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Description: Creating the Cult of St. Joseph: Art and Gender in the Spanish Empire
PublisherPrinceton University Press
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Adoration of the Magi (Leonardo), 25
Adoration of the Shepherds (Maino), 100
Adrian VI, Pope, 25
adultery, 49, 53–55
Agonía del tránsito de la muerte (Venegas), 146
agriculture, 30
Aguascalientes Cathedral, Mexico, 139, 140
Aguilar, Diego de, 90
Alcántara, Saint Peter, 33
Alcíbar, José de, 130, 139, 140
Blessing at the Table, 78
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 94, 103, 104
Algemesi, Valencia, Spain, 131
Alphonse X (king of Spain), 53
Altarpiece of the Kings, Mexico City, 152
altarpieces, 35–36
Ambrose, Saint, 22, 124
Andilla, Spain, 42
angels, 139–40, 148
animal hide paintings, 29–30
Anne, Saint, 33, 61–62, 64, 66, 68, 81–86, 109, 138
Annunciation, 51–53
Anonymous: Coronation of the Holy Family, 74, 75
Holy Family/Earthly Trinity, 74, 74
Holy Family in the Carpenter’s Workshop, 118, 119, 127
Nativity, 23, 50
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (late 17th c.), 94, 94
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (16th c.), pl. 1, 30
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (17th c.), 91, 91
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (18th c.), pl. 7, 109
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (18th c. hide painting), 29, 29–30
St. Joseph Arrives in the New World, 28
The Water God Tlaloc, pl. 2, 30
Workshop in Nazareth, 118–19, 119
Anselm, Saint, 124
Anthony, Saint, 113
Anthony of Padua, Saint, 156
Antolinez, José, 51
Antwerp, Belgium, 150
apocryphal tales, 18, 22
Apollonia, Saint, 156
artisans, Joseph as patron of, 129–31
art market, 93
The Art of Painting (Pacheco), 43, 119
assumption, 24, 141, 149–50
La Asunción, Pachuca, Mexico, 130
atheism, 158
Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico, 142
Augustine, Saint, 22, 24, 124
authority. See obedience
Ávila, Spain, 90
Ayala Prieta, Ignacio, 92
Aztecs, 32
The Babylonian Captivity (Luther), 48
Badajoz, Spain, 129
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 16
Barcia y Zambrana, Joseph de, 21, 96–97, 100
Barocci, Federico, Holy Family with a Cat, 67
bearded women, 113
Bede, Venerable, 124
Belgium, 34
The Benefits of Honest Labor and the Dangers of Idleness (Guzmán), 120
Berdusán, Vicente, 91
Bernard, Saint, 107
Las Bernardas Convent, Jaén, Spain, 90
Bernardino of Siena, Saint, 23
Betrothal: Carducho, 42, 43
Juárez, L., 45
López de Arteaga, 45
Palomino, 44
Valdés Leal, 42, 43, 173n8
Villalpando, 47
Betrothal of Joseph and Mary, 41–49
Church celebration of, 42–43
composition of, 47
erotic elements in, 43–45
feast, 34
Joseph’s image in, 45–47
Joseph vs. suitors, 43–44
marriage ceremony in, 47–48
Mary’s image in, 45
representations of, 42
textual references to, 173n8
theatrical influence on, 173n8
Blas, Saint, 156
Blessing at the Table: Alcibar, 78
Ibarra, 78
Blessing of Jacob (follower of Orrente), 140, 141
Bohemia, 34
breastfeeding, 107–8, 113
Bridget of Sweden, Saint, 23, 71
Brief Compendium of Carpentry (López de Arenas), 18
brotherhoods dedicated to St. Joseph, 129–30, 143, 152–54
Bryson, Norman, 16
Bundeto, Carlos, 146
Burial of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai (Zurbarán), 138
Burkhart, Louise, 81, 188n37
Butler, Judith, 113
Cabrera, Miguel, 14, 119, 130
Coronation of St. Joseph (attr.), 148, 148
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 94, 94
Cajés, Eugenio, Holy Family, 60
Cajetan, Saint, 113
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 122
Camaldulense Fathers, 150
Camilo, Francisco, St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 92, 105, 105
Campin, Robert: Madonna of the Firescreen, 103
Mérode Altarpiece, 24
Canada, 34
Cano, Alonso, 93, 104, 117, 118, 132, 147
Circumcision of Christ, 58 (det.), 67, 68
Coronation of the Virgin, 68–69
Holy Family, 59, 65, 67, 68–69, 71, 77, 78, 101
Holy Family in the Carpenter’s Workshop (Barcelona), 118, 120, 120
Holy Family in the Carpenter’s Workshop (Madrid), 118, 125, 125
Madonna and Child, 98, 109
Mexican influence of, 118–19
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (c. 1646), 91–92, 98–99, 100, 101
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (with Pedro Roldán), 104, 105
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (1645), 91, 98, 98–101, 107
Virgin of Providence, 103, 104
Vision of St. Anthony, 68
Capilla de San José, Toledo, Spain, 96
Caravaggio, Rest on the Flight into Egypt, 37, 38
Carducho, Vicente, 78
Betrothal, 42, 43
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 91, 91
carpenter’s, Joseph as patron of, 129–30
carpenter’s workshop, 117–33
dignity of work, 24, 25, 117, 119–24, 129, 133
