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Description: Visual Voyages: Images of Latin American Nature from Columbus to Darwin
PublisherYale University Press
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Academy of the Lincei, 40–43, 60, 83, 99
achiote (Bixa orellana), 62, 141
Acosta, José de, 62–63, 69, 80, 81 (fig. 50), 82
Agave americana (aloe), 80, 94, 95 (fig. 56), 129, 188
ahouaï tree, 24, 25 (fig. 16)
ahuehuete tree (Taxodium mucronatum), 188
ajolote (Mexican salamander), 188, 190 (fig. 149)
Alamani, Luigi, 13–14
Albán, Vicente, 150, 151–53 (figs. 12429), 154–55
Álbum del Ferrocarril Mexicano, 185
Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 17, 18–19 (figs. 1113), 94, 99
Allen, John Fisk, 185, 186–87 (fig. 147)
Alzate y Ramírez, José Antonio de, 71–77, 74–75 (figs. 46 and 47)
Amboinsche Rariteitkamer, D’, 116
America, from the Four Continents, 15, 16 (fig. 9), 113
America, personifications of, 8, 9 (fig. 6), 13–17, 14 (fig. 7), 43
American Physitian, 62–63
America retectio, 12–15
Andes mountains, xii, 160, 165, 198
and Alexander von Humboldt, 159–60, 170, 193
paradise located in, 88
Ansichten der Natur, 164
anteaters, 13, 20, 114 (fig. 72), 115, 126, 149 (fig. 123), 149–50
árbol de las manitas (Chiranthodendron pentadactylon), 188
árbol del Tule (ahuehuete tree), 188
Argentina, 149–50, 180, 193
armadillo, 15, 50
in collections, 91, 94, 126
images of, 15, 17–20, 18–19 (figs. 1013)
Artist Carried by a Sillero . . . , The, 169 (fig. 136), 169–70
Atlas pintoresco é historico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, 188, 188–89 (fig. 148)
Audubon, John James, 175
Aztecs (Mexicas), xii, 21, 199
accounts of, 21, 30, 80–83
and chocolate, use of, 45, 59–60
medicine of, 29–32, 59–60
and missionaries, 77–80
as students and authors, 26–30
Tenochtitlan, 21, 199
Badiano, Juan, 28 (fig. 18), 29
balsam, 8, 45, 80
bananas, 88, 113
Banks, Joseph, 158, 204n101
Barberini, Francesco, cardinal, 41
Barraud, Herbert Rose, 170, 171 (fig. 137)
Bateman, James, 175–79, 178–79 (figs. 143 and 144)
Bates, Henry Walter, 175
Bauer, Ferdinand, 205n48
Belon, Pierre, 17
Bentley, Charles, 180
Benzoni, Girolamo, 45, 59 (fig. 37)
De Bry edition (America, part 4), 45, 46 (fig. 27), 49–50, 184, 202n7
on chocolate, 59–60, 60 (fig. 38), 62–63
on tobacco, 54–55, 55 (fig. 31)
Besler, Basilius, 99, 100 (fig. 60), 129
Big Book, Great Evil (mega biblion, mega kakon), 179, 179 (fig. 144)
bird of paradise (Paradisaeidae), 113, 114 (fig. 72)
Birds of America, 175
Blanes, Juan Manuel, 193
Blumenbuch, 115
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 131, 158, 164
Bonpland, Aimé, 158–60, 170, 184, 205n5
botanical collecting, 133
botanical Reconquista, 94, 129–33
herbarium specimens, 123, 131, 133, 140
plant self-impressions, 135–40, 205n49
Wardian case, portable greenhouse, 179
botanical expeditions, 131–34, 150
Linnaean voyages, 132–33
royal Spanish expeditions, 131–40
See also Royal Botanical Expedition to Chile and Peru; Royal Botanical Expedition to New Kingdom of Granada
botanical gardens
in Brazil, 131
in Europe, 40–41, 52, 99, 120, 132, 175
in Mexico, 34–35
plants imported to grow in Europe, 50, 54, 99
Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, 132–33
accounts of, 24–25, 49, 99–113, 131, 165, 171
independence from Portugal, 158, 164
indigenous people, depictions of, 24, 49, 101–13, 165–70
