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Description: Picturing War in France, 1792–1856
PublisherYale University Press
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Page numbers followed by f indicate illustrations.
actuality and painting, 109–125
Adorno, Theodor, 5
Alexandre, Arsène, 106
allegory, 13, 165, 189n70
Anderson, Benedict, 175n3
aquatints, 70–72, 80f, 81, 154f, 172, 181n38, 189n6
Are You Serious? (Charlet), 70f
Arnault, Antoine-Vincent, 76–78, 81, 96, 181n47, 182n56
artist-officers, 23–41, 105
An Assistant of Charles Nègre Examining a Proof in the Courtyard of the Studio (Nègre), 166–167f
Atelier of Horace, The Vernet (Vernet), 104f, 105
Atget, Eugène, 12, 174, 187n25
“The Author as Producer” (Benjamin), 91
Bacler d’Albe, Louis-Albert Guislain, 23–26, 105, 133, 177n40
Balzac, Honoré de, 122
Bann, Stephen, 175–176n10, 175n4, 181n29, 181n31, 189n6, 189n67, 190n10
Barker, Robert, 22, 105
Barthes, Roland, 19
Battle of Aboukir, The (Denon), 42f, 51f
Battle of Aboukir, The (Gros), 30, 32, 32f, 36
Battle of Aboukir, The (Lejeune), 30, 32, 33f, 35–36f, 36–39, 41, 42f, 178n65
Battle of Austerlitz (Gérard), 30, 31f, 57, 88
Battle of Friedland, The (Vernet), 93f, 94–95
Battle of Hanau, The (Vernet), 62–63, 66f
Battle of Jemappes, The, (Vernet), 62–63, 66f, 72, 89, 94, 180n23
Battle of Jemappes Fought and Won by the French over the Austrians, The (anonymous), 17f
Battle of Jena, The (Vernet), 92f, 94–95
Battle of Marengo, The (Lejeune), 27, 29f, 39
Battle of Montmirail, The (Vernet), 62–64, 64f, 67f, 180n26
Battle of Mont Thabor, The (Lejeune), 32, 41, 43, 178n65
Battle of Moskova, The (Langlois), 184n31
Battle of Nazareth (Gros), 26–28, 26f, 28f, 177n43
Battle of Somosierra, The (Vernet), 60, 61f, 63f
Battle of Taillebourg (Delacroix), 96, 97f
Battle of the Pyramids, The (Hennequin), 30, 32f
Battle of the Pyramids, The (Langlois), 111
Battle of the Pyramids, The (Lejeune), 30, 32, 34f, 39, 41
Battle of Tolbiac (Scheffer), 96, 97f
Battle of Tolosa, The (Vernet), 57–60, 58f
Battle of Wagram, The (Vernet), 93f, 94–95
Baudelaire, Charles, 4–5, 64, 85, 122, 125, 130–132, 172, 174, 175n6, 186n11, 186nn13–14, 190n8
Becquet, 89–90
Bell, David, 13, 176n10
Benjamin, Walter, 98, 105, 125, 173–174
Béraldi, Henri, 172
Bertall, Charles Albert d’Arnoux, 100–101
Berthier, Alexandre, 26–27, 36
Bingham, Robert Jefferson, 162–165, 164–165f
Bisson Frères, 142
Black, Jeremy, 176n12
Blanc, Charles, 122
Blanc, Louis, 91, 183n8
Blanqui, Jérôme-Adolphe, 99, 183n20
Boilly, Louis-Léopold, 19–23
Boizot, Antoine-Honoré, 18f
Bonaparte, Commander in Chief of the Army of Egypt (Raffet), 95f, 96
Bonaparte, Napoleon: and Bacler d’Albe, 23
defeat at Waterloo, 47
and Disasters of War (Goya), 51
Egyptian campaign paintings of, 30, 39–40
historical memory of, 51–57, 76–80, 95–99
history paintings as propaganda for, 25–26, 38–40
on panoramas, 23
overview, 9–13
