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Description: Germany and the Ottoman Railways: Art, Empire, and Infrastructure
PublisherYale University Press
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Aachen, 129
Palatine Chapel, 127, 164n15
Abbas I (vali of Egypt and Sudan), 11
Abdülaziz (Sultan), 11, 12, 14, 37
Abdülhamid II (Sultan): albums of large-format photographs (1880–93), 35–37, 36
cartoon depiction, 130
commemorative gifts exchanged with Wilhelm II, 41, 124–31
desire to impress Wilhelm II, 136
engineering and construction initiatives of, 83
fear of revolt or attack, 20, 145
as furniture maker, 136
Hejaz Railway and, 65, 87
military paintings commissioned by, 37–38
moving mosque for Hejaz Railway and, 139
praise of, 35
railroad development and, 14–18
resistant to European designs, 108
Abdülmecid I (Sultan), 11
Abu Hatab, 68
Abu Na’am station, 112, 112
Abusir, 68
Abusir el-Meleq, 68
Acre province, 60, 62, 159n19
Adana, 22, 93, 117, 118–19, 119, 137, 162n19
Adapazarı station, 109
Adıvar, Halide Edip, 21
Aesthetic standards, 91
Africa, German colonization in, 14
African laborers, 85
Afyonkarahisar, 33, 34, 109, 110, 143, 146
Age of Empire, 1
Agoustos station (Naousa), 106, 106
Ahmed I (Sultan), 125
Ahmed II fountain (Bab-i Hümayun), 130
Akcan, Esra, 6
Akşehir station, 33
Albanian laborers, 82, 84
Albums and commemoratives: Abdülhamid II albums of large-format photographs (1880–93), 35–37, 36
Anatolian Railways commemorative album of watercolors, 37, 38–40, 3941
Berggren archaeological portfolio of photographs, 72–74, 73
commemorative gifts exchanged by Wilhelm II and Abdülhamid, 41
Staudinger’s album, 43–44
al-Dimashqi, Sa’d al-Din, 89
Aleppo, 22, 49, 55, 56, 59, 79, 120, 121, 137
Aleppozimmer walls, 79
Alexandretta, Gulf of, 11, 14, 22, 47, 49
al-Khalidi, Nazif Bey, 88
Alonei Abba, 163n64
Al-’Ula, 88, 112, 148–50, 150
Amanus mountain range, 15, 21, 22, 53, 93, 101, 117
Ambiguity/ambiguations: archaeology and role of DOG, 68–69, 75, 80
architectural, 105
art vs. documentation, 72
cartography and, 45
as characteristic of German-Ottoman relationship, 6, 10, 121, 140, 153
duality in artistic and morphological senses, 8
fatwas, 22
genius of a culture and, 97
geopolitical, 129
laborers vs. soldiers, 153
of origins of Occidental culture, 72
productive nature of, 6, 156
rail station design and, 104, 106, 109
science vs. culture, in empire building, 25
syncretism vs., 155–56
truth and, 6
unifying concepts of, 156
urbanism and, 151
worker life on paper vs. in reality, 95
Amman railway bridge (“ten arches” viaduct), 101, 102
Anatolia: bridges in, 98
earthquake (1894), 16
Fraser’s description of, 29
Körtes’ activities on, 71–72
railway construction in, 11, 12, 15, 22, 78, 101
surveying of, 60, 98. See also Gordium site
Anatolian Railways: Baghdad terminus as goal for, 17
compared to European and Marmara railway networks, 112
early phases of, 35
earthquake and, 113
financing of, 15, 19
German character of, 110
history of, 2
laborers hired by, 84
mapping systems of, 64
mountain crossings deemed essential for, 15
photographic albums of, 72–74
railway stations and auxiliary structures, 93, 109–11, 112
standards for, 92
travel literature on, 34
urbanism and, 145
watercolor albums of, 37, 38–40, 39–41. See also Haydarpaşa; specific lines
Andrae, Walter, 79
Ankara (Angora), 15, 98, 109, 111, 143, 145
Ankara, Treaty of (1921), 23
Antakya, 49, 53, 56, 59
Anthropogeography, 26
Antiquities laws, 68–70, 80, 91
Aprons and girders, 91
Aqaba, 12
Arab laborers, 15, 59, 79, 82, 86, 87
Arabs, 11, 49, 60, 88, 142. See also Bedouins
Aramaic culture, 75
Archaeology, 21, 68–80
Berggren portfolio, 72–74, 73
evolving antiquity laws, 68–70
Gordium site, 70–72, 71
Mshatta site, 76–78
panorama of, 80
Tell Halaf site, 74–76
Tell Megiddo site, 76
Upper Mesopotamia, 78–80. See also Antiquities laws
“Architectural Biometrics” (digital project), 162n71
Architectural historiography, 6
Architectural signification, 92
Architecture. See Hochbau; specific types of structures and specific periods
“Areas of interest,” 27
“Geodetic Areas of Interest to the Central Powers” (1914), 27, 28
Argentina, 5
Armageddon. See Tell Megiddo
Armenian laborers, 82, 84–87
Armistice of Mudros (October 30, 1918), 23
Armstrong, George, 60–62
Arnodin, Ferdinand Joseph, 98, 99, 162n11
Aromanian (Macedo-Romanians) laborers, 84
Art Nouveau, 133
Ashlar construction, 31, 98–99, 101
Asia Minor, 19, 30, 72
Assimilation, 72
Assur, 21, 78, 79
Assyrians, 72, 136
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 143
Athena (Greek god), 134
Auguste Viktoria (Empress), 15, 37–38, 139
Augustus of the Franks, 139
Auler, Karl, 65–66, 66, 67
Austrian laborers, 82, 85–88
Austro-Hungarian empire, 3, 26, 30, 142
Authorial voice and dynamic, 129, 155
Autobahn bridges, 97, 97
Avant-garde thinking, 99, 122
Ayrancı station, 116, 117
Baalbek, 124, 124
Babylon, 68, 78–79
Bachmann, Walter, 79
Baghdad, 12, 14, 15, 49–50, 52, 59, 79–80
Baghdad-Birecik line, 49
Baghdad-Homs line, 49
Baghdad Railway, 17–22
articles (standards) for, 91–92
Bell describing, 79
Cahier des Charges, 91–92, 162n66
commemorative album on railway expansion, 41–43, 42
