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Description: The Art of Paper: From the Holy Land to the Americas
PublisherYale University Press
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Abbasid Empire, 9, 35, 134n26
Abd-el-Wahid, 57
Abu-Lughod, Janet, 55
Académie royale des sciences, 18
Ainsworth, Maryan, 70
Ainsworth, Peter, 82
Alain de Lille, 79
Alexander, Jonathan, 140n28
amatl, 41, 4446, 51, 116
Americas. See Mesoamerican history of paper; New Spain
Amman, Jost, 51, 52
Amsterdam City Coat of Arms, 23
animal bones, 36, 9495, 132
animal hides. See skins
Anonymous (Sienese?)
Recto: Christ and the Woman of Samaria, 1213, 13
Verso: Christ Healing the Blind Man, 1213, 13
anti-Semitism, 55
Arabian Nights, 9
Arabic language
Arabic grammar published by Jakob Mylius, 52
Cairo Genizah including documents in, 56
early Christianity using, 62
Jerome’s knowledge of, 60, 61
Kitab salat al-sawai (first printed book in Arabic), 52, 53
merchants using, 57
paper as definitive support for, 62
on rag paper documents, 3537
Simone and, 59
Vatican inventory of manuscripts in, 139n37
Venetian artisans influenced by Arabic books, 139n36
Arabic paper. See Bodleian Library collection of Arabic manuscripts; Islamic paper and papermaking; Judeo-Arabic history of paper
Aramaic. See also Judeo-Arabic history of paper
Cairo Genizah including documents in, 56
Jerome’s knowledge of, 60
Mantegna’s pseudo-script to evoke, 63
paper as definitive support for, 62
Simone and, 59
Dürer’s paper archive, 15
early modern archives, character of, 7, 138n21
establishing order and place, 66
Gonzaga family’s power and, 65
paper archives, 7, 129
preservation of documents, consciousness of, 58, 138n22
state archives, 11
Aristotle, 140n17
De Anima (On the Soul), 11819
Arnold, Philip, 51
artificial product, paper as, 18, 20, 121, 122
artistic practice. See also individual artists’ names
documentation of artist’s changes captured on paper, 13
itinerant artist, drawings of, 71
use of paper in, 1114, 133n10
Ashcroft, Jeffrey, 104, 142n7
Asia. See also Central Asia; Chinese paper and papermaking; India; Japanese paper and papermaking
Dutch East India Company’s trade in, 124
European importation of paper from, 123, 124
Latanier tree leaves, used for sacred Indian texts, 36
papermaking economy of, 17, 33, 52
papermaking materials in, 17, 2628, 27, 37, 135n20
auctors, 15, 7180
artists as, 79
Christ as, 73
meaning of term in vernacular literature, 73
authenticity, 3, 48, 116
authorship, 6768. See also auctors
Daliwe’s authorship through scriptorium, 73
Dürer engaged with different ideas of, 106
literary canons and, 15
rise of the author, 8
tied to physical object of the book, 69
watermarks and, 112
Aztecs. See also Mesoamerican history of paper
Codex Mendoza, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52
Codex Telleriano-Remensis, 111, 112, 144n5
destruction and renewal processes of, 137n65
papermaking by, 17, 41
Bacon, Francis, 119, 120
Novum Organum (New Organon), 1820, 12021
Baghdad, 17, 37, 56, 137n6
bamboo, 17, 2630, 32, 135n20, 145n3
Barbier, Frédéric, 134n19
bark paper, 9, 35, 43, 4445, 135n20. See also amatl
Barrett, Timothy, 32, 113
Barthes, Roland, 2425, 28
Bartolo da Sassoferrato, 113, 114
Beaune Altarpiece, 84
Behem, Franz, 133n4
Bellini, Giovanni, 85
Bellini Album, 126, 128
Ben Ezra Synagogue (Cairo), 56
Biörklund, George, 145n2, 145n5
Bloch, Marc, 18, 135n5
Bloom, Jonathan, 8, 39
blue paper. See carta azzurra
Bodleian Library collection of Arabic manuscripts, 36, 136n32
Commentary of Galen on the Book of Hippocrates on Prognostics, 37
Questions on Medicine for Beginners, 37
Bologna Stone (law of measurement), 5859
bona carta, 40, 139n36
Bonaventure, 73
Bower, Peter, 136n36
boxwood tablets. See also drawing and drawing books
in antiquity, 142n55
Cennini on, 80
compared to paper, 4
illuminator’s workshop and, 15
brass tablets, 36
Briquet, Charles-Moïse, 39, 113, 13637n45, 138n11
Les filigranes: Historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu’en 1600 (Watermarks: Historical Marks on Paper from Their Appearance around 1282 until 1600), 109
British empire, property rights of colonists in, 121, 145n34
broken tree figure, 111
Brückle, Irene, 142n9
Bruegel, Pieter the Younger: The Village Lawyer, 123, 124, 127
Buchthal, Hugo, 140n24
bureaucracy, 11, 15, 134n30
