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Description: Anne Brigman: The Photographer of Enchantment
PublisherYale University Press
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abstraction: of nude figures, 67, 129–30
O’Keeffe and, 154–55, 198
of sand erosions, 7
spiritualism and, 166. See also patterns
Adams, Laura. See Armer, Laura Adams
Adyar Theosophical group, 166, 167–68
afterlife. See reincarnation
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (1909), 20
Alfred A. Knopf (publisher), 167, 183
ali‘i (chiefly-caste Hawaiians), 12, 13, 20
allegories, as Brigman’s term for her prints, 58, 100, 113, 133
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 9
Anderson, Paul, 146
Anne Brigman, 1910, 120
Andrews, Lorrin, 11, 14–15, 17
Andrews, Mary Ann Wilson, 11
Andrews, Sarah, 13
animal-human hybrids, 17, 71, 77
Annexation Club, 14
Ansco 4 × 5 camera, 5
architecture: of Berkeley, 101–2
of Krotona Theosophical community, 168–69
of San Francisco, 36, 39–40, 48
Theosophy and, 166
Arensberg, Walter and Louise, 167
Aristophanes, The Birds, 104, 105
Armer, Laura Adams, 26, 29, 30, 34, 99, 113, 202n11
Telegraph Hill with cottages overlooking San Francisco Bay, 39
Armory Show, 136
Arnold, Edwin, “Light of Asia,” 169
Arnold, Matthew, “Dover Beach,” 189
The Arroyo Craftsman (journal), 99
Arroyo Guild crafts movement, 99
Arts and Crafts movement, 35, 39, 68, 99, 105, 110, 125, 171, 210n42
Asiatic Exclusion League, 79
Atherton, Gertrude, 37–42, 44
Ancestors, 35, 38
Atlantic Monthly (magazine), 68
Austin, Mary, 111
Bachelard, Gaston, 9, 157
Ballets Russes, 112
Barnard, George, 71
Barry, Margaret, 117, 119
Bay Area, California: artists in, 25
Brigman’s status and role in, 19, 24, 98–100, 158
culture of, 121
elites of, 3, 5, 6, 24, 29, 58, 62, 63, 67, 172
as gateway to Pacific, 21, 23, 32, 41, 53, 104, 107, 121
as home of Brigman’s teachers in Hawai‘i, 19
hybridity in, 6, 13, 21
Mediterranean quality of, 95–97
mythos of, 95, 121
and nature, 96
photographers of, 161–63
reception of Brigman’s work in, 6, 28
Theosophy in, 167, 171
women in, 28–31, 57, 60, 66–67, 98–100. See also Berkeley, California; Oakland, California; San Francisco, California
Bayonet Constitution crisis, 13
Bergson, Henri, 107, 160
Berkeley, California: as arcadia, 95, 100–101
Brigman and, 91–121
Brigman’s status and role in, 105–6
and classical Greek culture, 91, 95, 100, 103–8
culture of, 91, 95, 100, 104–7, 111, 131
elites of, 91, 94, 96, 98, 100–102, 104–5, 107, 111
housing/zoning in, 101–2
and nature, 91, 95–98, 100–104
paganism in, 103–7
photographers of, 99
population of, 96
racism in, 101, 172
San Francisco compared to, 95
Theosophy in, 169–73
as utopia, 91, 95–96, 113
women in, 98–100
Berkeley, California: A Portrayal of the Beautiful College Town around California’s State University, 95
Berkeley Art Association, 99
Berkeley Evolution Club, 102
Bernhardt, Sarah, 105
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, 14
Besant, Annie, 158, 167, 169, 172, 177
“The Logos as Manifested in Man,” from Thought-Forms (with Charles W. Leadbeater), 176, 177
Thought-Forms (with Charles W. Leadbeater), 176
Vibrations from a moving pendulum as theoretical images of thought-forms (with Charles W. Leadbeater), 166, 176
Bierce, Ambrose, 123
Bierstadt, Albert, 68
Big Sur, 96
Bird, Isabella, 16
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 167–68
The Secret Doctrine, 170
Böcklin, Arnold, Isle of the Dead, 54
body: Brigman’s, 41, 46, 70, 79, 84, 103, 146, 154
in Brigman’s work, 19, 27, 46, 70, 79
of the Chinese, 45
dance and, 108–9
and female sexuality, 128, 154
and femininity, 84
girls’ education and, 18–19
hybridized, 41, 46, 77
missionaries’ attempted control of, 17
modernism and, 2, 154
nature and, 69–73, 86–87
of nymphs, 72–73
spirituality of, 110
Stieglitz and, 126–29
walking and, 69. See also exercise
Bohemian Club, 67, 104, 113
bohemian culture: in Bay Area, 101, 110–11
in Berkeley, 91, 95
in New York, 128, 148, 152
in San Francisco, 33–35, 37, 95, 96
bourgeois identity, 31, 126, 133
Boye, Bertha M., Votes for Women, 140–41, 140
Boynton, Treadwell, 108–9
Bragdon, Claude, 166–67, 177–78, 184, 191
The Beautiful Necessity, 177, 178
A Primer of Higher Space, 166
Brigman, Anne: and Berkeley, 91–121
childhood of, 2, 4–5, 9–10, 12, 15–18, 21, 42, 70, 77, 192, 194–95
children’s book planned by, 7, 14, 160, 194–95
child’s sensibility of, 3, 4, 5, 7, 21, 77, 113–14
colonial background of, 10–14, 18–19, 41–42, 80
death of, 195
domestic life abandoned by, 7
early photographic career of, 24–25, 30
education of, 18–19, 24
family responsibilities of, 134, 137–42
health of, 24, 84, 185
identity of, 1, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 21, 41, 76, 80, 99, 116, 120–21, 125, 135, 192, 194, 198
in Long Beach, 157, 182–95
marriage of, 24, 83, 137–41
mastectomy of, 84
as musician, 99
name of, 142
and New York, 83, 123–37
in Oakland, 9, 24, 91–92, 137–42
organizer of photography exhibition at Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 20, 201n53
personal and artistic development of, 7, 21, 27, 29, 67, 83–84, 99, 115–16, 124, 134–35, 137–43, 146, 152, 155, 157–58, 160
political involvement of, 28
preservation of work of, 195, 198
Protestant upbringing of, 5, 25
personal crisis of, 83–84, 137–41
in San Francisco, 23–55
as seer, 26, 65
self-image and self-presentation of, 1, 10, 17, 26, 65, 67, 70, 79–80, 83, 100, 119–21, 127, 140–42, 146, 158, 164–66, 179, 198
