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Description: Saracens, Demons, and Jews: Making Monsters in Medieval Art
PublisherPrinceton University Press
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British Library, London
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis. Turnhout, 1966–.
Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina. Turnhout, 1953–.
Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevum
Early English Text Society
Monumenta Germaniae Historica. 15 vols. 1877–1919; repr. 1961.
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Patrologiae Cursus Completus, series Graeca. Ed. J.-P. Migne, 162 vols. Paris, 1857–66.
Patrologiae Cursus Completus, series Latina, Ed. J.-P. Migne, 221 vols. Paris, 1844–64.
Rolls Series
I have followed the Douay-Rheims translation of the Vulgate for all Scriptural quotations. In transcribing excerpts from manuscripts and maps, I have expanded abbreviations and added capitalization and punctuation, but I have not normalized spellings or corrected grammar. English translations are my own unless otherwise indicated.
Abelard, Peter. Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian. Trans. Pierre J. Payer. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1979.
———. Dialogus inter philosophum, Iudaeum, et Christianum. PL 178:1609–84.
Adso. Adso Dervensis, De ortv et tempore antichristi. Ed. D. Verhelst. Turnhout: Brepols, 1976.
Aelian. Aelian: On the Characteristics of Animals. 3 vols. Trans. A. F. Scholfield. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1958.
Agobard of Lyons. De Iudaicis superstitionibus. PL 104:77–100.
Alan of Lille. Liber quartus contra paganos: Opinio paganorum qui dicunt Christum conceptum fuisse de flatu Dei. Ed. M.-Th. d’Alverny, “Alain de Lille et l’Islam: Le ‘Contra Paganos.’” In Privat, Islam et chrétiens.
Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus). De natura loci. In Alberti Magni: Opera omnia, vol. 5, pt. 2, ed. Paul Hossfeld. Aschendorff: Monasterii Westfalorum, 1980.
Alexander. Alexander Minorita Expositio in Apocalypsim. Ed. A. Wachtel. MGH: Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 1. Weimar: Böhlau, 1955.
Alvaro, Paolo. Indiculosus luminosus. In Enrique Florez, España sagrada: teatro geográficohistórico de la iglesia de España, vol. 11. Madrid: J. Rodriguez, 1860–1907.
Ambroise. The Crusade of Richard Lion-Heart by Ambroise. Trans. Merton Jerome Hubert. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941.
Ambrose of Milan. Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam. PL 15:1603–1944.
Anonymi physiognomonia liber latinus. In Scriptores physiognomonici graeci et latini, vol. 2, ed. Richard Foerster. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1893.
Aquinas, Thomas. On the Government of Rulers: De regimine principum. Trans. James M. Blythe. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
Aristotle. Aristotle: The Politics. Ed. and trans. H. Rackham. Loeb Classical Library. London: Heinemann, 1932.
Athenaeus. Athenaeus: The Deipnosophists. Vol. 4. Trans. G. B. Guluck. Loeb Classical Library. London: Heinemann, 1930.
Augustine of Hippo. City of God. Trans. Marcus Dods. In St. Augustins City of God and Christian Doctrine, ed. Philip Schaff. Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2. 1871. Reprint, Grand Rapids, Mich.: W. B. Eerdmans, 1983.
———. “Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen.” Trans. C. L. Cornish. In St. Augustin: On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises, Moral Treatises, ed. Philip Schaff. Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 3. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W. B. Eerdmans, 1887.
———. De fide rerum quae non videntur. PL 40:171–80.
Augustine of Hippo. Enarrationes in psalmos. PL 36, 37.
———. “In Answer to the Jews.” Trans. Sister Marie Liguori. In Saint Augustine, Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects, ed. Roy J. Deferrari. Fathers of the Church, vol. 27. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press of America, 1955.
———. Quaestiones in Heptateuchum. Ed. Lucas Verheijen. CCSL 33 (1958).
———. Sermons. PL 48, 49.
———. Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons. Trans. Sister Mary Sarah Muldowney. Fathers of the Church, vol. 38. New York: Fathers of the Church, 1959.
———. Tractatus adversus Judaeos. PL 42:51–64.
Bacon, Roger. Mathematicae. In Opus maius, vol. 1, ed. John Henry Bridges. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1897.
———. Secretum secretorum. In Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi, vol. 5, ed. Robert Steele. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1920.
Barber, Richard. Bestiary. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell, 1993.
Bartholomew the Englishman (Bartholomeus Anglicus). On the Properties of Things. 2 vols. Trans. John Trevisa. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
Bartsch, Karl, ed. Reinfrid von Braunschweig. In Bibliothek des litterarisch en Vereins in Stuttgart, no. 109. Tübingen: Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, 1871.
Basil the Great. Hexaemeron. PG 29:2–208.
Basilis. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. Vol. 3C. Ed. Felix Jacoby. Leiden: Brill, 1958.
Benedict the Pole. Narrative. Trans, by a nun of Stanbrook Abbey. In Dawson, The Mongol Mission.
Beowulf. London, BL, MS Cotton Vitellius A.XV, fols. 132–20IV.
Berengaudus. Expositio super septem visiones libri Apocalypsis. PL 17:765–970.
Bernard of Clairvaux. The Letters of St. Bernard. Trans. Bruno Scott James. Stroud: Sutton, 1998.
Bestiarium. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 88, vol. II.
Boethius. Commentaria in Porphyrium. PL 64:71–158.
Brault, Gerard J., ed. and trans. The Song of Roland: An Analytical Edition. 2 vols. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978.
Brundage, James. Crusades: A Documentary Survey. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1962.
Brunner, Karl, ed. Der mittelenglische Versroman über Richard Löwenherz. Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1913.
Burgess, Glyn S., ed. and trans. The Pilgrimage of Charlemagne. New York: Garland, 1988.
Cassiodorus. Exposito in psalterium. PL 70:1–1056.
Catalani, Jordanus. Mirabilia Descripta: The Wonders of the East by Friar Jordanus. Trans. Henry Yule. Hakluyt Society, no. 31. London: Hakluyt Society, 1863.
Chrysostom, John. Adversus Judaeos Orationes. PG 48:843–942.
Clerk of Enghien. La maniere et les faitures des monstres des hommes qui sont en Orient et le plus en Inde. Ed. Alfons Hilka. In Eine altfranzösische moralisierende Bearbeitung des Liber de Monstruosis Hominibus Orientis aus Thomas von Cantimpré, De Naturis Rerum. Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen: Philologisch-Historische Klasse 7. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1933.
Clopper, Lawrence M., ed. Chester. Records of Early English Drama. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1979.
Cogliati Arano, Luisa, trans. The Medieval Health Handbook: Tacuinum Sanitatis. New York: Braziller, 1976.
Curley, Michael J., trans. Physiologus. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979.
Dante. The Divine Comedy. 3 vols. Trans. Mark Musa. New York: Penguin, 1962–85.
Dawson, Christopher, ed. The Mongol Mission. London: Sheed and Ward, 1955.
Didymus the Blind. Sur Zacharie. 3 vols. Trans. L. Doutreleau. Sources Chrétiennes 84. Paris: Cerf, 1962.
Diogenes Laertius. Diogenis Laertii Vitae Philosophorum. 2 vols. Ed. H. S. Long. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964.
Edbury, Peter, ed. The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade: Sources in Translation. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1996.
Eidelbert, Shlomo, ed. and trans. The Jews and the Crusaders: The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1977.
Embrico of Mainz. Embricon de Mayence: La Vie de Mahomet. Ed. Guy Cambier. Brussels: Latomus Revue d’Études Latines, 1962.
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Eulogius of Cordoba. Liber apologeticas martyrum. PL 115:851–870.
———. Memorialis sanctorum. PL 115:731–818.