cultural issues and, 20, 85
diseases of workers on, 162n79
dynamite use, 93
Euphrates bridge construction, 100
German management priorities, 86
history of, 2
housing for workers, 93
Indian troops guarding station, 121
laborers hired by and workers’ strike (1908), 21, 85–87
mapping of routes, 47
maritime connections and, 145
Meißner and, 21
monument to German nationals who died during construction of, 134, 135, 164n54
Oppenheim and, 75, 141
photographic albums of, 72
plan and elevation views of Baghdad and environs (ca. 1908), 64, 64
prisoners of war working on, 22–23, 23, 87
railway stations and auxiliary structures, 93, 105, 113–21, 121
satirical drawing, 18
travelogues and travel literature about, 35
unfinished piece at end of World War I, 23
Wiegand on, 152, 153
World War I and, 22–23
Young Turk Revolution, effect of, 21
Bahnbau (railway construction), 84, 92, 93
Baker, Benjamin, 97
Baldasr, T., 136
Balkans, 14, 15, 105
bridges in, 98
migration to Gordium in Bronze Age, 72
nationalism in, 12, 84
Ballast, 64, 93, 145, 155
Balyan, Serkis, 133
Balyan family, 106, 107, 136
Banja Luka, 142, 143
Banse, Ewald, 29
Basalt, 60, 112, 113, 120
Basra, 11, 41
Battle of Domokos (1897), 37, 37–38
Baxandall, Michael, 97
Bedouins, 62, 63, 75, 82, 88, 142
anti-Bedouin sentiment, 83
Behrens, Peter, 97–98, 100
Bekdemir, 145, 147
Belelyubsky, Nikolai, 101
Belemedik, 103, 103, 134, 135
Belemedik labor camp, 23, 41
Bell, Gertrude, 79, 80
Benois, Alexeï Léonitiévitch, 108, 109
Berggren, Guillaume Gustave, photographs by, 72–74, 80
Afyonkarahisar panorama (ca. 1890), 143, 146
“Aya Sofia,” Konya (ca. 1893), 73, 73
Bekdemir tunnel (ca. 1893), 145, 147
compared to Oppenheim’s photographs, 76
Ereğli train station and environs (ca. 1910), 144, 146
Eskişehir station (ca. 1893), 110, 110
Fragments of Sculpture in the Old Market of Konya (ca. 1893), 73, 74
Haydarpaşa station, 115, 115–17
İnce Minareli Madrasa, Konya (ca. 1893), 73, 73
Midas monument at Yazılıkaya near Eskişehir (ca. 1893), 73, 75
Phyrgian Lions in the Courtyard of the Kal-Han[e] in Konya (ca. 1893), 73, 74
Sultan Han, Aksaray, 73, 75
workers in front of storehouse at Izmit station (ca. 1893), 84, 85
Bergwerks- und Hütten-Aktiengesellschaft company, 100
Berlin, Treaty of (1878), 14, 29
Berlin Museums, 77, 79–80
Bernt, R., 31
Beylikköprü station, 70, 109, 109
Beyşehir Lake, 101
Bilecik station, 109–10, 110, 145
Billington, David, 96–97
Binder, Johann, 59
Birecik, 49, 55, 56–57, 59, 79
Bismarck, Otto von, 14, 15
Realpolitik, 14
Bizerte bridge, 98
Blackbourn, David, 165n2 (Conclusion)
Black Sea Railway and Free Port of Küstendijie Company, 11
Bode, Wilhelm von, 75, 77
Boğazköy, 68
Bonatz, Paul, 97–98, 162n8
Bonfitto, Peter Louis, 72
Borsippa, 68, 78
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 30–31
Bosphorus Bridge, 98
Bosphorus Strait, 19, 26, 55, 58, 80, 105, 114–15, 162n9
Boundaries, 165n9 (Ch. 8)
Brandenburger Tor monument, 124
Bremner, G. A., 163n53
Bricks and mortar, 91, 107, 108, 142
Bridges and viaducts, 16, 19–20, 29–32, 35, 43, 63, 64, 72, 87–89, 91, 95, 95–104, 97, 99–100, 102–3, 134. See also specific names of bridges
Britain: Babylon excavation and, 78
capture of Baghdad in World War I, 23, 80
Egyptian railway, first established in British empire, 11
Elgin marbles and, 78
Ephesus excavation and, 69–70
fountain imitation of German Fountain proposed for London, 131
laborers from, 82
mapping and exploration of empire, 60
maritime domain of, 3, 12, 26
Mshatta façade removal and delivery, view of German involvement in, 78
Ottoman relations with, 14, 60–62
post-World War I, Ottoman railways under control of, 23
rivalry with Germany, 78–79, 109
Ruse-Varna concession secured by, 12
in Upper Mesopotamia, 78
British experts, 11
British laborers, 82, 85, 86
Bronze, 107
Bronze Age migration, 72
Bulgaria, 14, 84
Bulgurlu–Tell Halaf line, 22, 85, 91
Bundesadler (icon of German empire), 117, 124–27
BuroHappold, 156
Byzantine architecture, 108, 125, 127, 129
Cahier des Charges, 91–92, 162n66
Çakit Deresi (Balkans gorge), 99
Çamalan memorial to fallen bus drivers, 134, 135, 164n55
Canadian Pacific Railway, 142
Carchemish, 53, 59, 78, 100, 101, 120, 153, 154
Carlitzik (architect), 125, 163n9
Carolingian architecture, 164n15
Cartography, 45, 63. See also Černik, Josef; Pressel, Wilhelm von
Catholics, 82, 83
Cedeeraschi, Carlo, 59
Çelik, Zeynep: Empire, Architecture, and the City: French-Ottoman Encounters, 1830–1914, 4, 73
“Photographing Mundane Modernity,” 160n25
The Remaking of Istanbul: Portrait of an Ottoman City in the Nineteenth Century, 4, 162n9, 163n8
Cemal Pasha, 82
Cement, 148
Cemeteries, 134, 135, 164nn55–56
Central Europeans, 3, 163n3
Central Powers, 23, 27, 28
Černik, Josef, maps produced by, 59, 60, 61, 67, 159n9
Certeau, Michel de, 87
Chachian Montani Effendi and Boghos Effendi, 113
Chaldean Christians, 60
Charlemagne, 127
Chattopadhyay, Swati, 6
Chemin de Fer d’Anatolie, 15
Chemin de Fer Ottoman d’Anatolie, 15
Chemins de Fer Orientaux, 12
Cheney, William, 131
Chesney, Francis Rawdon, 11, 14
Report on the Euphrates Valley Railway, 11
Chlebowski, Stanisław, 37
Christians, 60, 66, 82, 83, 88, 137, 148
