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Description: The Persian Album, 1400–1600
PublisherYale University Press
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Abbasid period, 62, 64, 66, 69, 141, 279
al-ʿAbbas b. Mirdas, 63
ʿAbd al-ʿAli al-Naqqash, 85
ʿAbd Allah [b. Mahmud] al-Sayrafi (Khvaja ʿAbd Allah al-Sayrafi), 38, 57, 58, 59, 64, 81, 107, 201, 238
ʿAbd Allah b. Muqaffaʿ, 70
ʿAbd Allah b. Tahir, 62
ʿAbd Allah b. ʿUmar, 61
ʿAbd Allah b. Yazid b. Muʿawiya (Umayyad caliph), 64
ʿAbd Allah al-Haravi, 201–2, 227
ʿAbd Allah Tabbakh, 107
ʿAbd Allah al-Ziyaratgahi, 227
ʿAbd al-Asghar, 97
ʿAbd al-ʿAziz (artist), 233, 280
ʿAbd al-ʿAziz (Uzbek prince), 280
ʿAbd al-Hayy, Khvaja, 139, 140, 274, 276
ʿAbdi Beg Shirazi, 185, 239, 292–93
ʿAbdi al-Shahi (ʿAbdi al-Nishapuri), 203, 221, 255, 258
ʿAbd al-Karim al-Khvarazmi, 221
ʿAbd al-Latif b. Muhammad b. Mahmud al-Maraghi, 108
ʿAbd al-Malik b. Marwan (Umayyad caliph), 64
ʿAbd al-Rahim al-Khvarazmi, 258
ʿAbd al-Rahman Jami, 83, 174, 252, 284
ʿAbd al-Razzaq Samarqandi, Kamal al-Din, 39, 74, 83, 87, 89, 119, 160
ʿAbd al-Samad, 321
ʿAbd al-Vahhab al-Husayni al-Mashhadi, 221
Abdülhamid II (Ottoman sultan), 16, 76, 334n10, 344n35, 345n68
Abi b. Kaʿb, 109
Abu al-ʿAynaʾ, 63
Abu Bakr (first “rightly guided” caliph), 97
Abu al-Dardaʾ, 61
Abu Dharr, 110
Abu Firas al-Hamdani, 63
Abu al-Hajjaj Yusuf b. Sulayman al-ʿAlam al-Shantamari, 56
Abu Ishaq b. Husayn al-Yazdi, 97
Abu al-Maʿali Nasr Allah, 203
Abu Mihjan, 63
Abu Muhammad al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf b. al-Hakam b. ʿAqil al-Thaqafi, 62–63
Abu al-Muhsin (Timurid prince), 72
Abu Saʿid (Mongol Ilkhan ruler), 54, 139, 274, 286
Abu al-Wafaʾ b. Saʿid b. Muhammad b. Yusuf b. Mahmud, 165
Abu al-Vafaʾ al-Mubashshir b. Fatik, 64
Adam (prophet), 98, 273, 274, 301, 302
aesthetics, 13, 20, 61, 190, 250
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 240
in assemblage of calligraphy, 44
calligraphic scripts and, 201
changes in, 33
workshop and, 137
Age of the Marvelous, The (exhibition), 8
Aḥkām-i taqvīm (Injunctions of the calendar), 128
Ahmad I (Ottoman sultan), 77
Ahmad b. ʿAbd Allah al-Hijazi, 28–29, 75, 136
Ahmad b. Hanbal, 61
Ahmad b. Masʿud, 66
Ahmad b. Muhammad Thaʿalibi, 159, 161
Ahmad b. al-Suhrawardi (al-Bakri), 38, 51, 108, 220, 341n41
Ahmad Karahisari, 81
Ahmad Lur, 87, 88
Ahmad Musa, 197, 207, 261, 274, 276, 286
Ahmad al-Rumi, 1, 83, 85, 120
Āʾīn-i Akbarī (History of Akbarʾs rule), 321
Āʾīn-i Iskandarī (Rules of Alexander) (ʿAbdi Beg Shirazi), 292–93
Akbar (Mughal emperor), 321
Akhlāq-i jalālī (Jalal al-Din Dawvani), 72
Akhlāq-i muḥsinī (Husayn Vaʿiz Kashifi), 72
Aktham b. Sayfi, 63
ʿAlaʾ al-Dawla, 25, 53, 57, 73
ʿAlaʾ al-Din Ata Malik Juvayni, 55, 131, 132, 331n22, 336n68
Alan Qoa, 93, 132, 337n70
album (muraqqaʿ), 9–13, 151, 173, 178, 179
the “classic” album, 17, 32
collecting activity and, 242
compositions of pages, 250
courtly cultures and, 21–32
dissemination outside Iran, 315, 317
genres, 16–18, 31
history of, 16–18
history of calligraphy and, 54–61
history of the book and, 48–54
margins, 77, 79, 117
metaphors used to describe, 181–82, 188–93
orderly and disorderly, 13–16
purposes and themes of, 32–35, 306
as site of memory, 32
study of, 20–21
synoptic perspectives on, 311–12
written sources about, 18–20. See also prefaces; Safavid albums; Timurid albums
Alexander of Macedon (“the Great”), 66, 109, 143–44, 327n6
Alexandria, Egypt, 1
ʿAli b. Abi Talib (fourth “rightly guided” caliph), 75, 97, 167–68, 181, 194, 317
contest with Chinese artists, 192
as illuminator, 293
islāmī decorative motif and, 257, 300–301
name in calligraphy, 95, 95–96, 154, 155
praised in album preface, 196, 212
Qurʾans decorated by, 274
sayings of, 61, 62, 65, 200, 260
ʿAli al-Husayni, 85
Alsop, Joseph, 13, 328n19
Amini. See Khvandamir/Amini
Amir Ali al-Tabrizi, Khvaja, 231, 258, 260, 267, 273, 277
Amir Dawlatyar, 139, 286
Amir Ghayb Beg, 31, 184, 185, 186, 223, 243
Amir Ghayb Beg album, 193, 199, 223–39, 254, 300
Amir Husayn Beg, 31, 239, 243
biography of, 185
calligraphy and arts practiced by, 181
patronage of, 195, 241
Amir Husayn Beg album, 184, 185, 199, 212–23, 254
Amir Khalil, 274, 281
Amir Khusraw (Dihlavi), 27, 37, 56, 130, 252
Amir Sayyid Ahmad Turkhan, 160
Amir Shahi, 252
Amir Sultan Ibrahim Amini, 252
Amr b. Masʿada al-Suli, 62
Anatolia, 11, 82
angels, as motif, 158, 172, 240
animals, 5, 68, 70, 107, 140
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 225, 237
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 214, 215, 217, 218
in Bahram Mirzaʾs album of the six cursive scripts, 240–41
in binding doublures, 166, 167
Chinese art and, 304, 305
in Kalīla wa Dimna, 209, 209–11
mythical, 100, 101, 102, 102, 164, 166, 218
in ornaments, 126
portrayed in bindings, 225, 240–41
in safīna, 157. See also specific animals
ʿAnīs al-nās (Companion of the elite) (Shujaʿ), 70
antelopes, 215, 218, 285, 285
anthologies, 29, 32, 107, 121, 144, 294
book making and, 149
borders and margins (ḥashīya) in, 149, 152, 171–73, 339n10, 341n36
central field (matn) in, 149, 151, 152, 172, 339n10, 341n36
emergence of, 33
formats and techniques, 152–73
hybrid forms, 173–76, 177–78, 178–79
of Iskandar Sultan, 112–15, 113, 116, 118, 123, 123–27, 127, 130, 149–50, 151, 235
of Sultan Ahmad, 289
table of contents in, 149, 150. See also inshāʾ; jung; majmūʿa; munshaʾāt; safīna
anthologizing mode, 22
anthropology, 6
Anushirvan, 95
aphorisms, 64, 65, 95, 109, 220
Aqa Mirak Isfahani, 187
Aqqoyunlu dynasty, 21, 22, 29–30, 91, 258
Aq Saray, 74, 122
Arabic language, 40, 70, 94, 109, 112, 229
in decoupage books, 168
wisdom sayings in, 64, 269
ʿArab Naqqash, 121
architecture, 28, 39, 74, 122–23
designs for, 106, 106
as element in painting, 265, 271, 271
revetment techniques, 106, 109
Safavid, 181, 213
Timurid, 104, 123, 338n89
Ardashir, 63
Arghun [b. ʿAbd Allah] al-Kamili, 38, 47, 63, 107, 201
calligraphy signed by, 47, 48, 200
Qurʾan copied by, 51
Aristotle, 63, 66, 95, 109
“Artangi Tablet” (Mani), 274, 276, 300, 301, 302
art dealers and the market, 15
art history, 6, 8, 17, 32, 147, 251
calligraphic scripts and, 201
Dust Muhammad on, 275–78
emergence of interest in, 20, 29
as genealogy, 56, 284–94, 300, 309
imitation and self-referentiality, 137–44, 294
intertextuality in, 291
Safavid, 182
Timurid, 57-61, 137–44
artists, 25, 27, 85
artwork as trace/vestige of, 279
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 257
Baysunghur’s patronage and, 39, 274, 281
chain of transmission and, 276
competitions between, 144, 192
fertile working environment for, 29
models and, 137, 284–93
personal relationships of, 310
signing of works, 175
status of, 24
transfer of, 119
ʿarżadāsht (petition/report), 128, 133–34, 135, 137, 139, 337n73
as̱ar (trace/vestige), 279
al-Asmaʿi, 63
Asrār-nāma (Book of secrets) (Farid al-Din
ʿAttar), 161, 164
Astarabad, 39
astrology/astronomy, 70, 114–15, 335n37
Awhadi, 156
Awrangzeb (Mughal emperor), 323
ʿAyshi, 221
Ayyubid dynasty, 98
Azada, 5, 5
Azerbaijan, 21
Azhar, 201, 220, 221, 222, 258, 259, 260, 344n46, 346n83
Baba Nakkash, 92, 334n15
Babur, Zahir al-Din Muhammad (founder of Mughal dynasty), 321, 349n41
Badiʿ al-Zaman (Timurid prince), 78, 316
Baghdad, 24, 30, 73, 81, 158
Jalayirid court in, 28
Mongol invasion of, 60
Bahram Gur, 5, 5, 241