maps of, 4 (fig. 3), 5, 8, 12
Portuguese court in exile, 164
Rio de Janeiro, 131, 165, 171
Salvador de Bahia, 131, 171
See also Dutch Brazil; Tupinambá people
British Guiana, 180–84
Bru, Juan Bautista, 149
cacao tree (cacaua quahuitl or cacaoaquauitl), 59, 62, 80, 116, 180, 188
red cacao (tlapalcacauatl), 59
Theobroma cacao, 63
See also chocolate
Calancha, Antonio de la, 83
Caldas, Francisco José de, 135, 138–39 (fig. 90), 160, 161 (fig. 132), 205n49
Callissia repens., 133–34, 133–35 (figs. 8688)
candelabra cactus (Pachycereus weberi), 193
cannibalism, 13, 15, 24, 49, 113
Carbonell, José María, 141 (fig. 94), 142 (fig. 105), 143 (figs. 101 and 106), 144 (figs. 109, 111, and 115), 145 (figs. 113, 114, 118, and 120)
Cárdenas, Juan de, 62, 203n31
Cardón del pueblo de Tecomavaca, 192 (fig. 151), 193
cashew fruits and nuts, 101, 113
Castelblanca—Pentandria Monogynia—Cana—Pacó cáajubá, 131, 131 (fig. 83)
Castelli, Pietro, 83, 85 (fig. 52)
Castro, Casimiro, 185
Catesby, Mark, 63, 66 (fig. 41)
Cavanilles, Antonio José, 132–33
Central America (Tierra Firme), 50
Cervantes de Salazar, Francisco, 69
Cesi, Federico, 40–41, 204n101
Champlain, Samuel de, 69
Charles III, king of Spain, 131, 149
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 21
accounts of, 88
artists from, 193
Cross of Limache, 88
indigenous people of, 113
Virgin of Arauco, 88
See also Royal Botanical Expedition to Chile and Peru
Chimborazo, 193–99, 194–95 (fig. 152)
chocolate, 45, 59–63
as a beverage, 59–60
European drinking of, 62–63
indigenous use of, 45, 59–62
as medicinal, 59–63
and Mexican dances (mitotes), 60
See also cacao tree
Church, Frederic Edwin, 193–98, 194–95 (fig. 152), 206n87
Cieza de León, Pedro, 24, 82
cinchona, 45, 94, 138–39 (fig. 90), 180
Clarac, Charles Othon Frédéric Jean-Baptiste, comte de, 165, 171
Clifford, George, 120–23
Clusius, Carolus, 45, 52, 53 (fig. 32), 57, 62, 113
coanenepilli, 82. See also passionflower
cochineal (Dactylopius coccus), 45, 67–77
cultivation of, 67–76
depictions of, 67, 68 (fig. 42), 70 (fig. 43), 71, 72–75 (figs. 4447)
identified as an insect, 69–71
from Mexico, 67–76
from Saint-Domingue, 69–71
trade in, 67–69
coconut (cocuse and cocuso), 80, 101, 185
Codex de la Cruz-Badiano (Libellus de medicinalibus Indorum herbis), 29–30, 32, 41
Lincei copy, 41, 41 (fig. 24)
coffee, 94, 180, 188
plantations, 185
Cole, Thomas, 193
Collaert, Adriaen, 15, 16 (fig. 9), 113
collecting, 91–155
collecting trips, 94, 123, 129–31, 164
and Linnaeus’s armoire, 123
See also botanical expeditions; collections
Collectiones peregrinationum in Indiam Orientalem & Occidentalem, 45–49
America volumes, 46–47 (figs. 27 and 28), 49
collections, 91–94, 115
artificialia and naturalia, 91, 101
cabinets of curiosities (Wunderkammern), 91–94, 113, 116
in church and royal treasuries (Schatzkammern), 91
and Linnaean system, 126
Natural History Cabinet of Charles III, 149–50
private collections, 91–94, 120, 175
royal cabinet of curiosities, France, 25
Royal Natural History Cabinet of Madrid, 133
Colmenero de Ledesma, Antonio, 62
Colombia, 140, 158
Bogotá, 141, 150
Color Chart, 134–35, 136–37 (fig. 89), 205n48
Columbus, Christopher, 8, 12–13, 20, 77
letter, 2–5
     illustrations of, 3, 3 (fig. 2), 20
first voyage across the Atlantic, xii, 2, 15, 50, 82
renaming places, 2, 12–13
and tobacco, 54