return of ashes from St. Helena, 91
Russian campaign of, 44
Bonaparte on the Bridge of Arcole (Gros), 11, 11f, 74–75, 74f, 77, 84
Bonaparte on the Bridge of Arcole (Longhi), 11f, 21f
Bonaparte Visiting the Plague Victims at Jaffa (Gros), 37–39, 38f, 178n59
border crossings, 4, 7
borders, 6, 9–10, 43–44
Bosséno, Christian-Marc, 181n45
Bourbon Restoration war imagery, 51–85
battle of Arcole’s narrative ambiguity, 77–80
battle painting at salon exhibitions, 57–68
overview, 6, 51–57
patronage and liberal politics of, 80–85
print cultures and the representation of war, 68–77
Bourgeois, Amédée, 83
Bouterwerk, Friedrich, 106f
Capture of the Malakoff Tower (Vernet), 188n61
Capture of the Malakoff Tower, The (Bingham after Yvon), 164f
Capture of the Malakoff Tower, The (Lefman after Yvon), 163f
Capture of the Malakoff Tower, The (Marthe after Yvon), 163f
Capture of the Malakoff Tower, The (Nègre after Yvon), 164f
Capture of the Malakoff Tower, The (Soulange-Tessier after Yvon), 163f
Capture of the Malakoff Tower, The (Yvon), 156–158, 158f, 160–165, 161f, 170
Capture of the Smalah of Abd-el-Kader, The (Vernet), 7, 91, 110f, 111–112, 118–121f, 118–125, 142, 171, 185n59
Capture of the Trocadero (Delaroche), 62, 63f
caricature, 44, 88–90, 90f, 100, 179n4
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (Guys), 131f
Charles X, 56, 62, 83, 180n9
Charles X Reviewing His Troops on the Champ de Mars (Vernet), 56
Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint, 68–70, 96, 171, 179n4
Are You Serious? 70f
Look at Austerlitz at the Moment When It Trembled! 70f
Merchant of Lithographic Drawings, 69f
Charterhouse of Parma, The (Stendhal), 127
Charton, Édouard, 185n69
Chastenay, Victorine de, 44, 179n75
Chaudonneret, Marie-Claude, 180n23
Clark, T. J., 172
Clausewitz, Carl von, 12
Clichy Gate, The (Vernet), 62, 66f, 72, 89, 180n23
Clock Tower, The (Durand-Brager), 143, 150f
communicative spaces, 3, 175n3
community, 175n3
Courbet, Gustave, 4, 172–173
Craiutu, Aurelian, 181n40, 1812n4
Crary, Jonathan, 105, 175n10
Crimean War, war imagery of, 127–167
death toll from, 186n8
early military photography of, 136–143
and Henri Durand-Brager, 133–134, 137–139, 142–154, 187n25, 187n28, 187nn35–36
historical overview of, 3, 7, 127–130
and illustrated newspaper reportage, 130–136
Orlando Figes on, 186n7, 188n52
Crossing of the Arcole Bridge, The (Feuchère), 75f
Crossing of the Arcole Bridge, The (Jazet after Vernet), 80f
Crossing of the Arcole Bridge, The (Vernet), 56, 72–85, 72f, 77–79f, 94, 116, 181n43
Crow, Tom, 67–68
The Crowd in the French Revolution (Rudé), 59
culture industry, 5
Daguerre, Jacques-Mandé, 62, 127
daguerreotypes, 1–2, 2f, 62, 127, 189n67
d’Angoulême, duc, 60, 62, 94–95, 94f
Daston, Lorraine, 18
Daumier, Honoré, 84–85
David, Jacques-Louis, 4, 67–68, 175n5
Intervention of the Sabine Women, 56, 64, 182n63
Le Sacre de Napoléon, 178n59, 180n17
Napoleon Crossing the Alps, 11, 11f