and sexuality, 146
in the Sierra, 57–89, 151
social status of, 4, 9–11, 13–14, 17, 19, 21, 23–24, 27, 29, 35, 41–42
spirituality of, 25–26, 68–69, 87, 130–31, 158, 160–61, 165–66, 169–76, 184–85, 219n32
theatrical pursuits of, 99–100, 105–6, 117–19
travels of, 24, 42
Brigman, Anne, drawing, The God Ku with Virginia, 194, 195, 222n110
Brigman, Anne, photographs: Alfred Stieglitz at 291, 137, 138
The Ancient Pine, 67
Anne Brigman at the Beach, 195
Anne Brigman at the Front Door, “The Cave,” 93, 93
Anne Brigman in a Swimming Suit at the Atlantic Ocean, 136
Anne Brigman in Her Sitting Room, “The Cave,” 92, 92, 93, 98
Anne Brigman in the Countryside, New York or Connecticut, 124
Anne Brigman in the Piedmont Hills, 142
Anne Brigman Playing the Guitar in Her Bedroom in the “Cave,” 113
Anne Brigman with a Guide and a Friend in the Sierra, 150
The Artist at Work, 174
Ballet de Mer, 110, 111, 148, 149, 150
Blossoms, 31
The Breeze, 67, 109–10, 109
Brigman at Overhanging Rock, Glacier Point, Yosemite, Sierra Nevada, 61
The Brook, 62, 63, 64–65, 67, 70, 77, 127
The Bubble, 87, 89, 92, 113, 126, 166
Cadencia, 185
The Call of the West Wind, 67, 131
Charybdis, 81
The Cleft in the Rock, 67
critical reception, 61, 62, 67, 88
The Cry of the Rocks, 67, 130
Dawn, 67, 86, 88, 109–10, 110
El Doloroso, 191, 191
The Dragon and the Pearl, 67, 78–80, 78, 87, 120
Dream, 212n6
The Dryad, 63, 64, 70, 71, 74, 96, 130, 130, 151
Dryads, 84, 86
The Dying Cedar, 1, 4, 57, 59, 73–74, 80, 132, 153, 188
East Coast vs. West Coast responses to, 130–32, 135
Ebb Tide, 190
The Enchanted Tree, 67, 84, 85, 143, 144
Evolution, 169, 169
Exaltation, 113
Fairy Lake, 188
Finis, 74, 75
The Glory of the Commonplace, 193, 194
The Great Interrogation, 25, 26, 117
Grief, 67
The Hamadryads, 84, 115, 116, 186–87, 186
The Heart of the Storm, 84, 144, 145
Incantation, 65–66, 66
Infinitude, 136, 136
influence of, 1, 155, 162–63, 198
Invictus, 151
Lady Macbeth, 189
Light, 84, 143, 144, 144
The Limpid Pool, 187, 187
The Lone Pine, 74, 75
Melody, 212n6
Minor, 117, 117, 189, 189
Minor—The Pain of All the World, 117, 117
The Mirror, 25, 26
The Moon-Cave, 67, 131
Murphy’s film based on, 112
Old Friends, 24
The Owl, 84, 84
Pan, 113
Pier Pilings, 181, 182
The Pine Sprite, 151
Plain Tales from the Piedmont Hills (book), 96–97
The Pool, 86, 87, 149
Puck series, 83, 113
Rudolph and Norman (at Pirates Cove), 160, 160
Ruth St. Denis, 165, 165
self-development as theme of, 7, 21, 27, 67, 70–74, 76, 84, 114, 124, 142–43
Self Portrait, 1, 2, 146, 147
self-portraits, 1, 2, 25, 116–17, 146, 158, 175
The Shadow on My Door, 158, 159, 175
Solstice, 190, 190
The Soul of the Blasted Pine, 1, 3, 5, 72, 73–74, 77, 80, 81, 100, 132, 133, 143, 151, 188
The Source, 64–65, 77
Sphynx, 119, 120, 175
The Spider’s Web (also called Clotho), 81, 132
Stieglitz’s influence on, 1, 25, 31, 57, 58, 81, 83, 119, 124–37, 139, 149–55, 157–58, 212n6
The Storm Tree, 80, 81, 132, 142–43, 143, 151
A Study in Radiation, 181, 181
Susannah at the Sun Bath, 114–15, 114
tension/struggle as theme of, 1, 3, 6–7, 27, 41, 46, 58, 67, 71–74, 79, 83–84, 116–17, 124, 142–43
Thaw, 65, 65, 87
Theosophical influences on, 178, 180–82
titles of, 132
Tryst, 191, 192
Two Female Heads (Anne Brigman), 118, 119–20
vampire theme, 74
Veiled Figures, Dance in Open Air, Berkeley, 107, 107
Via Dolorosa (digital positive from original gelatin silver negative), 67, 83, 83, 84, 87, 142
Via Dolorosa (platinum print), 67, 82, 83, 87, 142
Vigil (also called Three Weird Sisters), 119
The Water Nixie, 81, 81
The West Wind, 149
Whirlwind, 185
Wind and Tide, 188, 188
The Wondrous Globe, 83, 149, 149. See also mountain prints
Brigman, Anne, prints: approach to, 173
Greetings (greeting card), 170, 170
The Hero Sun (greeting card), 180, 180
Kama‘āina, 192
Madonna, 173, 178–79, 179
Nonette and the Babies, 176, 176
Theosophical influences on, 170, 173–82
Trinity, 180, 180
Untitled (Bathers in the Sun), 175–76, 175
Untitled (Flying Mermaids), 173, 173
Untitled (Kelp and Fish), 183
Untitled (Sailboat at Night), 181, 182
By the Wind, 181, 182
Brigman, Anne, writings: “Awareness,” 184, 185, 190, 194
“Barrier,” 189
“Cry,” 188
“Dark Music,” 188
“Elegie,” 191
“Elf World,” 188
“Enchanted,” 186–88
“Foam,” 191
“The Glory of the Open,” 158
“Nirvana,” 175
“The Presence,” 192
“Pyre Song,” 188
Songs of a Pagan, 7, 67, 160, 175, 182–92, 195, 197
“Tides of March,” 191
“Travail,” 188–89
“Tryst with the Wind,” 187–88
“Wild Flute Songs,” 7, 160
Brigman, Martin, 24, 92, 115, 137–41, 157
bromide process, 133
Brown, A. Page, 101
Swedenborgian Church, San Francisco (with Bernard Maybeck), 40, 40
Brown, Margaret, 141
Bruguière, Francis, 218n29
Anne Brigman, 26, 27, 164
Buddhism, 21, 120–21, 167, 175
Burgess, Gelett, 137
The Heart Line, 95
Burnham, Daniel, 52–53
cabinets of curiosities, 16
cable cars and trams, 32–33, 35, 96
Caffin, Charles, 26, 129–32, 166
California: Mediterranean quality of, 167, 169
mythos of, 58, 63
nature linked to culture of, 3–4, 63
nature photography of, 25
race in, 33–34
Spanish heritage in, 33
spirituality of, 99, 121
Theosophy in, 161, 167–73
California Academy of Sciences, 102
California Camera Club, 30, 51, 60
California Guild of Arts and Crafts, 99
California Midwinter International Exposition (San Francisco, 1894), 38
California School of Design, 29
California School of Fine Arts, 160
Call, Annie Payson, Power through Repose, 26, 172