Cilician stations, 120
Cilician Gates, 117
Cilician plain, 17
Circassian laborers, 82, 84, 85
Clark, T. J., 38
Cloisonné, 99
Coins, 160n12
Cologne Bridge Quarrel (1913), 97–98, 100
Colonialism, 7, 14, 17, 19, 45, 157n24 (Intro.). See also German empire
Committee for Union and Progress (CUP), 20
Concert of Europe, 12
Concrete, 91, 107, 148, 149
Conder, Claude: Tent Work in Palestine, 60
Connective networks, 2
Conrad III, 139
Construction, 82–95
consistent approach in, 89
inspector positions, 83
labor and human resources for, 82–89, 85, 89
Oberbau-Bahnbau-Hochbau labor formula, 93
procedures and bureaucracy of, 89–93
railway stations and auxiliary structures, 93–95
tent camps for workers, 93, 94. See also Railway stations; specific railway lines
Cordoba: Great Mosque, 107
Corvée (labor exacted in lieu of taxes), 88–89
Cosmopolitanism, 7, 82
Council of the State, 69
Crimean War (1853–56), 10, 11
Cristallisée,107, 163n50
Crusader iconography, 138–39
Cultural artifacts, 2. See also Archaeology
Cultural challenges, 11, 20, 59, 91–92. See also Multiculturalism
Cultural diffusion, 26
Cultural geography, 25–26, 30
Cultural transformation, 7, 25, 28, 123
Cuno, Hellmuth, 114, 114, 115–17, 116–17, 118, 120, 155
CUP. See Committee for Union and Progress
Cyprus, 14
Czech architecture, 40
Damad Ferid (Pasha), 16–17
Damascus, 12, 49, 62, 77, 79, 105, 124
monument commemorating railway and telegraph line, 133, 133
schools in, 137
Damascus Central Commission, 87
Damascus–Ma’an route, 65
Damascus–Medina route, 112
Dams, 101, 101
Daoul (Turkish journal), 130
Daraa, 62, 66
Dar al-Hamra, 89
Dar es Salaam, 47
Dar es Salaam–Tabora road, 45
D’Aronco, Raimondo, 133, 133, 136
Darülfünun [House of Science], 11
de Beauvoir, Simone, 6, 156
Dedeağac and Thessaloniki railway line, 15
Deforestation, 91
Deir ez-Zor, 59
de Launay, Marie, 163n50
Dernburg, Friedrich, 80
Deutsche Bank, 1, 16, 18, 20, 37, 63, 65, 72, 84
Deutsche Freisinnige Partei (DFP), 15
Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (DOG), 68–69, 78, 80
Deutsche Palästina Bank, 16
Deutsche Palästina- und Orient-Gesellschaft GmbH, 16
Deutscher Palästina-Verein, 62, 159n28
DFP (Deutsche Freisinnige Partei), 15
Diffusionism, 26, 32, 47
Diyarbakır, 49, 55, 56, 63, 76
DOG. See Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft
Domokos, Battle of (1897), 37, 37–38
Druze, 60, 84
Dual Alliance [Zweibund] (1879), 3, 26
Durak station, 22, 117, 118, 118
Dynamite, 93
Eads, James Buchanan, 98
Earthquakes, 93–94, 95, 113, 162n90
East Friesland, 27
Ebenezer memorial, 137
École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 83
Ecology, 30
Edirne, 84
Education and proselytization, 28, 137, 138, 165n67
Edwards, Antonaki, 69, 160n8
Egypt, 11, 60, 136
Eilat, 12
Eldem, Edhem, 73
Eley, Geoff, 165n2 (Conclusion)
Elgin marbles, 78
Elias, Yusuf (or Yousef), 62
Elizabeth (Saint), 138
Employés du Chemin de Fer d’Anatolie, 20
Empson, William, 6, 157n23 (Intro.)
Engineers: albums of, 72
autonomous culture of, 83
German, 5, 82, 83, 88, 99
Meißner’s choice of, 88
Ottoman, 88
training of, 83, 161n5
Wiegand on role of, 152, 153
Enlightenment, 7, 10, 121
Ephesus, 69–70, 160n9
Epistemic violence, 29
Ereğli, 63, 117, 144, 146, 165n12 (Ch. 8)
Ersoy, Ahmet, 163n50
Eshref, 59
Eskişehir, 72, 109–11, 110, 137. See also Izmit–Eskişehir line
Eskişehir–Ankara line, 15, 16, 29, 70
Eskişehir–Konya line, 117
Ethnicity. See Intercultural dynamics
Ethnocentric focus of Pressel’s maps, 49
Euphrates: railway bridge, 100, 100–101
valley, 59
Eurocentric norms, divergence from, 72
Eurocentric origin myths, 32
Euting, Julius, 76, 76
Existentialism, 156
Exoticism, 40
Expertise, 2, 3
British as leaders, 11
German architecture and construction, 114
labor vs. craft, 82, 86
multinational pool of, 15
new kind emerging in ambiguous international context, 122
Ottoman lacking, 11, 18
recall of engineers in World War I, 22
Fencing, 92
Fenerbahçe peninsula, 55
Figdor, Karl, 29–30
First Great German Railway Network, 11, 13
First National style, 120
Fischer, Theodor, 104
Foellner (engineer), 76, 79, 100
Forced labor, 89
Forth Bridge, 97
Foster, Norman, 156
Foucault, Michel, 5, 6
Foundry and technology transfer, 5
Fountains, 125–31, 126–28, 130–31
France: development of Ottoman railways, 15, 120
maritime domain of, 3, 12, 26
Mshatta façade removal and delivery assistance from, 78
railway engineers from, 88
Frankfurt, 105, 114
Fraser, David, 86
Short Cut to India, 29
Frech, Fritz, 93, 95
Frederick II, 139
Frederick Barbarossa, 124–25, 139, 163n6
French laborers, 82, 88
French-Ottoman comparison, 4
Frères, Abdullah, 35, 36
Gaziantep, 49, 55, 56–57, 59
General Protocols Office, 129
Geodesy, 27
Geography, 25–44
album-making, role of, 37–44
descriptive tracts, 29–32
dispatches from Ottoman “outback,” 32–37
knowledge expansion through railroad development, 44
Geopolitics, 2, 19, 22, 23, 25, 124, 136, 140, 152. See also Politics
George (Saint), 138
German Archaeological Institute, 70
German archaeologists, 68–70
German Army cartography division, 63
German Colonial Exposition (Berlin, 1884), 158n10
German East Africa (Tanzania), 45, 47
German empire: colonialization, 7, 14, 19, 26–28, 157n24 (Intro.)
