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Description: The Woman Who Discovered Printing
PublisherYale University Press
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alchemical poisoning, printing of work on 127
alchemy 54
Alexandria, library at 36
ancestor worship 48
Arthur, King 56
Ashoka mentioned 65, 100, 106, 133, 134
and Buddhist kingship ideal 97, 107
imitators of see Wendi (Sui); Wu Empress/Emperor; Wu (Liang)
relics, distribution of 45, 63, 77
as ‘Wheel-turning King’ 62, 151 n.9
Augustus the Strong of Saxony 1415
bamboo slips 30, 36, 47
‘barbarian’ troops, Chinese and Roman use of 37
Barrow, John (Macartney Mission) 11
Bede, the Venerable 25,
mentioned 7, 8, 26, 35, 55, 73, 97, 99, 106, 133, 138
access to books by 38
commentary on Book of Revelations 2
Beijing 111
in Europe 10, 16
and Eastern influence 16
bodhisattvas 46
see also Manjushri
Boethius 41
Boettger, Johann Friedrich 1415
Bohai, freezing of the Gulf of 58
see also climate change
availability of, in China 1314, 38
in Japan 137
trade, in China 38
bronze 32
brush 30, 31, 33, 40, 131, 136, 145 n.3
Buddha (Shakyamuni) 423, 46, 59
religious message of 423, 44
transmission of teachings 434
see also Buddha image; Buddhism; Maitreya; relics
Buddha image
‘Buddha seals’ 72
mass production of 72
moulds, use in creation of 66
optics, use in creation of 102
‘pounce’, use of 66
snowman 88
stamped 67, 69
‘thousand Buddha’ patterns 66
see also under relics
and change 44
and ‘end of the dharma’ 59, 61, 62, 64, 81
in India 26, 27, 41
and kingship 62, 97
and notions of Hell 55
oral nature of 44
patronage of 53, 71, 77, 119
rise of, in China 35
‘Wheel of Life’ 107
see also karma; Mahayana Buddhism; spells
Buddhist canon
catalogues of, in China 111
copying of 534
inscribed on mountain 61, 119
lost texts of 111
state printing of 130
Tangut printing of 20
Uighur printing of 19
written version of, reference to 47
see also Buddhist texts; manual copying
Buddhist texts
commercial production of 128, 132
as holy objects 54
see also Buddhist canon; relics
Byzantium mentioned 3, 5, 56
knowledge of China 3
nomad embassy to 3, 62, 142 n.1
Cai Lun 34, 138
calendars, commercial printing of 125, 128, 132
calligraphy, in China 39, 52
of First Emperor 60, 121
and rubbings 60
Cambridge Medieval History 16
Canton, mentioned 87
missionaries in 11
printing by official based in 127, 134, 140
Chakravartin see ‘Wheel-turning King’
‘Chakravartin of the Golden Wheel’ see Wu, Empress/Emperor
Changan (Xi’an) 80, 102, 127
Chen Jinhua 103
Chinese language
concision of literary form 30
Chinese script 11, 13, 32, 146 n.13
Clement of Alexandria 45
climate change
causes of 58
political consequences of 568
religious consequences of 58, 67
coins see under metal typography
‘Confucianism’ and science 135
Analects of 33
canonical works on stone 334, 118, 1212
Constantine VI, Emperor of Byzantium mentioned 5
copying see manual copying; printing
Daoism see Taoism
dharani see spells
Diesel, Rudolph C. C. mentioned 13, 25
father of the locomotive 9
diplomatic distribution of texts 122
dragon-hurling ceremony 91, 94
see also Songshan
Dunhuang library 30, 96
evidence for copyist numbers 120
ordination certificates 126
‘pounces’ found in 66
printed materials in 130
seals on manuscripts found in 51
Tao Te Ching in 117
Edward the Martyr mentioned 5
Eisenstein, Elizabeth 23, 25, 53, 137, 140
Elfryth mentioned 5
Empress Wu see Wu Empress/Emperor
encyclopaedias 38, 77, 78
‘false messiahs’ 59, 61, 64, 77
Falü 72
Faxian (pilgrim monk) 65
Fazang 99113
actions of, following Wu’s death 103, 106, 113
