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Description: Robert Rauschenberg: Breaking Boundaries
PublisherYale University Press
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Abstract Expressionists 31–32, 42–43, 80, 93
advertisments 46–47, 60
Aldrin, Buzz 144, 146, 159
Allende, Salvador 232
Alloway, Lawrence 111
aluminum panels, use by RR 162
Anderson, Laurie 201, 204–5
Apollo 11 mission 110, 113, 126–27, 132–33, 143–44, 146, 156
Armstrong, Neil 144, 146
Ashton, Dore 43
astronauts, depiction of 116, 144–48
Atacama Desert 231, 239–42
audience, role of 187, 190
Battery Maritime Building, New York 95
Biorn, Pier 212
birds, in RR’s work 99–100
Black Mountain College 52, 168
Blériot, Louis 107
body, as structural machine 136–38
Botticelli, Birth of Venus 20–21, 21
Broadway, New York, RR’s studio 91–93, 92
brooms, use in performance 214
Brown, Carolyn 185–87
Brown, Carter 230
Brown, Spencer 217
Brown, Trisha
choreography by 190–93
collaboration with RR 3, 167–68, 171, 172, 182, 187, 192, 193–219
depicted in RR’s works 23–24, 23
influences on 177–79
Judson Dance Theater 182–83
Trisha Brown Dance Company 23, 190, 193
Accumulations 193
Astral Converted (50″) (1991) 172, 208–16, 209, 218
Astral Convertible (1989) 172, 207, 208, 210–13, 211
Glacial Decoy (1979) 172, 187, 193, 194–201, 195, 197, 198
If You Couldn’t See Me (1994) 17, 172, 215, 216–18
Lightfall (1963) 183, 183
Man Walking Down the Side of a Building 191
Planes 191
Roof Piece 191–92, 191
Set and Reset (1983) 24, 172, 187, 201–7, 202, 203, 204
Trillium (1962) 182–83
Walking on the Wall 191, 205
buildings, images in RR’s work 99
Cage, John
avant-garde 197
at Black Mountain College 52–53, 168
collaboration on “9 Evenings” 124, 172
collaboration on Astral Converted (50″) 213, 214–16, 218
collaboration on Automobile Tire Print 56
“Indeterminacy” lecture 172, 178
influence on RR 16, 17
relationship with Merce Cunningham 172–73
on RR and newspapers 51
4’33” 17, 53
Theater Piece #1 168
Canaday, John 157
Cape Canaveral 110, 113, 127, 145, 155, 266n.69
Captiva, Florida, RR’s studio 6–15, 7, 8, 9, 28–29
Carpenter, Joan 68
Castelli, Leo 228
cats, imagery 71
Chaffee, Roger 131, 150
chairs, in RR’s work 265n.43
Challenger space shuttle, disaster 163–64
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York 77
Childs, Lucinda 124, 172
Street Dance 181
Briefing Paper 231–33
churches 237, 240–41, 244, 255
copper mines 4, 242–43, 248
photographs by RR 235, 237, 238, 238, 239
Pinochet regime 221–22, 232–34, 237–39, 255, 257–59
RR’s experiences 3–4, 234–43, 257
shantytowns 237–39
women 244
see also ROCI/Chile
ROCI 222
RR’s experiences 224–25
Chuquicamata, Chile 3–4, 242–43
churches, in Chile 237, 240–41, 244, 255
clocks, in RR’s works 168–69
cloth, use by RR 49, 62, 80, 86
Coca-Cola imagery 47, 69–71, 249
Cold War 114–15
collages 50
Collins, Michael 146
computerized images 14, 262n.13
construction works, influence on RR’s work 76–78
contact improvisation 168, 183–84
Cook, Fred J. 89
Cooke, H. Lester 126
copper, use by RR 237, 251
copper mines, theme in RR’s Chile works 248
costumes, designed by RR 207, 213, 217
Cowart, Jack 230
Cronkite, Walter 129, 163
Cuba, ROCI 22–23, 222
Cubists 52, 109
Cunningham, Merce
at Black Mountain College 52, 168
choreography of 173–74, 197
collaboration with RR 100, 167–71, 174–77, 266n.12
depictions in RR’s works 121, 174–75
and John Cage 172–73
and Trisha Brown 177–78
world tour (1964) 100, 169–71, 176–77, 223
Aeon (1961) 169, 173–74
Antic Meet (1958) 168, 265n.43
Nocturne 168
Story 171, 175–77, 201
Winterbranch 169, 212
RR’s collaboration with Merce Cunningham 100, 167–71, 174–77, 266n.12
RR’s collaboration with Trisha Brown 3, 167–68, 171, 172, 182, 187, 192, 193–219
RR’s performances 3, 169–71, 180–81, 185–90
Darling, J. N. (Ding) 7
Davis, William 177
de Bono, Edward 30
Dean, James 126–27, 128, 143
Delaunay, Robert 107
Dine, Jim 181
discarded items, influence of 47–48
docks, influence on RR 44–45
dog fights, theme of 71
Donoso, José 235–37
Dryden, Hugh 122–23
Duchamp, Marcel 16, 82, 84, 138, 175
Dunn, Judith 179
Dunn, Robert 168, 179–81
dyslexia 34–39
E.A.T. see Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.)