creation of, 7
miscegenation prohibited, 26
multicultural society in, 25
unification of, 99
German Foreign Office, 15
German Fountain (Alman Çesmesi), 41, 125–31, 126–28
cartoons commenting on, 130–31
German immigrants to United States, 26
German influence and ascendancy, 1, 2, 153
construction approach, consistency in, 89–93
contiguity of German and Ottoman empires, 30
cultural and educational influence in Ottoman empire, 28, 137, 138, 165n67
German engineers and, 82, 83
isolationism rejected by Bismarck and Wilhelm I, 14
organic politics and, 2–3, 7, 11
professionalization in German culture, 165n2 (Conclusion)
railway station designs, 104, 110, 114
rivalry with Britain, 78–79
steel industry and, 20
German laborers, 82, 85–87, 134, 135
German Orientalism, 3, 68
Gesellschaft für die Bewässerung der Koniaebene, 162n31
Giedion, Sigfried, 154
Gifts, geopolitical and allegorical functions of, 41, 124–31
allegory of Vakvak ağacı (Vakvak tree) and location of German Fountain, 129–30, 131
architectural gifts to represent locations of state visits, 124, 124–25
cartoons commenting on German Fountain, 130–31
drum covers, 124, 124
German Fountain (Alman Çesmesi), 41, 125–31, 128, 131
martial themes, 124
Saladin sarcophagus, 125, 125
tea service set, 124
Girardot, Eugène, 59
Glass, 104, 112, 113, 118, 138
Globalization, 1, 4–8, 24–25, 156
Goethe: Westöstlicher Diwan, 3
“Zahme Xenien” [Gentle Reminders], 137
Golden Horn, 106, 143
Gordium site, 70–72, 71
Gospodska Ulica thoroughfare, 142
Gothic architecture, 116, 129
Gothic Revival, 163n59
Gozan. See Tell Halaf
Granite, 114, 116
Great War. See World War I
Greco-Roman culture, 72
Greek laborers, 82, 84–88, 118
Greek rebellion (1897), 16
Greek-Turkish War (1897), 37
Grothe, Hugo, 28
Guida-Kapsohora railway station (Alexandreia), 106
Gül, Murat, 98
Gymnastics and physical fitness, 83
Habermas, Jürgen, 3
Habsburg cultural ethos, 30
Haidar Pacha port. See Haydarpaşa
Haifa, 60, 62, 65, 77, 142
German Colony, 137, 137, 164n62
Haifa railways, 16
Exalted Column monument to commemorate, 132
Haifa–Daara railway, 18, 132
Haifa–Damascus railway, 62, 137
Hamadeh, Shirine, 130
Hamburg, 77, 164n16
Hamdi, Osman (Bey), 69, 70, 72
Persian Carpet Dealer on the Street, 77, 77, 160–61n43
Hammitzsch, Martin, 108
Han, Hafiz Abdurrahim, 113
Hartmann, Martin, 160n42
Hartnagel, Gunter, 164n55
Hatra, 68, 78
Hattat İzzet Efendi, 128
Haydar, Husayn (Bey), 89, 161n61 (Ch. 5)
Haydarpaşa, 24, 36, 55, 58, 80, 90, 109, 113–20, 114–17, 142
Haydarpaşa–Izmit line, 14, 35, 58, 84, 110
Heimat [homeland], 26, 70, 105
Heimatstil [homeland style], 104, 105, 109, 111, 117, 136, 162–63n40
Hejaz Railway: Auler study of, 65–66, 66
bridges and viaducts, 99, 101
commemorative album from Wilhelm II to sultan, 41
construction consistent with other railways, 89
construction near Tabuk (1906), 89
construction practices unique to, 93
donations to fund, 83–84, 113
engineers graduating from Istanbul University to be given preference for, 88
extension from Medina to Mecca, 156
German engineers and, 5, 82
Haifa line connection, 133
history of, 2, 17–18
laborers required to be Muslim, 83, 87, 148, 155
moving mosque for, 139, 140
mundane modernity and, 160n25
new station building, 33, 34–35
opening of line to Medina, 20
pilgrimage route and, 17
preparatory drawings for, 92
prestige of Ottoman engineers working on, 83
prisoners of war working on, 87
Qasr Mshatta palace and, 76, 76–77
railway stations, 112–13
travelogues and travel literature about, 35
urbanism and, 148–50
Hekimbaşı İsmail (Pasha), 69
Hellenism, 72
Henderson, Patrick, 78
Hendesehane [house of geometry], 45
Hereke pavilion, 114, 136, 136
Herzfeld, Ernst, 79, 80
“The Genesis of Islamic Art and the Mshatta Problem,” 77
Hevek, 59
“High Moor” culture in Germany, 27
Hindenburgbrücke design, 98
Hirsch, Maurice de (Türkenhirsch), 12, 14, 142
Hittenkofer, Max, 163n87
Hittites, 72
Hobsbawm, Eric, 1
Hochbau (above-earth-level building), 84, 92, 96–122
Anatolian railways, 109–12
architectural expertise and, 121–22
Baghdad lines, 113–21
bridges, viaducts, and tunnels, 95, 96–104, 97, 99–100, 102–3
codification of construction, 106–9
division of labor, 93, 96
Hejaz Railway, 112–13
railway stations, 104–6, 106
Hodgson, Marshall, 7
Hohenstaufens (German monarchs), 138, 139
Hohenzollern architecture, 138
Holy Land, 12, 28, 60
Holy Roman empire, 99, 124
Holzmann construction firm. See Philipp Holzmann GmbH
Homs, 49, 59
Huber, Valeska, 104
Hübsch, Heinrich, 163n59
Huguenin, Eduard, 101
Humann, Carl, 152
Humboldt, Alexander von, 2, 25, 44, 105, 152
Idiosyncrasy, 4
Imperial era, 1, 10
Imperial Museum. See Ottoman Imperial Museum
Imperial Ottoman Bank Headquarters, 114, 116
Imperial Turkish Railway Company, 12
Indian railways, 157n18 (Intro.)
Indo-Saracenic style, 108
Infrastructure: borders created by, 4
power of, 1
railway as form of, 53
technicalism and, 7
Intercultural dynamics, 6, 82, 84–87, 155
International Exhibition (Vienna 1873), 162n40
Internationalization, 2. See also Intercultural dynamics
Irak, 21, 47, 78–80
Iron, 87, 91, 98, 100–101, 112
Irrigation, 133, 142, 152, 162nn30–31. See also Dams
Iskenderun (or Alexandrette), 49, 55, 57, 59, 142, 145–46, 148. See also Alexandretta, Gulf of
Islam. See Muslims and Islam
Islamic architecture, 107–8, 110, 120
Istanbul: Anatolian Railways connecting to, 15
Asian shore railways (ca. 1871), 55, 58
Baghdad Railway and, 35
Dolmabahçe Palace, 14, 38
Erol Makzume Collection, 164n17
German school in, 137, 138, 165n67
Hagia Sophia, 125, 129, 164n22
Rocholl’s description of, 37
Sultan Ahmed Mosque, 125
Vakvak ağacı [Vakvak tree], 129–30
Yıldız mosque, 133
Yıldız Palace and Şale Köşk, 14, 38, 136, 136, 164n58
Istanbul University, School of Engineering, 88
Istanbul–Vienna Railway [İstanbul–Viyana Demiryolu], 12
Italian laborers, 82, 85–88, 118, 120
Italo-Turkish War (1911–12), 86
Ivansattel pass, 31
Izmit, 109, 109, 136, 142, 152, 165n6
Izmit–Ankara line, 15, 18, 84
Izmit–Eskişehir line, 16, 84 İzzet Pasha, 65, 87
Jachmund, August, 98, 106, 108, 120, 162n11
Jacobites, 60
Jacoby, Gustav, 68
Jaffa, 137, 142, 148, 149, 150
Jaffa–Jerusalem line, 15, 16, 148
Janissary rebellion (1656), 130
Jansen, Hermann, 143
Japan: Meiji-era, 5, 100
Mino-Awari earthquake (1891), 95, 95, 162n90
parallels with Westernization of Ottoman empire, 157n16 (Intro.)