Holy Family and, 117–27
Joseph as provider, 36, 120
Mexican treatment of, 118–19
naturalism as style suited to, 123–24
Pacheco on, 119
Passion and, 104–5, 118, 125–29
popularity of images of, 117
social/economic crisis and images of, 131
Spanish treatment of, 117–18
symbolism of, 24, 104–5, 117, 125–29
virtues and, 117, 121
Carracedo, Spain, 103
Carreño, Juan, Earthly Trinity, 60
Carrión, Domingo de, Holy Family, 63, 64, 65
Casa Cuna, Seville, Spain, 80
Casteló, Félix, 78
Holy Family, 65
Castillo, Juan del, 93, 118, 128, 136, 137, 139, 143, 144
Castro, Guillén de, El Mejor Esposo, San José (The Best Husband, Saint Joseph), 43–44, 48, 135, 139
Cervantes, Miguel de, 122
Champaigne, Philippe de, The Dream of St. Joseph, 38
Charles II (king of Spain), 13, 42, 43, 151
children: ideal for, 120
Joseph as protector of, 87
obedience of, to parents, 71, 114, 120
orphans, 80
parental relations with, 114
China, 34, 155
chin-chuck images, 106–7
Christian, William A., Jr., 154
The Christian Painter (Interián), 43
Christian Psalmody and Sermonary (Sahagún), 27
Christopher, Saint, 97–98
Chrysostom, Saint John, 22
Church Fathers, 18, 21, 22
Church of the Angels, Florence, Italy, 150
Church of the Assumption, Barco de Ávila, Spain, 129
Church of the Magdalene, Getafe, Spain, 91
Churubusco, Mexico, 85
Cinco Señores, 75, 82–83
Cipac de Aquino, Marcos, 29
Circumcision of Christ (Cano), 58 (det.), 67, 68
Clement X, Pope, 34
Clement XII, Pope, 130, 143
cloaks of Joseph, 150
close description, 15–16
clothing, 77
Coello, Claudio: Holy Family, 60
St. Joseph and the Christ Child/Holy Family, 72, 75, 75
cohabitation, 55
Colegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico City, 148
Colegio of Valencia, Spain, 60
Colegio Real of Madrid, Spain, 60
colonialism: and artistic interchange, 15
family and, 81, 86, 193n86
Joseph as symbol of, 155
marriage laws and, 55–56
sexuality and, 56
Las comendadoras de Córdoba (Vega), 122
communism, 158
comparative analysis, 15
Concha, Andrés de la, 62
Holy Family/Cinco Señores, pl. 5, 35, 62, 63, 83, 85
confraternities dedicated to St. Joseph, 129–30, 143, 152–54
Constantine, 121
Convento del Ángel Custodio, Granada, Spain, 59
Convento de Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, Seville, Spain, 129
conversion, 27–30, 34, 131, 155
Coronation of St. Joseph, 147–51
Coronation of St. Joseph: Cabrera (attr.), 148, 148
Ibarra, 147, 147–48
Zurbarán, 134 (det.), 147, 147
Coronation of the Holy Family (Anonymous), 74, 75
Coronation of the Virgin, 147–48
Coronation of the Virgin (Cano), 68–69
Correa, Juan, 14, 74, 104, 105, 138, 144
Death of St. Joseph (attr.), 139, 139, 140
Dream of St. Joseph, 49, 50, 51
Holy Family/Cinco Señores, 74, 75, 82
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (Art Market, Mexico City), 91, 95, 96
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (attr.), 92, 93
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (San Juan Bautista, Mexico City), 92, 94, 101, 101
Correa, Nicolás, 82
Cortés, Hernán, 25–26
Costa Rica, 155
Council of Constance (1416), 23
Council of Nicea (787), 161n14
Council of Trent (1545–63): on apocryphal tales, 18, 34, 66
on breastfeeding, 107
on family, 79
on Joseph’s sainthood, 25, 33
on Joseph’s virginity, 22
on marriage, 42, 47–48, 55
on St. Christopher, 97
El criticón (Gracián), 122
Crucifixion. See Passion
Cuauhtémoc, 155
daily life, 78
David, House of, 121, 151
death: assumption of Joseph, 24
Death of St. Joseph imagery, 135–43
good death, 135–36, 141, 143, 145
of Joseph, 127, 135–41
Joseph as aid in, 143–46
in Mexico, 146–47
preoccupation with, in 17th-century Spain, 146
sacraments and, 143, 145
significance and danger of, 143–45
transitus of Joseph, 34, 141–43
Death of St. Joseph, 135–43
angels at, 139–40
composition of, 138–39
ecstasy, 137
expressive character of, 138
Jesus at, 137, 139–41, 143
Joseph’s appearance, 136–37
meaning of, 146
naturalism and, 137–39
sacraments, 143
Death of St. Joseph: Correa (attr.), 139, 139, 140
Herrera, 135, 137, 137, 140
Zurbarán workshop, 135, 136, 136–37
De Institutione Foeminae Christianae (Formation of the Christian Woman) (Vives), 114
demons, 144
Descalced Convent, Seville, Spain, 90
devil, 144
devotio moderna, 22, 101, 107
Día de los muertos (Day of the Dead), 146
Diana, 45
Díaz, Diego Valentín, Holy Family, 59–60
didactic function of art, 5, 161n14
Diego of Bebaña, Saint, 156
Diriksen, Felipe, 90
Discalced Carmelites, 142, 150
Discurso de la Verdad (Mañara), 146
disease, 145–46
Disrobing of Christ (El Greco), 105
divorce, 54, 55
domestic violence, 57, 87
Dominic, Saint, 156
Doni Tondo (Michelangelo), 25
Don Quijote (Cervantes), 122
Dormition of the Virgin, 138
Double Trinity. See Earthly Trinity
double Visitation, 49
drag, gender as, 113
Dream (Doubts) of Joseph, 49–54