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 114
electrical items, in RR’s work 76, 78, 86, 168–69
Ernst, Max 109
exhibitions, of RR’s work 1, 100, 158, 159
exoticism 72
Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) 104, 123–25, 171–72, 187
Fahlström, Öyvind 172
Felsen, Sidney B. 135–36, 139
fascination with 106–9
sinister meanings 109
theme of 28, 99–100
Florida, RR’s studio see Captiva
Forge, Andrew 5
Forti, Simone 179
France, Pages and Fuses project 223
free association 31–32
Freud, Sigmund 32
Front Street, New York, RR’s studio 76, 91
Fuller, Buckminster 52
Fulton Fish Market, New York 44–45
Fulton Street, New York 41–49, 41, 43, 56, 91
“funnies” 60
Galbraith, J. K. 71
Gandhi, Indira 246
Gandhi, Mahatma 246, 249
garbage 47–48, 71
Gelcich, Monica 234, 240, 242, 246
Gemini G.E.L. 111, 127, 135–36, 139–41, 140, 153, 156
Germany, ROCI 222
Gleason, Gene 89
Glenn, John 144
goat, in RR’s work 72–75, 201
Gorewitz, Rubin 227
graffiti 64
Grand Union 190
Grinstein, Stanley 135–36
Grissom, Virgil 131, 150
Grosman, Tatyana 94
Hageage, Marian 177
Halprin, Ann 178–79, 180
Hay, Alex 171, 172, 177, 179
Hay, Deborah 171, 172, 177, 179, 182, 187, 190
hens, in RR’s Chilean works 249–51
Hofmann, Hans 80
homosexuality, theme in RR’s work 138–39, 189
Hoover, Edgar, M. 88–89
Hopkins, Henry 128
Hopps, Walter 139, 250
Horst, Louis 177–78
Houdon, Jean-Antoine 122
Hulten, Pontus 225, 227
Hultman, Irene 203–4
humor, role of 31, 210
Humphrey, Doris 178
hurricanes 14–15
India, RR’s work in 224
Indiana, Robert 43
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 246
interaction, with RR’s works 16
interpretations of RR’s work 5
Israel, Made in Israel project 223–24
Italy, ROCI 227–28
Jacobs, Jane 90
Japan see ROCI/Japan
Jefferson High School 168
Johns, Jasper
ideas of 264n.62
and Merce Cuningham 173
relationship with RR 1, 16, 42, 64–66, 65, 76, 92
RR’s influence on 66–69
Construction with Toy Piano (1954) 66–68, 67
Flag (1954) 68–69
Fool’s House (1962) 153
Johnson, Lyndon B. 104
Joplin, Janice 159
Judson Dance Theater
end of 171, 190
formation of 173, 179, 181–82, 218
performances by 182–85, 182
RR’s involvement with 3, 100, 167, 168, 169
Jung, Carl 32
Kanarek, Mimi 172
Kandindsky, Wassily 17
Kansas City Art Institute 168
Kaprow, Allen 181
Karczag, Eva 203–4
Karshan, Donald 157
Kelly, Ellsworth 43
Kennedy, John F. 100, 114, 123
Kennedy, Robert 156
Kheel, Theodore 124, 227
King, Martin Luther 156
Kline, Franz 52
Klüver, Billy 123–25, 212
Kooning, Willem de 32, 52, 64
Kotz, Mary Lynn 112
Kozloff, Max 111
Lafayette Street, New York, RR’s studio 6, 42, 263n.2
Landry, Richard 204, 208
lateral thinking 29–34
Leo Castelli Gallery 15
Leonardo da Vinci 24, 106, 138, 186, 256
Lichtenstein, Roy 160
Life magazine 51, 116
lighting, in RR’s work 86, 211–13, 257
Limon, José 178
Lindbergh, Charles 116, 148
Lipchitz, Jacques 109
Lipton, Seymour 109
