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Description: Women of Byzantium
PublisherYale University Press
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abbess, 161, 167, 172, 175, 179, 269–78, 289–307
adoption, imperial succession and, 221–22
adultery, 83–84; in the empress Zoe’s marriages, ch. 10 passim
Aelia, as honorific title, 54
Agathe, festival of, 266
agriculture, women and, 155–57
Alexiad of Anna Komnene, ch. 11 passim
Amalasuntha, 128
ampullae, 9–10
amuletic objects, 100–102
Anastasia, saint, 176
Anicia Juliana, 96, 105–15
Anna, wife of Vladimir of Kiev, 212–13
Anna Dalassene, 242–45, 253–58
Anna Komnene, ch. 11 passim; anti-Latin bias of, 255–57; assassination plot of, 245, 260; education of, 255–57; Homeric stance of, 246–47; influence of Michael Psellus on, 249–50; writing style of, 239–59
anti-Latin bias, 249
Antonina, wife of Belisarius, 119–21, 138
Apostolic Constitutions, 19
apotactite, 41
Ariadne, empress, 48–49, 57
Arian heresy, 69
art, expenditure and, 95; patronage and, ch. 5 passim
ascetic life, 283, 293
asceticism, 174, 177; ch. 1 passim, 203
ascetics, secret, 172, 177
Athenais Eudocia, empress, 49, 55, 59, 60–61, 106, 115
“athlete of Christ,” 24–25
Augusta, 45–46
authorship, female, 180, 238, 245
baptism, 7, 90
Basil the Great, 20
baths and bathing, 127
battered wives, 171
beauty, Byzantine ideal of, 252
betrothal, 23, 48, 122–23, 138–39
body, assembly of nuns as, 292
Book of Ceremonies, 208, 214
“brides of Christ,” 15, 86, 283, 287
brideshow, 47–48, 167, 173–74
Brumalia festival, 266
burial, 170, 179
Byzantine style in art, 182–87
Cappadocia, frescoes of, 196–97, 204
Cappadocian Fathers, 20
ceremony, Byzantine court, 128–31, 145;
empresses and, 47–48
Chalke Gate, 161–63; mosaic of Justinian and Theodora on, 136–37
Charlemagne, 209; Rotrud, daughter of, 209–10
childbearing, 16
children: as nuns, 284–85, fig. 44; upbringing of, 149–51
Chora Church and Monastery, 271, 312–16; Deesis mosaic, 312, figs, 45, 46
Christ Antiphonetus, icon of, 229–30, 235–6
Christianity, edict of toleration of, 13; official religion of Empire, 49
Christianization of Roman Empire, 13
Chrysobalanton, monastery of, 174
coins: Aelia as honorific title on, 68; portraits of empresses on, 45, 51–60, 62–63, 68–69, figs. 3, 5, 811
color, symbolic use of, 188
commemorative practices, 271
concubines, 84
Conmenus. See Komnenos family Constantine I, 13
Constantinople, 46; churches dedicated to Virgin in, 59; as heavenly Jerusalem, 46. See also site name
conversion, literature of, 87
costume: and jewelry, 51–53, 57, 100–102, 117, 134–38, 140–45, 149, 174, 233–34, 241; monastic, 168, 280–307, 296–314, 313, pl. 20, figs. 4244, 4546
Council, of Chalcedon, 62–63; of Constantinople, 49; of Ephesus, 61; of Nicaea II, 161, 194; in Trullo, 162
cross, cult of, 194–95; patriarchal, 192, 195
cross dressing, 82, 84, 172
crusades, First, 239, 243, 248; Fourth, 263
cults of saints, 80, 85
Cyprian, Martyrdom of Saint, 60–61
Cyprus, frescoes of, 197–204
deaconess, 75, 163, 170, 175
demons and demon possession, 126–27, 155–56, 170, 175–76