and Great Spell of Unsullied Pure Light 99, 102, 107
and Huayan Scripture 100, 108
influence on iconography 102
and Li the Elder 11012
use of mirrors 102
printing, knowledge of 109, 117
use of seal/block as metaphor 1089
Sogdian origins of 99
sacrifice of finger 100, 103
and stamped texts 103
and Wu Empress/Emperor 4, 101, 103
First Emperor (Qin Shihuangdi) 313,
mentioned 41, 49, 68, 81
and block printing 32
calligraphy of 60, 121
and censorship 36
inscription on mountain 31, 33, 60, 1212
regularisation and reform of Chinese script 31
standardisation decree 32
terracotta warriors 31, 32, 146 n.13
uses of writing 31
Forbidden City 111
foreigners, Chinese attitudes to 1378
‘Four Treasures of the Scholars Studio’ 40
Fourmont, Etienne and production of Chinese font 20
Frederick of Prussia 14
freehand ‘seal’, forgery of 120
Galileo 21
Gaozong, Tang emperor 70, 734
Ashoka, interest in 77
and Buddhism 77
death of 80
health of 79
relationship with Empress Wu 45, 76, 78, 79
rule of 77
and Taoism 77, 79
Genghis Khan 17, 19
Gildas mentioned 55, 57, 58
and monasticism 153 n.26
The Ruin of Britain 56
Gong Xuanxuan (Gong the sage) 5960,
mentioned 61, 90, 140
and ‘jade seal jade block writing’ 59
use of ‘secret inks’ 60
‘good karma clay’ 103
Granny Strong see Wu, Empress/Emperor
Great Goose pagoda (Xi’an) 102
‘Great Master who Transmitted the Teachings’ 1225
Great Spell of Unsullied Pure Light 934, 105, mentioned 102, 109, 112, 113, 133
distribution in China 96, 112
Dunhuang copy 96
earliest dated printed material 94, 99
Fazang’s translation of 99
in India 94
in Japan 94, 106, 131
in Korea 94, 102, 106, 107, 131
monarchy and 94
as relic 106
see also under Wu, Empress/Emperor
Gregory the Great
apocalyptic warnings of 3
gunpowder mentioned 133, 134, 139
Gutenberg, Johannes, mentioned 2, 8, 14, 25, 29, 38, 40, 132, 140
achievements of 16
Bible printed on vellum 34, 35
and cost of printing 11
and indulgences 21, 54
knowledge of block printing 16
materials printed by 21, 22
motivations of 22
pilgrim’s mirror, invention of 22
see also printing
Han dynasty 33
mentioned 35, 48, 49
collapse of 36
Heaven, Mandate of 49
Hell 55
Huaiyi (cleric & lover of Wu) 6, 142 n.3
Huayan Scripture 100, 108, 112
Li the Elder and 110
teachings of 101
Vairocana 101
hurling-dragons see dragon-hurling
incantation see spells
India/Indian Buddhism 26, 27, 41
Buddhist images 45
flag 62
printing, origins of 68
relics 72, 88, 89
seals in 54
spells in 67, 89, 152 n.23
stupas in, 67, 72
textiles (printed) 114
Xuanzang in 71, 72
Yijing’s account of 86, 87, 88, 140
indulgences 212, 54
ink 40
and Gutenberg 16
‘secret inks’ see Gong Xuanxuan
inscriptions on stone
of Buddhist canon 61, 119
of Confucian classics 334
by First Emperor 31, 33, 1212
rubbings from 60, 81, 89, 118, 121, 122, 151 n.4
status of 33
of Tao Te Ching 118
Western example of 33
Ippen 137
Irene, Empress of Byzantium mentioned 5
Islam, advent of 3
appearance of Eastern technology in 20
use of slaves 16
‘jade seal jade block writing’ 59
divine descent of emperor 65
Great Spell of Unsullied Pure Light in 94, 95, 131
impact of printing in 23
literacy in 107
movable type in 20
printed materials in 94, 95, 130, 131
relic distribution in 106, 107
textile printing in 115
see also ‘The Great Master who Transmitted the Teachings’
Jarrow 2, 27
Justinian, Emperor 57
karma mentioned 35, 42, 81
copying text and 47, 67, 53
role of 42
workings of 1078
see also ‘good karma clay’
Khotan 65
embassy to China 107
Great Spell of Unsullied Pure Light in 94, 102, 107, 113, 131
printing in 15, 18, 94, 95, 131
Lady Strong see Wu, Empress/Emperor
Laozi 65, 117