Annunciation and, 51–53
Jacob’s Dream and, 50–51
Joseph’s reaction to pregnancy, 52–54
Liberation of Peter and, 51
sleeping gesture, 50–51
Dream of Jacob, Ribera, 40 (det.), 50–51, 51
Dream of St. Joseph: Champaigne, 38
Correa, 49, 50, 51
Montero, pl. 3, 49
Pacheco, 50, 52
Dürer, Albrecht, 61
Madonna and Child with Monkey, 65
Early Christian art, 22
Earthly Trinity, 64, 73–75, 85, 148
Earthly Trinity: Carreño, 60
Herrera Barnuevo, 60
Martínez Montañés (attr.), 60
Murillo, 72, 73, 77
earthquakes, 30, 32
Echave Ibía, Baltasar de, 14, 63
Holy Family/Earthly Trinity, 65, 74, 77
Elena, Saint, 156
Elizabeth, Saint, 49, 62, 65
El Salvador, 155
Enríquez, Nicolás, 101
Erasmus, 108
eroticism: Betrothal of Joseph and Mary, 43–45
Madonna and Child, 107
Escrivá, José María, 158
El espejo de la muerte (Bundeto), 146
Espíritu Santo, Seville, Spain, 93
La estrella de Sevilla (Vega), 122
Esturmio, Hernando de, 62
Europe: Joseph’s significance for, 33–36
representations of Joseph in, 36–38
extreme unction, 143
fallas de San José (bonfires of St. Joseph), 34
family, 59–87
changing ideals of, 78–79
crisis in Spanish, 79–80
extended, 78, 81, 84
gender roles in, 81, 89–90, 112–15
historical accounts of, 87, 114–15
ideals of, 78–79, 86–87
Joseph as patron of, 80–81, 87
in Mexico, 81, 84, 86, 193n86
modern state and, 79
nuclear, 62, 64, 65–66, 70, 79, 81–82
obedience, 114
obedience in, 70–72, 79–80, 87
patriarchal, 69–74, 79–81, 87
Protestantism and, 79
religious imagery and, 201n68
social role of, 79–80. See also children; fatherhood; marriage; motherhood
fatherhood, 89–115
authority of, 70–71, 114
fatherson relations, 89, 100, 108–12
Hispanic Catholic promotion of, 89–90, 112–14
historical accounts of, 114–15
involved, 89–90, 112–14
of Joseph, 68–71, 74, 76, 78, 89–115
saints associated with, 112–13
St. Joseph and the Christ Child imagery, 90–111
feast days for Joseph, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 34, 42–43, 97, 141–42, 152–53, 158, 163n4
feather paintings, 30
Felix of Cantalice, Saint, 113
Ferdinand (king of Spain), 34, 155
Fernández, Gregorio, 42, 80
fertility, 30, 54–55, 77, 85, 87
Finis Gloriae Mundi (Valdés Leal), 146
Flight into Egypt: feast, 34
imagery, 97
Flight into Egypt (Murillo), 97
flowered staff, 30, 43–44, 91, 92, 97, 144, 147, 150
food, 78, 107–8
Foucault, Michel, 55, 80, 131
France, 34
Francis de Sales, Saint, 33
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 113
Gante, Pedro de, 26, 130
gender: analysis using, 16
family roles, 81, 89–90, 112–15
marriage roles, 41–42, 45, 48, 69–70, 87, 120, 193n86
in Mexico, 17, 109
mutability of, 113
reversals in Josephine imagery, 75. See also masculinity; women
General Information for the Estimation of the Arts (Gutiérrez), 120
genre scenes, 77
Gerson, Jean, 23–24, 35, 149
Giginta, Miguel, 131
Ginés de Sepúlveda, Juan, 87
Giordano, Lucca, 42
Golden Age Spain, 39, 55, 79–80, 112–14, 131
Golden Legend (Voragine), 18, 34
Gonzaga, Saint Aloysius, 113
González, Bartolomé, 147
good death, 135–36, 141, 143, 145
The Good Death (Román), 146
Gospels, 18, 21–22, 42, 124
Goya, Francisco de, 157
Gracián, Baltasar, 122
Gracián de la Madre de Dios, Jerónimo, 17, 33, 70–71, 78, 89, 107, 124, 125, 127–28
Granada, Spain, 129
El Greco, 14, 63
Disrobing of Christ, 105
Holy Family, 62, 63, 78
Holy Family with Saints Anne and John the Baptist, 59
Holy Trinity, 106
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (1593), 35
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (1597–99), 90, 95, 95
Gregory, Saint, 156
Gregory XV, Pope, 34, 42
Guardian Angel, 97
Guatemala, 155
Guercino, 38
Gutiérrez de Haro, Andrés, 80
Gutiérrez de los Ríos, Gaspar, 120
Guzmán, Pedro de, 120, 131
Hahn, Cynthia, 126
Henry, Saint, 156
Herlihy, David, 114
Hernández de Saavedra, Andrés, 31
Herrera, Miguel de, 60, 75, 82, 92, 139
Death of St. Joseph, 135, 137, 137, 140
Herrera Barnuevo, Sebastián de, Earthly Trinity, 60
Herrera the Elder, Francisco, St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 93, 102, 102, 104
hidalgos, 121
hide paintings, 29–30
Hilarius of Poitiers, Saint, 124
historiography: of Mexican art, 14
of Spanish art, 14
Holy Family, 59–87
activities of, 78
in carpenter’s workshop, 117–27
commissions for, 59–60
early depictions, 61–62
feast of, 34
idealization and, 77
inventions of, 75–76
Joseph marginalized in, 62
Joseph prominent in, 63–69, 75–76
Madonna and Child imagery and, 67–68
Mary supplanted by Joseph in, 65–69, 75–76
in Mexico, 78, 81–86
naturalism and, 76–78
nuclear, 62, 64, 65–66, 79
Renaissance depictions, 62
representations of, 60–65
in Spain, 59–78
transitional phase in, 62–63
Holy Family: Cajés, 60
Cano, 59, 65, 67, 68–69, 71, 77, 78, 101
Carrión, 63, 64, 65
Casteló, 65
Coello, 60
Díaz, 59–60
El Greco, 62, 63, 78