Desert Fathers, 14
dextrarum iunctio, 101
Digenes Akrites, 240, 257
donor portraits, 199–201, 203
double monastery, 25, 169
Doukas family, 242–25
dowry, 152, 154, 157, 265, 274
dreams and visions, 178
dress. See costume
Edict of Milan, 13
Egeria, pilgrimage of, 29, 35–44
ekphrasis, 113, 251–52
empresses, of Theodosian dynasty, ch. 3 passim; roles of, 117
Eudocia, empress, 34
Eudoxia, empress, 53–55 eulogia, 31, 37
eunuchs, 82
Euphemia, martyrium of saint, 163
Euphrosyne Palaeologina Synadene, 268, 281, 286–307, fig. 42, pl. 20
families, women’s roles in, 153
female saints: in art, 86–87, 190–96; church calendar and, 190; function of, 190, 204–5; images of, 164, 189–96, pls. 13–16, figs 3237; local, 203; locations of, 192, 197, 203–4; selection of, 190; virgin martyrs, 192–95; ch. 9 passim
Flaccilla, empress, 49–53
foundations, monastic, 24–25, 268, 273, 278. See also by name
funerary chapels, 271
Gaita, wife of Robert Guiscard, 257
Galla, Wife of Theodosius II, 49, 53, 64
Galla Placidia, 49–53, 64; burial of, 70–72; marriage to Constantius III, 67; mausoleum of, 70–71; patronage of, 70, 72; regent for Valentinian III, 69; and Visigoths, 65–66; ch. 3 passim
gender boundaries, 240, 257–58
Gouber family, 173, 180
Gregory of Nyssa, 19–27
Gregory of Tours, 114
gynaeceum. See gynaikonitis
gynaikeia, 59
gynaikonitis, 47, 208–9, 214, 256
Hagia Sophia, church of, 97, 107, 118, 134, 167, 173–80; mosaics of: John II and Irene panel, fig. 40, 244; Virgin and Child in apse, 188–89, pl. 12; Zoe panel, 182, 232–37, pl. 17, fig. 27
hagiography, 19–20, 78–80, 82, 86, 91–92, 146–48
Hagios Polyeuktos, church of, 106–15; epigram in, 107–15
healing, 26, 170, 179; of women, 104
hegoumene. See abbess
Helena, daughter of Robert Guiscard, 242
Helena, mother of Constantine I, 32, 50–51, 190, 192, 194, 197–98, 200–205
Helena Lecapena, 213–14
Hesychast movement, 276
history writing, 239, 259–60
Holy Apostles, church of, 65
Holy Land, 29–30, 32, 35, 41–43, 60, 61; Athenais Eudocia’s foundations in, 62; crusades and, 244; pilgrimage to, 29
Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, 241, 252, pl. 18
Hosios Loukas, monastery of: mosaics, 191–96, 204; and St. Luke’s life, 196; visibility of women at, 196
hospitals, 277
House of Placidia, 64–65
Hungarians, 243–44
hymnography, 75, 161, 193
Iconoclasm, 159–62, 166, 173, 188–89, 205
icons, 89, 159–62, 166, 168, 173, 178–79, 303–4; faith in, 161–62
Iliad, 239–40, 247–48, 261
images, function of in Byzantium, 185, 189, 192; iconic mode of, 182, 190; liturgical connotations of, 189; narrative mode of, 183–84, 188–89; ornamental mode of, 183; precedence over written word, 188; use of color in, 188; use of labels in, 188
images of women, ch. 9 passim; in church programs, 192–205; physical proportions in, 187–88
inscriptions, dedicatory, 98–115
intercession, 178
invective, Secret History as, 119–25, 127, 131
Irene, the empress, widow of Leo IV, 160–61, 205, 209
Irene, wife of John II Komnenos, 210–11, fig. 40
Irene Choumnaina, 275–76
Irene Doukaina Komnene, 169, 242–44, 256–58
Irene of Chrysobalanton, ch. 8 passim