Call Building, San Francisco, 46, 48
Calvinism, 9, 25, 124
Camera Club. See California Camera Club
Camera Craft (journal), 25, 30, 31, 158
cameras: Ansco 4 × 5, 5
Kodak 2½ × 4½, 5, 61, 88, 94
Korona View 4 × 5, 61
Camera Work (journal), 25–27, 31, 71, 83, 112, 125–27, 129–33, 149–51, 155, 166
Carmel, California, 89, 95
Carmel artists’ colony, 79, 110–11
Carmel Arts and Crafts Guild, 173
Carmen, Bliss, 137
Carpenter, Edward, 68, 125, 128, 130, 152, 158, 172–76, 178, 180, 187, 220n62
“Among the Ferns,” 69
“As the Greeks Dreamed,” 86–87
“The Central Calm,” 144
The Drama of Love and Death, 146, 173–74
“Love as an Art,” 146
Towards Democracy, 26, 68, 69
Casseres, Benjamin de, 26, 131, 166
The Cave. See studio (“The Cave”)
Caxton Printers, 183
Cézanne, Paul, 128–30
Nudes, 129
children, sensibility and worldview of, 3, 4, 5, 7, 21, 77, 113–14, 149
Chinatown, San Francisco, 34, 35, 41–46, 48, 121
Chinese: Brigman’s references to, 79–80, 115, 120–21, 165
in Hawai‘i, 12–13, 19–20, 42
negative attitudes about, 6, 12–13, 19–20, 34, 41, 43–45, 79
at Punahou School, 19–20
in San Francisco, 6, 34–35, 41–46
Chinese Exclusion Act, 34
Christianity, 10, 13, 14, 18, 20–21, 34, 68, 117, 120–21, 144, 168–72, 177, 180. See also missionaries
Civil War, 11
Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 136
colonialism: Brigman’s identity and, 10–14, 41–42, 80
in Hawai‘i, 4, 10–14, 18–21
hybridity in, 19–21
in San Francisco, 2, 6
commodity culture, 37
Connecticut, retreat to, 134, 136
consciousness: art’s influence on, 91, 107
Brigman’s art reflective of, 27, 57–58, 70–71, 116, 130–31, 143
models of, 121
nature/world aligned with, 69, 109, 130–31, 177
pursuit of higher, 7, 91, 107, 124, 130–31, 133, 135, 152, 158, 175
spiritualism and, 76, 121, 166
walking as means of affecting, 69
Cook, James, 10
cosmic religion, 107, 171–72
cottage style, 40
Coxhead, Ernest, 39, 101
Crocker-Langley San Francisco Directory, 30
Crowninshield, Frank, 132, 151
Crown Lands, 12, 13, 15, 20
crystals, 31, 65, 79, 87, 106, 119–20, 126, 131, 165, 169, 178, 194
Cumming, Blanche, 30
Cunningham, Imogen, 161–63
Curtis, Edward S., 66
Dahl-Wolfe, Louise, 162
dance, 107–10, 129, 148–49, 161
Dante Alighieri, 42
Dassonville, William, 26, 51, 72, 99, 202n11
Day, Dorothy, 51
Day, F. Holland, 136
Debussy, Claude, “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun,” 112
Del Monte Art Gallery, Monterey, 110
Demachy, Robert, Struggle, 27, 28, 71, 125
Denishawn dancers, 107, 165, 168
Desolation Wilderness, 5, 61, 70, 77–78, 81
De Zayas, Marius, 123, 134, 138, 139, 146, 166–67
Dobie, Charles Caldwell, 44, 45, 49
Dole, Sanford, 14
doubling/twinning, 76, 87, 116, 121, 169
Douglas, Ann, 127
dragons, 6, 46
Duchamp, Marcel, 166
Duncan, Isadora, 107–10, 107, 129, 151, 161
Duncan, Raymond, 108, 161
Dye, Clarkson, From My Window, Oct. 1, 1905, 33
East-West Gallery, San Francisco, 107
Ebell Club, 99
Echo Lake, 5, 61
École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 54, 101
Eden. See paradise/Eden
Edinburgh, Scotland, 36
Edwards, Norman, 160–61
Ellerhusen, Ulric, Weeping maidens peering into empty boxes on top of the semicircular colonnade behind the rotunda, Palace of Fine Arts, Panama–Pacific International Exposition, 53, 54, 205n114
Ellis, Havelock, 107, 128, 152
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, 128
El Monte, California, 194–95
elves, 81, 83, 113, 208n78. See also fairies
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 167
Emma, Queen, 15
enchantment: defined, 7
as feature of Brigman’s work, 7, 116, 131
psychological experience of, 77, 194
San Francisco regarded with, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 52, 55
the Sierra regarded with, 77
ether, 177
Eugene, Frank, 62, 116, 123, 150
evolutionary theory, 17, 18, 34–35, 40–41, 76, 130–31, 203n43
exercise: Brigman’s regimen of, 142
healthy lifestyle incorporating, 95–96, 98, 103, 111. See also walking
fairies, 116. See also elves
femininity: the body and, 84
bourgeois, 31
Käsebier’s Magic Crystal and, 26, 80
life-giving powers associated with, 77
photography and, 26
Photo-Secession and, 26, 125–29, 146
powerful, 26, 80–81, 126. See also women
feminism: Brigman and, 141–42, 146, 151–52, 180
Key and, 139, 141
First Berkeley Cosmic Society, 107
Fiske, John, 203n43
Fitzgerald, Edward, Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, 62, 63, 105
flânerie, 37
fourth dimension, 166–67, 177, 178, 184
Frémont, John C., 95
Freud, Sigmund, 58, 128, 152
Frohman, Charles, 106
Genthe, Arnold, 34, 43, 44, 51, 99, 111, 116, 202n11
Isadora Duncan (in a Pose from Unfinished Symphony, Symphony No. 7 of Schubert), 107, 107
Looking Down Sacramento Street, April 18, 1906, 49, 51
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire (Steps That Lead to Nowhere), April 19, 1906, 55, 55
Untitled, 49, 51
Georgetown Island, Maine, 136
gods, of Hawai‘i, 5, 6, 16–17
Grant, Ulysses S., 11
Great War. See World War I (Great War)
Great White Fleet, 23
Greenleaf, Jeanne Harouel, 91
grotesque: Chinatown as, 41–46
hybrid of human and, 6, 24, 41, 77
mountain prints and, 58, 83, 125, 135
New York and, 125
1906 earthquake and, 49
as theme in Brigman’s work, 5, 6, 17, 24
Group f/64, 7, 161, 163
gum bichromate process, 25, 31, 123
Gurrey, Caroline Haskins, 20
Hale Naua Society, 13
Hamilton, Emily, 31, 130–31
Hampden, Walter, 168
Hanscom [later Leeson], Adelaide, 26, 29, 30, 51, 60, 62–63, 100, 105
Anne Brigman as the Sibyl of Nepenthe, 106