Bahram Mirza (Bahram al-Husayni), 30, 78, 79, 174, 224, 239, 289
biography, 253
calligraphy practiced by, 187, 200, 202, 212, 240, 252
Chinese art and, 295
governorship of Herat/Khurasan and, 277
lifestyle of, 245, 252–53, 305, 347–48n5, 349n41
manuscripts made for, 252–53
painting practiced by, 186, 248, 252, 288, 289
poetry practiced by, 252
portrait of, 245, 247
praise of, 253, 273
rivals of, 280
signature of, 254, 255, 256
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 9, 10, 16, 17, 183–84, 245–52
anthologizing aesthetic of, 33
Chinese art in, 160, 270–71, 286, 295–301, 296–97
compared to other Safavid albums, 31, 218, 239–43, 250–51, 253–54
decorating process (tazyīn), 269, 271–72
European art in, 301–4, 302
as forerunner of Kevorkian album, 17
gyrfalcons in, 240, 286
historical character of, 310
linear-historical model in, 238, 257
making of, 252–72
margins and contents of, 198–99, 257–61
page structures, 261–69
paintings/drawings and calligraphies in, 9–10, 197, 206, 207, 244, 246–48, 254, 256, 259, 260, 262–64, 266, 268–71, 282–88, 290, 293, 296–99, 302, 305
preface written for, 18, 19, 83, 184, 272–94
sensual and memorial experience of, 304–7. See also Dust Muhammad
Bahram Mirza album of the six cursive scripts, 38, 39, 40, 79–80, 200, 311
Baku, 92
Balkhi School of geography, 114, 115
bannāʾī (“builder’s bond”), 109
Baqir Mansur Bakhshi, 153
Barbaro, Josafa, 2–3, 327n6
Basel, exhibition at, 8
Bashdan Qara, 279, 349n40
Bayezid I (Ottoman sultan), 1, 2, 327n5
Bayezid II (Ottoman sultan), 81, 92–93
Bayqara (Timurid prince), 113
Baysunghur (Timurid prince), 1, 22, 33, 60, 88, 220
artists in retinue of, 85, 133–34, 274
calligraphers in retinue of, 85, 96, 107
calligraphy practiced by, 30, 37, 72–73, 85
courtly rivalry over artists and, 26–27
death of, 145
ex libris of, 142
kitābkhāna (workshop) and, 28, 29, 41, 91, 92, 135, 150
library of, 40–41, 65–72, 132, 334n8
life and milieu of, 39–41
memorialization of, 80–83
painting practiced by, 83, 343n10
patronage of, 25, 27, 72–76, 91, 98, 145, 158, 281
poets in retinue of, 73, 156
portraits of, 104
praise of, 39, 82–83, 281
preface to Shāhnāma commissioned by, 130
Tabriz campaign of, 119
virtuous image cultivated by, 38
works commissioned by, 87
Baysunghur calligraphy album, 33, 38, 41, 86, 117, 314–15
approach to history in, 56, 75–76, 312
Bahram Mirza album of the six cursive scripts and, 200, 277, 311
as earliest Persian album, 37–39
ex libris of, 36, 42, 54, 76, 77, 330–31n6
as fusion of history and genealogy, 56–61
illuminated headpieces in, 43, 45, 45, 54
Kufic script in, 45, 109
layering of meaning in, 75–76
making of, 44–48
reception of, 76–80
Safavid albums and folios extracted from Baysunghur calligraphy album, 200, 200
“six scripts” in, 37, 315–16
textual content, 61–65
virtue and, 38, 39, 73–75
Bihzad, 11, 134, 179, 187–88, 212, 222, 349n50
artwork for Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 206, 249, 284–86, 284–88, 288, 289–91, 296, 298–99
chain of transmission and, 276
portrait of, 204, 205
portraits of Timurid and Uzbek rulers, 280
student of, 233
Timurid court and, 250
as transitional artist, 274
bindings, 16, 106, 124–25, 127, 136, 154, 155, 166, 167, 174
Amir Ghayb Beg album, 224, 225–27, 240, 346n82
Amir Husayn Beg album, 345n68
Bahram Mirza album of the six cursive scripts, 240–41
filigree (munabbat-kārī) and inlay work, 155, 166, 167
leather, 106
Ottoman album, 318
Shah Tahmasp album, 197–98, 198, 225, 240, 344–45n35, 345n42, 345n43
biography, 251, 306
calligraphy canon and, 80–81
history as, 275, 278–94, 309
in Perso-Islamicate cultural complex, 35
birds, 103, 106, 123, 126, 127, 146, 167, 189, 214, 217, 230, 234, 308
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 270, 271, 297, 298
in Safavid albums, 197. See also falcons/falconry; simurghs (fabulous birds)
Bisitun, Mount, 231, 233, 233
Bistam, 185
bixie (Chinese mythical animal), 100, 101, 215, 218, 219
“Black Sheep” Turkmen. See Qaraqoyunlu
books, 32–34, 118, 149–52
abandoned as model, 88
albums and history of, 48–54
anthologies, 123–24
durability of, 136
as inspiration for albums, 182
in library of Baysunghur, 37, 65–70
model, 144–47
bowls, painted, 5
Bruijn, J. T. P. de, 66
Budaq Munshi Qazvini, 252, 253, 255
Buddhism, 161, 295, 350n71
Bughra Khan, 69
“builder’s bond” revetment, 109
Bukhara, 69, 175, 176, 294, 319
Burhān al-kifāya (Sufficient proof), 115
Bushaq, 143
Buzurgmihr, 63, 109
Byzantine empire, 274, 301
Çağman, Filiz, 17, 341n48
Cairo, 51
Çaldıran, Battle of, 320
caliphs, 60, 61, 62, 63–64, 66, 97. See also specific caliphs by name
calligraphers, 25, 28–29, 34, 115
art of the book and, 149
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 38, 258, 277–78
of Baysunghur calligraphy album, 38, 76, 77, 79
Baysunghur’s patronage and, 39
imitation as artistic practice of, 57–59, 85, 137–39
multiple copies of texts and, 38
Ottoman, 81
petitions to patrons, 134
Qurʾans copied by, 51–53, 54–55
signatures of, 92, 139
“six masters,” 56, 58
technical virtuosity of, 48
“traditionists” (muḥaddiths) and, 60
calligraphy, 1, 9, 9, 17, 21, 24
aesthetic distinctions for scripts, 201
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 227, 227–29, 229–31, 235
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 214, 217, 220–22, 221
assemblage of, 44–48, 94
assemblage of (various scripts), 89, 90
Arabic script, 37, 63, 92
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 256, 258–61, 259, 260, 262, 266, 268–69, 293
in Bahram Mirza album of the six cursive scripts, 80, 81–82
in Baysunghur calligraphy album, 38, 44–50, 56
centrality in Safavid court, 188
decoupage, 266, 266–67, 293, 293–94
as embodiment of virtue, 75
epigraphic designs, 95, 96
exercises in, 85–86, 86, 255–56, 256
formats of, 34
garden analogy and, 189
history of, 54–61
individual sheets of, 30
intertextuality and, 291, 292
lineages of masters, 258, 274
metaphoric images used to describe, 194–95
as most important art, 194
in nastaʿlīq, 12
practiced by princes, 39–40
practice exercises (mufradāt), 95, 230–31, 231, 259, 259
prestige of, 30
princes trained in, 74–75
riqāʿ script, 24
in Shah Tahmasp album, 199–200, 198–202
signed specimens, 201–2, 202, 231, 260, 262, 262–63, 267, 269, 269
single-sheet, 175
in Timurid albums, 22, 95–98, 106–21
valued by collectors, 24–25. See also specific scripts
cameos, 2
Caspian Sea, 39, 92
“Cathayan” (Chinese) tradition, 32
Caucasus Mountains, 92
Cenderecizade Mehmed, 319
Central Asia, 11, 21, 25, 91, 96
in Balkhi School map, 115
Chinese contact with, 159, 160
Timurid dynasty in, 21, 147, 159
Uzbek triumph over Timurids in, 78, 280
ceramics, 5, 100, 174
anthology motifs and, 155
Chinese, 159, 160
mosaic effects in, 122
Chaghatay. See Turkish (Chaghatay) language
Chahār Maqāla (Four discourses) (Nizami ʿAruzi Samarqandi), 68–70, 71
cheetahs, 257
“Chest of Witnessing” (sandūq al-shahāda), 274, 276, 301, 302
China, 162, 274
collecting cultures of, 311, 328n23
influence on Persian art, 98, 100
Mongol imperium and, 340n23
painting in, 143–44
Chinese art, 55, 143–44, 151, 157, 174, 222
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 251, 256, 257, 271, 271, 272, 285, 286, 286
in versified Persian tale, 192
Chinese papers, 159–65, 162–63
Chinggisids, 27, 40, 132
Christianity, 3
cloud-collar genre, 298, 351n76
codicology, 16, 20, 76–80, 215, 323