Joanes, 61, 62
Macip, 25, 35, 61, 62
Murillo workshop, 68, 71, 78
Ribalta, 60
Roelas (Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain), 97
Roelas (Seville), 63, 65, 77, 80
Holy Family/Cinco Señores: Concha, pl. 5, 35, 62, 63, 83, 85
Correa, 74, 75, 82
Juárez, N. R. (18th c.), 82, 82
Juárez, N. R. (1722), 82, 83
Villalpando (late 17th-early 18th c.), 82, 83
Villalpando (17th c.), 60, 75, 75, 82
Holy Family/Earthly Trinity: Anonymous, 74, 74
Echave Ibía, 65, 74, 77
Villalpando, 36, 73, 74
Holy Family in the Carpenter’s Workshop: Anonymous, 118, 119, 127
Cano (Barcelona), 118, 120, 120
Cano (Madrid), 118, 125, 125
Murillo, 118, 118, 128
Ribera, pl. 8, 118, 125–26
Valdés Leal, 118, 128, 128–29
Holy Family of the Doves (Juárez, J.), 61, 62, 65
Holy Family with a Cat (Barocci), 67
Holy Family with Saint Anne (Rubens), 36, 37–38
Holy Family with Saints Anne and John the Baptist (El Greco), 59
Holy Family with St. John the Baptist (Murillo), 68
Holy Family with the Little Bird (Murillo), pl. 4, 36, 60, 65, 66–67, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78
Holy Grandparents, 85–86
Holy House at Nazareth (Zurbarán), 105, 106, 118, 126
Holy Kinship, 61, 64, 65–66, 78
Holy Kinship (Roelas), 60
Holy Trinity (El Greco), 106
honor, 53–54, 121–22
Hospital de la Virgen de Guadalupe y de San Joseph, Toluca, Mexico, 154
Hospital de San José, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 154
Hospital de San José de Gracia, Querétaro, Mexico, 154
Hospital Real de San José, Mexico City, 154
hospitals, 154
Huitzilopochtli, 32–33
humility, 68, 71–72, 106, 122, 139
Hyacinth, Saint, 156
Ibarra, José de, 138, 143
Blessing at the Table, 78
Coronation of St. Joseph, 147, 147–48
St. Joseph and the Co-Regents of Zacatecas, 148, 149
iconography, 18
idealization, Holy Family and, 77
Immaculate Conception, 109–10, 113
Immaculate Conception (Murillo), 110
Incarnation, 49, 52–53, 76
Inés de la Cruz, Sor Juana, 28
In Ictu Oculi (Valdés Leal), 146
Innocent XI, Pope, 42, 151
Inquisition: on adultery, 55
on artistic representation, 173n7
on Betrothal images, 43, 47
censorship of images by, 15
on Earthly Trinity, 74
on Holy Kinship, 65–66
and Jews, 155
on Joseph as carpenter, 124
on Joseph as father of Christ, 76
on Joseph’s doubts, 50
on Joseph’s image, 45–46
on Mary’s image, 45
Mexican censorship by, 83–84
Pereyns and, 60
on St. Anne, 84
uniformity imposed by, 15, 41, 95
universal application of, 82
intercession, 21, 112, 123
Interián de Ayala, Juan: The Christian Painter, 43
on flowered staff, 44
on Joseph as ideal husband, 47
on Joseph’s appearance, 46–47
on Joseph’s death, 136–37
on Mary’s appearance, 45
Isabella (queen of Spain), 34, 155
Isidore the Farmer, Saint, 132
Islam, 26, 131
Isolani, Isidoro de, 24–25
Jacob, 50–51, 51, 96
James, Saint (Santiago), 13, 131, 151, 152, 157
jealousy, 49, 53–54
Jerome, Saint, 22
Jesuits, 150, 155
Jesus: age of, 90
appearance of, 76, 77, 95–96
feeding of, 75, 78
as ideal child, 120
at Joseph’s death, 137, 139–41, 143
lineage of, 71, 78–79
obedience of, to parents, 71, 120
resemblance of, to Joseph, 76
resurrection and coronation of Joseph by, 147–50
saints associated with, 113
St. Joseph and the Christ Child imagery and, 89–111
Jesús María, Francisco de, 123
Jews, 155
Jiménez, Cardinal, 35
Joachim, Saint, 62, 64, 81–83, 85, 112
Joanes, Joan de: Holy Family, 61, 62
St. Joseph in the Carpenter’s Workshop, 20 (det.), 25, 118
John of God, Saint, 113
John the Baptist, Saint, 62, 65, 75–76, 118, 126, 128
John XXIII, Pope, 158
Joly, Barthélemy, 121–22
Josefina (Gracián), 33
Joseph, Saint: age of, 22, 24, 37, 38, 46–47, 136–37
Anne supplanted by, 85, 139
appearance of, 34, 45–47, 62–63, 76, 77, 95–96, 123, 136–37
assumption of, 24, 141, 149–50
body of, after death, 149–50
and canon of mass, 158
as carpenter, 124–25 (see also carpenter’s workshop)
Christopher supplanted by, 97–98
cloaks of, 150
confraternities dedicated to, 129–30, 143, 152–54
as convert, 155
coronation of, 150–51
cult of, 13–14, 18, 21–39, 157–58
death of, 127, 135–41
Dream (Doubts) of, 49–54
early neglect of, 21–23
European representations of, 22–25
familial role of, 70–74, 96–97
fatherhood of, 68–71, 74, 76, 78, 89–115
feast days for, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 34, 42–43, 97, 141–42, 152–53, 158, 163n4
as Godlike, 73–74, 93, 124
as guide, 96–97
as ideal father, 96–97
as ideal husband, 41, 48–49, 53–54, 56–57
increasing prominence of, 23–25
as intercessor, 21, 112, 123
lineage of, 121, 150–51, 155
Marian imagery differing from, 106–7
marital role of, 45, 48, 69–70
as martyr, 53
and Mary’s pregnancy, 52–54
Mary supplanted by, 65–69, 75–76, 101, 109–10, 113
as masculine ideal, 16–17
meanings associated with, 13, 18
as nurturing father, 107–8, 110–12
orphans protected by, 80