Frontispiece from The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, 63
haoles (foreign-born Euro-American), 4, 9–14, 17, 19–21, 27, 41, 99, 194
Hartley, Marsden, 123, 134, 166
Hartmann, Sadakichi, 26, 131–32
Harvey, Julian, 32
Hastings, Thomas, Tower of Jewels, Panama–Pacific International Exposition, 54
Havens, Wickham, 96
Hawai‘i, 9–21
childhood in, 2, 4–5, 9, 12, 15–18, 42, 70, 77, 194–95
colonialism in, 4, 10–14, 18–21
Crown Lands of, 12, 13, 15, 20
culture of, 11, 13–16, 19–21
family’s departure from, 9, 21
gods of, 5, 6, 16–17
hybridity in, 10, 11, 19–21
immigration to, 12–13, 20
influence of, on Brigman, 2, 4–5, 9, 14–16, 21, 67, 70, 77, 94, 192, 194–95
and modernity, 9, 11
mythos of, 14, 15, 17, 21
nature in, 5, 15–16
political and social tensions in, 9–10, 12, 21
race in, 12–13, 14, 20–21
racism in, 12, 20
spirituality of, 15–17
sugar plantations in, 12
U.S. relations with, 9, 11–12, 14
westernization of, 20
Hawaiian League, 13
Hawai‘i State Museum of Natural and Cultural History, 14
healthy lifestyle: exercise as component of, 95–96, 98, 103, 111, 172
nature associated with, 5, 18, 101, 110–11
sexuality and, 128
Hearst, Phoebe, 103–4
Hearst Greek Theatre, University of California at Berkeley, 104–5, 105, 107, 167, 169
Hegel, G. W. F., 174
Henley, William Ernest, “Invictus,” 117
Hetch Hetchy, 96
hidden world, Theosophical concept of, 158, 160, 167, 171, 175–77, 181, 184–85, 192
Hillside Club, 97, 99–102, 105, 109
Hinduism, 158, 167, 168, 171, 174, 177
Homer, 64, 72, 73
Honolulu Advertiser (newspaper), 14
Hopkins, Mark, 36
Hopkins, Mary Frances, 29
Hough, Elizabeth Nott, 61, 67, 72, 92, 146, 194, 195, 206n13, 221n108
Hubbard, Elbert, 99, 100, 199n18
hula dance, 13–14
human-animal hybrids, 17, 77
human-grotesque hybrids, 6, 24, 41
Humphrey, Doris, 168
hybridity: in Bay Area, 6, 13, 21
of the body, 41, 46
of Brigman’s identity, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 21, 41, 80, 116, 120–21
in Brigman’s work, 5–6, 24, 46, 73–74, 76–89
in colonial culture, 19–21
and cross-species relations, 6, 76, 77, 116
and gender, 154–55
in Hawai‘i, 10, 11, 19–21
human-animal, 17, 71, 77
human-grotesque, 6, 24, 41
and otherness, 77–78, 80
in San Francisco, 6, 24, 28, 32–35, 37–38, 40–41, 76
in the Sierra, 5
of theosophy, 21
viewer’s response to, 78, 116. See also metamorphosis
Ibsen, Henrik, 129
Ichi Ban, 35
imagination: nature as stimulus for, 70–71
origins of Brigman’s, 9, 14, 17, 21, 57, 70, 77, 94
photographic world created by Brigman’s, 9, 17, 21, 58, 71, 94, 113
the Sierra as stimulus for, 46, 55, 57, 67, 70
walking as stimulus for, 57, 67, 69
immigration: in Hawai‘i, 12–13, 20
in San Francisco, 33–34, 43–44
Indians, Native Americans, 66, 79
Inness, George, 25
inscape, 70
invisible world. See hidden world
Irwin, Will, 33
The Hamadryads, 67, 104
Islam, 171
Jackson, Edwin R., 100
James, George Wharton, 24, 99, 121
James, William, 51
Japanese: in Hawai‘i, 12–13, 19–20, 42
negative attitudes about, 79
Johnston, Julanne, 168
kāhuna culture of magic, 13–14
kānaka (native Hawaiian people), 12
Kalākaua, King, 10, 13–14, 20–21
Kales, Arthur, 168
kama‘āina (child of the land), 4, 13, 14, 168–69
Kamehameha I, King, 15
Kamehameha II, King, 20
Kamehameha III, King, 11, 15
Kamehameha IV, King, 11, 15
Kamehameha School, 20
Kandinsky, Wassily, 155, 166, 176
Concerning the Spiritual in Art, 166
Kapena Falls, Nu‘uanu Stream, 15, 17
kapu (religious practice), 20
Käsebier, Gertrude, 26, 30–31, 62, 123, 125–27, 131, 133, 136
Blessed Art Thou among Women, 30–31, 126–27
The Magic Crystal, 26, 27, 80
The Manger, 30–31, 30
Kearney-Crocker workingmen’s riots, 43
Keeler, Charles, 24, 32, 40, 43–46, 62, 101–7, 102, 113, 171–72
Charles Keeler House (with Maybeck), 102, 102
San Francisco through Earthquake and Fire, 47–48, 47
The Simple Home, 102–3
The Triumph of Light, 105
Will-o’-the-Wisp, an Allegory of the Land of Fay, 100, 105–7
Keiley, Joseph, 126, 132, 150
Keith, Mary McHenry, 140
Keith, William, 24, 25, 29, 51, 60, 68, 97, 100, 140
nave murals for Swedenborgian Church, 40, 41, 97–98
Key, Ellen, 139, 141, 146, 172
Kipling, Rudyard, 83, 113
Kircher, Athanasius, 77
Kleinhans, Lucia, 29
Knudsen, Augustus, 168–69
Kodak 2 1/2 × 4 1/2 camera, 5, 61, 88, 94
Korona View 4 × 5 camera, 61
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, Psychopathia Sexualis, 128
Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 172, 172, 177
Krotona (Theosophical community), 161, 167–69, 168, 172, 177
Lahainaluna Seminary, Lāhaina, Maui, 11
Lake Tahoe, 68, 71, 96, 194
Lange, Dorothea, 161
Lange, O. V., Berkeley and the Golden Gate from the Hills, 95
language, 20
Laurvik, J. Nilsen, 126, 132
Leadbeater, Charles W., 169
“The Logos as Manifested in Man,” from Thought-Forms (with Annie Besant), 176, 177
Thought-Forms (with Annie Besant), 176
Vibrations from a moving pendulum as theoretical images of thought-forms (with Annie Besant), 166, 176
LeConte, John, 102
LeConte, Joseph, 60, 102, 203n43
LeConte, Tallulah, 60
Lee, Robert E., 11
Leeson, Adelaide. See Hanscom, Adelaide
Leonardo da Vinci, 70
Levy, Julien, 197
Light of Hawaii (newspaper), 11
Lili‘uokalani, Queen, 14
Linked Ring, 25, 88
Little Galleries, 291 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1, 25, 123, 126, 128–29, 131–35, 137, 137, 146, 150, 166
Lomaland (Theosophical community), 161, 167, 169
London, Charmian, 51
London, Jack, 21, 24, 51, 111
The Valley of the Moon, 111