Commelina hispida, 132–35 (figs. 8488), 133–34
Cook, James, 131, 158
Corónica moralizada del Orden de San Augustín en el Perú, 83
Cortés, Hernán, 21, 67, 69
cosmographie universelle, La, 25
Cospi, Ferdinando, 94
Counterblaste to Tobacco, A, 58
criollos, 45, 88, 135, 160–64
crocodiles, in collections, 91, 126
Cruikshank, George, 179, 179 (fig. 144)
Cruydeboeck, 203n30
Cruz, Martín de la, 28 (fig. 18), 29–30, 32, 41
Cuba, 2, 8, 158
Cuéllar, Juan de, 132
Curioso tratado de la naturaleza y calidad del chocolate, 62
Dal Pozzo, Cassiano, 41, 204n101
paper museum (museo cartaceo) of, 99
dancing, indigenous, 60 (fig. 38)
Darwin, Charles, 77, 129, 157, 170–74
and Humboldt, 157, 170–74
and natural selection, 174 (fig. 140), 174–75, 198
portrait of, 170, 171 (fig. 137)
voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle, xii, 157, 170–75, 172–73 (figs. 138 and 139), 180
Darwin, Erasmus, 129
Debret, Jean Baptiste, 165, 205n23
De Bry family, 15, 45–49
America volumes, 46–47 (figs. 27 and 28), 49
Descartes, René, 91
Description of British Guiana, Geographical and Statistical, A, 180
Dioscorides, 50
Discovery of America, The, 13–14, 14–15 (figs. 7 and 8), 113
discurso del chocolate, Un, 62
Dodoens, Rembert, 203n30
Dominican order, 40, 82–83
Drake, Sir Francis, 25
Drake Manuscript (Natural History of the Indies), 25–26, 27 (fig. 17)
on tobacco, 54
Dutch Brazil (New Holland), 101–15, 165
Dutch East Indies Company (VOC), 115, 120
Dutch West India Company (WIC), 40, 101, 113
Eckhout, Albert, 101–13, 102–12 (figs. 6171), 115
paintings of indigenous people, 101–13
still lifes from Brazil, 101–13
Ecuador, 140, 150, 158, 193
Chimborazo volcano, 158, 160–64, 166–67 (fig. 134), 194–95 (fig. 152), 198, 205n5
Ehret, Georg Dionysius, 122 (fig. 77), 123, 129, 129 (fig. 81)
elephant, Asian, 149, 205n57
Ellis, John, 76
Engelmann, Godefroy, 165–68, 168 (fig. 135), 171, 180
English American, The, 62
Escobar Villarroel, Francisco, 142 (fig. 98), 143 (fig. 107), 144 (fig. 110)
escuela gratuita de dibujo, Bogotá, 140
Essai de dioptrique, 69–71
Essai sur la géographie des plantes, 160–65, 162–63 (fig. 133), 198
Everaerts, Gilles (Giles Everard), 57 (fig. 35), 57–58
Exactissima descriptio rariorum quarundam plantarum, que continentur Rome in Horto Farnesiano, 83, 85 (fig. 52)
Exoticorum libri decem, 52, 53 (fig. 32)
fazendeiro do Brazil, O, 131
featherwork, xixii, 49, 113
Tupinambá feather cape, x (fig. 1), xi, 1, 49
Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo. See Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández de
Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, 83
Ferreira, Alexandre Rodrigues, 131
cactus finch, 172–74
of the Galápagos, 157, 172
fiore della Granadiglia, overe della passione di nostro signore Gieso Christo, Il, 82
Fishes of Guiana, 180
Flora de Bogotá, 141
Flora fluminensis, 131
Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis, 133–34, 134–35 (figs. 87 and 88)
Florentine Codex (Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España), 30–32, 35
chocolate in, 59
impersonator of Huitzilopochtli and celebrants adorned with flowers, 31, 31 (fig. 19)
Mexican medicinal herbs, 32, 32–33 (fig. 20)
passionflower in, 82
florum cultura, De, 83
Forèt vierge près Manqueritipa, dans la province de Rio de Janeiro, 165–68, 168 (fig. 135), 171
Forster, Georg, 158
Frampton, John, 52