Death of Poniatowski, The (Vernet), 69–70, 181nn32–33
Debord, Guy, 5
Debucourt, Philibert-Louis, 70
Decamps, Alexandre-Gabriel, 160
Delaborde, Henri, 171–172
Delacroix, Eugène, 4, 96–97, 97f, 100, 160
Delaroche, Paul, 62–63, 160
Delavigne, Casimir, 84
Delécluze, Étienne-Jean, 46–49, 62, 107–108, 121–122, 154, 179n6, 179n77, 179n80, 184n35, 185n60, 188n48
Delécluze, Étienne-Jean, works by: The Encampment of Allied Russian and English Troops in Paris in 1815, 47f
Russian Prisoners Marching on the Boulevard Saint-Martin after the Battle of Montmirail, 46f
Wounded French Soldiers Entering Paris after the Battle of Montmirail, 46–47f
Delessert, Gabriel, 72
Delpech, François, 68
de Man, Paul, 189n70
Denon, Dominique-Vivant, 41–44, 42f, 178n73
Dépôt de la guerre, 22–23, 27, 87, 177n32, 177n36, 186n23
Detaille, Édouard, 169–172
dioramas, 62, 108
Disasters of War (Goya), 51
Disdéri, Eugène, 137, 186n23
Dix, Otto, 152, 154f
d’Onquaire, Cléon Galoppe, 144, 187n38
Doudan, Ximénès, 99
Dream, The (Detaille), 170–172, 170f
Duparc, Marie-Alexandre, 18f
Duplessi-Bertaux, Jean, 18
Durand-Brager, Jean-Baptiste Henri: artistic style of, 4
and Crimean War, 133–134, 137–139, 142–154, 187n25, 187n28, 187nn35–36
and emergent reproductive media, 143–154
and modern panoramic landscape painting, 155–156
and Napoleon III, 188n49
woodblock engraving after, 134f, 146f
Durand-Brager, Jean-Baptiste Henri, works by: The Clock Tower, 143, 150f
Kamiesch: Panorama of the City and of the Port, 143, 147f
The St. Nicolas Fort, 142, 144–145f
Siege of Sebastopol. See Siege of Sebastopol (Durand-Brager)
Edwards, Steve, 137, 176n4, 188n62, 189n70
el-Kader, Abd, 111, 120–121, 124. See also Capture of the Smalah of Abd-el-Kader, The (Vernet)
Encampment of Allied Russian and English Troops in Paris in 1815, The (Delécluze), 47f
engraving: and Bourbon Restoration military subjects, 53, 62, 68–71, 75–76, 81
and the Crimean War, 128, 132–136, 152–154, 161–165
and French Revolution and First Empire military subjects, 9–11, 14–16, 22–25, 39
Henri Béraldi on, 172
and July Monarchy military subjects, 123–125
Stephen Bann on, 189n6, 189n76
Entry of Henri IV into Paris, The (Gérard), 57, 59f
Episode of the Battle of Navarino (Bouterwerk, after Langlois), 106, 106f
Essarts, Alfred des, 184n23
Exposition Universelle of 1855, 132, 138–139, 160, 187n40
Exposition Universelle of 1889, 170
Favret, Mary, 178n71, 183n18
February Revolution of 1848, 91, 129
Febvre, Lucien, 9, 161–162
Félibien, André, 13
Fenton, Roger, 128, 137–139, 142, 165, 187n25, 187n29
Feuchère, Jean-Jacques, 75, 181n44
Fialin, Jean-Gilbert, 130
Figes, Orlando, 186nn7–8, 188n52
Fire of Moscow, The (Langlois), 102–103f, 107, 184n31
First Empire war imagery. See French Revolution and First Empire war imagery
First View of the Battle of Jemappes (Boizot, Duparc, and Gerbel, engraved by Duplessi-Bertaux), 18f
Forbin, Auguste de, 56, 180n21