Long Beach, California: Brigman in, 157, 182–95
earthquake in, 185, 188
growth of, 184
photographic work in, 7, 158, 160, 173, 181, 184–85, 190
population of, 184
Los Gatos, California, 9, 21, 24
Lost (television series), 15
Lukens, Glen, 169
Macfarlane, Rob, 7
MacGregor, Helen, 121, 161, 162, 218n15
Chinese Headdress, 165, 165
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 25, 127, 129
Maine, 136
Manifest Destiny, 53, 68
Marin, John, 123, 137
Marin County, California, 89
Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, 24, 29–30, 35, 44, 48, 51, 62, 71, 104
Martinez, Xavier, 111
Mathews, Arthur, 29, 97, 104
Mathews, Helen, 182
Matisse, Henri, 123, 128, 129, 134, 151
Maurer, Alfred, 123
Maurer, Oscar, 51, 100, 101, 202n11, 210n36
Maybeck, Annie, 97, 101
Maybeck, Bernard, 40, 54, 76, 100, 101–3, 102, 210n42
Charles Keeler House (with Keeler), 102, 102
family of, 103
Hillside houses, from “Berkeley–Homebuilding on Hillsides,” 101, 101
Palace of Fine Arts, Panama–Pacific International Exposition, 52, 53–54
Sarcophagi on colonnade, Palace of Fine Arts, 53, 54, 205n114
Swedenborgian Church, San Francisco (with A. Page Brown), 40, 40
“The Temple of the Wings,” 108–9, 108
McComas, Francis, 97
McGlashan Hennessy, Nonette, 71, 71, 176, 207n40
McMillan Plan, Washington, DC, 52
Mediterranean, west coast life modeled on, 36, 95–97, 167, 169
metamorphosis: as feature of Brigman’s work, 7, 71, 73, 76
of gods, 16
human-animal, 71
nymphs and, 71
San Francisco and, 76. See also hybridity
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1, 183, 197
middle class. See bourgeois identity
midway plaisance, 38, 43, 203n43
Miller, Joaquin, 62, 105
missionaries: Brigman’s upbringing in milieu of, 5, 9, 16–19
educational practices of, 9, 16, 18–19
elite caste membership of, 4, 11, 13–14
religious and social-moral ideology of, 5, 13–14, 17–18, 34
sexual principles of, 13, 17
social, cultural, and political roles of, 10, 12–14
modernism/modernity: the body and, 2, 154
Brigman and, 1–2, 137, 150–55
dance and, 107, 129
and ether, 177
and the grotesque, 125
Hawai‘i and, 9, 11
New York and, 1–2
and the nude, 129–33
Stieglitz and, 1, 124–30, 133–37, 149–55
Theosophy and, 167
women and, 1, 107–8, 124–29, 147–52, 154
Mondrian, Piet, 166
Moore, George, 217n1
Moore, Sarah Nott, 92, 134, 157, 217n1, 221n108
Moran, Thomas, 68
Morris, Charles, The San Francisco Calamity by Earthquake and Fire, 50
Morris, William, 99, 210n42
mountain prints of Brigman: critical reception, 61, 62, 67, 88
early exhibition of, 61–67
and the grotesque, 58, 83, 125, 135
hybridity in, 73–74, 76–89
and nature mysticism, 63
nymphs as subject of, 63–67, 70–89, 112–13, 116
origins of, 57–58
photographic process of, 67, 73, 74, 77, 88
Stieglitz’s approval of, 135
vampire series, 74
violence in, 83–84, 142–43
women in, 58
Mount Shasta, 78, 81, 119
Mount Tamalpais, 96
Mount Whitney, 60, 61
Muir, John, 5, 60, 68–69, 74, 77, 96, 97, 102, 107, 130
Mumford, Lewis, 23, 24, 31
Mundstock, Ann, 161
Murphy, Dudley: Soul of the Cypress, 112–13
Still frames from Soul of the Cypress, 112
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 197
Muybridge, Eadweard, 36, 68
mysticism: of California nature, 4, 5, 63, 97, 130–31
of the Sierra, 3, 4–5, 58, 67, 68–69, 125, 131. See also spirituality
myths: of Bay Area, 95, 121
of California, 58, 63
of Hawai‘i, 14, 15, 17, 21
of San Francisco, 3, 6, 24, 31, 34, 37, 52–55
of the Sierra, 4, 5, 6, 63, 67, 131
National Arts Club, 126
National Museum of American History, 161
native Hawaiian people and culture, 10, 12–14, 17, 19–21
nature: awesome/destructive/uncontrollable aspects of, 5, 6, 36–37, 74, 77–78, 185, 198
Bay Area and, 96
Berkeley and, 95–98, 100–104
Brigman’s response to, 3
California culture linked to, 3–4, 63
collections of specimens of, 14, 16
design based on, 68
in Hawai‘i, 5, 15–16
healthy lifestyle associated with, 5, 18, 101, 110–11
human form in relation to, 69–73, 86–87
imaginative stimulus provided by, 70–71
mind synthesized with, 70
mysticism associated with, 4, 5, 63, 97, 130–31
in Nu‘uanu Valley, 15–16
patterns/laws of, 158, 160, 177, 181–82, 184, 190–91
restorative effect of, 68–69
return-to-nature movement, 68
San Francisco and, 32, 35–37, 39–40, 97–98
in the Sierra, 4, 17
spirituality of, 5, 16–17, 68–69, 87, 130
study clubs for, 68
New Thought, 167, 172, 219n32
New York, New York: Brigman’s visit to, 83, 123–37
effect on Brigman of, 83, 123–24, 133–39, 146, 150–51
and the grotesque, 125
and modernism, 1–2
motivations for visiting, 123
San Francisco compared to, 52, 123
New York Camera Club, 197
Nijinsky, Vaslav, 112
1906 earthquake, San Francisco: accounts of, 47–49, 51
Bernhardt and, 105
Chinatown destroyed in, 43, 44, 48
deaths in, 46
description of, 46–51
devastation of, 51
effect on Bay Area art of, 76
effect on Brigman of, 5, 6–7, 21, 55, 57, 58, 70, 71, 188
fires from, 46–49, 51, 54–55
images from, 47–50
mourning after, 51–55
recovery from, 23
refugees from, 46–47, 48, 51
1989 earthquake, San Francisco, 49
Noguchi, Isamu, 198
Norris, Frank, 23, 34–35, 37–38, 43, 51, 52, 76, 203n43
“Among Cliff-Dwellers,” 34
Blix, 37, 42–43
McTeague, 34
“The Third Circle,” 43
Vandover and the Beast, 37
Nott, Elizabeth. See Hough, Elizabeth
Nott Nott, John, 11
Nott, Lorrin, 92
Nott, Mary Ellen Andrews (mother), 11, 16, 92, 134, 155, 157–58, 183, 192
Nott, Mary (sister), 24, 92, 134, 221n108
Nott, Samuel, 11–12, 21, 140, 157