Burns, Richard, 56
buxum, 79
Cairo, 56, 137n6
Cairo Genizah, 56, 138n22
Camille, Michael, 7778, 81
Carpaccio, Vittore, 87, 90
carta azzurra (blue paper), 8487, 89, 9295, 99, 101, 106, 126
carta orientale, 57
Cennini, Cennino, 80, 94
Central Asia, 33, 39
papermaking materials in, 17, 37
Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline, 82, 140n13
chain and laid lines, 20, 21, 39, 113, 137n6
characteristics of paper. See also watermarks
enduring, 8, 18
ephemeral, 8, 59
“fair,” “clean,” and “white,” 119
Islamic paper, 39
light weight, 8
linen fragments in paper of seventeenth century, 120
mobility, 8, 39, 49, 51, 63, 114, 134n33
size of paper, Bologna’s regulation of, 5859
touchable and visible, 25, 33
translucent, 26
transparency, 2, 20
Charles VI (French king), 75, 7778, 78, 80
Chartier, Roger, 140n15
chiaroscuro, 87
Chinese paper and papermaking
du Holde on, 2628, 135n18
invention of papermaking, 9, 134n25, 135n27
Jaucort on, 35
literature about, 14, 31
paper’s own meaning, 31, 32, 33
plant-based paper production, 2628, 37, 135n15
quality determination, 30
Song Yingxing describing papermaking process, 2833, 2930
trade and economy, 17, 28, 52
types of paper, 3132
Yoeequa’s watercolor of papermakers, 3233, 33
Christ. See also individual artists whose works depict Christ
as auctor, 73
crown of thorns vs. paper crowns of his handlers, 63
Writing Christ Child motif, 73, 141n40
history of paper inseparable from, 36, 37, 51, 62, 113
The Hundred Books on the Medical Art, 38
Simone’s Maestà incorporating paper into religious fresco, 5962, 6061, 138n26
clerc-écrivains, 69, 71
Codex Kingsborough (Codex Tepetlaoztoc)/Petition of the Indians of Tepetlaoztoc, 11617, 119
Codex Mendoza, 45, 48, 50, 52
“Tributes from the Province of Quauhnahuac,” 45, 49
Codex Moneus, 10, 12
Codex Selden, 137n55
Codex Telleriano-Remensis, 111, 112, 144n5
gloved-hand watermark, 112
coffers, 8082, 123
colonial world. See British empire; New Spain
Conformité des coutumes des Indiens orientaux avec celles des Juifs et des autres Peuples de l’Antiquité (Conformity of the Customs of the Oriental Indians with Those of the Jews and Other Peoples of Antiquity), 36, 12526, 136n34
Constantinople, fall of (1453), 36
Bruegel’s The Village Lawyer depicting, 123, 124
Memoriali (parchment) records of, 58
of merchants, 5758
Provvisori (parchment and paper) records of tax collection for registering, 58
Machaut’s desire to correspond with his lover, 6768
Mantegna’s paintings of diplomatic letters, 65, 66, 123
paper’s effect on fourteenth-century Europe and, 68
performance of parchment and ink in, 6970
cost of paper, 4, 8, 120
cotton paper, 35, 39, 136n37. See also linen; rag paper
Council of Constance (1414–1418), 63, 65
Council of Ferrara (1438), 62, 139n37
Council of Florence (1441), 139n37
Cummins, Tom, 144n8
Daliwe, Jacques, in Berlin Sketchbook (?), 7273, 140n31, 141n41
“The Flagellation,” 74, 140n32
“The Scriptorium,” 7273, 74
“Study of Facial Typologies,” 73, 75
Christian community, manuscripts on paper from, 9, 134n21
European paper manufacture surpassing, 56
paper imported into Egypt from, 56
watermark absent from paper produced in, 137n6
Damasus (pope), 61
Das Standebuch (The Book of Trades, with poems by Sachs and illustrations by Amman), 51, 52
deckle, 22
de Grazia, Margreta, 133n12
Derrida, Jacques, 8
Description des arts et métiers (Description of Mechanical and Industrial Arts), 18, 32
destruction. See also erasure
of papers to protect artist’s legacy, 8
of parchment, 9
Diamond Sutra (oldest book printed on paper), 9, 10
Diderot, Denis: Encyclopédie, 18, 24, 35
Gonzaga family history in, 65
paper’s relationship to power in, 15, 57, 6266
discarded and soiled textiles, reuse of. See rag paper; recycling
Döring, Hans, 3, 133n4
in context of Gedankenbild, 141n43
as metaphor for creation, 79
drawing and drawing books, 6782
artists relying on memory and imagination rather than model books in Middle Ages, 7071, 79
Berlin boxwood drawing book, 7172, 75, 79
economic value of drawings, 105
ephemeral nature of, 70
erasure of, and drawing over, earlier drawings in boxwood drawing books, 79
exempla from, 75, 77
“Foliate Ornament and Seated Figures” (anon.), 77
inscription and remembrance in, 69
low number extant from medieval period, 70
model books, assumed to exist during Middle Ages, 70