Forrest, Alan, 59
French Revolution and First Empire war imagery, 9–49
and artist-officers, 23–41
overview, 3, 7, 9–12, 12–23
and proximity, 42–59
In Front of Le Rêve of Detaille (Legrand), 171f
Gaehtgens, Thomas, 92
Galerie des Aquarelles, 87
Gallery of Battles, 57, 88–89, 88f, 94–96
Gautier, Théophile, 11, 123, 125, 144, 146, 151–152, 154–156, 175n1, 185n68, 187n39, 188nn43–45
General Pierre Augereau at the Bridge of Arcole (Thévenin), 75f
Gérard, François, 26, 57, 59, 63, 87–88, 98, 116, 129
Battle of Austerlitz, 30, 31f, 57, 88
The Entry of Henri IV into Paris, 57, 59f
Gerbel, 18f
Géricault, Théodore, 4, 181n47
Germer, Stefan, 182n63
Gervais, Thierry, 185n2
Gill, Hélène, 184n27
Girodet, Anne-Louis Trioson, 30, 59, 87, 181n31
Godlewska, Anne, 22, 177n34, 178n63
Gotlieb, Marc, 76, 181n49
Goupil, 142, 187n29
Goya, Francisco, 51
Greenberg, Clement, 172
Grenville, J. A. S., 186n8
Grigsby, Darcy, 38–39, 178n59
Gros, Antoine-Jean: Antoine Quatremère de Quincy on, 29–30, 101, 178n52
artistic style of, 59, 62–63, 77, 98, 116, 129, 180n21
battle paintings for Musée Historique de Versailles, 87
death of, 30
Gros, Antoine-Jean, works by: The Battle of Aboukir, 30, 32, 32f, 36
Battle of Nazareth, 26–28, 26f, 28f, 177n43
Bonaparte on the Bridge of Arcole, 11, 11f, 74–75, 74f, 77, 84
Bonaparte Visiting the Plague Victims at Jaffa, 37–39, 38f, 178n59
Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau, 22, 30, 31f, 59
Guizot, François, 82, 90, 182n4
Guys, Constantin, 130–132, 186n11
Hall, Stuart, 172–173, 190n9
Halperin, Sandra, 183n7
Hazareesingh, Sudhir, 179n4, 182n58
Heim, François Joseph, 88–90
Heine, Heinrich, 91
Hell (Leroux), 152, 154f
Hennequin, Philippe-Auguste, 30, 32f
Hérisson, Eustache, 20–21
Histoire de la peinture militaire en France (Alexandre), 106
Histoire de la révolution française (Thiers), 77, 80
Histoire de l’empereur Napoléon (l’Ardeche), 96
History of Napoleon, The (Norvins), 96
History of the Origins of Representative Government (Guizot), 90
Hoche, Lazare, 9
Huard, Étienne, 104
Hugo, Victor, 129
I Am on Pins and Needles (anonymous), 45f
Illustrated London News, 123, 130, 132
illustrated newspaper reportage, 123–124, 130–136, 142–143
In the Environs of a Ball (Vernet), 69, 70f
ingénieurs-géographes, 22–23, 39, 41, 87, 177nn33–34
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 100, 160, 178n59
Intervention of the Sabine Women (David), 56, 64, 182n63
Jal, Augustin, 62, 72, 106, 108, 184n39
Jaume, Lucien, 74, 181n40
Jazet, Jean-Pierre-Marie, 71–72, 80f, 81, 189n6
Jemmapes, battle of, 16–19, 17f
Joseph Vernet Attached to a Mast during a Storm (Vernet), 71, 180n23
Journal des débats, 62, 132–133
Jouy, Étienne de, 64, 67, 72, 179n2, 180n27, 181n37
July Monarchy war imagery, 87–125
and battle panoramas of Jean-Charles Langlois, 101–109
Horace Vernet and representation of the Algerian campaign, 109–125
for Musée Historique de Versailles, 92–101