Jerusalem, 29–35, 92; Holy Sepulcher, 33, 41–42, 89; liturgies of, 41–43
jewelry. See costume
Kariye Djami. See Chora Church and Monastery
Kassia the hymnographer, 161, 193
Kecharitomene monastery, 169, 172, 238, 244–45, 254, 313; typikon of, 244
Komnenos family, 239–42
Kosmosotira monastery, 313
legal protection, of women, 83
levitation, 88, 177
libraries, monastic, 275, 315–16
Licinia Eudoxia, 61, 63–64, 70; daughters of, 64, 67
Lincoln College Typikon, 268, 278–307; images in, 279–307, pls. 19, 20, figs. 4244
Lips monastery (Fenari Isa Camii), 276
literacy, 264; of women, 213
liturgical calendar, 173
liturgical objects, 96, 97–100
loca sancta, 30–32
Macrina, saint, ch. 1 passim
magic and sorcery, 127, 176–77; to aid conception, 217
Manzikert, battle of, 240, 243
Maria Lekapena, 212
Maria of Alania, 210, 241–42, 245, 251–52, 256, pl. 18
Maria Palaeologina/Melane the Nun, 312–16, figs. 45, 46; identity of, 314–15
marriage, 16, 20, 122–23, 125, 139; imperial, ch. 10 passim; imperial succession through, 207, 216–20, 226; interdictions of, 209; legal age of, 207, 213; legal number of, 214; preparation of brides for, 207–14; with foreigners, 207–9, 211
marriage belt, 101, fig. 16
martyrdom, language of, 14
martyria, 30
Mary Magdalene, 78
Mary of Egypt, 87–93, 198–203
Mary/Marinos, 84
mausolea, 104–5
Melane the Nun, 312–16, figs. 4546
Melania the Elder, 18
Melania the Younger, 32, 61
Michael Psellus, 208, 215–37, 241, 245–46, 249–50, 252–54, 264, 266
miracles, 26, 27, 155–57, 173, 176–80
monasteries, 75, 163, 170; administration of, 272–74; buildings in, 171; families and, 270, 273, 278, 302–4; female, 23–26; founding of, 273, 278; in late Byzantium, 268–77, 289–307; lay children and, 305; life in, 168–71, 175, ordinary women and, 264–65, 269, 273–75, 306–7; as prisons, 172; reasons for entering, 171; size of, 170
monasticism, female, 159–80; types of, 15
monazontes, 41
Mongols, 263, 267, 312–16
Monophysite heresy, 131; Athenais Eudocia and, 62
Mother of God of Sure Hope monastery, 264, 268–69, 277–307
Mount Sinai, 30, 36–38
names, of women in inscriptions, 98–105
naming, of nuns, 275–78; in monasticism, 168
New Rome. See Constantinople
Nika riots, 118, 126
Normans of Sicily, 240–42, 244, 247, 249, 257
nunneries. See monasteries
nuns, 19, 312–16; categories of, 273–74, 294–307; health of, 298; names of, 275; privileged, 274–75; roles of, 294–307; status of, 170
Odyssey, 239, 247
Olympias, 18, 19
ordinary women, 79, 83–85, 88, ch. 7 passim, 163, 171, 223–24, 236
Ottoman Turks, 263–64, 314–16
painter (artist), 179
Painter’s Manual, 191
palace, imperial, 46–47
Palaeologan dynasty, 263–65, 269
Pantepoptes monastery, 243
Pantocrator monastery, 211
parecclesia. See funerary chapels
parresia. See intercession
parthenoi, 17, 41
patronage, women and, ch. 5 passim
Paula, 18
peacocks, meaning and symbolism of, 108–12
Pelagia of Antioch, 80–84, 86
perfumes, empress Zoe and, 228
personifications, 110
Petrion monastery, 243
Philanthropeia, 50
Philanthropos Soter monastery, 275–76
philanthropy, women and, 153–54
piety, social status and, 96
