martin, T. H., Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages d’Héron d’Alexandrie, Paris, 1854 (= Mémoires présentés . . . à l’Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres, 4).
Paribeni, “Apollodoro di Damasco,” Atti della reale accademia d’Italia, Rendiconti, 7.4 (1943), 124–30.
Promis, C., “Gli architetti e l’architettura presso i romani,” Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino, Memorie, 27 (1873), 1–187.
Rivoira, G. T., “Di Adriano architetto e dei monumenti adrianei,” Reale accademia dei Lincei, Rendiconti, 18 (1909), 172–77.
Toynbee, J. M. C., Some Notes on Artists in the Roman World, Brussels, 1951 (= Collection Latomus, 6). (Architects, pp. 9–15.)
(see also above, Van Deman, under HANDBOOKS; Thatcher, under ITALIAN SITES, Ostia; Middleton, under ROME; Derand, Goethals, and Rakob, under BUILDING TYPES; and below, Berucci, under DESIGN)
Berriman, A. E., Historical Metrology, London and New York, 1953.
Blake, 1 and 2.
——— Vol. 3: Roman Construction in Italy from Nerva through the Antonines, ed. D. T. Bishop, Philadelphia, 1973.
Bloch, H., “The Roman Brick Industry and Its Relationship to Roman Architecture,” JSAH, 1 (1941), 3–8.
Choisy, A., L’art de bâtir chez les romains, Paris, 1873.
Cohen, M. R., and I. E. Drabkin, A Source Book in Greek Science, 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass., 1958. (See esp. pp. 314–51. There is a valuable review in The Journal of the History of Ideas, 13 [1952], where on pp. 579–85 the changing modern evaluation of ancient technology is discussed.)
Corsi, F., Delle pietre antiche, Rome, 1845.
Cozzo, G., Ingegneria romana, Rome, 1928.
Crema, L., “La volta nell’architettura romana,” L’Ingegnere, 16 (1942), 941–52.
Davey, N., A History of Building Materials, London, 1961.
De Angelis d’Ossat, G., “La forma e la costruzione della cupola nell’architettura romana,” Atti, 3, 223–50.
Drachmann, A. G., The Mechanical Technology of Greek and Roman Antiquity, Copenhagen, 1963.
Gest, A. P., Engineering, New York, 1930 (in the series Our Debt to Greece and Rome).
Giovannoni. (Bibliography up to the 1920s cited in the notes.)
——— “Building and Engineering,” in The Legacy of Ancient Rome, ed. C. Bailey (Oxford, 1951), pp. 429–74. (A readily accessible version of the book cited immediately above.)
——— “La tecnica costruttiva e l’impero di Roma,” L’Ingegnere, 12 (1938), 299–307.
Gnoli, R., Marmora romana, Rome, 1971.
Guerra, G., Statica e tecnica costruttiva delle cupole antiche e moderne, Naples, 1958.
Hultsch, F., Griechische und römische Metrologie, Berlin, 1882.
Kretzschmer, F., Bilddokumente römischer Technik, 3rd ed. Düsseldorf, 1967.
Lugli, Tecnica. (Critical bibliography, 1, 9–23.) Reprinted, New York, 1968.
——— “La terminologia dei sistemi costruttivi usati dai romani,” Accademia dei Lincei, Rendiconti, 5 (1950), 297–306.
MacDonald, W. L., “Some Implications of Later Roman Construction,” JSAH, 17 (1958), 2–8.
Mainstone, R., Developments in Structural Form, London, 1975.
I marmi italiani, Rome, 1939.
Merckel, C., Die Ingenieurtechnik im Alterthum, Berlin, 1899.
Milani, G. B., L’ossatura murale: studio statico-costruttivo ed estetico-proporzionale degli organismo architettonici . . ., I, Turin, 1920.
Neuberger, A., Die Technik des Altertums, 4th ed. Leipzig, n.d.
Roccatelli, C., “Brick in Roman Antiquity,” in Brickwork in Italy, ed. G. C. Mars (Chicago, 1925), pp. 1–46.
Van Deman, E. B., The Building of the Roman Aqueducts, Washington, 1934.
Venanzi, C., Caratteri costruttivi dei monumenti, I, Strutture murarie a Roma e nel Lazio, parte prima, Rome, 1953.