see also Tao Te Ching
Larner, John 15 Li the Elder 11012
and Huayan Scripture 110
Li family see Tang dynasty
comparative size of in East and West 36, 38, 123
lithography 13, 143 n.15
Liu, Ms (inventor of dyeing techniques) 11516, 138
Lotus Sutra 53, 89
Luoyang, mentioned 58, 87, 103, 127
as Holy Capital 80
sacking of 37, 57
sculpture of Vairocana in 101
Yang Xuanzhi 57, 149 n.11
Macartney Mission 11
Mahayana Buddhism
and copying texts 468, 53, 133
merit and merit transfer 47, 53
rise of 456
and written word 46
world view 134
Maitreya, future Buddha 43, 59
claims of Empress Wu to be 83
Man, John, The Gutenberg Revolution 10, 11, 17, 22
Manjushri 78
and Wutai Mountain 78, 81
manual copying
of Buddhist canon 53
copyists, numbers of 107, 120
efficiency of 136
in Europe 53
importance to Tang bureaucracy 136
in Japan 122
and library building 38
of Lotus Sutra 53
Mahayana and 467, 133
preference of elite for 136
prohibition on (Buddhist) 119, 124
rate of 123
religious role of 27, 478, 523
status of 52
under Sui dynasty 62
of Tao Te Ching 117
in temples 130, 132, 136
Marco Polo 15
Martial King, prophecy of 75
Marx, Karl 38
Meissen see porcelain,
merit see under Mahayana Buddhism
see also karma
metal typography 13
and coins 1516, 32
cost of 11
Korean use of 15
‘end of the dharma’ see under Buddhism
rulers response to 612
see also false messiahs
miracles 6
see also under relics
Fazang’s use of 102
Gutenberg’s pilgrims mirror 22
Jesuit 1011
and printing 11, 13, 23
modularisation, Chinese use of 32
monasticism 68, 153 n.26
Mongol Empire
and captives, use of 17
disintegration of 1920
and slave trade 16
and technology, uses of 19
role of Uighurs 19
Morrison, Blake 14, 22
moulds see under Buddha image
movable type
ceramic 17
in China 1617, 132
in Europe 132, 144 n.26
and First Emperor 33
in Japan 20
in Korea 18
and Mongol Empire 132
origins of 18
use by Tanguts 20
use by Uighurs 18
wooden 18, 20
see also Gutenberg, Johannes
Needham, Joseph mentioned 137
attitude to Buddhism 1345
the ‘Needham Question’ 247
attitude to Taoism 135
nomad embassy see under Byzantium
Northern and Southern
Dynasties 37
scholarly culture of 39, 52
ordination certificates 126
palm leaves 46, 69
paper 7, 40, 47, 69, 88
advantages of 34
Buddha images stamped on 69, 88, 114
Cai Lun’s improvements 34, 138
importance to arts in China 39
invention of 30, 34, 36, 37
mulberry bark paper 102
and printing, impact on in China 24, 34, 40, 50
as wrapping material 34
papyrus 7, 30
limitations of 34, 46
People’s Republic of China
attitudes to study of religion in 134
Phaistos disc 29, 41
pilgrims, Chinese 65, 71, 72
see also Faxian; Yijing; Xuanzang
plague 58
Meissen 14
production of 1415
printing in China
accuracy, importance of 1089, 129
background to 146 n. 13
of calendars 125, 128, 132
categories of printed material 128
constraints on development 23, 25, 1201, 128
earliest evidence for 124, 125, 127
elite attitudes to 128, 1356
First Emperor and block-printing 32
freedom of press 11
Jesuit reaction to 1011
media see bamboo; bronze; palm leaves; paper; papyrus; silk; inscriptions on stone; vellum
as metaphor 10811
of ordination certificates 126
printed materials, availability of 11, 1314
religious background to development of 129, 130
spread of 23, 27
state sponsored 128
stimulus for 25, 26
Western attitudes to 10, 11, 13, 21
see also Gutenberg, Johannes; Japan; Korea; metal typography, movable type; woodblock printing
printing in Europe 144 n.24
cost of 11
and religion 212, 256
technological limitations on 20
see also Gutenberg, Johannes; metal typography, movable type; woodblock printing