pilgrimage, ch. 2 passim, 92
Placidia, 105
Porphyra, 48, 238, 258, 261
Porphyrogenitus(a), 48, 208, 258–59
portraits, 241, 244; monastic, 281, figs. 4244, pls. 19, 20; mother-daughter, pl. 20, fig. 43; of women, 279–307
private monasteries, 167, 171
Procopius’ Secret History, ch. 6 passim
pronoia, 242
prophecy, 149, 174, 179
prostitution, 78, 83, 90, 129, 148, 154
Pulcheria Augusta, 49, 55, 56–59, 62–63; foundations of, 59
Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 70–72, pls. 1, 2, fig. 12; San Vitale, 117, 133–40, 145; Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo, 86–87
reading aloud, 180
regent, empress as, 48, 208
regents, women as, 162
relics of saints, 46, 50, 56–58, 61
Repentance, monastery of, 129
repentant harlot, ch. 4 passim
Rome: Honorian mausoleum of St. Petronilla, 65, 70–72; Mausoleum of Santa Costanza, 109
Russia, Christianization of, 213
saints’ lives. See hagiography
sanctification, process of, 85, 172
Seljuk Turks, 240, 243–44, 263
semantron, 274
Serena, niece of Theodosius I, 65
sexuality, 176
silk industry, 266
Skleraina, mistress of Constantine IX, 226–30
slaves, female, 156
Sophia, wife of Justin II, 132
sorcery. See magic and sorcery
spiritual father, 272, 275
St. Euphemia, martyrium of, 41
St. Mary of the Mongols, monastery of, 315
St. Paul, 2–12
statues, attacked, 53
Stephan, relics of saint, 56–58
“Tetragamy Scandal,” 214
Thecla, saint, 1–12, 21, 22; martyrium of, 8–9, 40
Theodora, empress, sister of Zoe, 205, 214–15, 224–25
Theodora, empress, wife of Justinian I, ch. 6 passim
Theodora, wife of Theophilus, 159, 161–62, 166–67, 173
Theodora Synadene, ch. 12 passim; author of typikon, 285–307; marriage of, 287; nunnery of, 264, 268, 277–307
Theodore Metochites, 277, 312–16
Theodora Palaeologina, wife of Michael VIII, 275–77
Theodosia, martyr, 161, 166
Theodosius I, dynastic house of, ch. 3 passim
Theophano, wife of Otto II, 211–12, fig. 41
Theotokos tes Bebaias Elpidos. See Mother of God of Sure Hope monastery
tombs, 94, 104–5. See also mausolea
tonsure/taking the veil, 163, 168, 174, 180
transvestism. See cross dressing
travel, 31, 35, 39
Trier ivory, 56–58
Triumph of Orthodoxy, 159, 160, 166–68, 205
True Cross, 26, 31–32, 42–43, 194, 200, 202, 205
Typikon, 168–70, 268, 272–78, 283, 285–307
University of Constantinople, 60
univira, 23
Valentinian Dynasty, 49
veil. See tonsure/taking the veil
Venetians, alliances with, 242
Vienna Dioscurides manuscript, 110–14
Virgin Mary, cult of, 75–76; elevation of, 59; icons of, 89; images of, 188–89, 195, 204; as intercessor, 198; nunnery of Sure Hope and, 279–307; protector of Constantinople, 59, 75; as Theotokos, 61–63
virgins, virginity, 17
widows, 74–75, 170–71, 269, 278
witchcraft. See magic and sorcery
women, commercial occupations of, 265; domestic roles of, 74–75; legal rights of, 264; life expectancies of, 164–65; roles in late Byzantium, 263
xenodocheion, 31
Zoe Karbounopsina, 214
Zoe the porphyrogenita, exile of, 222–23, 261; joint rule with Theodora, 225–6; marriages of, 208, 214, 215–37; mosaic in Hagia Sophia, 232–37, fig. 27, pl. 17