broken stones 115, 133, 151, 266n.64
by RR 94, 111, 139–58, 140
Livet, Ann 227
Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, ROCI involvement 227
Madden, Diane 203–4, 205
Malaysia, ROCI 222
McAuliffe, Christa 163
McCarthy, Joseph 61
McDivitt, James 144
machine shops, in Captiva studios 12
Malevich, Kasimir 107–9
Mamiya, Christin 111–13
Maris, Roger 265n.21
Martin, Agnes 43
Mead, Margaret 151
Mensch, Barbara 44
Merce Cunningham Dance Company see Cunningham, Merce
Mexico, ROCI 222, 230–31
mirrors, in RR’s work 60
modernism, dance 173
moon rock 128, 265n.38
Morris, Robert 179
Moses, Robert 61, 89–90, 100
Motherwell, Robert 32, 52
motion, theme in RR’s work 26
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago 4, 235
Art Program 112, 126–28, 160
disasters 115, 131, 149–51, 163–64
RR’s relationship with 111–15, 126–27, 130–31, 155–56
space shuttle 159–65
National Gallery of Art, Washington 1, 230, 268n.31
nature, and technology 130, 154–55
Necker Cube, in RR’s work 26, 39, 119–20
Nehru, Jawaharlal 246, 249
New York
Abstract Expressionists 42–43, 93
advertising signs 46–47
construction works 76–77
discarded items 47–48
docks 44–45
influence on RR 2, 41–49, 58–59, 61, 75–76, 84, 91–93, 95–100, 122
newspapers 50–51
Reverse Telephone Directories 48–49
RR’s studios 6, 42, 43, 45, 45, 66, 66, 76, 91–93
South Street Elevated Highway 76–77, 263n.15
urban development problems 41, 88–91, 122, 264n.67
newspapers, use by RR 50–52, 54, 60–61, 92, 245–46
Newsweek magazine 116, 122–23
Nikolayev, Adrian 148
“9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering” 124, 124, 125, 172
O’Doherty, Brian 41–42, 94
Oldenberg, Claus 181
Olson, Charles 52
Ono, Yoko, Sweeping Piece (1962) 214
Ossa, Nena 235, 251
Panza, Giuseppe 227–28
parachuting, motif in RR’s work 88, 110, 121, 131, 144–45, 186
Patterson, Richard C. 60–61, 263–64n.41
Paxton, Steve
contact improvisation 168, 183–84
dance performances 168, 171, 172, 188
on Judson Dance Theater 182
on Merce Cunningham 177
relationship with RR 168, 172, 183, 189
on RR’s dyslexia 35
Physical Things 211
Proxy (1962) 184
Paz, Octavio 230
Pearl Street, New York 42, 46, 49, 66, 66
performance art 123–26, 169–72, 185–90
Petronio, Stephen 203–4
of Chile 235, 237, 238, 238, 239
digitalized 14, 262n.13
in dance pieces 199–201
in silkscreen paintings 93–94
use by RR 19–20
Piano, Renzo 8–9
Picasso, Pablo 109
Pilar, Marìa del 236
Pinochet, Augusto 3, 221, 232–34, 237–39, 258–59
political protests 156
Pollock, Jackson 32, 109
Pop artists 48, 111
Pottorf, Darryl 8, 24
projected imagery, in performances 187
props, in RR’s performance pieces 189
Rainer, Yvonne 124, 171, 172, 179, 182, 190, 214
Parts of Some Sextets 182
Rauschenberg, Christopher 188
Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange see ROCI
collaboration with Merce Cunningham 100, 167–71, 174–77, 266n.12
collaboration with others 3, 12, 13–14, 13, 225–56
