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Description: The Archaeology of Ancient China
PublisherYale University Press
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The references cited in this volume are given in the footnotes, which constitute an extensive bibliography for the field of ancient Chinese archaeology up to the end of 1985. The following list is in three parts. The first gives titles of periodicals and serial publications wherein the overwhelming majority of the original data are reported. The second consists of a highly selective minimum of titles in non-Chinese languages which are recommended for their wide coverage and general significance. The third part lists similar titles in Chinese.
Major Periodicals and Serial Publications
Archaeologia Orientalis, ser. A and B, Tokyo and Kyoto: Toa-Kōkō-Gakukai.
Archaeologia Sinica, Nanking and Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
Archaeologia Sinica, n.s., Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
Chiang Han k’ao-ku, from 1980, Wu-han: Archaeological Society of Hupei.
Chung-kuo k’ao-ku hsüeh-huei nien-huei lun-wen-chi (Proceedings of the annual meetings of the Archaeological Society of China), from 1 (1979, published 1980), Peking.
Chung-kuo k’ao-ku hsüeh pao, nos. 2–4, 1937–49, Nanking: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
Chung-kuo k’ao-ku nien-chien (Yearbook of Chinese Archaeology), from 1 (1984), Peking: Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Chung-yuan wen-wu, from 1981, Cheng-chou: Chung-yuan Wen-wu.
Jen-lei-hsüeh hsüeh-pao (Acta Anthropologica Sinica), from 1 (1982), Peking: Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
K’ao-ku, from 1959, Peking: K’ao-ku Tsa-chih she.
K’ao-ku hsüeh chi-kan, from 1 (1981), Peking: Chung-kuo She-huei-k’o-hsüeh Press.
K’ao-ku hsüeh chuan-k’an, ser. A, B, C, and D, Peking: Science Press.
K’ao-ku hsüeh pao, from 5 (1951), Peking: Science Press.
K’ao-ku t’ung-hsün, 1955–58, Peking: Science Press.
K’ao-ku yü wen-wu, from 1980, Sian: K’ao-ku yü Wen-wu.
Shih-ch’ien yen-chiu (Prehistory), from 1983, Sian: Pan-p’o Museum.
Vertebrata Palasiatica, from vol. 1 (1957), Peking: Science Press.
Wen-wu, from 1959, Peking: Wen-wu Press.
Wen-wu chi-kan, from 1 (1980), Peking: Wen-wu Press.
Wen-wu ts’an-k’ao tzu-liao, 1950–58, Peking: Wen-wu Press.
Wen-wu tzu-liao ts’ung-k’an, from 1977, Peking, Wen-wu Press.
Important Titles in Non-Chinese Languages
Aigner, Jean S., Archaeological Remains in Pleistocene China, Bonn: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Kommission fur Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie, 1981.
Andersson, J. G., Children of the Yellow Earth, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Triibner, 1934.
_________, “Researches Into the Prehistory of the Chinese,” BMFEA 15 (1943).
Barnard, Noel, and Sato, Tamotsu, Metallurgical Remains of Ancient China, Tokyo: Nic-hiōsha, 1975.
Black, Davidson, P. Teilhard de Chardin, C. C. Young, and W. C. Pei, “Fossil Man in China,” GSuC, Memoirs, ser. A, 11 (1933).
Boule, M., H. Breuil, E. Licent, and P. Teilhard de Chardin, Le Paléolithique de la Chine, Archives de l’Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, Memoire no. 4 (1928).
Bray, Francesca, Science and Civilization in China, vol. 6, pt. 2, Agriculture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Chang, K. C., Early Chinese Civilization: Anthropological Perspectives, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1976.
_________, Shang Civilization, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980.
_________, Art, Myth, and Ritual: The Path to Political Authority in Ancient China, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Chang, K. C., ed., Studies in Shang Archaeology, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.
Chang, K. C., et al., Fengpitou, Tapenkeng, and the Prehistory of Taiwan, New Haven: Yale University Publications in Anthropology, no. 73, 1969.
Cheng, Te-k’un, Archaeological Studies in Szechwan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957.
_________, Studies in Chinese Archaeology, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1982.
Creel, H. G., The Birth of China, New York: Ungar, 1937.
_________, The Origins of Statecraft in China, vol. 1, The Western Chou Empire, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.
Finn, D. J., Archaeological Finds on Lamma Island near Hong Kong, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 1958.
Fong, Wen, ed., The Great Bronze Age of China, New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980.
Hsia Nai, Chūgoku bunmei no kigen (Origins of Chinese civilization), Tokyo: NHK Books.
Hsu, Cho-yun, and Kathlyn Linduff, Western Chou Civilization, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987.
Jia, Lan-po, Early Man in China, Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1980.
Karlgren, Bernhard, “Yin and Chou in Chinese Bronzes,” BMFEA 8 (1936).
_________, “New Studies on Chinese Bronzes,” BMFEA 9 (1937).
Keightley, David, N., ed., The Origins of Chinese Civilization, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1983.