railway development in, 5, 7, 12, 100
Usui Pass brick-arch bridge, 100
Jarabulus, 100
Jericho, 68
Jerusalem, 12, 90, 137
Auguste-Viktoria-Stiftung church, 137–38, 139, 165n68
Church of the Ascension, 138
Jews, 60, 83
Jezreel Valley railway corridor, 156
Jihad, 22
Joaillier, Policarpe, 35
Jones, Owen: The Grammar of Ornament, 29
Jordan, 60, 63
Justinian, 129
Kaiserslautern, 97, 97–98
Kaiser Wilhelm. See Wilhelm II
Kandilli, 55
Kandilli–Rumelihisarı bridge, 98, 99
Kannenberg, Karl, 25
Kleinasiens Naturschätze [Asia Minor’s Natural Treasures], 30
Kapp von Gültstein, Otto, 84–85, 89, 109
Karaferia station (Veroia), 106
Karaman–Adana Yolu trade route, 144–45
Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta, 78
Kaulla, Alfred von, 15
Kemal, Mustafa, 7, 134
Kemalettin Bey, 161n5
Khabur valley, 60
Kharput, 49
Khasa River, 53
Kirkuk, 49, 53, 53
Kobani (Çobanbey), 4–5, 5
Kobani–Nusaybin line, 23
Koch, Martha, 79
Koldewey, Robert, 68, 78
Konya: Berggren archaeological portfolio of photographs, 72–73, 73
model farm located near, 33, 34–35
plain irrigation, 101, 101, 162n31
railway monument, 132, 133–34, 134
station, 110–12, 111, 117, 163n58
Konya–Afyonkarahisar line, 16
Konya–Baghdad line, 17, 63–64, 85
Konya–Basra line, 63
Koppelkamm, Stefan, 157n25 (Intro.)
Körte, Gustav and Alfred, 71, 71–72, 80
Krikorian, Garabed, 149
Krippel, Heinrich, 134
Kronprinzenwerk, 30, 44
Krupp, Friedrich Alfred, 68, 71
Krupp steel, 1, 111, 163n87
Kurdish laborers, 59, 82, 85, 86
Kurds, 60, 63
Küstendijie Company, 11
Kütahya, 34
Kütahya tiles, 116, 119
Kuwait, 19
Labella (Italian construction supervisor), 87, 88
Laborers, 15, 20–21, 82–89, 153, 155. See also Workers’ strike; specific nationalities
Lake Beyşehir, 39
Lambert, A. O., 98
Langenegger, Felix, 79
Latin America, railway development in, 5, 12
Lawrence, T. E., 101
Lefke, 114–15
Leibnitz, Robert, 137–38, 139
Leipzig: Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument of the Battle of Nations), 136
Levant region, 12, 60, 61, 98
Levant Times and Shipping Gazette’s summary of Ottoman Antiquities Laws, 69
Limestone, 113, 120, 121
Linnemann, Otto, 113, 116
List, Friedrich, 10, 11, 12, 13
Das nationale System der politische Ökonomie, 11
Little Khabur River, 53
Louis VII, 139
Lutz, Otto, 113, 163n64
Ma’an, 101
Ma’an–Al-’Ula route, 65
Macedonia, Vardar River bridge in, 101, 103
Mackensen, Ernst, 84–85, 89, 109, 117
Mağlova aqueduct, 162n37
Mahmud I fountain (Tophane), 130
Mahmud II, 10
Mahmud Pasha, 58
Marble, 80, 116, 120, 125, 129
Marchand, Suzanne, 3, 26
Mardin, 49, 53, 55, 56–57, 59
Maritime domain of France and Britain, 3, 12, 26
Martial themes, 124
Marx, Karl, 3, 154
Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg A.G. Werk, 43, 43
Masonry, 91, 92, 97, 98, 101, 136
Mavrogordato, Nicholas, 99–100
Maydan fountain, 130
Mayreder, Karl, 108
Mbili (African illustrator), 47
McBey, James, 24
Mebes, Paul, Circa 1800 concept of, 104–5
Mecca, 17–18, 20, 66, 87, 139. See also Hejaz Railway
Medina, 20, 87, 113, 113, 150, 151
Al Anbariya mosque, 113. See also Hejaz Railway
Mediterranean-North African-West Asian cultural circle, 27
Meerschaum, 39
Mehmed IV, 129–30
Mehmed Fuad Pasha (grand vizier), 10
Meißner, Heinrich August: Baghdad Railway and, 21, 79
Hejaz Railway and, 18, 65, 79, 87, 92, 121, 139, 155
labor management by, 87–88, 93, 96
Medina station design and, 113
Mshatta façade removal and delivery, role in, 77
Porte relations with, 87
roles of, 8, 89, 112
Melling, Antoine-Ignace, 130
Menz, Reinhold, 110
Mercury (Greek god), 134
Mersin province, 134
Mesopotamia, 20, 63, 75, 78–80
Metals, 91, 160n12
Michael (Saint), 138
Midas Mound (burial site of King Midas), 71
Midhat (Pasha), 14
Military School of Engineers, 83
Miscegenation prohibited by German colonial law, 26
Mitchell, Timothy, 45
Mithat, Ahmet, 33
Mitrovica, 106
Modernity/modernization, 5, 7, 10, 11, 33, 104, 108, 153, 160n25
Molla Nәsrәddin (journal), 18, 18–19
Moltke, Helmuth von, 10
Monastir line, 15, 106, 142, 143
Monist movement, 25
Montenegrin laborers, 85, 88
Montenegro, 14
Monuments, 123–40
art of the gift, 124–31
burial places, 134–36, 135
in context, 140
intra- and extra-imperial symbols, 136–39, 136–40
strategic monuments (Haifa, Konya, and Damascus), 131–34, 132–34
vandalism, 129, 164n32. See also Gifts
“Moorish” architecture, 30
Moritz, Bernhard, 89, 151
Mostar bridge [Stari Most], 30, 31
Mosul (or Mosoul), 43, 49, 53, 54
Mother of pearl, 136
Mount Nemrut, 49, 152
Mshatta. See Qasr Mshatta palace
Muazzam, 89, 112
Muhtar Bey, Ahmet, 87–88, 118, 128, 130
Multiculturalism, 2, 3, 30, 31, 122
Mumbai, Victoria Terminus, 108
Murad V (Sultan), 14
Muslimie, 24
Muslims and Islam, 7, 18, 19, 20, 22, 30, 60, 66, 83, 87
Muthesius, Hermann, 104, 109, 119, 163n40
Muzaffer Bey, 133
Nafia (amelioration), 5
Napoleon: Description de L’Égypte, 29
Nationalism, 6, 7, 12, 14, 30, 84, 109, 129, 137
National Socialists, 98
Naturalization of European technology and design, 139, 155
Nazareth, 62
Nazim Pasha, 76
Nazirites, 60
Nazi thought, 26
Neo-Baroque, 114
Neoclassicism, 99, 124, 163n59
Neo-Moorish, 40
Neo-Renaissance, 114, 115
Neo-Romanesque, 138
Nestorians, 60
Newmarch, L. S., 78–79
Nicholas I (Tsar of Russia), 5
Nineveh (ancient Assyrian city), 53
Nomad tribes, 11
Non-Muslim laborers, 82, 87, 155
Nusaybin, 120
Oberbau (earth-level building), 84, 93, 96
Ob River bridge, 101
Occidental culture, 72, 148
Ochsenwald, William, 161n61 (Ch. 5)
