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Illustrations of the American Anti- Slavery Almanac

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Description: Illustrations of the American Anti- Slavery Almanac
Related content: Chapters (1) Images (40)

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Description: Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves: Race, War, and Monument in Nineteenth-Century...
WHEN ARTISTS after the Civil War faced the great challenge of representing a society recently emancipated from slavery, they brought to the task various assumptions and images that had been deeply ingrained by the system of slavery and by the long campaign to abolish it. Most of the artists working on public monuments in the first years after the war had...
PublisherPrinceton University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.21-51

Note: Some of the images of artworks presented on this platform were not sourced from the original print publication. However, in order to preserve the scholarly record of the print publication, all original image captions and credit lines have been retained on the platform. Learn more about our image policies.

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