Procopius, The Secret History 57, 58
Prometheus 31
prophecies 6
see also under Wu, Empress/Emperor
Qin Shihuangdi see First Emperor
Qu Xihuai (finder of golden slip) 90
reading 36
Reed, Christopher A. 13
relic distribution
by Ashoka 45, 63
Great Spell and 94
in Japan 106, 107
by Sui Wendi 63, 64
by Wu, Empress/Emperor 79, 889, 96, 102, 131
of the Buddha (Sakymuni) 445, 65, 72, 103
China, found in 77, 79, 102
Christian 22, 44
form of (Buddhist) 45, 65
‘good karma clay’ as 103
Great Spell and 94, 106
images as 45, 48, 66, 67
in India 72, 88, 89
and miracles 48, 63
written word as 469, 668, 81, 88, 100, 106, 131
see also relic distribution; stupa
dragon-hurling 91, 94
role of Buddhist texts in 47
role of Taoist texts in 50, 85
use of printing 129, 133
and the written word 301, 50, 146 n.10
Rome mentioned 3, 7
decline of empire 35, 56
knowledge of China 3
Ruan Dan (first silent reader) 36
rubbings from inscriptions 60, 81, 8990, 118, 121, 122, 151 n.4
sacred mountains see Songshan; Tai; Wutai
‘Sage Mother, Holy Sovereign’ see under Wu Empress/Emperor
Samarkand 99
Sangha (Buddhist clergy) 44
role in preservation of scripture 44
accuracy of 109
in ancient world 29
‘Buddha seals’ 72
in China, early use of 32, 51
in India 54
‘jade seal jade block writing’ 59
as metaphor 10811
reconceptualisation of 85
‘seal-paper’ (yinzhi) 85
security passes 845 111, 112
Taoist use of 50, 54, 856
and woodblock 51
yinxin (‘seal-letter’) 155 n.2, n.4
see also Gong Xuanxuan
Shaolin Monastery 80
silk 3, 36, 47,
disadvantages of 30, 39
stamping images on 88, 114
Silk Road 71
slave trade
role in dissemination of printing technology 140
and Italy 16, 20
snowmen, holy
Buddhist 88
Taoist 68
Sogdians 93, 99
Songshan (Mount Song) 80, 90, 91, 92, 956, 133
spells 52, 54
and funerary practices 89
in India 67, 89, 152 n.23
personified as female figure 81
printed 89, 132
in stupas 96
Wu’s interest in 81, 92, 131
see Great Spell of Unsullied Pure Light
contact through texts 4950, 129
of the dead 48, 105
and invention of writing 31
St. Ambrose 36
stamping on body 50
see also seals
Steinberg, S. H, Five Hundred Years of Printing 10
stele 66
stenography 146 n.5
Stevenson, George mentioned 13
stone see inscriptions on stone
Strickmann, Michel 50, 85
‘Strong, Lady’ see Wu, Empress/Emperor
in China 656
in India 45, 67, 72, 156 n.6
in Japan 94
in Khotan 65
and relics 48, 63, 65, 66
and spells 67, 94, 96
and steles 66
and Tanguts 97
text shaped as 48
and Tibet 67
Sui dynasty 624
reunification by 612
Wendi, emperor (r. 581–604) 62, 63, 64
Yangdi, emperor (r. 604–618) 62, 63
Sugiyama, Professor J. 1023
Sumatra 87, 88
sutras see Buddhist canon; Buddhist texts
Tai Mountain 79
Taizong, Tang emperor 4, 701
efforts to control legacy 70
and Xuanzang (traveller monk) 71
talisman see under Taoism
see also spells
Tang dynasty
decline of 126
and divine descent 65, 77, 97, 118, 132
establishment of 64
and Laozi 65
Li family 70, 77
patronage of Buddhism 71, 77, 119
patronage of Taoism 77, 117, 119
prophecy of overthrow 767
restoration of 95, 132, 138
Tang emperors
see Gaozong (r.650–683)
see Taizong (r.627–649)
see Xuanzong (r.712–756)
Ashokan distribution by 97
Buddhist Canon, printing of 20
Italy, contact with 20
and movable type 17, 20
and stupas 97
trade routes, control of 17
writing system of 178
Tantric Buddhism 18
Tao Te Ching,
dissemination by Tang emperor 1178
images of the female in 82
alchemy 54
attitudes to 134
bureaucratic nature of 49, 91
communication with spirit world 49, 50, 91
dragon-hurling ritual 901, 94
and the female 82
forms of prayer 49