Franciscan order, 24, 26, 77, 80, 88, 131
Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, 26–30, 32
Fuchs, Leonhart, 55
Gage, Thomas, 62
Galápagos Islands, 157, 170, 172–74
Galle, Theodor, 13, 14 (fig. 7)
Galle family workshop, 12–14
García Cubas, Antonio, 185, 188, 188–89 (fig. 148)
Gemminger, Johann Konrad von, 99
Gessner, Conrad, 17–20, 18 (fig. 10)
gold, in America, 5, 12, 20, 24, 26, 49
on allegorical figures, 13, 43, 49
and El Dorado fable, 180, 182–83 (fig. 146)
in Hispaniola, 2
in Panama, 26
Gómez Ortega, Casimiro, 132
Gould, Elizabeth, 172, 173 (fig. 139), 175, 176 (fig. 141)
Gould, John, 172, 173 (fig. 139), 175, 176–77 (figs. 141 and 142)
hummingbird displays, 175–79
gourds, 49, 59
Goya, Francisco, 205n58
granadilla, 82–83. See also passionflower
guaiacum, 12–13, 45
Guarani Indians, 82
Guatemala, 34, 55
maps of, 34–35
orchids from, 175–79
Santiago Atitlan, 34–35, 38–39 (fig. 22)
Guaxtepec, 34–35
Relación geográfica map, 34, 36–37 (fig. 21)
Guiol, Buenaventura José, 146–49, 147–48 (figs. 121 and 122), 154–55
Gutenberg, Johannes, 1
Gutiérrez, Felipe Santiago, 199
Haenke, Thaddeus, 134–35, 136–37 (fig. 89), 184, 205n48
Haiti, 2, 69–71
Hakluyt, Richard, 45, 69
hammocks, 13, 20–21, 55
Hartsoeker, Nicolaas, 69–71
Heart of the Andes, 198
Henslow, John Stevens, 170–71
herba panacea, De, 57
Hernández, Francisco, 35–43, 42–43 (figs. 25 and 26), 60, 61 (fig. 39), 113, 184
on chocolate, 60–63
His Majesty’s Giant Anteater, 149 (fig. 123), 149–50
Hispaniola, 2–3, 8, 49
explored by Columbus, 2–3
Taínos in, 2, 20
Histoire d’un voyage faict en la terre du Brésil, 45, 47 (fig. 28), 49–50, 99
De Bry edition (America, part 3), 49
Histoire naturelle de la cochenille justifiée par des documents authentiques, 71, 72 (fig. 44)
Histoire naturelle des Indes. See Drake Manuscript
Historia animalium, 17–20, 18 (fig. 10)
historia del Mondo Nuovo, La, 49, 80
Historia general de la Indias, 69
Historia general y natural de las Indias, 20–21, 80
Historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias occidentales que sirven en medicina, 50–52, 51–52 (figs. 30 and 31), 62, 82
on tobacco, 55–57
Historia naturae, maxime peregrinae, 83, 84 (fig. 51)
historia natural, Dell’, 91, 92–93 (fig. 55)
Historia naturalis Brasiliae, 113–16, 114 (fig. 72), 184
Historia natural y moral de las Indias, 80–82, 81 (fig. 50)
Histórica relación del Reyno de Chile, 88, 89 (fig. 54)
Hortus Cliffortianus, 123–26, 124–25 (figs. 78 and 79), 129
Hortus Eystettensis, 99
Huber, Victor-Aimé, 165
Hughes, William, 62–63
Huitzilopochtli, 31, 129, 199
Humboldt, Alexander von, 157–65, 159 (fig. 131), 162–63 (fig. 133), 166–67 (fig. 134), 179, 205n5
on cochineal imports, 67
impact of, 157–59, 164–74, 180, 193–98, 205n49, 206n62
travels in Latin America, 157–60, 170, 172, 175, 193
Humboldtian approach to nature, 164, 170–74, 180, 198
hummingbirds, 175–79, 190, 193
depiction of, 129, 130 (fig. 82), 175, 177 (fig. 142), 191 (fig. 150)
Huitzilopochtli as, 129
Hummingbird House, Regent’s Park Zoo, 175
Imperato, Ferrante, 91, 92–93 (fig. 55)
Incas, xii, 21, 82
Indian Nectar, The; or, A Discourse Concerning Chocolata, 62
Insulis nuper in mari Indico repertis, 3, 3 (fig. 2)
Jacquin, Nikolaus von, 205n48
jalap (Mirabilis jalapa), 45, 99
Jamaica, 62–63, 71, 129
and chocolate trade, 62–63
and cochineal trade, 69
indigenous people of, 129