collaboration with Trisha Brown 3, 167–68, 172, 182, 187, 192, 193–219
costume design 207, 213, 217
dance activities 3, 169–71, 180–81, 185–90
dyslexia 34–39
environmentalism 130, 154–55, 266n.67
lateral thinking 29–34
musical composition 17, 217–18
national themes 100
New York influence 41–49, 58–59, 61, 75–76, 84, 91–93, 95–100
performance art 123–26, 169–72, 185–90
photography 199–201
political protests 156, 158
productivity of 1
religious views 255–56, 265n.58
sexuality 138–39, 189
space exploration influence 2–3, 104, 106, 110–65
stage sets 168–72, 197–215
technology projects 123–26, 186–87
working methods 2, 6–15, 11, 13, 21, 28–29
Accident (1963) 100, 133, 265n.19, 266n.64
Air Pocket (1969) 115
Altar Peace Chile (1985) 235, 242, 248, 254, 255–57
Anagrams (1995–96) 262n.13
Ape (1969) 115, 131, 144–46, 145
Araucan Mastaba (1985) 231, 242
Arcadian Retreats 20, 262n.13
Arena II (1969) 115, 148, 149
Autobiography (1968) 23, 24, 187
Automobile Tire Print (1953) 26, 46, 56–57, 56, 75
Banner (1969) 115, 116, 146–48, 147
Bifocals series (1982) 16
Big D Ellipse (Shiner) (1990) 265n.43
Black Market (1961) 16, 76
Black Paintings (1951–53) 32, 50, 52–56, 263n.33
Booster (1967) 113, 115, 136–38, 137
Brace (1962) 118, 265n.21
Brake (1969) 115, 131, 149–51, 150
Broadcast (1959) 76, 80–82
Caryatid Cavalcade I (1985) 235, 237, 240, 240, 242–43, 248–51
Caryatid Cavalcade II (1985) 234, 240, 241, 241, 242, 245, 248, 258
Charlene (1954) 16, 45, 49, 57, 66, 88, 110, 264n.7
Choke (1964) 100–102, 101, 104
Co-Existence (1961) 62, 256
Coca-Cola Plan (1958) 69
Collection (1952) 39, 41, 45, 57–61, 58, 59, 61, 75
analysis of 57–88
influences on 2, 41, 46
overlapping objects 38
performance of 168–69
use of newspapers 50
Copperhead Bite series 4, 237, 238, 241, 248, 251
Copperhead Bite III 243
Copperhead Bite IV 246, 247, 248, 251–52
Copperhead Bite V 241
Copperhead Bite VI 242, 252, 253
Copperhead Bite VII 252, 253, 255, 258
Copperhead Bite VIII 241
Copperhead Bite IX 235
Copperhead Bite X 240
Copperhead Bite XII 241
Copperhead Chica 240, 250–51, 250
Copperhead Grande 230, 240, 242, 245–46, 245, 248, 251
Curfew (1958) 41, 69–72, 70, 75, 249
Currents (1969–70) 50, 158, 159
Dam (1959) 143, 265n.54
Die Hard (1963) 104, 121–22, 121, 265n.24
Dylaby (1962) 47, 69, 71
Echo (1962) 265n.26
Elastic Carrier (Shiner) 202, 202, 206–7
Elemental Sculptures (1953) 46
Elgin Tie 169, 170
Empire 76
Estate (1963) 96–100, 98
Exhibition Poster/ROCI Chile 220
Express (1963) 138, 174–75, 175
First Landing Jump (1961) 26, 41, 46, 57, 75, 86–88, 87, 102, 110, 186, 257
First Time Painting (1961) 169
Glacial Decoy Series: Etching II (1979) 199, 199
Gold Standard 171
Happy Birthday Baby Leech/ROCI Japan (1984) 22, 22
Harbor (1964) 71, 96, 97
Hoarfrosts (1974–76) 49
Hot Shot (1983) 160–62, 161, 163
Hybrid 155
Hymnal (1955) 49, 62–64, 63, 256
Interview (1955) 16
Jammers (1975–76) 49, 224