and Passion, 106, 127–28
as patron, 13, 27, 33–34, 54, 80, 83, 85, 87, 129–30, 143–45, 151–53, 155, 157–58
and popularity of name, 24, 158
poverty of, 122–24
as provider, 36, 120
as Redeemer, 127
relics of, 150, 164n21
representations of, 16, 34–39
research lacking on, 14
and ring from Betrothal, 150, 164n21
significance of, 21
social status of, 122–23
Tlaloc and, 30–32, 75
transitus of, 34, 141–42
universality of, 154–56
virginity of, 22, 44, 46, 150
Joseph Barnabus, Saint, 142
Josephina (Gerson), 23
Juan Diego, Saint, 157
Juárez, José, Holy Family of the Doves, 61, 62, 65
Juárez, Juan Rodriguez, St. Joseph before Mary, 84, 84
Juárez, Luis, Betrothal, 45
Juárez, Nicolás Rodríguez: Holy Family/Cinco Señores (18th c.), 82, 82
Holy Family/Cinco Señores (1722), 82, 83
king, Joseph’s protection of, 147–48, 151–53
kinship, 78, 81, 84
lactation, 107–8, 113
La Tour, Georges de, St. Joseph the Carpenter, 38
Laws of the Indies, 55
Lazarillo de Tormes, 122
Legot, Pablo, 90
León, Luis de, 72, 120
León, Martín de, 71, 85
Leonardo da Vinci, Adoration of the Magi, 25
Leo XIII, Pope, 158
Liborio, Saint, 156
Librada, Santa, 113
lightning, 30–32
Lima, Peru, 150
Lima Cathedral, Peru, 130
Lockhart, James, 14
López, Andrés, 62, 64, 65, 78
Divine and Earthly Trinities, 76
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 92, 109, 109
López de Arenas, Diego, 18
López de Arteaga, Sebastián, Betrothal, 45
Loyola, Saint Ignatius, 33, 79, 132
Lucy, Saint, 156
Ludolf the Carthusian, 22
Luther, Martin, 48, 108
machismo, 17, 113
Macip, Vicente, Holy Family, 25, 35, 61, 62
Madonna and Child: affectionate gestures, 100–101, 106–7
erotic elements in, 107
Holy Family imagery and, 67–68
Immaculate Conception imagery and, 110
St. Joseph and the Christ Child imagery and, 98–109
Madonna and Child: Cano, 98, 109
Murillo (c. 1650), 101
Murillo (1650–55), 99, 100
Murillo (1655–60), 68, 103
Murillo (1673), 99, 110
Zurbarán, 101, 101, 107
Madonna and Child with Monkey (Dürer), 65
Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist (Murillo), 68
Madonna of the Firescreen (Campin), 103
Madrid, Spain, 129
Maino, Juan Bautista, Adoration of the Shepherds, 100
Mañara, Miguel, 146
Mansilla, Antonio de, 152
manual labor, 24, 25, 117, 119–24, 129–33
market. See art market
Márquez de Velasco, Esteban, 90
marriage, 41–57
Betrothal images, 41–49
Catholics versus Protestants on, 47–48, 54, 66
equality in, 69
European versus indigenous American models of, 55–56
gender roles in, 41–42, 45, 48, 69–70, 87, 120, 193n86
historical accounts of, 57
jealousy and devotion in, 53–54
Joseph as patron of, 54
religious and social role of, 55
Saint Anne and multiple, 66
same-sex unions, 79
Spanish law on, 70
Marriage of the Virgin (Raphael), 25
Martínez Montañés, Juan, Earthly Trinity (attr.), 60
martyrdom, 53
martyrologies, 22
Mary (mother of Jesus): activities of, 72, 120
appearance of, 45, 77
Betrothal representations of, 45
death of, 138
hair of, 45
in Holy Family imagery, 65–69
as ideal wife, 48, 71–72, 120
Joseph imagery differing from, 106–7
marital role of, 45, 48, 69–72
obedience of, 71–72
pure/earthly dichotomy in, 109–10, 113
sewing and weaving by, 72, 120, 188n37
significance of, 17
as source of Joseph imagery, 98–109, 138, 147–48
supplanted by Joseph, 65–69, 75–76, 101, 109–10, 113
virginity of, 22, 47, 70. See also Virgin of Guadalupe
masculinity: honor and, 53–54
involved fatherhood and, 89–90, 112
Joseph as ideal of, 16–17
Joseph’s appearance and, 46
male saints, 85
provider role and, 132
sexuality and, 44–45
maternality, 84–85
matriarchy, 79, 81, 83–84
McAndrew, John, 26
meals, representations of, 78
El Médico de su Honra (Calderón de la Barca), 122
medieval art, 22–23
Meditaciones Espirituales (Puente), 146
Meditations on the Life of Christ (Anonymous), 22, 101, 104
El Mejor Esposo, San José (The Best Husband, Saint Joseph) (Castro), 43–44, 48, 135, 139
Mena, Pedro de, 132
Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 29
Mérode Altarpiece (Campin), 24
mesquitas, 26
methodology, 15–18
Mexican colonial art: carpenter’s workshop in, 118–19
early contact period, 29–30
Earthly Trinity in, 74–75, 85
Holy Family in, 78
indigenous influence in, 30–33
Inquisition influence on, 83–84
Joseph feminized in, 109
retardataire style in, 83
Spanish influence on, 94, 118
St. Joseph and the Christ Child in, 92–95
study of, 16
Mexico: Cinco Señores in, 83
death in, 146–47
divorce in, 55–56
family in, 81, 84, 86, 193n86
gender in, 17, 109
Holy Family imagery in, 81–86
indigenous influence on Christianity in, 30–33, 75, 85–86
Joseph’s significance for, 13–14, 25–29, 33, 34, 39, 80, 83, 151–54, 157
marriage in, 55–56
Mary’s significance for, 17, 33, 59, 170n74
Protection of St. Joseph in, 151–53
standing Joseph and Christ Child image, 92–93