Nott, Sarah. See Moore, Sarah Nott
Nott, Willard M., 114, 194
Nott, William, 137
nudes: abstraction of, 67
Brigman as model for, 67, 79, 83, 133, 144, 161–62, 206n13
Brigman’s portrayal of, 3, 27, 67, 71, 77, 111–12, 133, 142, 146, 151–52, 154, 163
child, 113
Duncan and, 107–8
early exhibition of, 61–66
formalist approach to, 129–32
male, 113
models for, 67, 72, 206n13
modernism and, 129–33
Photo-Secessionist, 27, 62, 71, 100, 125, 127
popular reception of, 100, 127, 129
Stieglitz’s promotion of, 125–33, 149, 151, 162. See also nymphs
Nu‘uanu Stream, 15, 16, 17
Nu‘uanu Valley, Hawai‘i, 5, 9–12, 10, 12, 14–16, 68, 70
nymphs: bodies of, 72–73
characteristics of, 64–65
Debussy’s music and, 112
Dudley’s Soul of the Cypress and, 112
in Greek mythology, 64, 72–73
in mountain prints, 63–67, 70–89, 112–13, 116
nudes as, 5
in other photographers’ work, 207n42
sexuality of, 67
O‘ahu, 2, 4–5, 9, 12, 15
Oakland, California: Brigman in, 9, 24, 91–92, 137–42
Brigman’s status and role in, 137, 161
culture of, 95
as home of Brigman’s teachers in Hawai‘i, 19
and 1906 earthquake, 51. See also Bay Area, California
Oakland Arts and Crafts Guild, 171
Oakland Club, 99, 137
Oakland First Unitarian Church, 140
Oceano (Theosophical community), 161
O’Keeffe, Georgia: and abstraction, 154–55, 198
artistic development of, 197, 198
Asian influences on, 198
Brigman compared to, 198
Brigman’s influence on, 1, 155, 198
and modernism, 1, 128
Radiator Building, 197
spiritualist influences on, 176
Stieglitz’s portraits of, 1, 4, 152, 154, 163
Stieglitz’s promotion of, 131, 132
Stieglitz’s relationship with, 149, 152, 154
viewer’s experience of work of, 154–55
Olcott, Henry Steel, 167, 168
Old Vedanta Temple, San Francisco, 171, 220n50
Olney, Warren, 60
orientalism, 3, 35, 38, 45, 62–63, 120–21
otherness: of Brigman’s work, 132
Chinese and, 77–78, 80, 115
hybridity and, 77–78, 80
Ovid, 64, 73, 116, 132
Metamorphoses, 132
ozobrome process, 133
paganism: in Berkeley, 98, 103–7
Brigman’s identification with, 4, 89
Sierra associated with, 68–69, 77, 125
Pageant of Progress, 140, 140
Palette, Lyre, and Pen Club, 99
Panama–Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco, 1915), 20, 38, 52–54, 53–54
Pan-Pacific culture: Brigman’s inspiration from, 35
in Hawai‘i, 19–21
as setting for Brigman’s work, 1, 3
paradise/Eden, 4–5, 9–10, 14–15, 17, 21, 39, 67, 68, 93–94, 169
Parrish, Maxfield, The Dinkey Bird, 113–14, 113
Partridge, Roi, 162
patterns: in nature, 158, 160, 177, 181–82, 184, 190–91
spiritual significance of, 173, 177–79, 184. See also waves/rhythms
Paul Elders (art gallery), San Francisco, 30, 35
Peck, Annie, 61
Peixotto, Ernest, 76
Pele (Hawaiian goddess of the volcano), 17, 81
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 31
Peters, Charles Rollo, 76, 97
Portals of the Past, 76
Philosophical Union (University of California at Berkeley), 102
photographic process: for Ballet de Mer, 110
Brigman as self-taught in, 25, 88
Brigman on, 88
Brigman’s experiments with, 31
Brigman’s limitations regarding, 31, 123, 133–34, 150
manipulation of negatives, 7, 10, 133, 173
of mountain prints, 67, 73, 74, 77, 88, 173
for nudes, 112
of Photo-Secessionists, 25, 123, 133
Photographic Salon, Los Angeles (1902), 25
Photographic Salons, San Francisco, 24–25, 26, 29–31, 62, 125
photography: in Berkeley, 99
in San Francisco, 26, 28–31, 34, 36, 44, 51. See also Photo-Secession; pictorialism; women photographers
Photo-Secession: Brigman’s alignment with, 25, 100, 126, 197
Brigman’s response to, 25–27, 62, 71, 83, 125–27
conflicts within, 136–37
Council of Fellows, 133
and the feminine, 26, 125–29, 146
influence of, on art photography, 25, 125
MoMA exhibition of, 197
and the nude, 27, 62, 71, 100, 125, 127
photographic processes of, 25, 123, 133
pictorialist faction of, 25, 58, 88, 129, 136–37, 146
Stieglitz and, 25–26, 100, 123–26, 136–37, 150
Picabia, Francis, 166
Picasso, Pablo, 128
pictorialism: Brigman’s work distinguished from, 58, 70, 125
characteristics of, 25, 34, 129
and evolutionary theory, 131
nature as subject in, 68
the nude as subject in, 127, 129, 131
photographic processes for, 25, 31, 88
of Photo-Secessionists, 25, 58, 88, 129, 136–37, 146
in San Francisco, 62, 99, 100
Stieglitz’s abandonment of support for, 125, 129, 131, 133, 166
waning of, 158
Pictorial Photographers of America, 158
Pictorial Photographic Society of San Francisco, 158
Piedmont Hills, Berkeley, 23, 29, 68, 89, 95–96, 101, 104, 160
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 54
Pitchford, Emily, 29, 202n11, 210n36
Portrait of Anne Brigman, 106
place: significance of, for Brigman, 2–3
trees as symbols of, 58, 72, 79–83, 97–98, 157
plantations, 12
platinum process, 25, 31, 123, 133–34, 136
Pliny, 77
Point Lobos, California, 112
Point Reyes Peninsula, Marin County, 110
Polk, Willis, 39, 101
Residence for Willis Polk and Mrs. Virgil Williams on Russian Hill, 38
portraiture, Brigman's work in, 116–21
Powell, Arthur E., 169
Powell, Hilda Mary Hodgson-Smith, 169–70
Power, H. D’Arcy, 202n11, 210n36
Press Club of Alameda County, 137
primitivism: as aspect of Brigman’s identity, 4, 6, 9–10, 76, 114
in Brigman’s work, 130, 132, 135
spirituality and, 76
Stieglitz and, 132
as theme in photography, 62, 66
prostitution, 20, 32, 44–45
Protestantism, 5. See also Calvinism
psychogeography, 5, 24, 93–94, 157
Punahou School, 9, 13, 14, 18–19, 18, 19, 42, 64, 98
race: in California, 33–34