Oetken, August, 128
Oliphant, Laurence, 62
Omori, Fusakichi, 95
Opernhaus monument, 124
Oppenheim, Max von: on Euphrates bridge, 100
letters of, 27
Tell Halaf museum founded by, 160n33 (Ch. 4)
Tell Halaf operations of, 80
visit to United States (1902), 141
Oppenheim, Max von, photographs by, 22, 74–76, 79
Berggren’s photographs compared with, 76
Carchemish station under construction (1915), 154
Der Tell Halaf, 160n32 (Ch. 4)
“The Development of the Baghdad Railway Area and the Practical Application of the American Experience in Syria and Mesopotamia,” 141
Orientalism, 3, 21, 41, 72, 108, 155, 162n11
Orient Express, 108, 143
“Orient or Rome” debate, 78, 160n21
Orontes River, 53, 55
Ottoman Antiquities Laws, 69–70, 80, 91
Ottoman architecture, 108, 113, 129, 134
Ottoman Bank, 116
Ottoman Department of Public Instruction, 69
Ottoman empire: cosmopolitanism and, 7
cultural norms of, 59, 97, 123
diversifying foreign interests in rail construction, 12
German viewing as both place of great beauty and despotism, 153
goals linked to railways, 1, 153
historical studies of, 7
land code, 16, 27–28, 33, 93, 114, 134, 165n9 (Ch. 8)
military glory of, 37
modernity and, 7
multicultural society in, 21, 25
resuscitation deemed possible for, 16, 28
unraveling of, 2, 10, 14
urban studies of Pressel’s maps, 47–49
in World War I, 22–23. See also Abdülhamid II; Railways; specific railway lines
Ottoman General Protocols Office, 129
Ottoman Imperial Museum, 69, 70, 80
Ottomanism, 20
Ottoman military, 14, 37, 65, 153
Ottoman Ministry of Education, 80
Ottoman Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 129
Ottoman Ministry of Public Works, 58, 91, 129
Ottoman Ministry of the Interior, 58–59, 62, 88, 92, 93, 118, 129
Ottoman Ministry of War, 100
Pacey, Arnold, 7–8
Paleocene rock, 93, 162n36
Paleozoic rock, 162n36
Palestine, 60–63, 89, 159n13
Templer Colony, 60, 62, 137, 148
Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF), 60, 62
Palestinian tributaries (1900–1908), 2
Pall Mall Gazette: “German Anatolia: Conquest by Railway,” 17
Palmyra, 49, 59
Pamuk, Orhan, 164n32
PEF (Palestine Exploration Fund), 60, 62
Pergamon, 152
Persian Gulf, 19, 47
Persius, Ludwig, 108
Perthes, Justus, 65
Peter, Louis, 105
Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen (journal), 45, 65
Peter of Amiens, 139
Philip II, 139
Philipp Holzmann GmbH: capitalist approach of, 105
commemorative albums on railway expansion, 41–43, 43
construction standards set by and approvals from, 92, 162n74
Cuno and, 114, 118
divisions of corporate structure of, 96
German East Africa railway construction and, 16
Oppenheim’s writing on Ottoman railway and, 141
Tell Halaf and, 75
topographic challenges and construction decisions of, 98
urban hierarchies and, 59
wages paid out, 86
Phoenician history, 59
Photolithography, 72
Phrygians, 72, 73
Pilling, John Robert, 62
Plaster casts of artifacts removed from Ottoman lands, 69
Politics, 10–24
affinities and analogies, 10–14
German expansion, 17–20
German infiltration, 14–17
objects of war, 22–24
railways and revolution, 20–22
unrest, 148–49
Porte. See Sublime Porte
Portland cement, 91
Postcolonial studies, 5, 6
Potsdam: Sanssouci Pumping Station, 108
Pownall, C. A. W., 100
Pozantı station, 117, 118
Pressel, Wilhelm von: Anatolian railway proposal by, 14–15
assigned to multiple railway lines, 89
on rail–maritime link at Iskenderun, 148
on railway laborers, 84
Sandschakbahn and, 142
“The Situation of Turkey: Characteristics and Aphorisms,” 84
survey of Anatolia by, 98
Pressel, Wilhelm von, maps produced by, 47–59, 63, 64, 67, 141, 148, 153–55, 159n9
Aleppo (ca. 1871), 55, 56
Antakya (ca. 1871), 53, 56
Baghdad (ca. 1871), 49–50, 52
Birecik (ca. 1871), 55, 56–57
Gaziantep (ca. 1871), 55, 57
Iskenderun (ca. 1871), 55, 57
Istanbul’s Asian shore railways (ca. 1871), 55, 58
Kirkuk and environs, plan of (ca. 1871), 53, 53
Mardin (ca. 1871), 55, 56–57
Mosul and environs, plan of (ca. 1871), 53, 54
projected railway lines spanning Mediterranean to Baghdad (ca. 1871), 49, 51
railway lines spanning Mediterranean to Persian Gulf (ca. 1871), 49, 50
urban studies folio (ca. 1871), 53, 56
Zakho and environs study (ca. 1871), 53, 55
Prisoners of war working on railways, 22–23, 23, 87
Priština, 106
Professionalization in Germany, 152, 165n2 (Conclusion)
Puchstein, Otto, 76, 77
Qasr Mshatta palace (Umayyad), 76, 76–77, 78
Qizilbash, 60
Race. See Intercultural dynamics
Railways: archaeology benefiting from and aiding in development of, 68–80
archetype of vision connecting nations, 24
benefits of development of, 11, 17
cultural transformation associated with, 28
evolution of, 12
as goal of scientific progress, 11
Kronprinzenwerk praising development of, 30
military links with, 88, 153
monuments commemorating, 131–34, 132
multinational undertaking in Balkan development of, 12
non-Turkish Ottoman population’s views on, 84
Ottoman designers and laborers, use of, 136
Ottoman empire’s goals linked to, 1, 11, 153
rail-to-port connections, 142–43
station placement, importance of, 141–42. See also Construction; specific lines and companies
Railway stations, 16, 104–11, 106–10
Baghdad Railway, 93
Class I stations, 109, 111, 118
Class II stations, 109–10, 118, 144
Class III stations, 112, 117, 118
design consistency, 106–9
names in both Latin and Ottoman, 110. See also specific locations
Ratzel, Friedrich, 2, 25–27, 47, 83, 105, 157n2 (Intro.)