St. Anne in, 84–86. See also Mexican colonial art
Mexico City, 26, 150
Michael (archangel), 140, 143
Michelangelo, Doni Tondo, 25
Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, 93
mines, 32
Minims of the Place Royale, Paris, 38
miracles, 28, 31, 32, 33, 87, 97, 112, 130, 144, 145, 155
misogyny, 72–73
mission architecture, 26–27
modern state, 79, 154–55
modesty, 45
monarchy, Joseph’s protection of, 147–48, 151–53
monasteries, 24–25
Monasterio, Guadalupe, Extremadura, Spain, 42
Montañés, Juan Martinez, 60
Montero de Rojas, Juan, 75, 78
Dream of St. Joseph, pl. 3, 49
St. Joseph and the Christ Child/Holy Family, 108
More, Thomas, 108
Morelia, Mexico, 130, 152
moriscos, 131
Mosque of the Hermits, Granada, Spain, 26
mosque plans, 26
motherhood: historical accounts of, 114–15
Spanish strictures on, 84–85, 114
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 14, 65, 92, 107, 109, 113, 117
Earthly Trinity, 72, 73, 77
Flight into Egypt, 97
Holy Family in the Carpenter’s Workshop, 116 (det.), 118, 118, 128
Holy Family with St. John the Baptist, 68
Holy Family with the Little Bird, pl. 4, 36, 60, 65, 66–67, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78
Immaculate Conception, 110
Madonna and Child (c. 1650), 101
Madonna and Child (1650–55), 99, 100
Madonna and Child (1655–60), 102, 103
Madonna and Child (1673), 99, 110
Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist, 68
Mexican influence of, 94, 118–19
St. Anne Teaching the Virgin to Read, 66, 68
St. John the Baptist and Christ, 76, 76
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 95
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (1665–68), 92, 95
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (1668–75), pl. 6, 93, 103, 105
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (1670–75), 99, 110, 110–11
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (c. 1670–75), 93
Virgin of the Rosary, 99, 99–100, 107
Vision of St. Felix of Cantalice, 68, 69, 113
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (workshop), 107
Holy Family, 68, 71, 78
Muslims, 131
Nardi, Angelo, 90
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 75–76, 76, 77, 123
nation-state. See modern state
Nativity, 23
Nativity (Anonymous), 23, 50
Nativity of the Virgin, 139
naturalism: and carpenter’s workshop imagery, 123–24
and Death of St. Joseph, 137–39
and Holy Family, 76–78
and San Isidro, 132
as suitable to subject matter, 123–24, 132
Neri, Saint Philip, 132, 153
Netherlandish art, 24, 34
Neve y Molina, Luis de, 28
New Spain. See Mexico
New Testament, 18, 21–22
Nicaragua, 155
Nicolas of Tolentino, Saint, 156
Niseno, Diego, 41
nobility, 121
Nonato, Saint Ramon, 156
obedience, 70–72, 79–80, 87, 114, 120
Olivares, Count-Duke of, 155
Opus Dei, 158
orphans, 80
Orrente, Pedro, 90, 118, 136, 138, 140
Orrente, Pedro (follower of), Blessing of Jacob, 140, 140, 141
Pacheco, Francisco: The Art of Painting, 43, 119
Dream of St. Joseph, 50, 52
on flowered staff, 44
on Holy Kinship, 65–66
Inquisition guidelines given by, 173n7
on Joseph as carpenter, 124
on Joseph as ideal husband, 47, 49
on Joseph’s appearance, 46–47
on Joseph’s doubts, 50
on St. Anne, 84
St. Joseph and the Christ Child painting by, 90
on workshop in Egypt, 119
Páez, José del, 140
Las Palmas Cathedral, Canary Islands, 60
Palomino, Acisclo Antonio, Betrothal, 44
Panama, 155
Passion, 104–5, 106, 118, 125–29
pastoral imagery, 96
Pastrana, Antonio Joseph de, 17, 87, 121, 124, 130, 141, 150
patriarchy, 69–74, 79–81
patristic texts, 18, 21, 22
patronage, 59, 93, 94
Pereda, Antonio, 75–76, 104
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 101
Pereyns, Simón: Virgen del Perdón, 85
Virgin of Mercy with the Holy Family, 60
Pérez, Lucas, 60
Pérez de Herrera, Cristóbal, 131
The Perfect Wife (León), 72, 120
Perry, Mary Elizabeth, 79, 131
Perugia, Italy, 150
Philip III (king of Spain), 131
Philip IV (king of Spain), 79, 155
Philip V (king of Spain), 152
Philip of Jesus, Saint, 83
Philippines, 155
physical contact, 100–101, 106–7, 110–12
Pius IV, Pope, 80, 154
Pius IX, Pope, 158
Pius XI, Pope, 158
Pius XII, Pope, 158
plagues, 145–46
Plasencia (Cáceres) Cathedral, 42
polygamy, 55–56
population, Spanish decline in, 55, 79, 145–46, 215n66
poverty, 122–24, 131
prayer, 72, 120, 139
La Profesa, Mexico City, 85, 142, 153
professions, Joseph as patron of, 129–30
Protection of St. Joseph, 147–48, 151–53, 157
Protestantism: and family, 79
on marriage, 47–48, 54, 66
Provincial Mexican Council of the Catholic Church, 27, 55, 155
Pseudo-Bonaventure, 22
Puebla, Mexico, 29, 81, 130, 142, 151, 153
Puente, Luis de la, 146
"Quamquam Pluries,” 158
“Quemadmodum Deus,” 158
race, 131
rain, 30–32
Ramírez El Mozo, 138, 143
Raphael, Marriage of the Virgin, 25
real estate, Joseph as patron of, 158