“Collection of Arab Proverbs,” 68, 70
collections/collecting, 6–9, 13, 18–20, 328n19
colophons, 33, 57, 81, 312
contents, table of (fihrist), 149, 150
courtiers, 9, 19, 37, 176
paintings of, 71, 177, 180, 205, 216, 219, 230, 231, 232, 246, 247, 248, 282, 283
in Safavid period, 183, 188
Cowen, Jill Sanchia, 207
cranes, 233, 234, 235
Creation, album compared to, 191–93, 195, 276, 289, 348n20
cuerda seca technique, 122
Damghan, 185
Daniel (prophet), 274, 289, 300, 301, 302
Daoist images, 295
Dartmouth, exhibition at, 8
Darvish, Payanda, 85
Darvish ʿAbd Allah Munshi, 231
Dastur-nāma (Book of exemplarity) (Nizari al-Quhistani), 158
David (biblical/Qurʾanic), 109
Dawlatshah Samarqandi, 26, 27, 38, 73–74, 88, 121
biography of poets, 37, 58, 81, 130
on collecting, 37
on fate of Iskandar Sultan, 113
decoupage (qatʿi), 165–71, 222, 251
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 266, 266–67, 269, 269, 293, 293–94
in Ottoman albums, 319
Delhi, 132
Dellʾhistoria naturale (Ferrante Imperato), 6
depiction, 21, 136, 218, 237, 284
calligraphy and, 325
history of, 307
intertextuality and, 291–92
writing affiliated with, 314. See also drawings; painting
dervishes, 188, 257, 281, 351n77
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 284, 285, 286, 287, 298, 299
in the Gulistān of Saʿdi, 67, 70
diacritical marks, 38, 85, 86, 109, 169
Diba, Layla, 198, 344n43
dībāchā (preface), 128
didactic works, 32, 64, 65, 70, 73, 95
Diez, Heinrich Friedrich von, 15, 16, 334n10
dīvan (poetry collection), 33, 58, 69, 73, 128
of Amir Shahi, 252
ghazals in, 155
as specific term, 152
of Sultan Ahmad Jalayir, 166, 166, 171–72
of Sultan Husayn, 170, 170–71, 173, 173
dīv (demon), 98, 99, 158, 235, 237, 298, 298
doctors, 70
doublures, in bindings, 166, 167, 226
dragons, 84, 100, 101, 102, 102, 106, 124, 126, 140, 217
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 233, 234
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 214, 219
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 257, 272
in Ottoman albums, 318
drawings, 3–4, 30, 77, 121
assemblages of, 9, 84, 89, 89, 101, 102, 106, 107, 124, 146
in later Safavid period, 324–25, 325
relation to text, 174
sāz genre, 298, 318
in Timurid albums, 98, 100, 101–2, 102, 103, 104
workshop processes and, 137. See also depiction
dress, 5
Duda, Dorothea, 319
Dust Muhammad, 19, 325
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 230
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 184, 242, 253–56, 269, 304–7
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album assembled by, 31–32, 245, 249–50
on Chinese art, 295
as court calligraphy instructor, 255
decoration of Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 269, 272
figure-ground relationships and, 263, 266
independence from Bahram Mirza, 255
narrative histories of, 251
ordering of Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 257
preface for Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 83, 197, 250, 251, 273–78, 281, 284–94, 301
eagles, 157
Edirne, 29
Egypt, 25, 51
encyclopedias, 29
endpapers, 169, 169
engravings, 7, 7
enigmas (muʿammā), 175
epistles, 62
ethics (akhlāq), 35, 64, 66, 70, 309, 312
Euclid, 279
European art, 222, 274, 280, 301–4, 302, 321
fairies (parīs), 198, 226
Fakhr al-Din Ibrahim b. Shahriyar ʿIraqi, 155
Fakhr al-Din Razi, 66
falcons/falconry, 230, 231, 240, 281, 297, 350n73. See also gyrfalcons
Farhad, 231, 233
Farid al-Din ʿAttar, 115, 161, 164–65
Faridun, 5
Farnese Bowl (Tazza Farnese), 2, 6, 140
drawing after, 3, 338n104
ownership history, 1, 327n1
Farnese family, 1
Farrukh Yasar, 92
Fars, province of, 25, 87, 97, 112
Fasih Ahmad b. Jalal al-Din Muhammad Khvafi (Fasih Khvafi), 160
Fath Allah, 85
Fatimid period, 141
figure-ground relationships, 263, 263–64, 265–66
filigree, 166, 174. See also inlay work
fiqh (jurisprudence), 165
Firdawsi, 5, 37, 98, 104, 158, 265
fish, drawings of, 206, 207, 212, 240
flowers, 107, 115, 126, 297, 298
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 272
lotus, 153, 153, 156
in Safavid albums, 197, 214
folios, 136, 174
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 183–84, 258, 261–62
as leaves in garden, 189
sandwiched, 309
structure of, 117
Fouchécour, Charles-Henri de, 70, 72
foxes, 157, 167, 210–11
“fragment” (qiṭaʿ), 175
“Frankish” (European) tradition, 32, 295
Gabriel (angel), 287, 287
Gawharshad Begum, 113
Gawhar Sultan Khanum, 243
genealogies, 22, 24, 29, 35, 284, 312
art history and, 284–85, 309
of “artist families,” 187–88
Chinggisid, 132
of early Timurid period, 130–33
history as biography and, 278–94
of Khalil Sultan, 133
Mughal, 323
of peoples, 55
from Timurid workshop, 88
of Timurʾs descendants, 74
Turco-Mongol, 92, 93, 95, 96, 104, 118, 130, 133
Genghis Khan, 93
genres, 16–18, 31, 129, 183, 279, 309
geography, 114, 115, 131
geometry, 24, 279
ghazal (type of poem), 33, 128, 152, 155
safīna of, 156
in Sultan Husaynʾs dīvān, 170
Ghazan (Mongol Ilkhan ruler), 54, 330n62
Ghazi Khan Takkalu, 252
Ghaznavid dynasty, 98, 203
Ghiyas al-Din (calligrapher), 203
Ghiyas al-Din Naqqash, 160–61
ghubar script, 96, 199
gold, application of, 45, 83
gold-sprinkling (zar-afshānī), 161, 173, 198, 209, 253
in Mughal albums, 321, 322
in Qurʾans, 50, 51, 52, 54
Gonzalez de Clavijo, Ruy, 1
Gray, Basil, 15
Greek painting, 143–44
griffins, 5
Grube, Ernst, 142
Gulistān (Rose garden) (Saʿdi), 66–68, 67, 70, 102
gyrfalcons, 240, 257, 286, 286, 295–97. See also falcons/falconry
Ḥabīb al-siyar (Companion of biographies) (Khvandamir), 26
Habsburgs, 317
Ḥadīqat al-ḥaqīqat (Garden of truth) (Sanaʾi), 65–66
“al-Hadira” (Qutba b. Aws), 63, 109, 137–38
hadith (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad), 54, 63, 95, 109, 165
in Baysunghur calligraphy album, 37, 47, 60, 61
caliphs and, 62
chain of transmission and, 275
early collections of, 65
in education curriculum, 61
Hafiz Abru, 55, 72, 131, 160
Hafiz Baba Jan, 277, 281
Hafiz Mahicha, 205, 206
Hafiz Qasim, 205, 206
Hafiz Saʿd Shirvani, 107
Haft Awrang (Seven thrones) (ʿAbd al-Rahman Jami), 174–75, 337n81
Haft Paykar (Seven portraits) (Nizami Ganjavi), 241
Hajji Muhammad Bandgir, Khvaja (al-Hajj Muhammad al-Musharriji), 108, 110, 112, 119, 138, 335n44
collected calligraphies of, 121
death of, 120
works signed by, 94, 120
Hali, 252
Hamadan, province of, 252
Han Huang, 304
“haphazard” albums, 17, 329n30
Harun al-Rashid (caliph), 62, 63
Hasan (artist), 237
Hasan al-Basri, 63
Hasan Beg Rumlu, 185, 206
Hasan Dihlavi, 156
Hasan Rumlu, 186–87
Hasan (son of ʿAli b. Abi Talib), 61, 97
Hatifi, 284
Haybat Naqqash, 139, 140
Haydar ʿAli, 206
Haydar al-Husayni, 319
Haydar Khvarazmi, 72
Hayreddin Marashi, 81
headpieces, illuminated, 49, 53, 109, 117, 149
motifs used in, 43, 45, 45–46, 46
in poetry anthologies, 153, 178
in Safavid albums, 199
from safīna, 156, 157
Henry III, king of Castile and Léon, 1
Heraclius (Byzantine emperor), 274, 301
Herat, 11, 30, 66, 93, 252
albums assembled in, 118
artistic production in, 90
Baysunghur in, 39
book production in, 119
calligraphers in, 98
calligraphy albums assembled in, 118
chain of transmission through, 259, 276
Chinese emissaries in, 160
coins minted in, 60
governorship of, 179
kitābkhāna (workshop) in, 41, 91, 135, 158
madrasa in, 70
post-Timurid turmoil in, 277
production levels in, 30
Safavid court in, 183