mythologized in sixteenth century, 4
New York boxwood drawing book, 71, 7375, 77, 79
paper allowing artists to change their work, 1213
performance of line, 7072
Vienna boxwood drawing book with leather coffer, 71, 8082, 81
Duccio’s Maestà, 12
Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste, 32
Description de la Chine, 26, 28, 135n18
Duke of Berry, 69, 73, 123, 141n33
Duke of Orléans, 77
Dürer, Albrecht, 15, 8384
awareness of geography of and differences in types of paper, 84, 126
awareness of reception, 15, 102, 104, 105, 108, 142n2
carta azzurra (blue paper), use of, 8487, 89, 9295, 99, 101, 106, 126
creation of ground and control over quality of woodcuts by, 9599, 101, 1045
dates assigned by, to his works and works of other artists, 13, 84, 1058
death of, 7
drawings in relationship to paper, 15, 1056
dream of, 14, 23
“effortless art” trope and, 93
equivalents of paintings and, 87, 94, 108, 142n12
hands, drawings of, 87, 90, 91, 92, 1013, 143n35
juxtapositions created on single sheet of paper by, 8789, 92, 143n14
labor and economic compensation as issue for, 1023
Mantegna and, 84, 85
middle tones in works by, 89, 92, 95, 99, 101
post-Venetian drawings by, 99101
pre-Venetian drawings by, 89
rag paper and, 7
saving his notes, works, sketches, etc., on paper, 8, 83
Schongauer and, 8384
speed and time required to complete his works, 9394, 1023, 143n20
unused expanse of paper of Dream, 24, 7, 14, 15
Venetian works by, 8485, 89, 9395, 99, 126
watermark, absence from paper of, 110
white paper used as both ground and figure within composition by, 95
Dürer, Albrecht, works by
Apostle Head Study, 1012, 1023
Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin, 95, 98
The Betrothal of the Virgin, 98
Christ among the Doctors, 8487, 86, 89, 9192, 93, 94, 142n7
Dream/Vision, 14, 23, 7, 14, 15, 133n4
Feast of the Rose Garlands, 8487, 86, 90, 8994, 9192, 94, 102, 142n7
Hands of Jesus, 9192
Hands of Maximilian I, 90
Head of an Apostle, 106, 107
Head of a Young Man, 96
Head of Jesus, 9192, 107
Head of the Lute-Playing Angel, 9192
Heller Altarpiece, 100, 101, 1026, 143n33
Knight, Death and the Devil, 109
Life of the Virgin, 98, 99
Madonna with the Siskin, 85
Meisterstiche (three engravings), 10910
Melencolia I, 109
Nemesis, 3, 6
Perspective Illustrations, 7
Praying Hands, 101, 1023
Presentation of Christ in the Temple, 95, 98
St. Jerome in His Study, 109
Sleeping Venus (after Dürer (?)), 7
The Wire-Drawing Mill (Drahtziehmuhle), 2122, 24
Dutch artists. See also individual artists’ names
blue paper used by, 119
realism of, 141n32
use of sketchpads by, 70
Dutch East India Company, 124
economic value of artwork, 34, 1023, 105, 114
Egypt. See also Judeo-Arabic history of paper
paper, exportation of, 56
tenth-century codex on paper from, 62
Elizabethan authors, 133n12
encyclopedias of paper, 2835
engravings, 10
in Art de faire le papier, 18, 19, 24, 25, 25, 34
in Description des arts et métiers, 18
Dürer’s, 6, 15, 109, 143n16
engraver’s status in European professional hierarchy, 51, 52
Sadeler’s, 1068, 107
Schongauer’s, 8384
Epistle to the Galatians (Arabic translation), 52
erasable tablets, 43, 79
within Berlin and New York boxwood drawing books, 79
forgotten history of paper, 3335, 36, 40, 52, 54
of medieval drawings, 70, 73, 82
of paper, 9, 137n55
of paper’s identifiable qualities into blank paper without indicating its manufacture origins, 122
Eugene IV (pope), 62
Eurocentric perspective on paper’s history, 8, 36
Europe. See also individual countries
acceptance of Muslim paper in, 5657
Asian paper losing regional specificity and considered as non-European paper in, 32
blue paper in, 8487
dominance as papermaking center, 33, 39
fourteenth-century art of wire drawing, 2021
history of paper in, 8, 9, 10, 14, 35
literature about papermaking in, 14
rise as economic power, 58
route of paper into, 14
shortages of rags in, 26
types of paper in, 32
wood-pulp paper in, 26
evangelist portraits and iconography, 7273, 74, 140nn29–30
exempla, 75, 77, 93, 126, 141n43
first paper mill in Italy in, 59
Tamed Horse Watermark, 23
Tong Watermark, 22
Febvre, Lucien: L’Apparition du livre (The Coming of the Book) (with Martin), 8
Ferrari, Daniela, 65
forgery, 9
forgotten history of paper’s origins, 3335, 36, 40, 52, 54
Foucault, Michel, 78