realism. See naturalism
Reconquista, 26
Redemption, 49, 51, 52, 104–5, 125–29, 133
Reformed Carmelites, 33
Reglas de Orthographia, Diccionario, y arte del Idioma Othomi, Breve Instruccion para los Principiantes (Neve y Molina), 28
relics, 150, 164n21
Renaissance art, 25
Reni, Guido, 38
Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Caravaggio), 37, 38
retardataire style, 83
Return from Egypt feast, 34
Revelations (Bridget of Sweden), 23
Ribadeneira, Pedro de, 17, 69–71, 122–23, 149–50
Ribalta, Francisco, 42, 131, 136, 139, 140
Holy Family, 60
Ribalta, Francisco (follower of), 143
Ribera, Jusepe de, 104, 113, 117
Dream of Jacob, 40 (det.), 50–51, 51
Holy Family in the Carpenter’s Workshop, pl. 8, 118, 125–26
ring from Betrothal, 150, 164n21
Robles, Juan de, 61
Roelas, Juan de las, 63–64, 118, 128
Holy Family (Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain), 97
Holy Family (Seville), 63, 65, 77, 80
Holy Kinship, 60
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 93
Workshop in Nazareth, 118
Roldán, Pedro, St. Joseph and the Christ Child (with Alonso Cano), 104, 105
Román, Bartolomé, The Good Death, 146
Royal Chapel, Cholula, 26
Rubens, Peter Paul, Holy Family with Saint Anne, 36, 37–38
Saavedra Fajardo, Diego, 122
sacraments, 143, 145
Sagragio Chapel, Cuenca Cathedral, Spain, 42
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 27, 30–31, 85
Saint Bonaventure on His Bier (Zurbarán), 138, 138
saints: associated with fatherhood, 112–13
associated with Jesus, 113
female, 85
male, 85
in Mexico, study of, 14
Saltillo Cathedral, Mexico, 130, 143
Salvation. See Redemption
same-sex unions, 79
San Ángel, Mexico, 94
San Benito el Real, Valladolid, Spain, 60
Sánchez, Antonio, 130
Sánchez Cotán, Juan, 91, 104, 107, 113
Sánchez Salmerón, Juan, 74
St. Anne, St. Joachim, and the Virgin Mary (attr.), 63, 64
San Francisco, Tenochtitlán, 26
San Ginés, Madrid, Spain, 92
San Isidro Labrador (Vega), 132
San Jacinto, Mexico City, 94
San José, Puebla, Mexico, 29, 85
San José, Toledo, Spain, 107
San José, Tula, Mexico, 29
San José de Belén de los Naturales (St. Joseph of Bethlehem of the Natives), Tenochtitlán, Mexico, 26–27, 29, 80, 130, 152, 155
San José de Gracia, Mexico City, 130, 152, 154
San José de Yucatán, 27
San Juan Bautista, Coixtlahuaca, Mexico, 85
San Juan Bautista, Coyoacán, Mexico City, 94
San Juan Letrán, Mexico City, 154
San Martín, Madrid, Spain, 60
Santa Ana, Toledo, Spain, 59
Santa Caridad, Seville, Spain, 146
Santa María de la Almudena, Madrid, Spain, 129, 132
Santa María de la O, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain, 62
Santiago Apóstol, Algemesí, Spain, 42, 139, 140, 143
Santiago (Saint James), 13, 131, 151, 152, 157
Santo Domingo, Mexico City, 92
semiotic analysis, 15–16
Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of St. Joseph: feast, 34
prayer series, 52
Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin (prayer series), 52
Seville, Spain, 129, 146
sewing, 72, 120
sexuality: colonialism and, 56
female, 53
shepherd imagery, 96
Siete Partidas, 53
Simeon, 129
Sixtus IV, Pope, 24, 42
sleeping gesture, 50
social welfare, 131, 154
Soto, Andrés de, 48, 120, 121
Spain: carpenter’s workshop imagery in, 117–18
colonial art influence in, 15
crisis in, 79–80, 131, 154
gender in, 17
Holy Family imagery in, 59–78
Joseph’s significance for, 13–14, 33–34, 39, 151, 154–55, 157
Mary’s significance for, 17, 59
modern state in, 154–55
population decline in, 55, 79
protection of, by Joseph, 147–48, 151–53
St. Anne in, 84–86
Spanish Inquisition. See Inquisition
staff. See flowered staff
St. Anastasia, Rome, Italy, 150
Stanislaus of Kostka, Saint, 113
St. Anne, St. Joachim, and the Virgin Mary (Sánchez Salmerón, attr.), 63, 64
St. Anne Teaching the Virgin to Read (Murillo), 66, 68
state: family and, 79
modern, 79, 154–55
St. Cecelia, Trastevere, Rome, 150
St. Dominic, Bologna, Italy, 150
St. Ildefonso, Seville, Spain, 129
St. John the Baptist and Christ (Murillo), 76, 76
St. Joseph, Puebla, Mexico, 81
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 90–111
affectionate gestures, 100–101, 106–7, 110–12
carrying images, 100
embracing images, 95–96
guiding images, 96–97
itinerant Joseph, 90–91, 94–98
Jesus seated on Joseph’s lap, 102–3, 106
Jesus sleeping, 103–4
Marian influences on, 98–109
offering pose, 92–93
Passion allusions, 104–6
physical contact, 100–101, 106–7, 110–12
seated Joseph, 93–94
standing Joseph, 91–93
St. Joseph and the Christ Child: Alcíbar, 94, 103, 104
Anonymous (16th c.), pl. 1, 30
Anonymous (17th c.), 91, 91
Anonymous (late 17th c.), 94, 94
Anonymous (18th c.), pl. 7, 109
Anonymous (18th c. hide painting), 29, 29–30
Cabrera, 94, 94
Camilo, 92, 105, 105
Cano (1645), 91, 98, 98–101, 107
Cano (c. 1646), 91–92, 98–99, 100, 101
Cano and Roldán, 104, 105