evolutionary theory and, 34–35, 203n43
in Hawai‘i, 12–13, 14, 20–21
and intermarriage, 34–35, 79
in Punahou School, 19–20
in San Francisco, 6, 33–35, 40–41
Racine, Jean, Phèdre, 105
racism: in Berkeley, 101, 172
in Hawai‘i, 12, 20
in San Francisco, 6, 34, 79, 171
Rajagopal, Radha, 172
reincarnation, 170, 173–76
Rhoades, Katharine Nash, 148, 152
rhythms. See waves/rhythms
Robertson’s (art gallery), San Francisco, 30
Robinson, Margaret, 101
Robison, Hana, 30
Rodin, Auguste, 123, 128, 134, 138
Drawing, 128, 129
Romanticism, 68, 69
Roosevelt, Theodore, 23, 79
Russian Hill, San Francisco, 29, 32, 33, 36, 39–40, 46, 48, 51, 96, 101
sand erosions, 7, 160, 184–85, 190–91
San Francisco, California, 23–55
architecture of, 36, 39–40, 48
as artistic inspiration, 37–38, 42–43
artists in, 30, 51
Berkeley compared to, 95
Brigman in, 2–3, 23–55
Brigman’s status and role in, 23–24, 29
Burnham’s city plan for, 52–53
cable cars of, 32–33, 35
Chinatown, 34, 35, 41–46, 48, 121
colonialism in, 2, 6
culture of, 3, 6, 24, 28, 32, 41, 76, 78, 95
elites of, 35, 36, 39, 43–47, 58
enchanting character of, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 52, 55
hills of, 32, 36, 39
hybridity in, 6, 24, 28, 32–35, 37–38, 40–41, 76
immigration to, 33–34, 43–44
influence of, on Brigman, 6, 23–24, 94, 121
Mediterranean quality of, 36
mythos of, 3, 6, 24, 31, 34, 37, 52–55
and nature, 32, 35–37, 39–40, 97–98
New York compared to, 52, 123
1906 earthquake in, 5–7, 21, 23, 46–55, 47–50
1989 earthquake in, 49
Panama–Pacific International Exposition in, 20, 38, 52–54, 53–54
photographers of, 26, 28–31, 34, 36, 51
photographs of, 34, 36, 44
population of, 33
race in, 6, 33–35, 40–41
racism in, 6, 34, 79, 171
and spirituality, 6, 76
tourism in, 42, 44, 45
vertical axis (topographical/socioeconomic/moral) of, 6, 28, 39, 42
walking in, 6, 24, 28, 31–51, 58
women in, 28–33, 37–38. See also Bay Area, California
San Francisco Call (newspaper), 79, 81, 83, 97, 100, 106, 130, 141, 141
San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper), 62, 67, 79
Sanger, Margaret, 128
San Miguel, California, 21
Schaeffer, Rudolph, 98, 160–61, 166, 170, 173
Schweinfurth, A. C., 40
Searles, Edward F., 29
Seguinland School of Photography, 136
Sempervirens Club, 96
sexology, 128, 154
sexuality: artistic drive linked to, 128
of Berkeley elites, 111
Brigman’s view of, 146, 152
in Chinatown, 44–45
Dudley’s Soul of the Cypress and, 112–13
female, 128–29
mountain prints and, 112–13
in native Hawaiian culture, 13, 17
spiritualized view of, 146
Stieglitz and, 124–25, 127–28, 146–52, 154, 198
Shakespeare, William, 81
Shawn, Ted, 169
Shingle Style, 39, 210n42
Sierra: Brigman in, 57–89, 151
dark and destructive aspect of, 4–5, 37
enchanting nature of, 77
hybridity in setting of, 5
imagination and, 46, 55, 57, 67, 70
innocence of, 4–5
metamorphic quality of, 7
mysticism of, 3–4, 5, 58, 67, 68–69, 125, 131
mythos of, 4, 5, 6, 63, 67, 131
nature as experienced in, 4, 17, 78–79
preservation of, 68, 96, 130
restorative effect of, 55, 77
significance of, 57–58, 94
Songs of a Pagan and, 185–86, 188
spirituality of, 77, 87, 96
and the sublime, 5, 68
walking/hiking in, 5, 23, 24, 58, 60–61, 67–70, 81, 86, 146–47
women and, 60–61, 60, 68. See also mountain prints
Sierra Club, 5, 60, 60, 68, 74, 96, 130
Sinclair, Upton, Good Health and How We Won It, 111
Sloan, James Blanding, 110, 173
Smith, Abigail, 15, 18
Smith, Emma, 18
Smith lens, 61
social evolution. See evolutionary theory
Solnit, Rebecca, 32
Southern Pacific Railroad, 21
Spencer, Herbert, 35, 40, 130, 203n43
spirituality: Anglo-American spiritual movement, 25–26
art and design reflective of, 161, 166–67, 169–85, 191
of the body, 110
Brigman’s, 9, 25–26, 68–69, 87, 130–31, 158, 160–61, 165–66, 169–76, 184–85, 219n32
of California, 99, 121
childhood foundation of, 9
doubling/twinning as feature of, 76, 87, 169
fairies and, 116
of Hawai‘i, 15–17
Keeler’s universal religion and, 107
of nature, 5, 16–17, 68–69, 87, 130
San Francisco and, 6, 76
scientific parallels to, 176–77
sex and, 146
of the Sierra, 77, 87, 96
Stieglitz and, 166
of trees, 97–98. See also Theosophy
Spreckels, Claus, 13, 20
Spreckels, J.D., 24
Starr, Kevin, 3
St. Denis, Ruth, 107, 165, 168, 169
Steichen, Edward, 123, 127, 129, 130, 133–36, 150, 197
Dawn Flowers, 127
Dolor, 127
Sterling, George, 76, 104, 105, 111
The Triumph of Bohemia, 104
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 33–35, 36, 37, 43
Stieglitz, Alfred: and the body, 126–29
Brigman’s portrait of, 138
Brigman’s relationship with, 115, 125, 132–33, 152, 155
correspondence with, 5, 25–27, 31, 55, 61, 81, 99, 106, 112, 116, 123, 134–37, 139, 142–43, 146–50, 154, 166, 173, 183, 184, 197, 206n8
The Dying Chestnut Tree, 154, 155
and Käsebier, 26
The Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession, 137
and modernism, 1, 124–30, 133–37, 149–55
O’Keeffe photographed by, 1, 154, 163
personal life of, 147–50
and Photo-Secession, 25–26, 100, 123–26, 136–37, 150
Portrait of Georgia O’Keeffe, 1, 4, 152, 154
role of, in Brigman’s career, 1, 25, 27, 31, 58, 81, 83, 119, 124–37, 139, 149–55, 157–58, 183, 212n6
and sexuality, 124–25, 127–28, 146–52, 154, 198
and spiritualism, 166
Strand, Paul, 134, 158
Studio, Brigman’s (“The Cave”): artifacts in, 35, 93, 98, 121, 141
description of, 92–93
design of, 68, 98, 102
garden of, 92–93, 102–3, 169
personal significance of, 89, 92
photographic work in, 89, 114–21
photographs of, 92, 93, 113