dominance in fourteenth-century paper trade, 56
fourteenth-century literature, memory and artistic process in, 69
Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor), 14, 57
Friedrich, Markus, 138n22
Frinta, Mojimír S., 140n32
Froissart, Jean, 6870, 140n11, 140n15
as auctor, 73
on Christ as auctor and lyric poet, 73
Chroniques, 73, 7779, 141n44
as clerc-écrivain, 69, 71
coffret as metaphor for memory in, 142n61
Le joli buisson de jonece (The Bush of Youth), 68
La prison amoureuse (The Prison of Love), 68, 69, 8182
gampi fibers, 124
as early center of paper manufacture and trade, 56, 57
import of paper from to New Spain, 11415
watermark of gloved hand on paper manufactured in, 112, 115, 118
Gentile da Fabriano: Quaratesi Polyptych: Saint Nicholas of Bari Raising Three Boys from the Dead, 114, 115
Geymonat, Ludovico, 7071
Goffredo de’Visconti, 57
Gonzaga, Gianfrancesco, 40
Gonzaga, Ludovico, 65, 66
Gonzaga tradition of writing laws on paper, 63
Gospels in Arabic, 52
Grabar, Oleg, 40
Greaves, John, 36
Greek language, Jerome’s translation of, 62
ground, preparation of, and effect on artistic composition, 43, 81, 87, 9499, 9697, 101, 1023, 1045, 107, 124, 127, 142n10
Gualterius Englesius, 57
Guillaume de Saint-Thierry: Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei (Letter to the Brothers of Mont-Dieu), 71
Gujin Tushu Jicheng (Imperial Encyclopedia), 28
Gutenberg, Johannes, 8, 52
Hagan, Victor Wolfgang von, 41
Han dynasty, 135n27
Harrich, Jobst (after Dürer): Heller Altarpiece, 100
Hebrew. See also Judeo-Arabic history of paper
Cairo Genizah including documents in, 56
Jerome’s knowledge of, 60, 61
Mantegna’s interest in, 63
paper as definitive support for, 62
Simone and, 59
Heller, Jakob, 102, 1045
hempen rags. See linen; rag paper
Hills, Richard, 135n10
Hobbes, Thomas, 11920
Hoffmann, Hans (after Dürer): “Head of an Apostle,” 106, 107
Holanda, Francisco de: Diálogos, 93
Holy Roman Empire, 11, 134n33
Howard, Deborah, 139n36
Huexotzinco Codex, types of paper used in, 11516, 117
Genoese gloved-hand watermark, 118
Humbert, Geneviève, 136n39
Hundred Years’ War, 77, 79
Hunter, Dard, 3, 41, 4445
“Samples of Mulberry Bark and paper made from the Japanese Mulberry,” 5
Huntington, Robert, 36
Huot, Sylvia, 73, 139n3
Hus, Jan, 63, 65, 139n43
imagination, 4, 15, 7071
Egyptian paper exported to, 56
Latanier tree leaves, used for sacred Indian texts, 36
rag paper manufactured in, 126
religious practice in, seventeenth-century alignment with Old Testament, 12526
Innis, Harold, 11
intellect compared to paper, 11721
invention of paper
in China, 9, 134n25, 135n27
Eurocentric perspective on, 8, 36
forgotten history of, 3335, 36, 40, 52, 54
possible inventors, 35, 136n37
Islamic paper and papermaking, 8, 14, 17. See also Judeo-Arabic history of paper
anti-Islamism and, 55
Arabic printing in the West, 52, 137n67
Epistle to the Galatians (Arabic translation 1583), 52
as forerunner of papermaking in India and Europe, 127
forgotten history of, 3335, 36, 40, 52
influence on Indian papermaking, 12627
Kitab salat al-sawai (first printed book in Arabic), 53
manuscripts in Western collections, 36, 136nn32–33
origins of rag paper, 9, 37
Qu’ran in Arabic produced in Venice (1530s), 52
in Spain and Mediterranean, 35, 5657, 59
variety and characteristics of paper, 3940
importation of paper starting in eleventh century in, 59
Italian language used in paper documents, 56, 57
paper mills established in, 9, 59
rag-paper production in, 20
Jacquemart de Hesdin (?) in Boxwood Sketchbook, 75, 141n41
“Charles and His Bride Isabeau (?),” 77, 78
“Savage Ball,” 77, 78
“Virgin and the Writing Christ Child,” 73, 7577, 76
James I (king of Aragon), 56, 13738n7
Japanese paper and papermaking
Biörklund’s inventory of ship carrying Japanese paper (1643/1644), 145n2, 145n5
Jaucort on, 35
Kaempfer on, 2628
plant-based paper production, 2628, 37
Rembrandt using, 12425
trade and economy, 17, 28, 52
Jaucourt, Louis de, 36
“Papier” in Encyclopédie, 35
Jenni, Ulrike, 140n27
Jerome, 5962, 6061, 139n32
Commentarius in Ecclesiasten (Commentary on Ecclesiastes), 10, 12
Jesuit missionaries, 26, 28
1:1, 141n40
19:15, 63
John of Luxembourg, 69
John the Baptist’s profile, 102
Jones, Robert, 136n33
Judaism. See also Hebrew; Judeo-Arabic history of paper
Ashkenazi Jews in Mantua, 63
paper use and, 55, 63, 65