overview, 6–7, 87–91
politics of, 84–85
June Revolution of 1848, 129
Kamiesch: Panorama of the City and of the Port (Durand-Brager and Lassimonne), 143, 147f
Keller, Urich, 132
Kroen, Sheryl, 179n4
Lafitte, Jacques, 81–83, 182n57, 182n59
Langlois, Jean-Charles: artistic style of, 1, 4
battle paintings for Musée Historique de Versailles, 87
battle panoramas by, 91, 101–111, 114–118, 154, 156–157, 174
photographs by, 138–142, 165
Langlois, Jean-Charles, works by: The Battle of Moskova, 184n31
The Battle of the Pyramids, 111
The Fire of Moscow, 102–103f, 107, 184n31
Panorama of Sebastopol, Taken from the Malakoff Tower, 139, 140–141f
Panorama of the Battle of Navarino, 107–108, 107f, 111, 117, 121–122, 184n29
Panorama of the Capture of Algiers, 111
Langlois, Zoe, 105, 139, 142, 187n34
Lanterne Magique. Bataille de Jemappes (Becquet), 89–90, 90f
l’Ardèche, Paul Mathieu Laurent de, 96
L’Art pendant la guerre, 1914–1918 (Sizeranne), 153, 188n46
Las Cases, Emmanuel, 77–78
Lassimonne, Pierre, 138–139, 142, 151, 154, 187n28
Kamiesch: Panorama of the City and of the Port, 147f
The St. Nicolas Fort, 144f
La Vie politique et militaire de Napoléon (Arnault), 76–78, 81, 96
Le Brun, Charles, 13
Lefebvre, Henri, 161–162
Lefman, Ferdinand, 163f
Legrand, Paul, 170–171
Le Gray, Jean-Baptiste Gustave, 162
Lejeune, Louis-François: artistic style of, 4, 109, 128–129, 174
as artist-officer, 23, 27–43, 105, 109, 116, 133, 178n58, 179n2
and Horace Vernet, compared, 63–64, 68, 116
popularity of, 53–57, 170
Lejeune, Louis-François, works by: The Battle of Aboukir, 30, 32, 33f, 35–36f, 36–39, 41, 42f, 178n65
The Battle of Marengo, 27, 29f, 39
The Battle of Mont Thabor, 32, 41, 43, 178n65
The Battle of the Pyramids, 30, 32, 34f, 39, 41
View of the Attack on the Grand Convoy, near Salinas, 54–56, 54f, 55f, 179n6
View of the Monastery and the Ancient Bulls of Guisando, 51, 52f, 53, 53f, 57, 179n2
Lemercier (lithograph publisher), 154, 162, 187n29
Lenoir, Alexandre, 107
Leroux, George, 152, 154f
Le Sacre de Napoléon (David), 178n59, 180n17
Life of Napoleon (Scott), 77–80
L’Illustration, 123–125, 124f, 125f, 132–134, 134–135f, 136–138, 142, 147f, 151–152, 154, 185n69
lithographs and lithography: after Adolphe Yvon, 161–163
Antoine-Vincent Arnault on, 182n56
by Auguste Raffet, 95–96, 111
by François Joseph Heim, 88–90
history and technique of, 56, 68–70
by Honoré Daumier, 84–85
by Horace Vernet, 69–71, 75–78, 181n47
by Jean-Baptiste Henri Durand-Brager, 133
by Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet, 68–69, 171, 179n4
Stephen Bann on, 181n29, 181n31, 181n67
Walter Benjamin on, 173
Longhi, Giuseppe, 11f
Look at Austerlitz at the Moment When It Trembled! (Charlet), 70f
Louis-Antoine of Artois, Duke of Angoulême, (Vernet), 56, 94f
Louis-Napoleon, 129–130, 139, 154, 156. See also Napoleon III
Louis-Philippe, 57, 63, 81–85, 87–95, 98–100, 105, 109–113, 129–130, 154, 182n59, 184n29. See also duc d’Orléans