James, king of England and Scotland, 58
Jarpa, Onofre, 193
Jesuit order, 62, 69, 80–83, 88
João VI, king of Portugal, 164
Journal of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries Visited by H.M.S. Beagle (The Voyage of the Beagle), 157, 172, 172 (fig. 138)
Joyfull Newes out of the Newe Founde Worlde, 52, 52 (fig. 31)
Laet, Johannes de, 40, 113
Landesio, Eugenio, 188
Lear, Edward, 175
Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius, 71, 73 (fig. 45)
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 69–71, 76
Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques, 54
León Pinelo, Antonio de, 88
Lequanda, José Ignacio, 150–54, 154–55 (fig. 130)
Léry, Jean de, 45, 47 (fig. 28), 49–50, 99
Libellus de medicinalibus Indorum herbis (Codex de la Cruz-Badiano), 28 (fig. 18), 29–30, 32, 41, 54, 59
Ligozzi, Jacopo, 94–99, 95–97 (figs. 5658)
Lindley, John, 184
Linnaean system, 94, 120–33, 141, 149
Linnaean voyages, 132–33
Linnaeus, Carl, 63, 120–26, 121 (fig. 76), 124–25 (figs. 78 and 79), 129
L’Obel, Matthias de, 55, 56 (fig. 34)
Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, 126–27 (fig. 80), 126–29
López, Cándido, 193
López, Felipe, 199
López de Gómara, Francisco, 69
López de Velasco, Juan, 34
Louis XIV, king of France, 101
Loves of the Plants, The, 129
Lucretius, 12
macaws, xi, 24, 94, 96 (fig. 57)
Magellan, Ferdinand, 12
Magellanica, 8
Malaspina, Alejandro, expedition of, 132, 134, 184
maps, 5–12
indigenous use of, 34
of Mexico, 185–88
of South America, 172, 172 (fig. 138)
See also portolan maps; relaciones geográficas, maps of; Vallard Atlas
Mapuche Indians, 88
maracot, 82–83. See also passionflower
Marcgraf, Georg, 113–16, 114 (fig. 72), 120, 184
Marrell, Jacob, 115
Marsilius, Adrian, 17
Martínez, José Manuel, 142 (fig. 104)
Martyr d’Anghiera, Peter, 20
Matis Mahecha, Francisco Javier, 141–42 (figs. 9597), 145 (fig. 119)
Maurits, Johan, Count van Nassau-Siegen, 101, 111–13
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, 94
Medici, Catharine de’, queen of France, 24–25
Medici, Francesco I de’, 94
medicinal plants and materia medica, from America, 34, 50–54, 59, 82
imported to Europe, 29, 50, 54
publications on, 20, 29–30, 32, 40–41, 50–51, 62
See also chocolate, as medicinal; tobacco, as medicinal
Memoria sobre la naturaleza, cultivo y beneficio de la grana, 71–77, 74–75 (figs. 46 and 47)
menageries, 149–50
Mendoza, Antonio de, 29
Mendoza, Francisco de, 29–30
Mengs, Anton Raphael, 149–50
Mercator, Gerard, 8
Merian, Dorothea Maria, 115–16
Merian, Maria Sibylla, 115–20, 117–19 (figs. 7375), 126–29
Merian, Matthäus, 115
Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium, 116–20, 117–19 (figs. 7375), 126–29
Mexican Hummingbirds, 191 (fig. 150)
Mexico, 26–35, 158, 185–88
accounts of, 26–35, 80–82, 165, 185
artists from, 188–98
birds of, 146–49, 147–48 (figs. 121 and 122)
Chiapas region, 67, 169
cochineal in, 67–76
indigenous dances (mitotes), 60
invasions of, 180
maps of, 185–88
medical plants of, 40
Mexican Railway, 185
mountains in, 160, 198
Oaxaca region, 67–69, 71, 76, 188
Valley of Mexico, 196–97 (fig. 153), 198–99
See also Aztecs (Mexicas); Guaxtepec; Mexico City; Tlatelolco
Mexico City, 40, 91, 158, 198–99, 203n31
Dominican convent in, 40
Mexico City Academy of Medicine, 188
San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts, 158, 188