Judas, 63
Judeo-Arabic history of paper, 14, 36, 3739
anti-Semitism and anti-Islamism associated with, 55
Cairo Genizah and, 56
Jerome and, 62
Mediterranean trade and, 5659
paper explicitly connected to Jewish texts and law, 55, 63
Simone and, 62
Julius II (pope), 52
Kaempfer, Engelbert, 32
“The History of Japan”, 2628, 27
Karabacek, Josef von, 37, 40
Keber, Eloise Quiñones, 144n6
Kellogg, Susan, 115
Kitab salat al-sawai (first printed book in Arabic), 52, 53
König, Eberhard, 70
Korea, papermaking trade and economy in, 17
Kunstbuch Albrechten dürers von Nürnberg, 133n4
Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, 80. See also drawing and drawing books, Vienna boxwood drawing book
Lagrené, Marie Melchior Joseph Théodore de, 32
La Lande, Jérôme de, 18, 30, 51, 135n14
Art de faire le papier (The Art of Making Paper), 19, 20, 21, 2428, 25, 33, 34
land. See also property
land rights in New Spain, 144n19
Locke on land rights of colonists, 121
paper operating as embodiment of ideas about, 113
paper supports for land disputes in New World, 11516, 11718
records: Llibre del Repartiment de Valencia (1237–52), 57
Landa, Diego de: Relacion de las Cosas de Yucatan (The Relationship of the Things of the Yucatan), 43
Latanier tree, 36
Jerome’s translation into, 6062
merchants using, 57
Laud, William, 36
leather coffers, 8082, 123
legacy of artist, works on paper shaping, 8. See also individual artists’ names
Lepanto, Battle of (1571), 36
letters. See correspondence
light, 4
Limbourg brothers, 73, 141n32
“The Flagellation” from Belle heures, 73, 75, 140n32
linen. See also rag paper
Arab papermaking using, 9
Central Asian papermaking using, 17
in fourteenth-century papers, 20
Greek refugees in Basel using linen rags to make paper, 35, 136n37
in Islamic papermaking, 37
rag paper from, 8, 20, 35, 133n12
recycling and transformation into new product (paper), 18, 26, 62, 133n12
traces apparent in seventeenth-century paper, 120
Llibre del Repartiment de Valencia (1237–52), 57
Locke, John
on colonists’ property rights, 121, 145n34
Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 11721, 145n23
Second Treatise of Government, 12122
Louis Philippe (king of France), 32
Luber, Katherine, 142n12, 143n22
Lugli, Emanuele, 5859
Luke (evangelist), 73
Gospel of, in Arabic language, 62
Machaut, Guillaume de, 6770, 139n4, 139n9, 140n15
on Christ as auctor and lyric poet, 73
as clerc-écrivain, 69, 71
Le livre dou voir dit (The Book of the True Poem), 6768
Mack, Rosamond, 62
Maginnis, Hayden, 134n37
maguey plant, paper made from, 45, 116
Maier, Michael, 8
Malek Adel Abu Bakr ibn Ayyub, 57
Mantegna, Andrea, 14, 63, 66
“Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga Holds a Letter with the Words ‘Andrea me pinxit’,65, 66, 123
Dürer and, 84, 85
Ecce Homo, 63, 64
“Ludovico Gonzaga Receives a Letter,” 65, 66, 123
Maqamat al-Hariri, 40, 41
Mark (evangelist), 72, 74
Martin, Henri-Jean: L’Apparition du livre (The Coming of the Book) (with Febvre), 8
Martyr d’Anghiera, Peter: De Orbe Novo (Decades of the New World), 43
Matrícula de Tributos (Tribute Roll), 4548, 4648, 112
Matthew (evangelist), 72, 74
Maximilian I, 11, 87, 134n33
Maximilian (Austrian archduke), 102
Maya. See also Mesoamerican history of paper
codex on bark paper, 9
papermaking by, 17, 41, 43
McGrady, Deborah, 139n4
Meder, Joseph, 142n58
Medici press’s issue of Gospels in Arabic, 52
Meerman, Gerard, 136n36
Meiss, Millard, 77
Memoriali (Bologna official documents), 58
memory, 15, 69
artists relying on, 7071, 79
Dürer using to date Schongauer drawings, 84
introduction of paper as shift in articulation of, 120
Locke’s metaphor and, 122
merchants. See also trade routes
erasable tablet, use of, 43
merchants’ marks, use of, 11314
paperwork from twelfth to sixteenth centuries, 57
Mesoamerican history of paper, 14. See also Aztecs; Maya
compared to European rag paper, 51
contemporary studies used to understand earlier variants of paper, 137n50
erasure from papermaking history, 52
ethnological/ethnographic studies of, 41, 44
importance of paper as offering and adornment, 51
Matrícula de Tributos (Tribute Roll), 4548, 4648, 112
missionary accounts of, 41, 44, 49
origins of, 113
Otomí papermaking, European accounts of, 4445, 51
Oztoticpac Lands Map, 4344, 44
papermaking economy of, 17
papermaking materials in, 17, 41, 45