Völkerkunde, 27
Ravenna, Italy, 129
San Vitale church, 127
Ravndal, Gabriel Bie, 62
Refik, Mehmed, 161n5
Reinhardt, Heinrich, 164n16
Religion: accommodation of laborers’ varied religions, 85, 87
architecture advocating, 137
areas of significance, 12, 28, 60
monuments in style acceptable to Islam, 123. See also specific religions
Renaissance architecture, 127
Repin, Ilya, 38
Rhine–Vistula migration, 27
Rich, Claudius James, 78
Richard the Lionhearted, 139
Richthofen, Oswald von, 68
Riegelmann, Gotthold, 138, 165n71
Riegl, Alois, 32
Riese, Otto, 101, 117, 118, 120
Rihla literature, 32
Road construction, 83
Rocholl, Theodor, 44
Battle of Domokos depiction, 37–38
Fellow in Bilecik, 39, 40
“Images from the Anatolian Railway: Dedicated to Friends and Guests of the Organization,” 37–40, 39–41, 44
Karasu Gorge, 39, 39
Meerschaum Dealer, 39–40, 40
Meerschaum Productionin Eskişehir, 40, 41
Railway Attendant of the Anatolian Railway, 38, 39
Railway Track along the Gulf of Izmit, 38, 39
Rococo, 124
Roebling, John, 97
Rohrbach, Paul: Die Bagdadbahn, 29
Romain, Jules, 104
Roma (Gypsy) laborers, 84
Romanesque architecture, 98, 129, 163n8
Romania, 12, 14
Romanian Jews, resettlement of, 29
Roman style of bridgework, 99, 101
Rouen bridge, 98
Royal Corps of Engineers, 60
Rudolf (Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary): Kronprinzenwerk, 29, 30–32, 44
Rumelia, 12, 60
Rundbogenstil, 111, 163n59
Ruse–Varna concession, 12
Russia, railway construction in, 5, 7, 12, 85
Russo-Turkish War, 14
Sabatele (African illustrator), 47
Said, Edward, 3, 6
Saint, Andrew, 97
Saint-Simonians: Système de la Méditerranée, 12
Sakarya River, 145
Saladin, 125, 125, 163n6
Samandağ, 49, 59
Samarra, 24, 49, 65, 79, 80
Samuel (Prophet), 137
Sand, 91, 93
Sandschakbahn, 142
Sandstone, 112, 114
Şanlıurfa, 49, 56, 59
San Stefano, Treaty of (1878), 14
San Stefano extension, 106, 143
Sarajevo, 142
Gazi Hüsrev Bey Mosque of Baščaršija, 30
Sinan Tekija convent, 30, 31
Sarayburnu–Üsküdar bridge, 98
Şarköy-Mürefte earthquake (1912), 93
Sarona (German colony), 148
Sarre, Friedrich, 160n29 (Ch. 4)
Savitsky, Konstantin: Off to War, 38
Repair Works on the Railway, 38
Schiele (restorer and engineer), 129
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 99
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang, 154
Schlegel, Friedrich: Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier, 3
Schloss Berlin monument, 124
Schmidt (artist/builder), 138–39
Schmitz, Bruno, 136, 138
Schoele (architect), 125, 163n9
Schöne, Richard, 76
School of Hafiz (identified as “Aya Sofia”), 73, 73
Schrader, Karl Wilhelm Franz Gabriel, 72
Schultze-Naumburg, Paul, 105
Kulturarbeiten (1900–17), 104
Schulz, Bruno, 78
Schumacher, Gottlieb, 18, 60–63, 67, 76–77, 80, 137, 137, 159nn18–19, 164n62
Schurrupak, 68, 78
Sébah, Pascal, 35
Secere-i Vakvak (tree in hell), 130
Second Constitutional Era, 20
Seestern-Pauly, Georg, 105
Selçuk, 69
Selim Pasha, 164n27
Seljuk art, 73
Semitic peoples, 72
Sephardic laborers, 84
Serbia, 14
Servet-i Fünun (journal): cultural geography explored by, 33, 33
exposé of Anatolian Railways, 73
image of moving mosque on cover of, 139, 140
on railway development, 16, 66
travel literature published by, 33
Sester, Charles, 164n58
Sester, Karl, 152
Shaw, Wendy, 69, 160n12
Shukri Bey, 62
Siemens, Georg von, 15, 18–19, 63, 68
Sinan, 162n37
Sirkeci terminus, 35, 36, 106–8, 107–8, 113, 120, 142, 143
Skopje, 106, 143
Slavic laborers, 85
Smith, George, 78
Societé du Port de Haidar-Pacha, 114
Spitta, Max, Istanbul fountain designed by, 125–29, 126–28, 130
Stained glass, 106, 107, 108, 116
State as organism, concept of, 2, 7, 11, 26, 83
State Museums. See Berlin Museums
Staudinger, Karl, 43–44, 44
Steel, 91, 98, 99, 101, 104, 112, 114
Steel industry, 20. See also Krupp steel
Stemrich, Wilhelm, 63
Stemrich Expedition, 18, 63–65, 160n41 (Ch. 3)
Stephenson, Robert, 11
Stevens, Frederick William, 108
Stone, 87, 91, 93, 101, 112, 134, 148
Strom, Lindman, Hilliker firm, 162n9
Strzygowski, Josef, 160n21
Stuttgart: Wilhelma palace grounds, 108
Sublime Porte: Antiquities Laws, enforcement of, 70
Baghdad Railway and, 19, 47
fatwas of jihad on Christians, 22
geopolitical and technological strategies of, 10–12
German fountain and, 129, 164n32
Hejaz Railway and, 18
labor policies of, 84
Meißner and, 87
Mshatta façade removal and delivery to Germans, 76
on railway development, 14–16, 88
World War I and, 22
Sulus calligraphy, 125, 164n13
Sursock family, 62
Süßenguth, Georg, 164n16
Swiss laborers, 82, 88
Sykes, Mark, 83
Syncretism, 155–56
Syrian border with Turkey, 23
Tabuk, 88, 89, 112, 112
Talat Bey, 76
Tancred, 139
Tanzania. See German East Africa
Tanzimât Fermânı (statute, 1830), 10
Tanzimat reforms, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 96, 123–24, 129
