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Description: Ovid and the Metamorphoses of Modern Art from Botticelli to Picasso
PublisherYale University Press
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I cannot properly acknowledge here the countless friends, colleagues, and students who have contributed to the present work. I need, however, to single out and thank especially several individuals: John F. Miller, Ovid scholar par excellence, who over the years has answered a million questions (at least!); Nicholas Poburko, managing editor of Arion, who during a long period of collaboration has sustained my musings on Ovid with good humor and enthusiasm; Laurie Schneider Adams, who has supported many early Ovidian meditations in the pages of the journal Source, of which she is editor; Eve d’Ambra, who introduced me to ancient Roman dolls; Jessica Feldman, who read the manuscript of this book at a crucial juncture and offered invaluable and encouraging advice; Francesca Fiorani, chair of the McIntire Department of Art at the University of Virginia, who has provided me with generous financial and moral support; Leslie Rahuba, director of the McIntire Department of Art’s Visual Resources Collection, who has been unfailingly kind in countless ways; assistant director of the VRC, Dan Weiss, who has exhibited remarkable patience and good cheer as he tracked down the images illustrated herein; Gillian Malpass at Yale University Press, who has provided more than a little esprit in the making of this book; and, finally, my wife, Ruth, who assured me that this book would happen, when I had my doubts. She knew better.
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