size and weight of, 4851
white-paste paper, 43
Archers Shooting at a Herm, 109, 110
destroying papers with his notes, works, sketches, etc., 8
difficoltà and, 93
drawing by, considered as relic by Vasari, 4
Middle East. See also Islamic paper and papermaking
contemporary overviews of book arts in, 136n38
paper imported into Italy from, 59
papermaking economy of, 17
mills. See paper mills
mind and intellect compared to paper, 11721
Ming dynasty, 31, 135n18
model books, 70, 140n27. See also drawing and drawing books
mold use. See paper molds
Morgan Library and Museum (New York), 73. See also drawing and drawing books, New York boxwood drawing book
mulberry, 9
Mylius, Jakob, 52
Nagel, Alexander, 62, 63
Nahuas, 11517
New Spain
Codex Kingsborough (Codex Tepetlaoztoc), 11617, 119
colonial law and legal documents in, 11517, 119, 144n8, 144n19
European paper distinguished by watermark in, 111, 113, 115
export of European paper to, 14, 15, 56, 111, 11415
geographic specificity of paper denoted by pictorial language, 112
Huexotzinco Codex, 11516, 11718
indigenous paper in, 15, 35, 4143, 48, 116
papel sellado and governmental seal, use of, 144n17
papermaking restrictions in, 144n18
water mills, Nahuan complaints about construction of, 11517
New Testament, 52, 59, 62. See also Jerome
Nicholas of Bari (Saint), 114, 115
Nin, Anais: “Ragtime,” 12932
notaries, 9, 10. See also clerc-écrivains
Bruegel’s The Village Lawyer depicting notarized documents, 123, 124
forbidden use of paper by (twelfth century), 57
growing demand for paper from (fourteenth century), 58
revival of Roman law and, 138n16
Dürer’s workshop in, 15, 89, 93, 99101
printing press origins and, 21
Oriental paper. See Asia; Chinese paper and papermaking; Japanese paper and papermaking
origins of paper, 911. See also invention of paper
forgotten history of, 3335, 36, 40, 52, 54
in Mesoamerica, 4054
Oztoticpac Lands Map, 4344, 44
Padua, 57
Paganino da Paginini, 52
palimpsests, 910, 12, 71, 80, 129
Panofsky, Erwin, 87, 94, 95, 108, 141n42, 142n12
paper as medium, 3540. See also carta azzurra; characteristics of paper; drawing and drawing books; ground; white paper
artificial product, paper as, 18, 20, 121, 122
compared to papyrus, 9, 48, 132
compared to parchment, 4, 9, 10, 59, 68
conveying material history integral to both reception of the work and the artist, 127
influence and lineage shown in, 1068
in New Spain (Mexico), 113, 11617
parchment in traffic with paper, 57, 58, 59, 68
preservational volatility and capacity for storage, 129
for records, 1, 16, 129
replacing wax tablets, 80
papermaking, 8. See also bark paper; Chinese paper and papermaking; Japanese paper and papermaking; La Lande, Jérôme de; paper mills; paper molds; plant matter as basis of paper; rag paper
as by-product of other forces, 25, 33
cross-cultural comparisons, 40
economies from 800 to 1250 CE, 17
in European professional hierarchy, 51, 52
for fine writing paper, 24
process of, 2023
papermaking iconography, 3, 14, 16, 25, 33, 40
paper mills. See also running water
establishment of, 9, 21, 39, 59
New Spain water mills, Nahuan complaints about construction of, 11517
stages of production in, 20, 25
paper molds, 2122, 25, 30
absence in Mesoamerican papermaking, 41, 49
paper size determined by, 49
paper’s characteristics. See characteristics of paper
“paper world” as term applied to post-Gutenberg Europe, 8, 134n19
Arabic scribe using in 850 CE, 9
compared to paper, 9, 48, 132
Gonzaga noting in 1496 book inventory as type of book material, 40
in Jaucourt’s history of paper, 35
Peter the Venerable on, 55
Pliny on, 910, 48
Rainer Ferdinand’s collection of, 3637
religious use of, 36
scrolls, 48
Bologna’s use for recording contracts, 58
compared to paper, 4, 9, 10, 59, 68
designs on, not visible due to paint and gold covering, 70
economic record-keeping on, 57
Gonzaga noting in 1496 book inventory as type of book material, 40
illuminator’s workshop and, 15
in Jaucourt’s history of paper, 35
performance of parchment and ink in writing, 6970
in Pergamon, 36
Peter the Venerable on, 55
Pliny using, 10
replacing wax tablets, 80
reuse of, 71
traffic with paper for official documents and other writings, 57, 58, 59, 68
Parshall, Peter, 133n4
Pausias of Sicyon, 93
Perkinson, Stephen, 141n45, 142n61
Perugino (after): Mercury, 97