Ward Perkins, J. B., “Notes on the Structure and Building Methods of Early Byzantine Architecture,” in The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors, Second Report, ed. D. T. Rice (Edinburgh, 1958), pp. 52–102.
(see also above, Rodenwaldt, under HANDBOOKS)
Bammer, A., Architektur und Gesellschaft in der Antike, Vienna, 1974.
De Ruggiero, E., Lo stato e le opere pubbliche in Roma antica, Turin, 1925.
ESAR. (Vol. 5 is titled Rome and Italy of the Empire; Vol. 6 is a thorough index to the entire work.)
MacMullen, R., “Roman Imperial Building in the Provinces,” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 64 (1959), 207–35. (Good on architecture and the army.)
Rostovtzeff. (Exhaustive documentation, detailed index.)
(see also below, Lehmann, under DESIGN AND MEANING)
Ashby, T., “Drawings of Ancient Paintings in English Collections,” PBSR, 7 (1914), 1–62.
Becatti, G., Mosaici e pavimenti marmorei, 2 vols. Rome, 1961 (= Scavi di Ostia, 4).
Blake, M. E., “The Pavements of the Roman Buildings of the Republic and Early Empire,” MAAR, 8 (1930), 1–159.
——— “Roman Mosaics of the Second Century in Italy,” MAAR, 13 (1936), 67–214.
Borda, M., La pittura romana, Milan, 1958.
Curtius, L., Die Wandmalerei Pompejis, Leipzig, 1929.
Dohrn, T., “Crustae,” RM, 72 (1965), 127–41.
Dorigo, W., Late Roman Painting, London, 1971.
Herbig, R., Nugae Pompeianorum, Tübingen, 1962.
Lehmann, P. W., Roman Wall Paintings from Boscoreale in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cambridge, Mass., 1951.
Ling, R., articles on Roman stucco, in PBSR, 34 (1966) and ff.
Nogara, B., I mosaici antichi conservati nei palazzi pontifici del Vaticano e del Laterano, Milan, 1910.
Sear, F. B., Roman Wall and Vault Mosaics, Heidelberg, 1977 (= RM, Ergänzungsheft, 23).
Wadsworth, E. L., “Stucco Reliefs of the First and Second Centuries Still Extant in Rome,” MAAR 4, (1924), 9–102.
White, J., Perspective in Ancient Drawing and Painting, London, 1956.
Wirth, F., Römische Wandmalerei vom Untergang Pompejis bis ans Ende des 3. Jh., Berlin, 1934.
(see also above, HANDBOOKS AND GENERAL WORKS; Herter, under ITALIAN SITES, Tivoli; and Milani, under MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY)
Berucci, M., “Esperienze costruttive ed estetiche dall’ architettura romana,” BollCentro, 6 (1952), 3–5.
——— “Ragioni statiche ed estetiche delle proporzioni degli ambiente coperti a volta,” BollCentro, 12 (1958), 25–34.
Bettini, S., Lo spazio architettonico da Roma a Bisanzio, Bari, 1978.
Drerup, H., “Bildraum und Realraum in der römischen Architektur,” RM, 66 (1959), 147–74.
Hautecoeur, L., Mystique et architecture, Symbolisme du cercle et de la coupole, Paris, 1944.
Lehmann, K., “The Dome of Heaven,” AB, 27 (1945), 1–27. Reprinted in Modern Perspectives in Western Art History, ed. W. E. Kleinbauer, New York, 1971, 227–70.
——— “Piranesi as Interpreter of Roman Architecture,” Piranesi (an exhibition catalogue with articles), Northampton, Mass., 1961, pp. 88–98.
Riegl, A., Die spätrömische Kunstindustrie, Vienna, 1901. (The first chapter, on architecture, is fundamental. There is an Italian ed. entitled Industria artistica tardoromana, Florence, 1953.)
Smith, E. B., Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the Middle Ages, Princeton, 1956. (The city gate, the baldachin form, palaces.)
Von Kaschnitz-Weinberg, G., Die Mittelmeerischen Grundlagen der antiken Kunst, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1944. (Summarizes the author’s pioneering studies of inherent Mediterranean attitudes toward form; see Chap. 5, n. 61.)
——— “Vergleichende Studien zur italisch-römischen Struktur, I, Baukunst,” RM, 59 (1944, pub. 1948), 89–128. (Attitudes in Italy toward form and space seen as constant from the earliest times.)
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