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Description: Rethinking Art History: Meditations on a Coy Science
PublisherYale University Press
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Aarsleff, Hans, 88, 96, 98, 99, 105
Abcedarium culturae, 107
Abri Blanchard calendar bone, 137–38, 140–41
Academic research, end-oriented research and, 9–11
Aesthetic activity, as speech act, 44–49
Aesthetic production, 21–22
Aesthetic standards, 25–26
Akropolis, Athenian. See Athenian akropolis
Alberti, Leon Battista, 57, 58
Albertian ideal painting, 58, 60
Alberti’s Window: art museum
compared to, 69–79
discursive space of, 60–62
Subject in, 67–68, 69
Allaci, Leone, 92
Alpers, Svetlana, 201n210
Analytico-referential discourse, 55–56
Anamorphic art, 57–58
Anamorphism, 39–40, 76, 169, 171
Anaphora, 75, 169, 171
Anatomy, comparative, 101–2
Architecture, 224n170
Archival organization, 75–76
Argan, Giulio C., 112
Arnheim, Rudolf, 49
Art Bulletin, 191n19
Art Journal, 1–2
Art mobilier, 124, 125, 133–34
Art museum: Alberti’s Window compared to, 69–79
Bentham’s Panopticon compared to, 70
functions of, 68–69
imaginary world of, 203n32
Artes memorativae. See Memory arts Artistic production, reader-response
criticism and, 81–82
Artwork: as autonomous sign, 116–18
defined, 85
Athena, 172, 173, 175–77
Athenian akropolis, 169–70, 172–73
Propylaia in, 173–78
Attribution, problems of, 193n34
Authentication, 31–33
Authorial self-identity, 32–33
Authority, appeal to, 7
Bacon, Francis, 79, 87
Baldi, Camillo, 92
Balzac, Honoré de, 105, 106
Barthes, Roland, 4
Bate, Walter Jackson, 5
Bateson, Gregory, 49
Baudrillard, Jean, 199n75
Baxandall, Michael, 49, 58
Bentham, Jeremy, 36, 62–66
Bentham’s Panopticon, 62–63
art museum compared to, 70
God in, 71
Memory Theater compared to, 66
power in, 64–65
Benveniste, Emile, 39, 190n15
Berlin panorama (1883), 210n98
Biblical exegesis, author in, 32
Bourgeois art history, 239n16
Breuil, Henri, 123, 124, 126–27, 136, 144, 145
Brooks, Cleanth, 85
Brown, Harold I., 35
Bryson, Norman, 58, 119
Bùhler, Karl, 116
Calendrical objects, 137–41
Calvino, Italo, 81, 86, 178
Camillan theater. See Memory Theater
Camillo, Giulio, 59–62
Carlyle, Thomas, 99, 100, 105
Carroll, David, 77
Cassirer, Ernst, 114
Catalogue raisonné, 191n23
Cave art. See Paleolithic cave art
Chase, George H., 73
Cinema, 72–73, 192n30, 207n69
Clark, Timothy J., 49, 162–68
Classicism, 172–78
Codification of visual environment, 154
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 100
Commodity marketplace, 10
Communication: Jakobsonian paradigm of, 149–52
marking in Paleolithic art as, 149, 152–53
signification as, 110; See also Speech act
Comparative anatomy, 101–2
Composition, 58
Comte, August, 89
Conan Doyle, Arthur, 93, 94
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, 88, 96, 100
Conkey, Margaret, 123, 127–28, 147–48
Connoisseurship, 191n21
Consumption, 199n75
Contextual reintegration, 37
Cousin, Victor, 88, 89, 100–101, 106
Croce, Benedetto, 94, 106
Cultural sign, 90
Curriculum in art history, 74–75, 183n17
Cuvier, Georges, 88, 93, 101–2, 105
Damisch, Hubert, 58, 117, 161, 195n47
Darwin, Charles Robert, 102, 164
Davis, Whitney, 131, 132
de Lumley, Henri, 129
Deconstruction, 2–3
Derrida, Jacques, 4, 14, 77, 110, 164, 182n6
Descartes, René, 79
Discipline, art history as, 51–53, 83–86
Discourse, analytico-referential. See Analytico-referential discourse
Discursive space: of Alberti’s Window, 60–62
of modern art history, 58
Doueihi, Milad, 103
Doyle, Henry, 93