and printing 50, 69, 85
and sacred texts 51
and science 135
and ‘seal-paper’ 85
use of seals 50, 856
and talismans 50, 51, 80, 856
terracotta warriors see First Emperor 31
text, religious use of 54
as talisman 80
see also under relics
textiles and printing 32, 11416
Tibet 18, 20, 72
tsha-tsha 67
Tsien, T.H. 16
Tuchman, Barbara 22
Twitchett, Denis 133
typography see movable type; printing; woodblock printing
Uighurs 1819
role in spread of printing 19
Vairocana (cosmic Buddha) 101, 102, 103
image at Luoyang 101
Vedas 43
vellum mentioned 7, 40, 50
printing of Bible on 34
volcanic eruption, as cause of climate change 58
Wang Xuanze (diplomat) 72
Welch, Michael E. 93
Wendi, Sui emperor 62, 63, 64
‘Wheel-turning King’ 62, 73
see also Ashoka
‘winkle bag printing’ 1
woodblock printing 12 mentioned 54, 89, 109, 112, 117, 120, 122, 132, 140
advantages of 11, 13, 90
attitudes of Western commentators to 10
blocks, repair of 11, 17
carvers, supply of 144 n.28
carving techniques and Eastern influence 16
cost of 11, 1314
use in Europe 10, 23
Jesuit reactions to 1011
missionary reaction to 11
missionary use of 13, 143 n.15
Tangut 18
technique of 60, 142 n.6, 143 n.16
technology required for 131
of textiles 11416
see also First Emperor; Gong Xuanxuan; printing; seals
myth of origins in China 301
political use of 31, 33
and ritual practices 31
and spirit world 30
see also Chinese script; inscriptions; text, religious use of
written materials, availability of in China 38
Wu, Emperor of Liang dynasty 62, 58, 75, 151 n.11
Wu, Empress/Emperor 7383
Ashoka, interest in 77, 89
background and early years 45, 74
beauty of 5, 74
birth, date of 75
birth of son 76
as Buddhist nun 26
concubine of Taizong 4, 734
copying of texts 89
death of 94, 103
deposition of 83, 94, 103
divine endorsement of 87
and embroidered scriptures 89
as Empress Dowager 80
and Fazang 4, 26, 27, 97, 101, 103
fictional accounts of 5, 142 n.2
funeral rites of 106, 107, 132
and Gaozong 45, 76, 78, 79
and Great Spell of Unsullied Pure light 934, 96, 131, 133
golden slip 90, 91, 133
historians’ response to 76, 95, 1379
and Huaiyi (cleric & lover) 6, 82, 83, 142 n.3
later life of 90, 93
memorial stone of 104, 106
as Maitreya 83
motivations of 81
murder of daughters-in-law 6
murder of rivals 76
as ‘Queen of Heaven’ 79
and reform of Chinese script 81
relationship with her sons 80
and relic distribution 79, 889, 96, 131
robe, discovery of 78
ruthlessness of 5, 6, 76, 83, 94
sacrifices carried out by 79, 80
as ‘Sage Mother, Holy Sovereign’ 82, 83, 87
seals 85
secret police of 82
and Taoism 90, 91, 92
and technology 118
and printing 7, 27, 84, 86, 89, 95
and propaganda 6
and prophecy (of female Martial King) 756
and prophecy (of goddess Pure Light) 82, 93, 96
qualities as ruler 6, 133
security pass (‘seal-paper’) 845, 111, 112
as sponsor of public works 7, 118
vow to distribute 89, 90, 156 n.12
and Yijing 87, 88
Zhou dynasty, declaration of 82, 87
Wutai Mountain 78, 81
Wu’s promotion of 81
Wu Zetian see Wu, Empress/Emperor
Wu Zhao see Wu, Empress/Emperor
Xi’an see Chang’an
Xixia see Tanguts
Xuanzang (pilgrim monk) 71, 72
Xuanzong, Tang emperor 11516, 117, 118
cultural shift under 118
prohibition on sutra copying 119
and Taoism 11718
xylography see woodblock printing
Yan Zhitui, Family Instructions for the Yan Clan 39, 147 n.27
Yangdi, Sui emperor 62, 63
Yang Xuanzhi 57, 149 n.11
Yijing (traveller monk) 868, 89, 107, 140
authenticates jade tablet 87
yinxin see under seals
Yu Xin, ‘Lament for the South’ 57
Yunju si 61
Yungang Caves 62
Zen, rise of 139
Zhe jiang 123
Zhou dynasty see under Wu, Empress/Emperor