Peter the Venerable, 63
Adversus Iudeorum inveteratam duritiem (Against the Inveterate Obduracy of the Jews), 55
Philip II, 11
Philippa of Hainault, 69
photographic reproduction
art history and, 40
paper as challenge for, 23
pictographic writing, 11113
Pirckheimer, Wilibald, 85, 92, 93
Pisa, 57
plant matter as basis of paper, 9, 17. See also bark paper
in Asia, 17, 2628, 27, 135n15, 135n20
in Mesoamerican history of paper, 17, 41, 45
Plato: Theaetetus, 11819
Pleydenwurff, Hans, 84
Pliny, 910
“Heresios,” 93
Naturalis historia (Natural History), 910, 12, 48, 71
Pococke, Edward, 36
analogy between scribal and poetic practice, 139n3
preservation of, 8182
transition from oral performance of poet to written work of clerc-écrivain, 71
prepared paper. See also ground, preparation of
green prepared paper, 80
preservation of documents, 69. See also archives; records
drawings as body of work to keep, 80
transmitting written work to posterity, 70
Prideaux, Humphrey, 3536
The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations, 35
The True Nature of the Imposture Fully Display’d in the Life of Mahomet, 35
print, history of, 10, 123
invention in fifteenth-century Germany, 36, 52
paper’s commodification in, 14
paper’s essential role in, 51
paper’s use prior to print, 14
Wood’s analysis of paper in relation to, 134n33
Propertius, 80
property. See also land
Locke on property rights of colonists, 121, 145n34
man as God’s property, 121
paper operating as embodiment of ideas about, 113, 117
watermarks and, 112, 113
Provvisori (Bologna official documents), 58
Pucelle, Jean, 75, 77, 141n41
Purchas, Samuel
Hakluytus Posthumus (Purchas His Pilgrimes), 48
“Reproduction of the Codex Mendoza,” 50, 52
Qing dynasty, 31, 135n18
quality and grades of paper, 18, 30, 34. See also watermarks
in Arabic produced in Venice (1530s), 52
paper with watermarks and, 110
rag paper, 7. See also watermarks
blue vs. white paper, 8687
characterized by gridded indentations of mold and watermark, 120
Chinese discontinuing use of, 135n20
cotton paper manuscripts confused with, 136n37
early origins of, 9, 11, 17, 35, 133n11
European art transformed by use of, 8
European trade in, 18
Gonzaga noting in 1496 book inventory as type of book material, 40
Indian papermaking, 126
Islamic papermaking, 17, 37, 39
Japanese paper compared to, 125
Judaism and, 55
Peter the Venerable on, 55
quality and grades of, 18, 30
shortages of rags, 26
smuggling of rags, 135n14
transmutation of waste rags into market commodity, 121, 132
ragpickers, 8, 12932
Rainer Ferdinand (Austrian archduke), 3637, 133n4
Raphael, 93
Rappaport, Joanne, 144n8
records, 138n21
daily paper registers, 14
drawing books not meant to be kept as, 82
government use of paper for, 5657
merchant use of erasable tablet, 43
notaries using paper for, 9
paper as medium for, 1, 16, 129
recycling, 133n12, 146n19. See also rag paper
relic, drawing’s status as, 4
religion, history of paper inseparable from, 36, 3739, 51, 62. See also individual religions
Rembrandt van Rijn
Abraham Entertaining the Angels, 126, 127
Descent from the Cross, 124, 125
Ecce Homo, 129, 13031
end-of-career etchings done on imported papers and vellum, 129
exhibition (2015): Rembrandt’s Etchings and Japanese Echizen Paper, 124, 145n3
Four Mughal Elders Sitting under a Tree, 126, 127
The Four Mullahs, 126, 127
Mughal miniatures, 12527, 146n12
papers used by, Asian origins of, 12425, 12729, 145n3
Richental, Ulrich von
“The Burning of Jan Hus at the Council of Constance in 1415,” 63, 65
“The Execution of Jan Hus”, 63, 65
ricordi (drawings after finished paintings), 89
Roger II (king of Sicily), 57
Roncalli, Cristoforo: Two Studies of a Youth, 88
Rorty, Richard, 145n23
running water, use in papermaking, 18, 29, 44, 45, 113
Sachs, Hans, 51
Sadeler, Aegidius (after Dürer)
Head of Jesus, 1068, 107
Head of Lute-Playing Angel, 1068, 107
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 49, 51
Salviati, Giovanni, 134n21
Samarkand, rag paper production in, 9, 37, 39
San Bartolomeo di Rialto (Venice), 85
Sarpedon, 48
Scheller, Robert W., 141n32
Schongauer, Martin, 83, 89, 105, 106
Blessing Christ, 8384, 85
Christ in Judgment (after van der Weyden), 84
Dürer’s inscriptions for drawings by, 8384
scribes, 14, 72
scriptoria, 36, 7173, 140n28, 140n31
Selden, John, 36
creation of, 8