Timurid court in, 21, 22, 25, 26, 258
heresy, 60
Hijaz school, 61
histories, 33, 35, 65
as biographies, 278–94
dynastic, 74
of early Timurid period, 130–33
hizār bāf (“one-thousand weave”), 109
honorifics, 120
horses, 4, 5, 10, 84, 89, 99, 100, 101, 103, 160, 233, 248, 271, 288, 290, 297, 299
Humayun (Mughal emperor), 321
humor, 32, 304–5
Husam b. Muhammad Rashid Sarraf Khvarazmi, 158
Husayn (son of ʿAli b. Abi Talib), 97, 257
Husayn b. ʿAli Shah, 132
Husayni al-Shirazi, 221
Husayn Shirazi, 121
Husayn Vaʿiz Kashifi, 72
Ibn ʿAbbas, 61
Ibn al-Athir, 54
Ibn al-Bawwab, 24, 81, 331n31
Ibn ʿArabshah, 2
Ibn Husayn, 77, 78, 333nn81–82
Ibn Khaldun, 75
Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ, 171, 203
Ibn Muqla, 24, 55, 58, 81, 331n31
Ibn Zayyat, 62
Ibrahim Mirza (Safavid prince), 83, 174, 175, 185, 242
Ibrahim Sultan (Timurid prince), 25, 26, 70, 128
art of the book and, 119
calligraphy practiced by, 30, 39–40, 73, 97
Dawlatshah Samarqandi on, 73–74
dīvān made for, 166
historians in retinue of, 132
kitābkhāna (workshop) under, 28, 29, 135, 136
library seal of, 93–95
patronage of, 98
works commissioned by, 131
ijāza (“license to transmit”), 60–61
Ikhtiyar al-Munshi, 231
Ilāhī-nāma (Divine book) (Farid al-Din ʿAttar), 161, 164
illumination, 45, 79, 136
ʿAli as patron of, 293
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 231, 236–37
in anthologies, 125
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 251, 272
book making and, 149
devices of, 122
forms of, 342n62
new techniques used with, 174
in Qurʾans, 51, 53
as self-understanding, 165. See also headpieces; sarlawh; shamsa
ʿImad al-Munajjim al-Kashi, 114
imitation, as artistic practice, 137–44, 312
Imperato, Ferrante, 6, 8
index, 75, 149, 309, 325. See also as̱ar
India, 11, 37, 78, 250, 321
inlay work (munabbat-kārī), 166, 167, 225
Inscriptiones vel Tituli Theatri Amplissimi (Samuel Quiccheberg), 8
inshāʾ (composition/anthology), 128–29, 134, 144, 187, 319, 336n53
interpretation, modes of, 20–21
intertextuality, 291–92, 294
inventories, 15, 18, 54, 79
Iran, 11, 80
in Balkhi School map, 115
contact with China, 159
court painting tradition in, 98, 276
culture of collecting in, 12
Jalayirid courts in west of, 41
Mongol Ilkhan influence in, 27–28
Mongol invasions and, 118
pre-Islamic kings of, 64
Safavid dynasty in, 21, 78
Timurid dynasty in, 25, 91, 147
Turkmen dynasties in, 21, 22
Iraq, 87, 258, 300
ʿIraqi, 156
Isfahan, 25, 91, 114, 132, 152
Iskandar Sultan, 25, 28, 72, 74, 87
art of the book and, 119
“nativity book” of, 125–26, 126
sedition and defeat of, 112–13, 119, 132
Shiraz as center of government under, 152
Iskandar Sultanʾs anthologies, 107, 113, 130, 156, 235, 339n1
bookbinding designs in, 123, 123–27, 127
diversity of aesthetic idioms in, 149–50, 151
historical context of, 112–15
Turco-Mongol genealogy and, 118
Iskander Beg Munshi, 185, 186
Islam, 39, 40, 63, 165, 301
aesthetics and, 50
formative period of, 64
hadith of the Prophet Muhammad and, 60
Islamic art, 14, 15
Islamic lands, 5, 9, 19, 194, 316
Kufic script in early period of, 96
portraiture and Muslim revelation, 302
revival of, 72, 74
Sunni, 30. See also Shiʿism; Sufism
islāmī (var. islīmī) decorative motif, 257
Istakhr, 97
Istanbul, 15, 78, 93, 316, 317, 319
Jaʿfar al-Sadiq, 61, 75
Jaʿfar al-Tabrizi (Jaʿfar al-Baysunghuri), 66, 70, 83, 85, 107, 119, 155, 158, 280
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 258, 259, 260
petition to Baysunghur, 133–34, 135, 137, 139
Jahangir (Mughal emperor), 16, 321–23
Jahanshah Qaraqoyunlu, 91, 158, 327n2
Jalal (artist), 121
Jalal Beg, 185, 213–14, 222
Jalal al-Din Dawvani, 72
Jalal al-Din Firuzshah, Amir, 152–53, 155, 156
Jalal al-Din al-Qayini, 70
Jalayirid dynasty, 28, 41, 83, 98, 119
painting under, 142, 143
patronage of, 141
Jamal Muhammad al-Musharriji, 112, 120
Jami. See ʿAbd al-Rahman Jami
Jāmiʿ al-tāwarīkh (Compendium of chronicles) (Rashid al-Din), 54, 55, 131
Jawhar-i Sīmī (Simiʾs jewel) (Simi Nishapuri), 129, 161
Jesuits, 321
Jesus, 3, 274, 302
jewels, 2, 189
Jews, 66
jinn, 237
jokes, 304–5, 306–7, 310
Jonah (biblical/Qurʾanic), 98
judges/jurists, 37, 64
jung (anthology), 128, 152, 339n6
justice (ʿadl), 64, 66, 72
Juvayni. See ʿAlaʾ al-Din Ata Malik Juvayni
Juzjani, 40
Kalīla wa Dimna, 58, 70, 104, 141–44, 142
Ahmad Musa and, 197
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 222
collage of paintings from, 208–9, 209–11
margins in, 171
in Shah Tahmasp album, 199, 203, 207, 239, 242, 286, 345n59
Kamal al-Din (découpeur, outliner), 222
Kamal al-Din Khujandi, 153
Kamal al-Din Mahmud b. ʿAbd al-Haqq al-Sabzavari, 202–3
Kara Memi, 318–19
Kayanid dynasty, 204
Kay Kavus, 204
Kaykavus b. Iskandar, 70
“Kevorkian” album, 16, 17, 323
Khalil Sultan (Timurid ruler), 58, 93, 119, 131
calligraphy dedicated to, 96
court of, 26, 27, 96–97
genealogy of, 133
patronage of, 98
Turco-Mongol genealogy of, 118
Khamsa (quintet of poems): of Amir Khusraw Dihlavi, 27, 252
of Farid al-Din ʿAttar, 161–62, 162–63, 164
of Nizami Ganjavi, 27, 127, 231, 233, 241, 287
Khanbaligh (Peking), 160
khātima (epilogue), 128
khaṭṭ (calligraphy), 21, 74. See also calligraphy
Khiradnāma-yi Iskandarī (Alexanderʾs book of wisdom) (Nizami Ganjavi), 252
Khurasan, province of, 21, 30, 39, 91
calligraphic school of, 258, 259
Chinese influence in, 159
governorship of, 62, 179, 252
nastaʿlīq tradition in, 229
Turkmen assaults on, 91, 316
Uzbek preeminence in, 280
Khusraw Parviz, 233, 274
Khusraw va Shīrīn (Nizami Ganjavi), 155–56, 226, 231, 233, 233
Khuzistan, province of, 252
Khvaja ʿAbd al-Qadir, 26, 27, 96–97, 119–20, 128
Khvaja Afzal Kashi, 158
Khvajagi Turshizi, 206
Khvaja Ibrahim, 258
Khvaja ʿIsmat Bukhari, 58
Khvaja Mahmud, 26, 119
Khvaja Malik Ahmad, 178–79, 179
Khvaja Nasir Muzahhib, 129, 136
Khvaja Qiyas al-Din, 121
Khvaja Shihab al-Din Mahmud, 252
Khvaja Yusuf Andigani, 26–27
Khvaju Kirmani, 156
Khvandamir/Amini, 78, 190, 207, 250, 272
historical biography and, 26
preface genre and, 19, 279
Kisra Anushirvan, 63
kitāba (inscriptions), 128
kitābkhāna (workshop), 15, 23, 28, 41, 82
artistic practices in, 137–44
cultural tendencies under Timurids, 121–33
mechanics of workshop practice, 24
members of workshop, 25–26
model book, 144–47
operational procedures in, 133–37
Ottoman, 320
Timurid albums, 93–121
Timurid court and, 85–93, 133–44
works in progress in, 57
knowledge, 14, 35, 60, 61, 75, 165
Kopek Qiran, 204, 205
Kopytoff, Igor, 6
Kufa, 63
Kufic script, 45, 95, 95–96, 342n62
in epigraphic scroll, 97, 97
in Timurid calligraphy albums, 109
kullīyat (anthology), 129, 152
Kullīyat (Collected works) (Saʿdi), 129, 161
Kumayl b. Ziyad, 62
Kunstkammer, 6, 7
lacquer, works in, 174, 197, 198, 224, 225–26
Lahijan, 252
Lamaʿāt (Flashes) (Fakhr al-Din Ibrahim b. Shahriyar ʿIraqi), 155
landscapes, 102, 140–41, 176, 240–41, 339n10
Latāʾif al-maʿārif (Book of curious and entertaining information) (Ahmad b. Muhammad Thaʿalibi), 159, 161
law (sharīʿa), 66, 72
library, royal, 6, 134, 135, 184, 187, 274
calligraphers at, 278
Shah Tahmasp album and, 196, 202
lions, 5, 102, 106, 124
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 218, 219
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 284, 285
in Bahram Mirza album of the six cursive scripts, 240–41
in macabre scenes, 140
in Ottoman albums, 319
as visual pun, 240
literary tracts (rasāyil), 158