Li Chi, The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1957.
_________, Anyang, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976.
Li, Xueqin, The Wonder of Chinese Bronzes, Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1980.
_________, Eastern Zhou and Qin Civilizations, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.
Liang, Ssu-yüng, “The Lungshan Culture,” Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Science Congress 4 (1939), 69–79.
Loehr, Max, Chinese Bronze Age Weapons, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1956.
_________, Relics of Ancient China, New York: Asia Society, 1965.
_________, Ritual Vessels of Bronze Age China, New York: Asia Society, 1968.
Maringer, John, Contribution to the Prehistory of Mongolia, Stockholm: Statens Et-nografiska Museum, 1950.
Matsumaru, Michio, and Hidemasa Nagata, Chūgoku bunmei no seiritsu (Formation of Chinese civilization), Tokyo: Kodansha, 1985.
Mizuno, Seiichi, Yinshū seidoki to gyoku, Tokyo: Nihon Keizaishimbun-sha, 1959.
Movius, Hallam L., Jr., Early Man and Pleistocene Stratigraphy in Southern and Eastern Asia, Papers of the Peabody Museum, vol. 19, Cambridge: Harvard University, 1944.
_________, “The Lower Palaeolithic Cultures of Southern and Eastern Asia,” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, n.s. 38 (1949), pt. 4.
_________, “Palaeolithic Archaeology in Southern and Eastern Asia, Exclusive of India,” Cahiers d’Histoire Mondiale 2 (1955), 257–82, 520–53.
Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilization in China, vol. 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954.
_________, The Development of Iron and Steel Technology in China, London: Newcomen Society, 1958.
Rawson, Jessica, Ancient China: Art and Archaeology, London: British Museum, 1980.
Sekino, Takeshi, Chūgoku kōkōgaku kenkyū, Tokyo: Institute for Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, 1956.
Teilhard de Chardin, P., Early Man in China, Peking: Institut de Géo-Biologie, 1941.
Umehara, Sueji, Yin Hsü, Ancient Capital of the Shang Dynasty at Anyang, Tokyo: Asahi Shimbunsha, 1964.
Von Dewall, Magdalene, “The Tien Culture of South-west China,” Antiquity 40 (1967), 8–21.
Watson, William, Archaeology in China, London: Parrish, 1960.
_________, China Before the Han Dynasty, New York: Praeger, 1961.
_________, Ancient Chinese Bronzes, Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1962.
_________, Early Civilization in China, London: Thames & Hudson, 1966.
_________, Cultural Frontier in Ancient East Asia, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1971.
_________, Ancient China, Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1974.
Wheatley, Paul, The Pivot of the Four Quarters, Chicago: Aldine, 1971.
White, W. C., Bronze Culture of Ancient China, Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1956.
Wu, G. D., Prehistoric Pottery In China, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Trübner, 1938.
Wu, Rukang, and John W. Olsen, eds., The Palaeoanthropology and Palaeolithic Archaeology in the People’s Republic of China, New York: Academic Press, 1985.
General Titles in Chinese
An, Chih-min, Chung-kuo shih-ch’ien k’ao-ku-hsüeh shu-mu (Bibliography of prehistoric archaeology of China), Peking: Yenching University, 1951.
_________, Chung-kuo hsin-shih-ch’i shih-tai lun-chi (Papers on the Chinese Neolithic period), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1982.
Chang, Kwang-chih, Chung-kuo ch’ing-t’ung shih-tai (The Chinese Bronze Age), Hong Kong: Chinese University, 1982; Taipei: Lienking, and Peking: Sanlian, 1983.
Chung-kuo she-huei k’o-hsüeh-yuan K’ao-ku yen-chiu-suo (Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Chung-kuo k’ao-ku-hsüeh wen-hsien mu-lu 1949–1966 (Bibliography of Chinese archaeology, 1949–1966), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1978.
_________, Chung-kuo k’ao-ku-hsüeh chung t’an-shih-ssu nien-tai shu-chü chi, 1965–1981 (Radiocarbon dating in Chinese archaeology, 1965–1981), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1983.
_________, Hsin Chung-kuo ti k’ao-ku fa-hsien ho yen-chiu (Archaeological discoveries and studies in New China), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1984.
Li, Xueqin, Tung Chou yü Ch’in-tai wen-ming (Eastern Chou and Ch’in civilizations), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1984.
Peking University, Archaeology Program, Shang Chou k’ao-ku (The archaeology of Shang and Chou), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1979.
Su, Ping-ch’i, Su Ping-ch’i k’ao-ku lun-chu hsuan-chi (Selected archaeological writings by Su Ping-ch’i), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1984.
Tsou, Heng, Hsia Shang Chou k’ao-ku-hsüeh lun-wen-chi (Papers on the archaeology of Hsia, Shang, and Chou), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1980.
Wen-wu Editorial Committee, Wen-wu k’ao-ku kung-tso san-shih-nien 1949–1979 (Thirty years of cultural relics work and archaeology, 1949–1979), Peking: Wen-wu Press, 1979.