European clean, white sheet, 32
Mesoamerican formation of, 45
structure of, 18
Siegert, Bernhard, 122
Siena, 58, 59, 138n28
Sienese workshop practice, 1213, 13, 134n37
signet ring imprint in wax, 118
Simone Martini, 11, 14, 5962, 66, 126
Maestà, 5962, 6061, 63, 138n26
sizing for paper, 39
sketchbooks. See drawing and drawing books
skins, 36, 132. See also parchment
Codex Selden on, 137n55
Slatkes, Leonard, 125
slurry, 8, 20, 22, 101, 113
Socrates, 118
Song dynasty, paper playing cards and currency from, 9
Song Yingxing: Tiangong Kaiwu (Exploitation of the Works of Nature), 2833, 2930, 135n18
Islamic paper in, 35, 5657, 59
paper imported into Egypt from, 56
paper imported into Italy from, 59
papermaking, 33, 37, 134n29
watermarks, early forms of, 136n42
Stallybrass, Peter, 133n12
starch as paper ingredient, 39, 4344
Starr, Frederick, 51, 137n50
Stevenson, Allan, 8, 114
Strauss, Walter, 143n16, 143n34
Stromer, Ulman, 21
Syriac script. See also Aramaic
Jerome’s knowledge of, 61
Mantegna’s interest in, 63
tabula rasa, 15, 11718, 12022, 145n23
Talmud, 55, 63
Tamoanchan, 111, 112
technology, 1828
Chinese technology, 28, 32
Mesoamerican technology, 44
paper celebrated for, 121
shared technology of Islamic and Asian worlds, 126
temporality, 1314, 1058
Tietze, Hans, 105
tlacuilos, 111, 116, 117, 127
tonalmatl (book of days), 144n5
trade routes
Asian paper in Europe, 32, 12425, 145n2, 145n5
Islamic paper in Spain, 35, 5657, 59
Mesoamerica, 4054
Mongol Empire and, 58, 138n28
reliance on paper to conduct trade, 5658
Venice and Genoa’s Middle East trade, 5556
translation, challenges of, 6061, 139n32. See also Jerome
Treaty of Nanking (1842), 32
troubadours, 6971
Tunis, sack of (1535), 36
typography. See print, history of
Valencia, 5657
Van der Weyden, Rogier, 84
Life of Saint John the Baptist, 102, 103
van Leyden, Lucas: Ecce Homo, 129, 131
Vasari, Giorgio
Libro de’Disegni, 13
on Michelangelo drawing as a relic, 4
on Michelangelo’s destruction of his drawings, 8
artisans influenced by Arabic books, 139n36
carta azzurra in, 8487, 99
Dürer’s commissions in, 8485, 89, 9395, 99, 126
as early center of paper manufacture and trade, 56
notarial paper documents in, 58
Vienna, Ottoman siege of (1529 & 1638), 36
Vienna model book. See drawing and drawing books, Vienna boxwood drawing book
Virgin Mary, 73, 116
virtual space, 15
Vismann, Cornelia, 14
Viti, Timoteo: Study of a Nude, 4
voice in medieval lyric, 140n16
Von Falkenburg, Friedrich, 1024
Vulgate, 59, 62
Walsham, Alexandra, 7, 133n6
Warburg, Aby: “Fortuna” in Mnemosyne Atlas, 40, 42
water, use of. See paper mills; running water, use in papermaking
watermarks, 14, 22, 22, 26, 54, 10911
absence in Dürer’s paper, 110
absence in Islamic paper, 39, 137n6
in Codex Telleriano-Remensis, 111, 112
controversial use of, 11011
early forms of, 136n42
economic value indicated by, 114
European paper distinguishable in New World by, 111, 113
gloved-hand, on Genoese paper, 112, 115, 118
as identification of place where product was made, 113, 114
invention of, 39
Italian and French paper of fourteenth century bearing, 56, 57
pictorial signs in, 11113
reception in New World, 11112
resonance with image, 109
in shop signs of stationers and printers, 114
usefulness in tracking movements of politics, trade, and influence, 144n7
wax tablets or wax-covered wooden tablets, 36, 7980, 11819, 132
buxum as term for, 79
weight of books, 8
Weyden, Rogier van der
Christ in Judgment, 84
Life of Saint John the Baptist, 102
Whistler, Catherine, 87
white paper, 95
blue paper vs., 8687
Dürer’s use of, 95
expensive vs. cheaper counterparts in seventeenth century, 120
paper universally described as, 11720, 122
Wiesner, Julius, 37, 40, 136n37
Williams, Megan, 57
Winkler, Friedrich, 142n12
wire-drawing technology, 2021, 135n11
wire watermarks, 22
Wolfenbüttel Musterbuch, 71, 72
Wölfflin, Heinrich, 101
Wolgemut, Michael, 84
Wood, Christopher, 84, 134n33
woodcuts (Dürer), 15, 9599
wooden tablets. See wax-covered wooden tablets
wood-pulp paper in Europe, 26
writing. See also individual languages
analogy to plowing, 122
process becoming inseparable from final product, 68, 140n13
Writing Christ Child motif, 73, 141n40
Yoeequa: Papier: Fabrication, teinture et reliure, 3233, 33
zigzag demarcation as early form of watermark, 136n42
Zumthor, Paul, 140n16