Japanese Recreational Clayworks (1982) 21
Loop 266n.66
Magician (1959) 80, 81
Map Room 47
Map Room II 171
Marsh 130, 155
Medallion 148
Minutiae (1954) 166, 168
Monogram (1955–59) 41, 57, 66, 72–75, 73, 74, 201, 264n.53
Mother of God (c. 1950) 62, 256
Odalisque (1955–58) 62
Open Score 172
Oracle (1965) 124
Overcast I (1962) 116, 117–19, 118, 138
Overdrive 96
Pelican 88, 100, 107, 123, 169, 184, 185–87, 185
Pilgrim (1960) 265n.43
Political Folly 156
Prowler (1965) 102, 102, 104
Quiet House (1949) 265n.43
Rebus (1955) 5
Reservoir (1961) 82–84, 83
Revolver (1967) 26
Rocket/ROCI USA (1990) 107
Salvage series 207, 207
Scores (Off Kilter Keys) 6, 7, 15–29, 53
Score XIV (Off Kilter Keys) 16
Score XVI (Off Kilter Keys) 15–16, 27, 28
Score XVIII (Off Kilter Keys) 24–26, 25, 39
Score XXI (Off Kilter Keys) 26, 26, 28
Score XXIV (Off Kilter Keys) 18–24, 19, 21, 23, 29, 33
Seven Characters 224
Shot Put 169
Should Love Come First (c. 1951) 50
Shuttle Buttle (1990) 162–25, 163
Signs 159
Silkscreen Paintings (1962–64) 50, 77, 91–104, 116–22, 260
Sky Garden (1969) 111, 126, 130, 131, 136, 140, 143, 151–56, 152, 154, 157
Sky Rite 266n.69
Skyway (1964) 38, 39, 92, 102–4, 103
Soundings (1968) 16, 265n.43
Spreads 194, 264n.80
Spring Training 171, 187–89, 187
Star Quarters I-IV (1971) 159
Stoned Moon Book 110, 115, 127–35, 128–35
Stoned Moon Series 110, 111, 115, 119, 126–27, 136, 139–58, 140
Story (1964) 176–77
Studio Painting (1961) 41, 76, 78–80, 79
Sub-Total 157
Synapsis Shuffle (2000) 16
Tadpole (1963) 95–96, 95
The ¼ Mile or Two Furlong Piece (1981-present) 57
Third Time Painting 76
Tilt 155
Trapeze (1964) 39
Trellis (1963) 119–21, 120
Trophy I (For Merce Cunningham) (1959) 266n.12
Trust Zone (1969) 107, 108, 112–13, 116, 140, 153
Untitled [black painting with portal form] (1952) 54–56, 55
Untitled [large black painting] (1953) 45
Untitled (c. 1954) 66, 109–10
Untitled (c. 1955) 88, 110
Untitled (1963) 117
Untitled (1964) 38
Untitled (Salvage) (1984) 207
Wall Street (1961) 41, 84–86, 85
Waves (1969) 111, 131, 141–44, 142, 157
White Paintings 17, 24, 45, 52–53
Windward 96
Winter Pool 76
religious references, in RR’s work 62, 237, 240–41, 244, 255–56, 265n.24
reviews, of RR’s works 157–58
Riley, Terry 179
Ritt, Charles 153
Rivers, Larry 153
financing of 226–30
history of 3, 222–31
as source of photographs 19–20
ROCI/Chile 3–4, 221–22, 235–59 see also Chile
ROCI/Cuba 22–23, 222
ROCI/Japan 21–22, 22, 171, 222
Rockefeller, David 77, 91
Rojo, Benito 237, 251
Rosenberg, Harold 42
Rosenquist, James 43
Rosenthal, Nan 230
Rosenthal, Rachel 66
rotation and reversal, in RR’s work 38
Rothko, Mark 32
Rubens, Peter Paul, comparison with RR 111
rural life, theme in RR’s Chilean work 246
Saff, Donald, ROCI involvement 162, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 230, 231, 234
Sanibel, Florida 6–7
Santiago, Chile 3, 231–32, 234–39
satellite dishes, in RR’s work 120, 143