Louis-Philippe Inaugurates the Gallery of Battles (Heim), 89, 89f
Louis XIV, 13–16, 177n33
Louis XIV Crossing into the Netherlands at Lobith (Van der Meulen), 14, 15f
Louis XV, 22, 71
Louis XVIII, 60, 62, 67, 81
Malakoff Courtine, The (Yvon), 157, 160f
Malakoff Gorge, The (Yvon), 157, 160f
Malte-Brun, Conrad, 19–20
Mantz, Paul, 107
Map of the Kingdom of Prussia, Poland and Lithuania (Hérrison), 21f
Map of the Theater of War in Italy (Bacler d’Albe), 24f
maps and mapmaking, 2, 6, 9–12, 16, 19–24, 27–28, 39–41, 44–45, 176n1, 176n14, 177n28, 177n32, 177n37, 177n40
Marchandiau, Jean-Noel, 132
Marrinan, Michael, 92, 181n49, 183nn10–11, 185n54
Marthe, 162, 163f, 189n66
Marx, Karl, 112, 129
mass culture, 106, 125, 172–173, 175n2, 190n10
Master’s Eye, The (Raffet), 95f, 96
McCauley, Elizabeth Anne, 189n67
Méhédin, Léon, 139–140
Meissonier, Ernest, 169
Mémoirs d’un bourgeois de Paris (Véron), 94
Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène (Las Cases), 77–78
Merchant of Lithographic Drawings (Charlet), 69f
Mercoli, Michelangelo, 25f
Minié rifles, 151, 187n40
Monsaldy, Antoine Maxime, 9–11, 44, 176n1
Moreau, Jean-Victor, 9
Murat, Joachim, 30, 32, 36
Musée Historique de Versailles, 57, 87, 90, 92–101, 105
Music, Painting, and Sculpture (Bertall), 100
Napoleon Crossing the Alps (David), 11, 11f
Napoleon III, 80, 111, 129, 133, 154, 169, 188n49. See also Louis-Napoleon
Napoleon on the Arcole Bridge (Atelier Adrien Dembour), 81
Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau (Gros), 22, 30, 31f, 59
Nègre, Charles, 162, 164–167, 164f, 189n69
Nesbit, Molly, 12, 187n25
Neuville, Alphonse de, 169
Norvins, Jacques de, 96
Nouvion, Victor de, 101
O’Mahony, Le Comte, 180n16, 180n27
On War (Clausewitz), 12
Osterhammel, Jurgen, 175n3
Panorama of Sebastopol, Taken from the Malakoff Tower (Langlois and Méhédi), 139, 140–141f
Panorama of the Battle of Eylau (after Langlois), 1–2, 2f
Panorama of the Battle of Navarino (Langlois), 107–108, 107f, 111, 117, 121–122, 184n29
Panorama of the Capture of Algiers (Langlois), 111
panoramas, 1–7, 22–23, 101–118, 121–122, 127–128, 138–157, 169, 173–174. See also specific panoramas
Parrocel, Joseph, 14
Passage of the Po at Plaisance (Bacler d’Albe), 23–24, 25f
Passage of the Po at Plaisance (Mercoli after Bacler d’Albe), 25f
Paulin, Jean-Baptiste Alexandre, 132
Peace and War (Jazet), 72
Peace and War (Vernet), 71–72, 71f
Peninsula of Aboukir, The (Denon), 42f
Perrier, Charles, 160
photography, 25, 127–129, 136–144, 151, 154–157, 161–169, 171, 173–174, 185n2, 186nn22–23, 187n25
photogravure, 162, 165, 167, 189n69
photomontage, 171, 172f
Pichegru, Jean-Charles, 9
Pichois, Claude, 186n11
Planche, Gustave, 95–96, 100–101, 181n44, 184n22
Poirson, Jean-Baptiste, 9
Politics of Aesthetics, The (Rancière), 7
Porterfield, Todd, 180n17
Portrait of King Charles X (Vernet), 95