residence in, 83, 92–93, 102, 113–14, 139–41, 161
Studio Club of Berkeley, 99, 100, 105
sublime: in Brigman’s work, 130
characteristics of, 84
1906 earthquake and, 48
of San Francisco topography, 36
Sierra and, 5, 68
suffrage, 83, 99, 140–41, 152
sugar plantations, 12
Sunset (magazine), 71
swastika symbol, 170–71
Swedenborgian Church, San Francisco (Brown and Maybeck), 40, 40, 41, 97–98, 101, 171
Swedenborgianism, 29, 77, 97–98, 101, 130, 172, 174
synesthesia, 155, 166
technique. See photographic process
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, “Crossing the Bar,” 189
Terry, Ellen, 137
theater: in Berkeley, 104–7
Brigman’s participation in, 19, 99, 100, 105–6, 140, 140, 165
Brigman’s photography as, 3, 6, 25–26, 55, 57–58, 61, 64, 88, 94, 95, 151
Theosophy and, 169
Theosophical Seal (Krotona bookplate), 170
Theosophical Society, 161, 166, 167
Theosophy: and art, 166–67, 169–82
in Berkeley, 169–73
Brigman’s art related to, 158, 160
in Brigman’s circle, 160, 161
Brigman’s involvement with, 158, 160, 164, 166, 169–85, 219n32
in California, 161, 167–73
Carpenter and, 220n62
on ether, 177
in Hawai‘i, 21
history of, 167
hybridity of, 21
Murphy and, 112
pan-cultural, transhistorical character of, 180
popularity of, 167
seal of, 170, 170
Thoreau, Henry David, 167
thought-forms, 113, 166, 166, 167, 176, 206n12
Thurston, Lorrin Andrews, 13–15, 20, 21
Toulouse Lautrec, Henri de, 123, 134
Town and Gown Club, 99, 105
transcendentalism, 167
trauma, 57, 74, 84, 87–88
Treasure Island Fair, 194
trees: of Berkeley, 97
O’Keeffe and, 155
place and local culture symbolized by, 98
spirituality of, 97–98
Stieglitz and, 155
as subject of mountain prints, 70–74, 78–79, 83, 135, 142–44
Tuan, Yi-Fu, 9
twinning. See doubling/twinning
291 (art gallery). See Little Galleries
the uncanny, 37, 76, 114, 116, 119, 158, 184, 185, 187
Unidentified photographers: Bernard Maybeck with Charles Keeler, Charles Keeler House, 102
Boynton family at home in “The Temple of Wings,” 108
Costume Party at Studio of Dorothea Lange, 161, 162
Five Sierra Club Women on 1903 Club Hike to Mount Whitney, 60
George Sterling at the Bohemian Grove with a caricature of himself as “The Greek,” 104
Maybeck Family Portrait, 103
Maypole dance, “The Temple of Wings,” 108
Unitarian Church, 105, 107, 171, 172
United States: relations with Hawai‘i, 9, 11–12, 14
social evolutionary theory applied to, 40–41
University of California at Berkeley, 29, 60, 95, 98, 100–105, 140, 172
Van Dyke, Willard, 161, 217n10
Vanity Fair (magazine), 132, 149–51
Varèse, Edgard, 167
Vedanta Society, 171
vibrations, 158, 166, 166, 176–78, 177
Vickery, Atkins and Torrey, San Francisco, 30, 35, 51, 61, 63, 67
viewer’s experience: of Brigman’s work, 7, 131, 154–55
of hybridity, 78, 116
of O’Keeffe’s work, 154–55
violence: in mountain prints, 5, 77–78, 81, 83–84, 142–43
in nature, 6
Vision of Yashodhara (ballet), 168
vitalism, 149–50
Vivekananda, Swami, 171
voting rights. See suffrage
walking: as artistic inspiration, 31, 35, 36–37, 69–70
the body and, 69
Brigman’s, 35, 69–70, 142, 146–47, 160, 172
in Chinatown, 41–46
clubs devoted to, 68
Duncan’s choreography and, 109
and flânerie, 37
as holistic practice, 68, 69–70, 172
literary accounts of, 37–43
and midway plaisance, 38, 43
1906 earthquake and, 46–51
O’Keeffe’s, 198
in Piedmont Hills, 68
in San Francisco, 6, 24, 28, 31–51, 58
in the Sierra, 5, 23, 24, 58, 60–61, 67–70, 81, 86, 146–47
social class and, 28
solitary, 37. See also exercise
Walkowitz, Abraham, 108
Wardrope, Alison, 11
Warner, Charles Dudley, 104
Warner, Marina, 76, 116, 121, 206n12
Washoe Indians, 71
Watkins, Carleton, 51, 68
The Wave (journal), 37
waves/rhythms: natural movement of, 70, 98, 108–10, 149
spiritual significance of, 158, 161, 166, 173, 176–82, 191. See also patterns
Weber, Max, “The Fourth Dimension from a Plastic Point of View,” 166
Weston, Edward, 161–65, 218n12
Anne Brigman—Photographer, 163–64, 164
Fragment of a Nude, 161–62, 163
Wheeler, Benjamin, 100, 104
Whistler, James McNeill, 25, 121, 127, 129–30
White, Clarence, 131, 132, 133, 136, 141, 146, 150, 215n67
Whitman, Walt, 69, 109–10, 128, 167
Leaves of Grass, 68
Willie R. Hume (schooner), 24
Wilson, Charis, 161
Winged Victory of Samothrace, 73, 74
The Winning of Senator Jones (play), 140
witches, 81
women: in the arts in San Francisco, 29
in Bay Area, 28–31, 57, 60, 66–67, 98–100
in Berkeley, 98–100
clothing of, for wilderness, 60–61
clubs formed by, 98–100
freedom and security of, in San Francisco, 29, 32
and modernism/modernity, 1, 107–8, 124–29, 147–52, 154
in mountain prints, 58
photographic world created for, 67
in public space, 29
in San Francisco, 28–33, 37–38
sexuality of, 128–29
and the Sierra, 60–61, 60, 68
societal constraints on, 66–67, 71
as students in Hawai‘i, 18
suffrage for, 83, 99, 140–41, 152
upper-class, 28–29, 44. See also femininity; women photographers
women photographers: Käsebier’s influence on, 26, 30–31, 62, 80, 126–27
in San Francisco, 28–31
Wood, Beatrice, 167, 169, 172, 177, 179
Worcester, Joseph, 40, 97–98, 101
World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 38, 52, 203n43
World War I (Great War), 107, 150, 155, 157, 160, 166, 171
World War II, 160, 183
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 210n42
Yosemite, 60, 61, 96
Yosemite and Redwood Forest Park, 96
Yosemite National Park, 68
Zola, Émile, 34
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