Fairfax, Edward, trans. Godfrey of Bulloigne; or the Recovery of Jerusalem. 2 vols. Windsor: S. Kirby, 1817.
Felix. Felix’s Life of Saint Guthlac. Ed. and trans. Bertram Colgrave. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1956.
Finnegan, Robert Emmett, ed. Christ and Satan: A Critical Edition. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1977.
Francis of Assisi. The Writings of Saint Francis of Assisi. Trans. Ignatius Brady. Assisi: Casa Editrice Francescana, 1995.
Fulcher of Chartres. A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem, 1095–1127. Trans. Frances Rita Ryan. New York: W. W. Norton, 1973.
Galen. Galen’s Commentary on the Hippocratic Treatise Airs, Waters, Places in the Hebrew Translation of Solomon Ha-Me’ati. Trans. A. Wasserstein. Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1982.
———. De humoribus liber. In Medicorum graecorum opera, vol. 19, ed. Karl Gottlob Kühn. Leipzig: Car. Cnoblochii, 1830.
———. Selected Works. Trans. P. N. Singer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Gautier de Coinci. Les Miracles de Nostre Dame par Gautier de Coinci. 4 vols. Ed. V. F. König. Geneva: Droz, 1955–70.
Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis). Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. Ed. J. S. Brewer. Vol. 6, Descriptio Kambriae, ed. J. F. Dimock. London: Longmans, 1868.
———. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. Vol. 8, De principis instructione, ed. George F. Warner. London: HMSO, 1891.
———. The Journey Through Wales/The Description of Wales. Trans. Lewis Thorpe. London: Penguin, 1978.
Ginzberg, L. The Legends of the Jews. 7 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1909.
Gosman, Martin, ed. La Lettre du Prêtre Jean: les versions en ancien français et en ancien occitan. Groningen: Bouma’s Boikhuis, 1982.
Grayzel, Solomon, trans. The Church and the Jews in the XIIIth Century. Rev. ed. New York: Hermon Press, 1966.
Greg, W. W, ed. The Play of Antichrist from the Chester Cycle. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1935.
Gregory the Great. Dialogues. PL 77:149–430.
———. Moralia in Job. PL 75:509–76:782.
Guest, Gerald B., trans. Bible Moralisée. Manuscripts in Miniature no. 2. London: Harvey Miller, 1995.
Guillaume le Clerc. Bestiaire. BN, MS fr. 14969.
———. The Bestiary of Guillaume le Clerc. Trans. George Druce. Ashford, Kent: Headley Brothers, 1936.
———. Das Thierbuch des normannischen Dicters Guillaume le Clerc. Ed. Robert Reinsch. Weisbaden: Dr. Martin Sändig, 1967.
Hamelius, P, ed. Mandeville’s Travels. 2 vols. EETS 153, 154 (1919).
Happé, Peter, ed. English Mystery Plays. New York: Penguin, 1975.
Heliodorus. Ethiopian Story. Ed. J. R. Morgan. Trans. Walter Lamb. Everyman Library. London: J. M. Dent, 1997.
Helm, Karl, ed. Das Buch der Maccabäer in mitteldeutscher Bearbeitung. Tübingen: Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, 1904.
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Herodotus. Herodotus. 4 vols. Ed. and trans. A. D. Godley. Loeb Classical Library. London: Heinemann, 1938.
Herrad of Hohenbourg. Hortus Deliciarum, 2 vols. Ed. Rosalie Green et al. London: Warburg Institute, 1979.
Hildebert of Mans (attr.). Vita Mahumeti. PL 171:1343–66.
Hill, Rosalind, ed. and trans. The Deeds of the Franks and the Other Pilgrims to Jerusalem. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962.
Hilton, Walter, trans. Of Angels’ Song. In Two Minor Works of Walter Hilton, ed. Fumio Kuriyagawa and Toshiyuki Takamiya. Tokyo: (privately printed), 1980.