Ports de France (Joseph Vernet), 71
Prendergast, Christopher, 175n5
Prévost, Pierre, 22–23
Production of Space, The (Lefebvre), 161–162
Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine, 29–30, 101, 154, 178n52, 184n25
Quinet, Edgar, 112
Raffet, Auguste, 95–96, 111
Rancière, Jacques, 5, 7, 68, 174
Raynaud Frères, 81, 81f
Reading of the Bulletin of the Grande Armée (Boilly), 19, 20f
Regarding the Pain of Others (Sontag), 128
Renaudeau, Claudine, 181n33
Revolt of Cairo (Girodet), 30
Richebourg, Pierre-Ambroise, 162, 164f, 189n67
Robertson, James, 139, 142, 165, 187n34
Robichon, François, 105, 188n53
Rosanvallon, Pierre, 82
Rosenthal, Léon, 179n4, 181n32
Rotunda of the Panorama of the Battle of Navarino (Langlois), 107
Rudé, George, 59
Rue Transnonain (Daumier), 84f
Russian Prisoners Marching on the Boulevard Saint-Martin after the Battle of Montmirail, (Delécluze), 46f
St. Nicolas Fort, The (Durand-Brager and Lassimonne), 142, 144–145f
Salon Carré, 114, 121
Salon of 1801, 26–27, 39
Salon of 1804, 32, 37, 39, 41, 43, 178n57
Salon of 1806, 30, 32, 39, 41
Salon of 1817, 51, 53, 56–57, 59, 60, 70, 181n33
Salon of 1819, 54–56, 70, 179n6, 180n27, 181n33
Salon of 1822, 72, 83, 89, 180n23, 181n38
Salon of 1824, 56, 62–63, 95
Salon of 1827, 56, 62, 72, 76, 81
Salon of 1830, 83
Salon of 1831, 106
Salon of 1834, 74
Salon of 1836, 90, 94–96, 98, 100–101, 183n6
Salon of 1837, 90, 107, 183n6
Salon of 1838, 90, 183n6
Salon of 1839, 113–115, 118
Salon of 1845, 113, 118, 121, 123–125, 185n64, 185n68
Salon of 1846, 5, 174, 190n8
Salon of 1857, 143–144, 151, 156–157, 160, 162, 188n61, 189n67
Salon of 1859, 157, 162
Salon of 1861, 189n67
Salon of 1865, 189n67
Salon of 1888, 170
Samuels, Maurice, 106, 109
Sanson, Nicolas-Antoine, 22, 177n40
Scheffer, Ary, 87, 96–97
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang, 183n20
Schwartz, Vanessa, 106, 175n2
Scott, Walter, 77–80
Senefelder, Aloys, 68
Shell Holes Illuminated by Flares near Dontrien (Dix), 152, 154f
Shiff, Richard, 25, 29
Siege of Besançon by Condé (Van der Meulen), 14, 15f
Siege of Constantine, The (Vernet), 7, 91, 110f, 111–114, 112–117f, 116–118, 122–123, 152, 157
Siege of Rome (Vernet), 160
Siege of Sebastopol (Durand-Brager), 143–144, 147–148, 151–156
Craters in Front of the Bastion du Mat, 152–153, 153f, 188n44
Panorama of the Left Attacks Seen from the Observatory of Marshal Canrobert, 143, 148f, 151
Right View of the Bastion du Mat, 153, 155f, 188n44
View of Kamiesch Taken from the Port, 143, 147f
View of the Central Bastion, 153, 155f, 188n44
Siegfried, Susan, 177n43, 178n59
Silvestre, Théophile, 160
Sizeranne, Robert de la, 153, 188n46
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail, 173, 190n10
Sontag, Susan, 22, 128
Soulange-Teissier, Louis-Emmanuel, 162, 163f
Stendhal, 63–64, 127
Sulkowski, Joseph, 80
Tagg, John, 137
Taws, Richard, 190n12
témoin oculaire, 19, 177n25, 177n41, 178n61
Tencé, Ulysse, 98