literature, 29, 75, 130, 225
Losensky, Paul, 130, 143
lynx, 285, 285, 298
maʿās̱ir (memorial), 279
madrasas, 60, 135
Maecenases, 15
al-Mahdi (caliph), 62
Mahmud b. Ishaq al-Shihabi, 230
Mahmud b. Muhammad b. Jaʿfar, 85
Mahmud b. Muhammad Salahi, 108
Mahmud b. Sabuktigin, 69
Mahmud b. Yahya al-Kashi (ʿImad al-Munajjim al-Kashi), 114, 125
Mahmud al-Muzahhib (illuminator), 233
Mahmud al-Sufi al-Haravi, 108
Majālis al-nafāʾis (Assemblies of precious things) (Mir ʿAli Shir Navaʾi), 81
majlis (assembly), 28, 29, 85, 215
Majmaʿ al-tawārīkh (Hafiz Abru), 131
majmūʿa (anthology), 128, 129, 144, 152, 155
Majmūʿa al-rashīdīya (Rashid al-Din), 54
Majmūʿa-yi Ḥāfiz-i Abrū (compilation by Hafiz Abru), 131
Majnun and Layli, story of, 127
Makhzan al-asrār (Treasury of secrets) (Haydar Khvarazmi), 72
Malik Daylami, 185, 190, 220, 221, 278, 314
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 230
on audience for albums, 193
calligraphy by, 221, 222
on calligraphy/calligraphers, 187, 194–95
celestial metaphor for albums, 189
preface to Amir Husayn Beg album, 181–82, 212–13, 215, 217, 241
Malik Qasim, 304
Mamluks, 51, 53, 54, 93, 97, 331n15
al-Maʾmun (Abbasid caliph), 62, 64, 69
Mani, 274, 276, 300, 305
claim to prophethood, 301, 303
European artworks linked to, 302
manshūr (royal mandate), 129, 136
Mansur al-Qatiʿ al-Ruzbihani, 85
Manṭiq al-ṭayr (Conference of the birds) (Farid al-Din ʿAttar), 161, 164
Manuel dʾart musulman (Migeon), 15
Maragha, 51
margins (ḥāshīya), 77, 79, 117, 149
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 218, 219
in anthologies, 149, 151, 152, 153, 153, 171–73, 172, 173
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 253–54
color of, 209
garden analogy and, 189
in Mughal albums, 321–22
Martin, F. R., 15, 329n33
Maʿruf al-Fallas, 85
Mashhad, 30, 37, 73, 185
mas̱navī (poetic form), 5, 33, 65, 66, 140, 152, 158, 226, 241, 277, 310
masters, canon of, 56–59, 80, 82, 258, 274
Masʿud b. Miraki al-Kirmani, 267, 269, 293, 350n65
Malaʿ-i saʿdayn u majmaʿ-i baḥrayn (Rising of the two stars and the meeting of the two seas) (ʿAbd al-Razzaq Samarqandi) 74, 87, 160
Mawlana ʿAbd al-ʿAli, 25, 119
Mawlana Hafiz al-Din, 121
Mawlana (Shams) Maʿruf, 25, 87–88, 107, 119
Mawlana Nur al-Din, 269
Mawlana Qadimi, 206
Mawlana Taj al-Aʾimma Khvarazmi, 87
Mecca, 66, 303
medallions, 51, 68, 149
in bindings, 166, 167, 226
designs for, 124, 124
with palmettes, 154
in Safavid albums, 197–98
Medici, Lorenzo de, 1
Medina, 63
Mehmed II (Ottoman sultan), 21
Meisami, Julie Scott, 73
Membré, Michele, 206–7, 240, 245, 347n5
memorialization, 130
Menākib-i hünerverān (Lives of artists) (Mustafa Ali), 81, 82
metalwork, 5, 106
Migeon, Gaston, 15
Ming dynasty (China), 159–61, 295
Minhaj b. Siraj Muhammad Juzjani, 66
Miʿrāj-nāma (Book of ascension [of the Prophet Muhammad]) paintings, 197, 207, 287, 287
Mirak Naqqash, 222, 276, 285
Mir ʿAli al-Husayni al-Katib al-Haravi (ʿAli al-Husayni / Mir ʿAli al-Husayni / Mir Jan), 11, 175–76, 178, 179, 202, 221, 252, 258, 294, 294, 319
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 229
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 262, 262–63
Mughal albums and, 323
students of, 230
Mir ʿAli Shir Navaʾi, 11, 81, 83, 175, 186, 187, 250
Mir ʿAli al-Tabrizi. See Amir ʿAli al-Tabrizi
Mir Jan. See ʿAli al-Husayni
Mir Saʿid al-Fighani, 222
Mir Saʿid al-Haravi, 266
Mir Sayyid Ahmad (Ahmad al-Husayni al-Mashhadi), 184, 187, 221, 301, 314
on album as place of harmony, 190
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 223, 224–25, 229, 230, 241
on artists, 193
on audiences of albums, 193–94
on calligraphers, 195
career of, 185
preface to Amir Ghayb Beg album, 238, 300
Mir Sayyid Mustawfi, 304
Mir Sayyid al-Purani, 221
Mir Shaykh al-Purani, 255, 280
Mirza ʿInayat, 279
Mirza Muhammad Amni, 189
mis̱āl (model, mandate), 128, 138
Mongol Ilkhans, 27–28, 54, 55, 98, 274
calligraphers under, 58
Chinese Yuan dynasty and, 159
genealogies of, 56
history writing and, 130–31, 132
patronage of, 115, 141
political upheaval in Iran and, 312
Qurʾans of, 51, 316
Sultan Abu Saʿid, 286
Timurid workshops and, 330n62
Mongol invasions, 66, 72, 118
monkeys, 124
morality, 64, 75, 312
mosaic faience, 106
Moses (biblical/Qurʾanic), 225
mosques, 37, 54, 73, 135
Mubarakshah b. Qutb (Mubarakshah b. ʿAbd Allah), 38, 46, 107, 137–38, 331n25
Mubarakshah al-Suyufi, 51
Mughal albums, 12, 17, 183, 250, 321–23, 322
Mughal dynasty, 11, 16, 320–21
al-Mughira, 62
al-Muhallab, 62
Muhammad, Prophet, 60, 61, 66, 95, 98, 109
lineage of, 181
names of, 200
poets contemporary with, 63
portrait of, 301, 303
praised in album preface, 196, 212, 273
prayers to, 202
Quraysh tribe and, 63
represented in painting, 287, 287
sayings of, 64, 200, 260
traditions of, 37, 47, 109 (see also hadith)
Muhammad Abrishami, 202, 258
Muhammad al-Musharriji, al-Hajj, 108, 111, 112, 335n44
Muhammad Amin, 222
Muhammad b. ʿAbd al-Hayy al-Tabrizi, 220
Muhammad b. ʿAbd al-Malik, 62
Muhammad b. ʿAbduh, 69
Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Barfati, 24
Muhammad b. Aybak b. ʿAbd Allah, 51
Muhammad b. Haydar al-Husayni, 79, 108
Muhammad b. Husam. See Shams al-Baysunghuri
Muhammad b. Ibrahim Husayn al-Husayni, 221
Muhammad b. Jaʿfar, 85
Muhammad b. Mahmudshah al-Khayyam, 1, 5, 85, 96, 102, 139–41, 314, 327n1
Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Musharriji, 120
Muhammad b. Sayyidi Ahmad b. ʿAli al-Sufi al-Maraghi, 167–68
Muhammadi (artist), 11, 233, 255
Muhammad Juki (Timurid prince), 9, 25, 119
Muhammad Khandan. See Sultan Muhammad
Khandan Muhammad Khayyam. See Muhammad b. Mahmudshah al-Khayyam
Muhammad Muʾmin, 187, 200, 221, 239
calligraphy specimen by, 202, 202
as director of royal library, 202
lineage of, 278
Timurid legacy and, 212
Muhammad Qasim (Shadishah), 179, 202, 221, 253, 258
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 230
as calligraphy instructor, 278
Muhammad Shaybak (Shaybani) Khan (Uzbek ruler), 280, 284
muḥaqqaq script, 37, 48, 108, 110
in gold, 105
illuminated headpieces in, 49, 49
practice sheets in, 221
Muʿin al-Din Natanzi, 131–32
Muʿizz al-ansāb (Glorifier of genealogies), 55–56, 132
Mujmal-i faṣīḥī (Fasihiʾs compendium) (Fasih Khvafi), 160
Mukātibāt-i Rashīdī (Rashid al-Din), 54
Mukhtar al-ḥikam wa maḥāsin al-kalim (Choicest of maxims and best of speech) (Abu al-Wafaʾ al-Mubashshir b. Fatik), 64–65
Mukhtār shiʿr al-shuʿarāʾ al-fuḥul al-sitta (Selected poetry by the six master poets) (Abu al-Hajjaj Yusuf b. Sulayman al-ʿAlam al-Shantamari), 56
Mulla Masih Allah, 185, 213, 222
munshaʾāt (anthology), 128, 129, 144
muqaṭṭaʿat (poetic form), 152
Murad III (Ottoman sultan), 316, 317, 319, 320, 343n35
Muraqqaʿ (Khvaja ʿAbd al-Qadir), 128
muraqqaʿ (patched robes), 181
Muraqqaʿ-i Gulshan, 16
Murvarid, 187, 200, 202, 212, 250, 272, 319
beginning of prefatory tradition and, 19, 190
lineage of, 278
museums, 15
Museum Wormiamum (Olé Worm), 7
Musharriji al-Tabrizi. See Shaykh Muhammad
Muṣībat-nāma (Book of affliction) (Farid al-Din ʿAttar), 161–62, 164
music/musicians, 146, 198, 233, 252
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 263, 265
in Safavid court, 281
Mustafa Ali, 81–83, 319, 343n10
Mustafa (Ottoman prince), 21
al-Muʿtasim (Abbasid caliph), 62
Muzaffar ʿAli, 185, 187, 188, 219, 220, 221
Amir Husayn Beg album and, 213, 214, 241
Bahram Mirza and, 252