Mikroskopische Gemüths- und Augen-Ergötzung, 71, 73 (fig. 45)
mimosa (Mimosa grandiflora), 129
missionaries, in America, 45, 50, 77–82, 88, 184
See also Dominican order; Franciscan order; Jesuit order
Molina, Alonso, 77, 78 (fig. 48)
Monardes, Nicolás, 50–52, 51–52 (figs. 30 and 31), 55–57, 62, 80, 82
monkeys, 5, 99, 114 (fig. 72), 115
Monograph of the Ramphastidae, A, 175, 176 (fig. 141)
Monograph of the Trochilidae, A, 175, 177 (fig. 142)
Mora Osejo, Luis Eduardo, 140 (fig. 93)
Morrison, James, 180, 181 (fig. 145), 184
Mundus Novus, 13
Mutis, José Celestino, 140–46, 150, 160
Nahua. See Aztecs
Natural History, 21, 30, 35, 50, 80, 99
natural history expeditions, 94, 101–13, 157–58
by American inhabitants, 185
See also under individual explorers; botanical expeditions; collecting, collecting trips
Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, The, 63, 66 (fig. 41)
Natural History of Jamaica, The, 63, 64–65 (fig. 40), 70 (fig. 43), 71
on cochineal, 69
Nebel, Carl, 165
New Spain, 12, 50
accounts of, 30, 35–43, 67–69
botanical expedition to, 132
and cochineal, 67–69, 68 (fig. 42), 76–77
on maps, 12
officials of, 29, 32–34
relaciones geográficas of, 32–35
See also Florentine Codex; Mexico; Rerum medicarum Novae Hispaniae thesaurus
Nicaragua, 55
Nicot, Jean, 55
Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio, 83, 84 (fig. 51)
night-blooming cereus (Cactus grandiflorus), 129
Nivelación de las quinas . . . , 160, 161 (fig. 132)
Noah’s Ark, 45, 48 (fig. 29), 50
nopal, or prickly-pear cactus (Opuntia ficus indica), 67, 69, 76, 80, 99, 129, 188, 199
Nopal planta que se cría en la América y que produce la grana, 67, 68 (fig. 42)
Nova Reperta, 12–14, 17
Oller, Francisco, 193
On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection, xii, 157, 174, 174 (fig. 140), 198
opossum (tlaquatzin), 30, 32
Opuntia. See nopal
“Opuntia Major Validissimis Spinis Munita. Inst. R. H.,” 128 (fig. 81), 129
orbe novo decades, De, 20
Orbigny, Alcide d’, 184
Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala, The, 175–79, 178–79 (figs. 143 and 144)
orchids, 175–79
Ortelius, Abraham, 8–12, 9–11 (figs. 5 and 6)
Ovalle, Alonso de, 88, 89 (fig. 54)
Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández de, 20–21, 22–23 (figs. 14 and 15), 24, 35, 62, 80
palm trees, 101, 185, 188
Panacea; or, The Universal Medicine . . . , 57 (fig. 35), 57–58
Panama, 140
gold mining in, 26, 27 (fig. 17)
Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris, 83, 86–87 (fig. 53)
paraiso en el Nuevo Mundo, El, 88
Parkinson, John, 83, 86–87 (fig. 53)
Parlasca, Simone, 82–83
parrots, xi, 5, 99
Parte primera de la crónica del Perú, 24, 82
passionflower (Passiflora), 82–88, 84–85 (figs. 51 and 52), 94, 97 (fig. 58), 101, 113, 116, 118 (fig. 74), 129, 144 (fig. 116), 204n101
passion fruit, 113
Paul V, pope, 82
Pavón, José, 133–34, 134–35 (figs. 87 and 88)
Paxton, Joseph, 184–85
peppers, 52
chili peppers, 99
tabasco peppers, 62
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, 157, 159, 170, 174
Peru, 24, 150–54, 158
accounts of, 24, 80–88, 150–54
and cochineal cultivation, 67
Hernández’s planned voyage to, 35
indigenous people of, 51 (see also Incas)
Lima, 91, 150
on maps, 12
as paradise, 88
Quadro de historia natural, civil y geográfica del reyno del Perú, 150–54, 154–55 (fig. 130)
silver in, 24, 84