Durkheim, Emile, 89
Edison, Thomas Alva, 24
End-oriented research, academic research and, 9–11
Essentialism, 96–97, 98, 101–2, 104–5
Eucharist, as perfect signifier, 103–4
Evolution, natural, 41–42
Fakes, 33
Feminist theory, 167–68
Fictionality of art history, 43–44
Film. See Cinema
Fogg Art Museum (Harvard University), 73–75, 77, 207nn71–73
Forgeries, 33
Formalism, reader-response criticism and, 81
Forster, Kurt, 113
Foucault, Michel, 32, 36, 62, 63–66, 105, 113, 158
French Revolution, 99–100
Freud, Sigmund, 56, 78, 94
Fried, Michael, 49
Fuller, Buckminster, 24
Funicity, 188n10
Gaboriau, Emile, 93
Galileo, Galilei, 56, 57, 92
Geertz, Clifford, 143, 148
Gestalt psychology, 47, 49
Ginzburg, Carlo, 92, 93, 94
Giotto, 60
Glottochronology, 41–42
God, in Bentham’s Panopticon, 71
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 151
Goldberg, Reuben Lucius, 96
Gombrich, Ernst, 49, 117, 119
Gontzi tusk calendar, 138–41
Goodman, Nelson, 29, 119
Grabar, Oleg, 1
Guggenheim Museum (New York), 70, 206n62
Hadjinicolaou, Nicos, 162
Hazlitt, William, 100
Heath, Stephen, 52–53
Hippocrates, 92, 94
Historicism, 14–15, 189n14
History, art history as subset of, 165–66
Holbein, Hans, 57
Holloway, John, 105
Holly, Michael Ann, 7, 112–14
Homo sapiens sapiens, 128, 132–33, 145
Hunt, Richard, 73
Huxley, Thomas, 91, 93, 94
Iconography, 111–21, 195n47
Ideological fiction, 43–44
Indexes, as signs, 95
Indiana University Art Museum, 206n63
Innateness doctrine, 98–99
Innes, Michael, 72
Instrumentalism, 35–39
Jakobson, Roman, 116, 117, 149–52, 220n138, 224n170
Jameson, Frederic, 14–15
Jaspers, Karl, 121
Johnson, Barbara, 5
Kant, Immanuel, 10, 15, 77, 84
Kleinbauer, W. E., 14, 26, 48, 85, 107, 118
Krauss, Rosalind, 49
Kristeva, Julia, 68
Kubler, George, 197n62
Lacan, Jacques, 68, 76
Laming-Emperaire, Annette, 125
Language: of art history, 35–39
origin of, 96–97
philosophy of, 97–101; See also Speech act
Lascaux bison, 131–32
Leaky, R. E., 132
Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas, 66
Leroi-Gourhan, André, 122–28, 135–36, 142, 144
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 14, 105, 126
Lewis, Philip E., 212n19
Linguistic sign, 89–90, 108–9, 220n138
Locke, John, 59, 96, 97–101, 104–5, 106–7, 113
Logocentrist paradigm. See Speech act
Longhi, Roberto, 93
Lotringer, Sylvère, 69
Lust for Life, 21–26, 29–30
Madness, sanity and, 22–23
Mancini, Giulio, 91–92
Mandelbaum, Maurice, 14
Marin, Louis, 103
Marking in Paleolithic art: as
communicational system, 149–53
marks as things, 131–33
stylistic marking, 146–48
systems of marking, 140–41
Marshack, Alexander, 133–42
Marxist art history, 160–68, 193n38, 239n42
Meanings, Subject and, 68
Memory arts, 79
Memory Theater, 59–62, 66, 203n27
Mendel, Gregor, 23
Metalanguages, 226n185
Metaphor: in art history, 108–9
instrumentalist, 35–39
telescope as, 55–56
voyage of discovery as, 55
Methodologies, pluralism of, 34–35
Michelson, Annette, 122–23
Mitchell, W. J. T., 112
Modernism, in human sciences, 212n19
Moore, Charles Henry, 207n71
Morelli, Giovanni, 7, 93–95, 191n23
Mukařovský, Jan, 115–19, 198n70, 223n162, 224n170
Muller, Max, 102
Museum. See Art museum
Museum of Modern Art (New York), 205n58
Napoleon Bonaparte, 99–100
National self-identity, 33
Natural evolution, 41–42
Necker Cube illusion, 86, 96, 107
New Criterion, 6
New York Times Magazine, 5
Nichols, Bill, 57
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 88, 121
Norton, Charles Eliot, 9, 73, 74
Object of study, 17–20
Organization of archives, 75–76