Muzaffarid dynasty, 97, 98, 100
mysticism, 66, 164, 341n40
Nahj al-balāgha (Path of eloquence) (attrib. Sharaf al-Radi), 65
Naʿimi, 85
“names of God” (asmāʾ al-ḥusna), 231
Naṣāʾiḥ-i Iskandar (Counsels of Alexander), 66, 67, 70, 73
Naṣāʾiḥ-i Shāhrukhī (Counsels of Shahrukh) (Jalal al-Din al-Qayini), 70
Nasir al-Din Tusi, 114–15
naskh script, 38, 47, 47, 48, 108, 111
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 227, 227
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 259
illuminated headpieces in, 49, 49
practice sheets in, 221
in Qurʾans, 52
in Yaqutʾs hand, 82
Nasr Allah al-Tabib, 108, 110, 201
Nasr b. Ahmad, 69
nastaʿlīq script, 12, 96, 108, 112, 311
aesthetic distinctions and, 201
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 226, 229, 230, 238
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 213, 214, 217, 219, 220–21
in anthology, 113
artists of Safavid court and, 188
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 251, 256, 256, 259, 259–60, 267, 268
Baysunghur’s court and, 83, 87
calligraphic exercises in, 178
in decoupage books, 168
as herb in garden of calligraphy, 189
history of, 221, 277, 278
invention of, 231, 273
“modern” tradition in, 258
in Ottoman albums, 318
poetry in, 153, 226
in Shah Tahmasp album, 199
Shaykh Mahmudʾs mastery of, 158
“nativity book” (kitāb-i vilāda), 125–26, 126
Necipoğlu, Gülru, 319–20
Neoplatonism, 165, 193, 303
nīm-rangī borders, 12
nishān (certificate of tax immunity), 128
nishān-i kalāntarī (petition), 134
Nishapur, 39
Nizam al-Din Abu al-Maʿali Nasr Allah, 70
Nizam al-Din Shami, 55, 60, 72, 131
Nizami ʿAruzi Samarqandi, 68–70, 73, 75
Nizami Ganjavi (poet), 27, 115, 155–56, 178, 252
Nizari al-Quhistani, 158
North Africa, 25
nukta (short, pithy text), 128
Nur al-Din ʿAbd Allah, 258
Nur al-Din Muhammad, 323
Nur al-Din Muhammad al-Purani, 202
“Old man and youth” (painting, attrib. Bihzad), 178, 179
“one-thousand weave” (hizār bāf), 109
optics, 303
orators, 64
ornaments, illuminated, 117, 126
Ottoman albums, 317–20
Ottoman dynasty, 1, 11, 15, 91, 119, 280
Bahram Mirza and, 252
Baysunghur calligraphy album and, 76–78, 79, 316
rebinding of albums under, 16, 345n68, 346n82
Safavid albums and, 183, 316–17
sāz genre of drawing, 298
Sunni Islam and, 30
Timurid albums and, 21
outlining/outliners, 222, 251, 267, 269, 274, 284
oxen, 5, 206, 207, 219, 304, 305
pagination, 149
painting: in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 231, 232–35, 233, 235–39
assemblages of, 9
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 245, 245–48, 248–49, 263, 263–64, 265–66, 287, 288
centrality in Safavid court, 188
imitation as artistic practice, 139–44, 142
manuscript, 123
in Mughal albums, 321
practiced by princes, 83
prestige of, 30
prophetic origins of, 274
relation to text, 174, 176, 177
as royal avocation, 30
in Safavid albums, 242
social prestige and, 314
in Timurid albums, 98, 99, 103. See also depiction
palmette motif, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 126, 154
panegyric compositions, 55–56
paper cutters, 85, 169
papers, 105, 109, 118
backing, 117
Chinese, 155, 159–65, 162–63
colored, 168, 174, 175, 209
cut (decoupage), 165–71
mounting of works and, 115
papermaking, 136
paragone (intercultural artistic comparison), 276, 295–304, 307
Parthian period, 233
parvān (order, license, permit), 128
patronage, 8, 25, 86, 241, 243, 325
Aqqoyunlu, 29–30
architectural, 74
of Baysunghur, 39
historical continuity of courtly life and, 83
in the Islamic court, 22
of Mongol Ilkhans, 27–28
petitions and, 133–34
politics and, 30
royal, 9
Timurid dynasty and, 24
of Ulugh Beg, 40
Paul, Saint, 1
Paul II, Pope, 1
performance, as artistic practice, 143
Persian language, 40, 112, 131, 229
in decoupage books, 168
poetry in, 153
Perso-Islamicate court culture, 35, 37, 39, 40
historical figures, 70
Timurid elite assimilated to, 130, 312
Peter, Saint, 1
philosophy, 7, 37, 63, 64
phoenixes, 222, 226
picture galleries, 7
“Picture Gallery of China” (nigārkhana-yi chīn), 276, 300
Pir Budaq, 73, 91, 158–59
plant motifs, Chinese-derived, 5, 45, 157
Plato, 63, 95, 109, 279
poets/poetry, 24, 28, 63, 83, 109
in anthologies, 125
Arabic, 56, 63
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 255, 260–61
in Baysunghur’s library, 65
Baysunghur’s patronage and, 39
cultivated gentleman and, 130
deprofessionalization of, 140, 188
genres, 33
intertextuality and, 291
languages written in, 153
in nastaʿlīq script, 115, 116, 176, 177
Nizami ʿAruzi Samarqandiʾs discourse on, 69–70
poets likened to jewelers, 249, 272
pre-Islamic, 137
single sheets of, 156
subcourtly, 88
Sufi, 341n42
Timuridperiod, 143
portraiture (ṣūratgarī), 180, 204, 205, 219, 274, 301
pouncing, 145
prayers, 109, 220, 222, 274
to the Prophet Muhammad, 202
to Twelve Shiʿi imams, 200, 202
precedent, 275, 291
prefaces, 18–20, 21, 31, 128, 188–96, 310
album format and, 34
to Amir Ghayb Beg album, 190–91, 194, 238, 240
to Amir Husayn Beg album, 181–82, 192, 195
to Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 32, 83, 250, 253, 272–94
to Ottoman albums, 319
to poetic anthologies, 178
to Safavid albums, 184, 188
to Shah Tahmasp album, 191–92, 196–97
pre-Islamic period, 62, 63, 65, 69
genealogical chart of rulers of, 98
Greek, 64, 65
histories of, 132
Iranian dynasties of, 204
Persian art tradition in, 300
philosophers of, 194
poets of, 109, 137
rulerʾs charismatic authority, 164
wisdom sayings of, 109
prophets, 274, 301
proverbs, 68, 69, 130
psychoanalytic theory, 8
Ptolemaic dynasty (Egypt), 1
Qābūsnāma (Kaykavus b. Iskandar), 70
Qadimi, 204, 212
Qaraqoyunlu dynasty, 73, 91
qasida (poetic form), 152
Qasim Anvar, 252, 260
Qasim Kuza-Baz, 281, 282, 283
Qazi Ahmad, 212, 242
Qazi Jahan Qazvini, 185
Qazvin, 11, 212
as capital, 30
embassy to Istanbul, 317
relocation of capital to, 231
Safavid court at, 183, 184, 185, 324
qilin (Chinese mythical animal), 100, 101, 217, 233, 234, 235
qiṭaʿ (calligraphy specimen / poetic form), 33, 175, 259, 259, 267, 293
Qivam al-Din Muhammad, 25, 119, 128
qizilbāsh (“red-head”) amirs, 31, 186, 204, 279, 316
quatrains, 152
Quiccheberg, Samuel, 8
Qurʾan, 25, 44, 81, 95, 133, 158
album prefaces and, 181, 189
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 225
Amir Husayn Beg album and, 217–18, 220, 222
“Anonymous Baghdad,” 51
Arabic texts from, 109
calligraphy in, 50, 50–51, 52
Chinese papers in, 165
decorated by ʿAli b. Abi Talib, 274
frontispieces, 53
illuminated, 293
late Safavids and, 317
light symbolism in, 341n38
Mongol Ilkhans and, 54–55, 316
ornamental motifs in, 51
Timurid, 57
Uthmanic codex, 63
Quraysh tribe, 63
Qutba b. Aws. See “al-Hadira”
Qutb al-Din Muhammad “Qissa Khvan” (the storyteller), 184, 224, 238, 300
Qutb al-Din Muhammad Yazdi, 81
Qutluq Aqa, mausoleum of, 122
Rabʿ-i Rashidi, 54
Rashid al-Din, 54–56, 58, 131, 132, 304, 330n62
Rashid Vatvat, 168
rayḥānī script, 38
Relazione di Persia (Michele Membré), 245
Renaissance, European, 7, 145
“renewer” (mujaddid), title of, 60
repetition, 312, 314, 338n115
revetment, architectural, 106, 109
riqāʿ script, 24, 38, 46–47, 111
after model of Ahmad al-Rumi, 96
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 227, 227
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 259
calligraphic exercises in, 86, 86
in decoupage, 168, 169
practice exercise in, 138, 139, 221