Philip II, king of Spain, 8, 35, 41, 43
Philip III, king of Spain, 43
Philippines, 67, 132–33
Philosophia botanica, 123
pineapples (Ananas sativus), 20–21, 24, 80
images of, 13, 21, 22–23 (figs. 14 and 15), 24, 94, 113, 116
Piso, Willem, 113–16, 114 (fig. 72), 120, 184
plantain, 80, 185
Pliny the Elder, 21, 30, 35, 50, 80, 99
Poeppig, Eduard, 184
portolan maps, 3–8
King-Hamy Portolan Chart, 5–8, 6–7 (fig. 4)
Posa, Pedro, 2
Post, Frans, 101
Postel, Guillaume, 8
potatoes, 45, 52, 99
prickly-pear cactus. See nopal
Problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias, 62
Psittacus ararauna (Ara ararauna), 94–99, 96 (fig. 57)
Puerto Rico, 12, 193
Pueyrredón, Prilidiano, 193
pulque, 188
Quadro de historia natural, civil y geográfica del reyno del Perú, 150–54, 154–55 (fig. 130)
quadrupedibus, De, 19 (fig. 13), 20
Quatro libros, 40, 40 (fig. 23), 63, 113
quetzalauexotl, 30, 44
Quetzalcoatl, 31
Quito, 150, 193
indigenous people, paintings of, 150, 151–53 (figs. 12429)
Quito school artist, 45, 48 (fig. 29), 50
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 180
Raupen wunderbare Verwandlung und sonderbare Blumennahrung, Der, 115
Recchi, Nardo Antonio, 35–43
Reisen in Guiana und am Orinoko, 180
relaciones geográficas, maps of, 34–35, 36–39 (figs. 21 and 22)
Reports on the History, Organization, and Status of Various Catholic Dioceses of New Spain and Peru, 67–69, 68 (fig. 42)
Rerum medicarum Novae Hispaniae thesaurus, 42–43 (figs. 25 and 26), 43, 60, 61 (fig. 39), 113, 184
rerum natura, De, 12
Rhetorica Christiana, 77–80, 79 (fig. 49)
Rizo Blanco, Salvador, 143 (fig. 108)
Royal Botanical Expedition to Chile and Peru, 132–33, 132–33 (figs. 8486)
Royal Botanical Expedition to New Kingdom of Granada, 132, 140–45 (figs. 91120), 140–46, 150, 160
Rugendas, Johann Moritz, 165–69, 168 (fig. 135), 171, 180, 206n87
Ruiz, Hipólito, 133–34, 134–35 (figs. 87 and 88)
Rumpf, Georg Everhard, 116
Ruskin, John, 175
Ruusscher, Melchior de, 71, 72 (fig. 44)
Ruysch, Frederic, 115
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 30. See also Florentine Codex
Saint-Domingue (Haiti), 69–71
Sample of American Birds, 146–49, 147–48 (figs. 121 and 122)
sangre de drago (dragon’s-blood tree), 80, 185
sassafras, 45, 203n16
scarlet ibis or guará (Eudocimus ruber), xi, 49
Schomburgk, Robert H., 180–84, 181–83 (figs. 145 and 146), 206n62
Schrader, Julius Friedrich Anton, 159 (fig. 131), 159–60
Seba, Albertus, 120, 126–27 (fig. 80), 126–29
Shakespeare, William, 8
Sharp, William, 185
silleros or cargueros, 169–70
silver, in America, 5, 12, 45
in Brazil, 24
in Hispaniola, 49
in Mexico, 158
in Peru, 24, 84
in Spanish Caribbean, 26
singularitez de la France Antarctique, autrement nommée Amerique, Les, 1, 24–26, 25 (fig. 16), 54, 99
Siredon tigrina, female, 190 (fig. 149)
African, 26, 50, 54, 57, 115
Amerindian, 115
in Jamaica, 62
Sloane, Hans, 63, 64–65 (fig. 40), 69, 70 (fig. 43), 71, 120
sloths, 13, 20, 24, 26, 98 (fig. 59), 113, 114 (fig. 72), 126
Species plantarum, 123
Staden, Hans, 24, 99
Stirpium adversaria nova, 55, 56 (fig. 34)
Stradanus (Jan van der Straet), 12–14, 14–15 (figs. 7 and 8), 15, 17, 20, 113
Stubbe, Henry, 62
sugar production, 158, 180
in Brazil, 113
in Cuba and Venezuela, 158
in Jamaica, 63
in Mexico, 188
sugarcane, 188
in Suriname, 115
Sumario de la natural historia de las Indias, 20–21
Suriname, 115–16, 126