Tassim Bey, 38
Tatar laborers, 84
Taurus mountain range, 15, 21, 22, 23, 44, 93, 117, 162n76
memorial to railway workers in, 134, 135
tent camp in (ca. 1918), 94
tunnels in, 101
Varda viaduct in, 99, 100. See also Belemedik labor camp
Technicalism, 7
Technology transfer: bridge design and, 100
foundry works and, 5
monuments and, 140
naturalization of European technology, 139, 155
railways and, 7, 8, 21, 35
Tel Aviv, 148
Tell el-Amarna, 68
Tell el Hamma, 63
Tell Halaf, 43, 49, 74–76, 80, 101, 160nn32–33 (Ch. 4)
Tell Hum, 68
Tell Megiddo, 68, 76
Temple Mount, 3
Templer Society. See Palestine
Terpak, Frances, 72
Tessenow, Heinrich, 104
Tevfik Pasha, 125
Thessaloniki (Salonica), 15, 142, 143, 144
Thessaloniki–Dedeağac line, 15, 18
Thessaloniki–Monastir line, 15, 18
Tigris River, 49, 59, 79
Tile, 116, 119, 120, 148
Timber. See Wood construction
Tokgöz, Ahmet İhsan, 33, 34
Topography, 45–67
Auler’s study of Hejaz Railway, 65–66, 66
background of German study of, 45–47
Černik and, 59–60
expeditions into outback, 63–65
as linchpin for geopolitical ambition, 67
Pressel’s folios and study, 47–59
Schumacher and, 60–63
station placement, importance of, 141, 145, 151
Stemrich Expedition and, 63–65
Wiegand on, 153
Trade, 11, 143, 145, 148
Train stations. See Railway stations
Transjordan, 78, 88, 93, 162n36
Trans-Siberian Railway, 101, 104, 142
Travelogues and travel literature, 29, 32–37. See also Albums and commemoratives
Treaty of Ankara (1921), 23
Treaty of Berlin (1878), 14, 29
Treaty of San Stefano (1878), 14
Treaty of Versailles (1919), 23
Tria, G., 72
Tripoli, 49, 59
Tristram, Henry Baker, 78
Truth and ambiguity, 6
Tuğra (sultan’s imperial emblem), 106–7, 114, 124–25, 127, 133, 164n13
Tumulus MM (“Midas Mound”), 70–71
Tunnels, 101–4, 103, 147
Turcomans, 59
Turkhan Pasha, 65
Turkish laborers, 82, 84–87
Turkmenistan: Turkmenbashi station, 108, 109
Tuz Khormato, 49
Ulukışla station, 117, 118
Umm Qais, 63
United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, 12
United States: American West as model for railway development, 85, 141–42, 151
German immigrants to, 26
irrigation in, 162n30
University of Leipzig, 25
University of Pennsylvania, 160–61n43
Urbanism, 141–51
American model and, 141–42, 151
deliberate siting of railway outside the city, 141–42
marine termini and location of railway, 142
street to connect railway to city, 141–42, 143, 144–45
Uruk, 78
Üsküdar, 58
Usta, Mehmed Emin, 116
Vallaury, Alexander, 114, 116, 163n67
Varda viaduct, 99, 100, 101
Vernacularism, 109
Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 23
Viaducts. See Bridges and viaducts
Vienna: International Exhibition (1873), 162n40
Ottoman siege of (1682–83), 10
Zacherl mothball factory, 108
Vienna School, 32
Vittali, Otto, the younger, 138, 165n74
Volume and vector, interplay of, 59–63, 67
von der Goltz, Colmar, 65
Vrbas River, 142
Wagner & Debes, map of Ankara (1903), 145
Waldorp, H., 101
Wallot, Paul, 105
Wangenheim, Hans Freiherr von, 77
Warburg, Otto, 29
Warren, Charles, 60
Waschmühltalbrücke (Kaiserslautern, 1935), 97
Western technology vs. agrarian society, 7
Weule, Karl: German East Africa railway maps published by, 45, 46, 47, 48, 67
letters of, 27
Whistler, George Washington, 5
Wiedenfeld, Hugo von, 108
Wiegand, Theodor, 26, 77, 78, 152, 156, 165nn1–2 (Conclusion)
Wieland, Hugo, 148, 149–50
Wilhelm I, 14
Wilhelm II: ambitions in Asia Minor, 19
Anatolian railway development and, 15
archaeological interests of, 68
commemorative gifts exchanged with Abdülhamid, 41, 124–31
exiled at end of World War I, 23
German fountain as gift to sultan, 125–29, 126–28
historicism and, 139, 163n6
representation in Church of the Ascension, 139
Temple Mount visit (1898), 3, 4
Turkish visit by (1889), 15–16, 136
Turkish visit by (1898), 17, 37–38, 124–25, 136
Wilson, Charles, 60, 62
Winged wheel image, 133, 134
Winkler, Johann Lorenz, 162n19
Wohnhaus typology, 120, 163n87
Women as subjects of portraits, 40
Wood, John Turtle, 69
Wood construction, 91–92, 108, 112, 114, 120
Workers’ strike (1908), 21, 86, 120
World War I, 4, 14, 22–24
Euphrates bridge construction and, 100
martial themes of gifts exchanged during, 124
monument to German nationals who died during railway construction, 134, 135
prisoners of war working on railways, 22–23, 23, 87
railway station construction during, 120
Staudinger’s album of rail construction during, 43–44, 44
Württemberg railway stations, 104
Yazidi, 60, 82
Yazıcı, Nurcan, 164n29
Young Turk Revolution, 14, 16, 21, 86, 120
Zakho, 49, 53, 55
Zandi-Sayek, Sibel, 154
Zanth, Ludwig von, 108
Zepdji, Paul, 103
Zimpel, Charles Franz, 12
Zionism, 62, 148
Zobeltitz, Fedor von, 114, 163n68
Zonaro, Fausto, 37, 38
Battle of Domokos, 37
Zorn, Anders, 38