in Timurid workshop album, 85
Risāla dar ʿaqd-i anāmil (Treatise for counting on the fingers), 129
Risāla-yi Quṭbīya (Qutbian treatise) (Qutb al-Din Muhammad Yazdi), 81
Riza ʿAbbasi, 324, 325
rosette motif, 45, 51, 235, 235
Rudaki, 69, 71
Rukn Mujallid, 269
rulers, righteous and unrighteous, 72
rulings, 117, 149, 171
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 261, 262, 263, 272
garden analogy and, 189
in Shah Tahmasp album, 198
Rumi (Jalal al-Din Rumi), 178
ruqaʿ (vizierʾs letter to sovereign), 128
Rustam ʿAli, 187, 188, 202
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 258
as court calligraphy instructor, 252
relationship with Bahram Mirza, 281
students of, 221, 278
Rustamdar, 279
Rüstem Pasha, 316, 320
Saʿdi, Khvaja Rukn al-Din Masʿud, 128, 129, 156, 161, 165, 178
Ṣad Kalima (One hundred sayings\) (ʿAli b. Abi Talib), 167–71, 168–69, 173
Safavid albums, 10, 17, 175, 181–84, 309–11
audience of, 193–96
“genres,” 31
literary images of, 188–93
making of, 239–43
at Ottoman court, 316–17. See also prefaces
Safavid dynasty, 16, 19, 26, 134, 182, 188–89
artistic milieu under, 184–88
Baysunghur calligraphy album and, 78–80
caricatures of courtly figures, 204, 205, 206, 245, 246, 248, 248–49
courtly life of, 281, 282–83, 283
court mores of decorum, 223
founding of, 179, 252
later period, 323–25
lineage of ʿAli b. Abi Talib and, 257
Mughals and, 320–23
painting practiced by princes, 83
rise of, 21
safīna (anthology/book format), 128, 152, 155, 158, 176
Safavid period, 182, 188
stenciled designs and, 156, 156, 157, 157–58
Saʿid b. al-ʿAs, 63
Salman al-Farisi, 61
Samanid dynasty, 69
Samarqand, 1, 25, 72, 93, 118
calligraphy from, 96
Chinese contacts of, 160
Kan-i Gil gathering, 312–13
as paper-making center, 161
Timurid court at, 26
Timurʾs tomb in, 132
Ulugh Beg as governor of, 40
Sam Mirza (Safavid prince), 81, 187, 200, 252
on Bahram Mirzaʾs avocations, 252
calligraphy practiced by, 202, 212, 240
family relationships of, 348n22
plot against Shah Tahmasp and, 349n40
Sanaʾi (poet), 178
sarlawḥ (illumination), 217–18, 235
Saru Yasaʾul, 206
Sasanian period, 5, 233, 241
Sayf al-Din Naqqash, 51
Sayf Allah al-Kirmani, 227
sāz (genre of drawing), 298, 318
Schatzkammer (treasury), 6, 7, 16, 17
science, history of, 7
scrapbooks, 17
screens, Chinese, 21
scribes, 128, 134, 301, 330n65
Scrittoi, 7
scrolls, 108
secretaries, 70, 75, 128, 330n65
Bahram Mirza and, 252
in Ghaznavid dynasty, 203
prefaces written by, 250
training of, 129
Selim II (Ottoman sultan), 78, 316, 317
Seljuq dynasty, 98
“semiophoric” activity, 8
senses, pleasure of, 187, 195
sermons, 62, 65
seven modes (haft aṣl) of decoration, 300
Shaʿban II (Mamluk sultan), 97
al-Shaʿbi, 63
Shah ʿAbbas (Safavid ruler), 324
Shah Gharib Mirza, 206
Shah Ismaʿil (Ismaʿil al-Husayni) (Safavid ruler), 21, 30, 78, 187, 179, 202, 224
artists in retinue of, 134
calligraphy practiced by, 212, 240
children of, 348n22
as founder of Safavid dynasty, 179, 252
political turmoil and, 316
recollections of, 206, 207
Shah Ismaʿil II (Safavid ruler), 185, 316
Ibrahim Mirza album and, 243
Shah Jahan (Mughal emperor), 16, 322, 323
Shah Mahmud (Shah Mahmud al-Nishapuri), 11, 178, 202, 221, 252, 319
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 229, 230
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 253, 258, 259, 261, 283, 294
calligraphy practiced by, 218
Shah Muzaffar, 271
Shāhnāma (Book of kings) (Firdawsi), 5, 37, 98, 104, 119
autonomy of single sheet in, 175
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 264, 265, 288, 288, 298, 298
dīv (demon) in, 158
margins in, 171, 172, 172
preface to, 130
Shah Tahmasp album and, 200, 203, 203, 239, 317
Shah Nazar Zurgar, 281, 282, 283
Shah Quli Khalifa, 185–86, 190, 212, 225, 240, 242, 243
celestial metaphor for albums, 188–89
offices held by, 186
Shah Tahmasp album and, 184, 193, 196–97
Shah Quli Rumi, 257
Shahr-i Sabz, 40, 74
Shahrukh (Timurid ruler), 1, 22, 54, 58, 93, 106
assassination attempt on, 87
campaign against Iskandar Sultan, 112–13
Chinese emissaries and, 160, 161, 340n26
Chinggisid heritage and, 40
court of, 27, 96
death of, 91
defeat of Iskandar Sultan, 119
education curriculum and, 60, 61, 70
ex libris of, 162, 162
genealogies commissioned by, 55–56
historians and, 131–32
kitābkhāna (workshop) and, 28, 29, 135
library seal of, 131, 331n6
madrasa sponsored by, 60
poets in retinue of, 165
sedentary Islamic culture embraced by, 39, 40, 72
sons of, 25, 39
Shah Shujaʿ (Muzaffarid ruler), 97
Shah Tahmasp (Safavid ruler), 16, 19, 30, 31, 171, 202, 240
album assembled for, 79, 184, 186, 196–212, 242, 310
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 223–25
amirs at court of, 185
assassination attempt on, 279, 349n40
Bahram Mirza and, 252
calligraphy practiced by, 181, 199
governorship of Herat/Khurasan and, 277
later Safavids and, 323, 324
Mughals and, 320, 321
Ottoman court and, 317, 343–44n35
painting practiced by, 83, 186–87, 245, 246, 248–49, 257, 258, 301, 305
poets in retinue of, 239
portrait of, 245, 247
praise of, 191–92, 273
recollections of, 206
relocation of capital to Qazvin, 231
respect paid to, 243
Severe Repentance edict, 243, 320
Shallaqi Jami, 257
Shamlu clan, 279
shamsa (sunburst design), 217, 235, 235, 236
Shams al-Baysunghuri (Muhammad b. Husam), 53, 57, 107, 108, 220
Shams al-ḥusn (Sun of beauty) (Taj al-Din Salmani), 131
Shaoxing, 162
Shapur (pre-Islamic king), 274, 300
Shaqiq Ibrahim al-Balkhi, 61
Sharaf al-Din ʿAli Yazdi, 55, 60, 72, 120, 312–13
inshāʾ collection of, 128–29
in retinue of Ibrahim Sultan, 132
Sharaf al-Din Husayn, 73
Sharaf Khan, 187
Sharif Mujallidi of Gurgan, 69
al-Sharif al-Radi, 65
Shaykh ʿAbd Allah al-Haravi, 269, 293, 293–94
Shaykh Ghiyas al-Din Muhammad, 108, 138
Shaykh Hamdullah, 81
Shaykh Mahmud, 158–59, 179, 260
Shaykh Muhammad (calligrapher, active 15th c.) (Hajji Muhammad/Shaykh Muhammad b. al-Hajj Muhammad al-Tughraʾi), 85, 96, 119, 120
Shaykh Muhammad (calligrapher, active 16th c.), 134, 202, 258
Shaykh Muhammad al-Imami, 221
Shihab al-Din ʿAbd Allah b. Bayani Murvarid. See Murvarid
Shiʿism, 30, 60, 257, 319. See also Islam; Sufism Twelve
Shiʿi imams Shiraz, 25, 26, 30, 72, 93, 114
anthology production in, 149
book production in, 118–19
“courtly” model in, 28
cultural/intellectual life in, 118
drawings/paintings from, 102, 104
governorship of, 158
Muzaffarid dynasty in, 97
Shirvanshah dynasty, 92
Shuʿab-i panjgana (Genealogy of the five peoples) (Rashid al-Din), 56, 132
Shujaʿ, 70, 72
Simi Nishapuri, 129, 161
Sims, Eleanor, 142
simurghs (fabulous birds), 100, 101, 124, 125, 126, 140, 164, 167
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 218
in bindings, 167
dragons and, 233, 234
Sitta (Farid al-Din ʿAttar), 161
“six scripts” (aqlām al-sitta / shīsh qalam), 37, 48, 96, 108, 168
in Amir Husayn Beg album, 220
in Bahram Mirza album of the six cursive scripts, 81, 82, 240, 311
Bahram Mirza and, 184
geometric principles and, 24
history of, 80, 258, 273, 316
Safavid princes and, 187
scribes of, 278
in Shah Tahmasp album, 199, 201
Sixtus IV, Pope, 1
Solomon (biblical/Qurʾanic), 109, 225, 226, 240
Spain, 25
stain-and-overglaze (mīnaʾ ī) bowls, 5
Stchoukine, Ivan, 14–15, 16, 17
stenciling, 153–55, 154–57, 157–58, 167
Studioli, 7
Subḥat al-abrār (Rosary of the pious) (ʿAbd al-Rahman Jami), 252
Sufism, 161, 164, 165, 204, 341n42