Systema naturae, 120–23, 121 (fig. 76), 129
Tapuya Indians, 101–15
Teatro Mexicano, 88
Temple of Flora, The, 129, 130 (fig. 82)
Theatrum orbis terrarum, 8–12, 9–11 (figs. 5 and 6)
Thevet, André, 1, 24–26, 25 (fig. 16), 54, 99
on featherwork, xixii
Thiebaut, Luis, 150–54, 154–55 (fig. 130)
Thiéry de Menonville, Nicolas-Joseph, 69, 71
Thornton, Robert J., 129, 130 (fig. 82)
Tierra Firme. See Central America
Tlatelolco, 26
Colegio de la Santa Cruz, 26–30, 32
Hospital de la Santa Cruz, 40
tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), 24, 26, 45, 50, 54–58, 99, 188, 203nn 16 and 31
European adoption of, 45, 54–55, 58, 60
as medicinal, 50, 54–58
Nicotiana sive herba sancta, 55
picietl (Nicotiana rustica), 55, 203n30
smoking, 20, 26, 49, 54–55
Two Broadsides Against Tobacco, 58, 58 (fig. 36)
as wicked, 54–55, 58
tomatoes, 45, 99
Tomson, Robert, 69
toucans, 24, 175, 176 (fig. 141)
Tovar y Tovar, Martín, 193
Trew, Christoph, 129
Triana, José Jerónimo, 140 (figs. 91 and 92), 142 (figs. 99 and 103), 143 (figs. 100 and 102), 144 (fig. 117)
Troya, Rafael, 193
Tupinambá people, 99, 101–13
cannibalism, 49
clubs, 13
feather garments, xixii, 49, 113
tobacco use, 54
Tupinambá feather cape, x (fig. 1), xi, 1, 49
turkey, 20, 50
turtles, 114 (fig. 72), 115, 126, 126–27 (fig. 80), 157
Twelve Views in the Interior of Guiana, 180–84, 181–83 (figs. 145 and 146)
Valadés, Diego, 77–80, 79 (fig. 49)
Vallard Atlas, 3–5, 4 (fig. 3), 20, 99
Valle de México, 193–99, 196–97 (fig. 153)
Valle de México desde el cerro de Santa Isabel, 199
Valverde Turices, Santiago de, 62
vanilla, 59, 62–63
Velasco, José María, 188–99, 190–92 (figs. 14951), 196–97 (fig. 153)
Vellozo, José Mariano da Conceição, 131, 131 (fig. 83), 150
Venezuela, 26, 140, 158, 180, 193
on maps, 8
Vespucci, Amerigo, 2, 5, 12–14
on Brazil, 99
images of, 13–14, 14–15 (figs. 7 and 8), 113
Vetancurt, Augustín de, 88
Victoria, queen of England, 175, 179, 184
Victoria Regia, 185, 186–87 (fig. 147)
Vincent, Levinus, 115
Virgin Forest of Brazil, 165
visual archives, 94–113
commissioned artworks, 94
paper museum (museo cartaceo), 99
Vocabulario en lengua Castellana y Mexicana, 77, 78 (fig. 48)
Vos, Maerten de, 15, 16 (fig. 9)
Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau continent, 159
Voyage pittoresque dans le Brésil, 165–69, 168 (fig. 135), 171, 180
Voyage pittoresque et archéologique dans la partie la plus intéressante du Méxique, 165
Voyage pittoresque et archéologique dans la province d’Yucatan, 165
Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, 165
vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes illustres, Les, 25
Vues des cordillères, et monuments des peuples indigènes de l’Amérique, 164, 166–67 (fig. 134), 170, 198
Waldeck, Jean-Frédéric, 165, 169 (fig. 136), 169–70
Wallace, Alfred Russell, 175
Wandelaar, Jan, 71, 123–26, 125 (fig. 79)
Warhaftige Historia und Beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der wilden, nacketen, grimmigen Menschfresser Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelege, 24, 99
water lilies, 184
Victoria regia, 184–85, 193
Weistch, Friedrich Georg, 205n5
Witsen, Jonas, 115
Witsen, Nicolaes, 115
Worm, Ole, 94
Ximenes de Velasco, Don Francisco, 71
Ximénez, Francisco, 40, 40 (fig. 23), 63, 113
Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, The, 172–74, 173 (fig. 139)