Oriented research. See End-oriented research
Origin of language, 96–97
Paleolithic cave art, 122–28
Abri Blanchard calendar bone, 137–38, 140—41
art mobilier, 124, 125, 133–34
calendrical objects, 137–41
chronological typologies, 144–45
dating of images, 124
Gontzi tusk calendar, 138–41
Lascaux bison, 131–32
Pech Merle cave, 135
portable objects, 124, 125, 133–34
representational image making, 130–33
style evolution, 146–48
Terra Amata huts, 129–30; See also Marking in Paleolithic art
Panofsky, Erwin, 7, 56, 111–21
Mukařovský compared to, 116–18
Panoptic instrumentalism, 36
Panopticon, Bentham’s. See Bentham’s Panopticon
Parergon, 210n95
Parietal art. See Paleolithic cave art
Pascal, Blaise, 104, 108
Pasteur, Louis, 89
Pech Merle cave, 135
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 95, 113, 116
Peloponnesian Wars, 177
Penitentiary Panopticon, 36
Periodicization, 43
Perspectival art of Renaissance, 56–57
Philosophy of language, 97–101
Photography, 72, 192n30
Picasso, Pablo, 32
Pluralism of methodologies, 34–35
Pollitt, Jerome J., 178
Port-Royal grammarians, 39, 102–4, 189n14
Portable objects, 124, 125, 133–34
Poussin, Nicolas, 4
Power: in Bentham’s Panopticon, 64–65
royal, 104
Prague Circle, 116–17, 223n161
Pratt, Mary Louise, 81–82
Propylaia, in Athenian akropolis, 173–78
Psychology, Gestalt. See Gestalt psychology
Reader-response criticism, 81–82
Reception, artistic production and, 81–82
Reconstruction, art historical, 21–22
Reik, Theodor, 94
Reintegration, contextual, 37
Reiss, Timothy, 55–56, 58, 107
Renaissance: perspectival art of, 56–57; See also Alberti’s Window
Representation, 103–4, 107–9
Representational image making, 130–33» 134
Riegl, Alois, 7
Ripa, Cesare, 117, 119
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 64
Royal power, 104
Said, Edward, 143
Saint-Hilaire, Isidore Geoffroy, 88
Sanity, madness and, 22–23
Sanskrit, 41
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 87–88, 89–90, 98, 105, 108–9, 113, 115–116, 214nn38–39
Scientificity, conditions for, 28–29
Self-identity: authorial, 32–33
national, 33
Semiology, 31, 87–90, 114–19, 198n70
Semiotics, history of term, 217n83
Serendipity, 92–93
Shape grammars, 195n48
Sign: artwork as, 116–18
cultural, 90
indexes as, 95
linguistic, 89–90, 108–9, 220n138
types of, 94–95
Sign theory. See Semiology
Signification, 50, 95–96, 102–4, 106–8, 110
Simon, Claude, 68
Smith, Cyril S., 188n10
Snyder, Joel, 119
Social history of art, 159–68
Speech, meaningful entities in, 131
Speech act, aesthetic activity as, 44–49
Stafford, Barbara Maria, 42
Stevens, Wallace, 34
Styka, Jan, 55, 79
Style, concept of, 146–48
Subject, in Alberti’s Window, 67–68, 69
Symmetry, 172–77
Tagg, John, 167
Taine, Hippolyte, 88–90, 94, 95, 99, 105, 115–16, 215n45
Telescope metaphor, 55–56
Terra Amata huts, 129–30
Textbooks, 197n61
Tompkins, Jane P., 217n90
Travlos, John D., 243n80
Trumbull Collection (Yale University), 73
Valesio, Paolo, 165
Van Gogh, Vincent, 21–26, 29–30
Vasari, Giorgio, 21, 28
Viglius, 59–60
Visual environment, codification of, 154
Visual language, art as, 48
Voltaire, 93
von Glasersfeld, Ernst, 130
von Humboldt, Wilhelm, 98
Voyage of discovery metaphor, 55
Walpole, Horace, 92
Warren, Robert Penn, 85
Washington Post, 2–4
Wedgwood, Josiah, 100
Whewell, William, 101–2, 106–7
White, Hayden, 82, 163–65
Wilhelm, Kaiser, 210n98
Williams, Raymond, 81
Wind, Edgar, 94
Wobst, Martin, 132, 146, 148
Wölfflin, Heinrich, 7, 75, 209n83
Yates, Frances, 60, 79
Zadig’s Method, 91–93, 101
Zerner, Henri, 1–2, 7, 94