Carducho, 91, 91
Correa (Art Market, Mexico City), 91, 95, 96
Correa (attr.), 92, 93
Correa (San Juan Bautista, Mexico City), 92, 94, 101, 101
El Greco (1593), 35
El Greco (1597–99), 90, 95, 95
Herrera the Elder, 93, 102, 102, 104
López, 92, 109, 109
Murillo (1665–68), 92, 95, 95
Murillo (1668–75), pl. 6, 93, 103, 105
Murillo (1670–75), 93, 99, 110, 110–11
Nardi, 75–76, 76, 77, 123
Pereda, 101
Roelas, 93
Villalpando (late 17th c.), 92, 94, 98, 99
Villalpando (17th c.), 92, 94, 100
Zurbarán, 88 (det.), 90, 95, 96
St. Joseph and the Christ Child/Holy Family: Coello, 72, 75, 75
Montero, 108
St. Joseph and the Co-Regents of Zacatecas (Ibarra), 148, 149
St. Joseph Arrives in the New World (Anonymous), 28
St. Joseph before Mary (Juárez, J. R.), 84, 84
St. Joseph Chapel, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 29
St. Joseph Chapel, Seville Cathedral, Spain, 42
St. Joseph in the Carpenter’s Workshop (Joanes), 20 (det.), 25, 118
St. Joseph of the Market, Bologna, Italy, 150
St. Joseph’s Death (Transitus) feast, 34, 141–42
St. Joseph’s Protection, 147–48, 151–53, 157
St. Joseph’s Protection feast, 34, 152–53
St. Joseph’s Protection (Zendejas), 148, 149
St. Joseph’s Reliquary Chapel, Tepotzotlán, Mexico, 148, 150
St. Joseph’s Royal House of Abandoned Children (Real Casa del Señor San José de Niños Expósitos), Mexico City, 80
St. Joseph the Carpenter (La Tour), 38
St. Joseph the Worker feast, 158
St. Mary Magdalene, Ciempozuelos, Spain, 129
St. Mary Magdalene Convent, Madrid, Spain, 143
storms, 30–32
style: humble or low, 15–16, 123–24, 132
and representational strategies, 59, 76–77
retardataire, 83
and rhetoric, 77
stylistic analysis, 15–16
Summa de donis sancti Joseph (Summa of the Gifts of St. Joseph) (Isolani), 24–25
supper, 78
Tenochtitlán, Mexico, 26
teocalli, 26
Tepeyac, Mexico, 157
Tepotzotlán, Mexico, 95, 148, 150
Teresa de Ávila, Saint, 33, 38, 90, 132, 152
textual sources, 17–18
throne imagery, 102–3, 106
Tinoco, Juan, 117
Workshop in Nazareth, 118, 126–27, 127
Tlaloc, pl. 2, 30–32, 75
Tlalpan, Mexico, 94
Toci, 33, 85–86
Toledo, Spain, 35
Tonantzin, 33
transitus, 34, 141–43
travelers, protected by St. Joseph, 97
Trinity, 76. See also Earthly Trinity
Tristán, Luis, 63
Tula, Mexico, 29
Ulysses, 121
Urban VIII, Pope, 34, 132
Valdés Leal, Juan de, 35, 117, 129
Betrothal, 42, 43, 173n8
Finis Gloriae Mundi, 146
Holy Family in the Carpenter’s Workshop, 118, 128, 128–29
In Ictu Oculi, 146
Valdivielso, José de, 136, 140, 150
Valero, Marqués de, 34
Valladolid, Spain, 129
Vallejo, José Ignacio, 80
Vargas, Andrés de, 42
Vatican Council II, 158
Vega, Lope de, 122, 132
Venegas, Alejo, 146
Vergara, Nicolás de, 130
Villalobos, Juan de, 74
Villalpando, Cristóbal de, 84
Betrothal, 47
Holy Family/Cinco Señores (17th c.), 60, 75, 75, 82
Holy Family/Cinco Señores (late 17th-early 18th c.), 82, 83
Holy Family/Earthly Trinity, 36, 73, 74
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (17th c.), 92, 94, 100;
St. Joseph and the Christ Child (late 17th c.), 92, 94, 98, 99
Villa Sanchez, Juan de, 70
Villegas, Alonso de, 17, 132
Virgen del Perdón (Pereyns), 85
virginity, 22, 44, 46–47, 70, 150
Virgin of Guadalupe, 13, 14, 17, 33, 59, 157, 170n74
Virgin of Mercy with the Holy Family (Pereyns), 60
Virgin of Providence (Cano), 103, 104
Virgin of the Rosary (Murillo), 99, 99–100, 107
virtues, work and, 117, 121, 131–32
Vision of St. Anthony (Cano), 68
Vision of St. Felix of Cantalice (Murillo), 68, 69, 113
visions, 97, 144
Visitation, 49
visual bilingualism, 30
Vita Christi (Ludolf the Carthusian), 22
Vitoria, Spain, 143
Vives, Juan Luis, 108, 114, 131
Voragine, Jacobus de, 18, 34
The Water God Tlaloc (Anonymous), pl. 2, 30
wealth, 122
weather, 30–32
weaving, 72, 120, 188n37
wet nurses, 108
women: bearded, 113
domestic violence against, 57, 87
female saints, 85
increasing influence of, 79–80, 85, 115
indigenous Mexican, status of, 81, 193n86
and matriarchy, 79, 81, 83–84
and misogyny, 72–73
and motherhood, 84–85, 114–15
prominence of, in Mexican Holy Family images, 82–83. See also gender
woodworking tools. See carpenter’s workshop
work. See carpenter’s workshop; manual labor
Workshop in Nazareth: Anonymous, 118–19, 119
Roelas, 118
Tinoco, 118, 126–27, 127
Xavier, Saint Frances, 132
Yeste, Spain, 90
Zacharias, 49, 65
Zendejas, Miguel Jerónimo, St. Joseph’s Protection, 148, 149
Zurbarán, Francisco de, 14, 65
Burial of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai, 138
Coronation of St. Joseph, 134 (det.), 147, 147
Holy House at Nazareth, 105, 106, 118, 126
Madonna and Child, 101, 101, 107
Mexican influence of, 118–19
Saint Bonaventure on His Bier, 138, 138
St. Joseph and the Christ Child, 88 (det.), 90, 95, 96
Zurbarán, Francisco de (workshop): Death of St. Joseph, 135, 136, 136–37