cloak worn by Sufi leaders, 188
qizilbāsh (“red-head”) amirs and, 186. See also Islam; Shiʿism
ṣuḥbat (assembly / courtly feast), 85, 87, 245, 246, 248, 248–49
Süleyman the Magnificent (Ottoman sultan), 316, 317, 318, 346n77
Sultan Ahmad (Jalayirid ruler), 119, 166, 274, 289
dīvān of, 171–72
patronage of, 41, 87
Sultan ʿAli Mashhadi, 75, 173, 178, 188, 202, 221, 222, 319
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 229
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 258, 260, 266, 269
calligraphic line of transmission and, 258
calligraphy practiced by, 195, 219, 220, 231, 293, 293
chided by Sultan Husayn, 134
signature of, 269
students of, 201–2, 221, 230, 278
treatise on calligraphy, 292
Sultan ʿAli al-Qayini (Sultan ʿAli al-Yaʿqubi), 221, 258
Sultan Husayn (Timurid ruler), 30, 72, 77, 83, 186, 284
Aqqoyunlu Turkmen and, 91
calligraphers and, 134
calligraphy practiced by, 202
dīvān of, 170, 170–71, 173, 173
friends of, 175
Herat court of, 258
on mind and writing, 75
portrait of, 280
Sultan Husayn b. Shaykh Uvays (Jalayirid ruler), 119
“al-Sultani,” 68
Sultan Muhammad (artist), 187, 245, 289, 306
Sultan Muhammad Khandan, 179, 202, 221
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 230
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 258, 267
as master in nastaʿlīq, 278
Sultan Muhammad Nur, 179, 221, 319
Amir Ghayb Beg album and, 229–30
Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album and, 258
as master in nastaʿlīq, 278
Sultan Mustafa Mirza, 185
Sultanum, Princess, 187, 252, 255, 257, 293
Sultan Uvays Bahadur (Jalayirid ruler), 83
sunna (way of life), 60
Sunni Islam, 30
Ṭabaqāt-i Nāṣirī (Minhaj b. Siraj Muhammad Juzjani), 40, 66, 70
Tabari, 132
Tabriz, 2, 11, 25, 41, 319
Baysunghur calligraphy album in, 78
book production in, 119
calligraphic transmission and, 259
figural traditions of, 231
governorship of, 185
Jalayirid court in, 28, 152
Safavid court in, 30, 183, 184, 185
Tahmasp al-Husayni. See Shah Tahmasp
Taj al-Din, 254, 255
Taj al-Din Salmani, 131, 278
Talas, Battle of (751), 161
taʿlīq script, 109, 278
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 227
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 273
in decoupage books, 168, 168, 169
practice sheets in, 221
in Shah Tahmasp album, 200, 201, 201, 212
Tanındı, Zeren, 17, 337n81
Tārīkh-i ʿalamārā-yi ʿĀbbāsī (History of Shah ʿAbbas the Great) (Iskandar Beg Munshi), 185
taṣvīr (drawing and painting). See depiction
tawqīʿ script, 38, 46, 46–47, 47, 48, 221
Taẕkirat al-shuʿarāʾ (Biography of poets) (Dawlatshah Samarqandi), 37, 38, 81, 130
Tazza Farnese. See Farnese Bowl (Tazza Farnese)
textiles, 5, 106, 127, 155, 174
Chinese, 159
drawings on, 100
Thackston, Wheeler, 57
Thaqif tribe, 63
“Thief Discovered in the Bed Chamber, The” (painting), 141–42, 142
Three Mas̱navīs (Khvaju Kirmani), 197, 255, 348n32
thuluth script, 38, 47, 47, 48, 111
in Amir Ghayb Beg album, 227, 227
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 259
in decoupage, 168, 169
epigraphic design in, 96, 96, 108, 109
practice sheets in, 221
in Yaqutʾs hand, 82
“thumbpiece,” 125, 172
Timurid albums, 11, 93, 309, 311
contents, 93–104
earliest, 17
Mamluk sources and, 54
prefaces of, 250
production, 104–6
and Qurʾans, 57
Safavid albums compared with, 312–14
workshop, 14, 15
Timurid dynasty, 1, 3, 26
architecture of, 104
assimilation project of, 88
contacts with China, 159–61, 295
cultural tendencies under, 121–33
end of, 30, 77, 277
Herat as focus of, 22, 39
histories of, 74, 130–33
kitābkhāna (workshop) under, 41, 135, 330n62
legacy of, 212
Mughals and, 321
patronage under, 27, 28, 320
place in history, 55
Turco-Mongol genealogies of, 93
Timur (Tamerlane), 1, 2, 22, 40, 119
biography of, 60
death of, 58, 159
descendants of, 131
genealogy of, 92, 118, 132, 337n70
grandsons of, 27, 39
historians and, 72
history writing and, 131
Kan-i Gil gathering and, 312
panegyrics to, 55
Topkapi Palace (Istanbul), 15, 76, 93, 316, 317
“traditionists” (muhaddiths), 60
transfer processes, 145
transmission, artistic chain of, 275, 276, 278, 284
in Bahram Mirza 1544–45 album, 288
calligraphic (silsila), 229, 348n30
Transoxiana, 30
treatises, “how-to,” 24–25
Tuḥfat al-ʿIrāqayn (Gift of the two Iraqs) (Khaqani), 65–66
Tuḥfa-yi Samī (Samʾs gift) (Sam Mirza), 81, 252
Tumanay Khan, 93
ṭūmār script, 96
Turco-Mongols, 27, 40, 86, 304, 350n73
Turkey, 15, 80
Turkish (Chaghatay) language, 72, 153, 170, 269
Turkmen, 21–22, 158, 165
“Black Sheep,” 73, 91
patronage of, 258, 276, 298. See also Aqqoyunlu dynasty
Twelve Shiʿi imams, 64, 109, 113–14, 181
praised in album preface, 212, 273
prayers to, 200, 202. See also Shiʿism
ʿUbayd Allah Khan Uzbek (Uzbek ruler), 78, 280
Uighur script, 93, 131, 153, 341n44
Uljaytu (Mongol Ilkhan ruler), 51, 54
Ulugh Beg (Timurid ruler), 25, 27, 29, 91, 131, 135
ʿUmar (second “rightly guided” caliph), 97
ʿUmar al-Aqtaʿ, 107, 108
ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAziz (Umayyad caliph), 62
ʿUmar Khayyam, 158
ʿUmar Shaykh (Timurid prince), 114, 118
Umayyad period, 62, 63, 64, 66
Ushtur-nāma (Book of the camel) (Farid al-Din ʿAttar), 161
Ustajlu amirs, 185, 223
ʿUthman b. ʿAffan (third “rightly guided” caliph), 97
Uzbeks, 78, 252
calligraphic rivalry with Safavids, 280
Mughal dynasty and, 320–21
Shaybanid, 11, 30, 316
Timurid decline and, 280
Uzun Hasan (Aqqoyunlu ruler), 2–3, 91, 327n2
Vali Allah, 276, 285–86, 290
vaqvāq ornament, 172, 173, 237
vase motif, 154–55
Vassaf, 131
Venetian travelers, 2, 206, 240, 245
“Virgin and Child” (painting), 204, 204
visual acuity, 59–60
viziers, 25, 27, 54, 62, 64, 185
Bahram Mirza and, 252
as characters, 70
dervishes and, 67
letters to sovereigns (ruqaʿ) by, 128
vocalization, 38, 85
“White Sheep” Turkmen. See Aqqoyunlu dynasty
wisdom literature (moralia), 37, 61, 109, 269
in Baysunghur’s library, 65–72
Baysunghur’s patronage and, 72–76
textual content, 61–65
women, 5, 15, 93, 218
Woods, John, 131
workshop. See kitābkhāna (workshop)
Worm, Olé, 7, 8
Wu Hung, 21
Wunderkammer (cabinet of curiosity), 6, 7, 8, 17, 328n18
Yadigar Muhammad, 91
Yahya b. Jamal al-Sufi (Pir Yahya al-Sufi / Yahya al-Jamali al-Sufi), 38, 59, 73, 97, 108, 201, 258
Yahya b. Khalid, 62
Yaʿqub Beg album, 22, 23, 91–92
Yaʿqub Beg Aqqoyunlu (Aqqoyunlu ruler), 91, 186, 258, 317–18, 329n37
Yaqut (biographer), 24
Yaqut al-Mustaʿsimi, 22, 38, 53, 56, 277, 312
calligraphic system promulgated by, 138
calligraphy of, 82
al-Hadira text and, 137
high status of, 58
legacy of, 200, 316
longevity of, 57
as model calligrapher, 220
signature of, 109
“six masters” of calligraphy and, 57, 58–59, 82
“six scripts” canon and, 80, 81, 278
students of, 107, 108, 110, 201
Yari al-Muzahhib, 222, 269
Yazd, 25, 152
Yazid b. al-Hakam, 63
Yildiz Palace (Istanbul), 16, 76
Yongle (Ming emperor), 160, 161
Yuan dynasty (China), 159, 304, 340n23
Yusuf al-Amiri, Mawlana, 73, 85, 153, 159
Yusufca Mirza, 21
Yusuf Khvaja, 258
Zafar-nāma (Book of victory) (Sharaf al-Din ʿAli Yazdi), 60, 120, 128, 131, 132, 312
Zahhak, 5, 39
Zayn al-ʿAbidin, 61
Zayn al-Din Mahmud, 203, 221, 229, 258, 277–78
Zhao Mengfu, 304
Zīj-i Ilkhānī (Ilkhanid ephemeris), 114–15
Ziyad b. Salih, 161
zodiac signs, 98, 114, 127
Zubdat al-tawārīkh-i Bāysunghurī (Baysunghuri cream of chronicles) (Hafiz Abru), 131, 160
Zuʾl-Qadar tribe, 186
Next chapter