Saturn rockets 153–54
Saunders, Frank 227
Schicke, Vicki 203–4
Schirra, Wally 116, 121, 153
Schulman, Robert 160
Sequel, Rudolfo 233
sexuality, theme in RR’s work 138–39, 189
shantytowns, Chile 237–39
sources for 94–95
space exploration theme 110, 116–22
storage of 12
urban influences 41, 91–93, 95
washing of 13
working methods 21
Sistine Chapel, in RR’s work 99
skeleton, use in RR’s work 136–38
Smith, David 109
social unrest 156, 158
Solomon, Alan 171, 187
Sonnabend, Ileana 228
sound, in RR’s works 80–82
South Street area, New York 41–47, 90–92
South Street Elevated Highway 76–77, 99, 263n.15
Soviet Union
ROCI 222
space program 114–15, 148
space capsules, landings of 121
space exploration
influence on RR 2–3, 104, 106, 110–65
military aspects 130–31
tragedies of 115, 131, 149–51, 163–64
“space race” 114–15
space shuttle 106, 159–65
stage sets, by RR 168–72, 197–215
Statue of Liberty 122
Stein, John 37
Stein, Mario 234–35, 238, 244
Stella, Frank 172
storage, for RR’s works 12–13
Stuckey, Charles 5
Suprematist painting 107–9
Surplus Dance Theater 190
swimmers, theme in RR’s work 129
Tabachnick, Ken 212
Tagore, Deendranath 246, 249
Talese, Gay 47
Taylor, Joshua 224
Taylor, Paul 168
Jack and the Beanstalk 168
telephone directory, as icon 62, 64
television, influence on RR 10, 94–95
textiles see cloth
thematic interpretation of RR’s work 105–6
Tibet, ROCI 222
time, theme of 82–84, 99, 168–69
Tinguely, Jean 123
tires, in RR’s work 56–57, 72, 75, 86–88, 171, 186
tragedies, of space exploration 115, 131, 149–51, 163–64
transfer drawings, in silkscreens 94
Trisha Brown Dance Company see Brown, Trisha
Tudor, David 172
Twombly, Cy 42, 64
Tworkov, Jack 52
Tyler, Kenneth 135–36, 139, 141, 153, 157
Ultveldt, Per Olof 185–87
umbrellas, in RR’s work 110, 264n.7
United Nations, ROCI announcement 3, 222, 228
United States, ROCI 222
Universidad de Chile 237
urban influences
in Chile works 244–45
in RR’s space exploration works 122
in RR’s work 2, 41–49, 58–9, 61, 75–76, 84, 91–93, 95–100
USSR see Soviet Union
Vail, Priscilla 36
Van Brunt, Terry 234, 238, 240, 257, 268n.42
Vaughan, David 176
Venezuela, ROCI 222
Venice Biennale 100, 123, 156, 169, 266n.70
Verne, Jules 129
Vernon, Raymond 88–89
vertical thinking 30–31
violence, references in RR’s works 61, 255, 257–58
von Braun, Wernher 155, 266n.69
Waldauer, Fred 124
Warhol, Andy 93–94, 138
Warshaw, Randy 203–4
Washington, George 122
water towers, in RR’s works 119
Webb, James E. 126
Weisman, Frederick R. 228
White, David 230
White, Ed 131, 144, 150
Whitman, Robert 124, 172
women, in RR’s Chilean work 244, 252
Woodward, Brenda 234
Wright Brothers 24, 106–7, 113, 116, 186
x-rays 136
Young, Joseph E. 158
Young, LaMonte 179
youth culture 128–29
robert rauschenberg
Description: f0ii-01
Rauschenberg collecting material for his Glut series from a refuse dump in Florida (1986), photo by Darryl Pottorf. © Untitled Press, inc.