Terdiman, Richard, 122
territorial imagination, 6
Thévenin, Charles, 75
Thiers, Adolphe, 77, 80, 82–83, 91
Triumph of Alexander, The (Le Brun), 13, 14f
Triumph of the French Armies, The (Monsaldy), 9–11, 10f, 44, 176n1
Une semaine à Paris (Delavigne), 84
Van der Meulen, Adam Frans, 13–16, 176n15
Vernet, Carle, 71
Vernet, Horace: and actuality painting, 109–125
artistic style and importance of, 4–7, 128–131, 142, 152–153, 160, 170–174
background of, 56
battle paintings for Musée Historique de Versailles, 92–96, 100–101
Charles Baudelaire on, 5
elected to Académie des Beaux-Arts, 180n9
Hélène Gill on, 184n27
as industrial artist, 100–101
and Jean-Charles Langlois, 114–116
lithographs and lithography by, 69–71, 75–78, 181n47
and Louis-François Lejeune, compared, 63–64, 68, 116
and patronage and liberal politics, 80–83
popularity of, 56–57
railroad investments of, 100, 184n21
studio exhibition of 1822, 56, 62, 70–71, 89, 180n23
Vernet, Horace, works by: The Atelier of Horace Vernet, 104f, 105
The Battle of Friedland, 93f, 94–95
The Battle of Hanau, 62–63, 66f
The Battle of Jemappes, 62–63, 66f, 72, 89, 94, 180n23
The Battle of Jena, 92f, 94–95
The Battle of Montmirail, 62–64, 64f, 67f, 180n26
The Battle of Somosierra, 60, 61f, 63f
The Battle of Tolosa, 57–60, 58f
The Battle of Wagram, 93f, 94–95
Capture of the Malakoff Tower, 188n61
The Capture of the Smalah of Abd-el-Kader, 7, 91, 110f, 111–112, 118–121f, 118–125, 142, 171, 185n59
Charles X Reviewing His Troops on the Champ de Mars, 56
The Clichy Gate, 62, 66f, 72, 89, 180n23
The Crossing of the Arcole Bridge, 56, 72–85, 72f, 77–79f, 94, 116, 181n43
The Death of Poniatowski, 69–70, 181nn32–33
In the Environs of a Ball, 69, 70f
Joseph Vernet Attached to a Mast during a Storm, 71, 180n23
Louis-Antoine of Artois, Duke of Angoulême, 56, 94f
Peace and War, 71–72, 71f
Portrait of King Charles X, 95
The Siege of Constantine, 7, 91, 110f, 111–114, 112–117f, 116–118, 122–123, 152, 157
Siege of Rome, 160
Vernet, Joseph, 71
Véron, Louis, 94
Victory of the French at the Battle of Jemappes, The (anonymous), 17f
View of a Room at the Salon of 1857 (Richebourg), 164f
View of the Attack on the Grand Convoy, near Salinas (Lejeune), 54–56, 54f, 55f, 179n6
View of the Monastery and the Ancient Bulls of Guisando (Lejeune), 51–53, 52f, 53f, 57, 179n2
visual economy, 4, 98, 175n4
Voyage dans la basse et haute Égypte (Denon), 41
Watteau, Jean-Antoine, 176n13
Wellington, Robert, 176n15
woodblock prints, 16, 81f, 96, 111, 123–125, 130–131, 133–134, 143, 161–163, 186n21
“The Work of Art in the Ages of Its Technological Reproducibility” (Benjamin), 173
Wounded French Soldiers Entering Paris after the Battle of Montmirail, (Delécluze), 46–47f
Yvon, Adolphe, 156–158, 160–165, 170, 174, 188n53, 188n61, 189n66
Yvon, Adolphe, works by: The Capture of the Malakoff Tower, 158f, 161f
The Malakoff Courtine, 160f
The Malakoff Gorge, 160f