Hippocrates (attr.). Airs, Waters, Places. In Hippocrates, vol. 1, trans. W.H.S. Jones. Loeb Classical Library. London: Heinemann, 1923.
Homer. The Iliad. Trans. A. T. Murray. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Honorius Augustodunensis. Elucidarium. PL 172:1109–76.
Horrox, Rosemary, ed. and trans. The Black Death. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994.
Ibn Khaldūn. Mukaddima. Trans. Joseph M. Cuoq. In Recueil des sources arabes concernant l’Afrique occidentale du Ville au XVIe siècle [Bilād ad-Sūdān]. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1975.
Innocent III. Regestorum sive Epistolarum. PL 214–16.
Isidore of Seville. An Encyclopedist of the Dark Ages: Isidore of Seville. Trans. Ernest Brehaut. New York: Franklin, 1964.
———. De fide catholica contra ludeos. PL 83:449–558.
———. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX. 2 vols. Ed. W. M. Lindsay. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911.
Jacobus de Voragine. The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints. 2 vols. Trans. William Granger Ryan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.
Jacques de Vitry. Les Lettres de Jacques de Vitry (1160/70), éveque de Saint-Jean d’Acre. Ed. R.B.C. Huygens. Leiden: Brill, 1960.
James, M. R. Marvels of the East. Oxford: Roxburghe Club, 1929.
———. “Pictor in Carmine.” Archaeologia 94 (1951): 141–66.
Jerome. Tractatus in Librum Psalmorum. Ed. D. Germanus Morin. CCSL 78 (1958).
Joachim of Fiore. Adversus ludeos di Gioacchino da Fiore. Ed. Arsenio Frugoni. Fonti per la Storia d’ltalia, no. 95. Rome: Istituto Storico Italiano, 1957.
Jocelin of Brakelond. Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds. Trans. Diana Greenway and Jane Sayers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
John of Plano Carpini. History of the Mongols. Trans. by a nun of Stanbrook Abbey. In Dawson, The Mongol Mission.
John of Salisbury. Policraticus. Ed. and trans. C. J. Nederman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
John of Würzburg. Description of the Holy Land by John of Würzburg. Trans. Aubrey Stewart. Palestine Pilgrim’s Text Society, no. 14. 1890.
Johnston, Alexandra F., and Margaret Rogerson, eds. York. 2 vols. Records of Early English Drama. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1979.
Joinville, Jean de. The Life of Saint Louis. In Chronicles of the Crusades: Joinville and Villehardouin, trans. M.R.B. Shaw. New York: Dorset Press, 1985.
Josephus. Jewish Wars. In The Works of Josephus, trans. William Whiston. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, 1987.
Kennedy, Charles W, trans. The Caedmon Poems. London: Routledge, 1916.
Kim, H. C., ed. The Gospel of Nicodemus. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1973.
Krey, August C., ed. and trans. The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eye-Witnesses and Participants. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1958.
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Lactantius Placidus. Lactantius Placidus, Commentarii in Thebaida. Ed. R. Jahnke. Stuttgart: G. B. Teubner, 1997.
Langland, William. The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, Part 2. Ed. Walter W. Skeat. EETS 38 (1869) (B-Text).
———. The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, Part 3. Ed. Walter W. Skeat. EETS 54 (1873) (C-Text).
Leo the Great. Sermones. PL 54:137–468.
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Libri Carolini. PL 98:941–1248.
Lombard, Peter. Commentarium in Psalmum. PL 191:61–1296.
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Macrobius. Commentary on the Dream of Scipio. Trans. William Harris Stahl. 1952. Reprint, New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.
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Odo of Cluny. De vita S. Geraldi Auriliacensis comitis. PL 133:639–704.
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Ohlgren, Thomas H., ed. Anglo-Saxon Textual Illustration. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute, 1992.
Origen. In Lucam Homilia. PG 13:1801–1902.
Otto of Freising. Historia de duabus civitatibus. Ed. A. Hofmeister. In MGH Scriptores (SS) rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum. 1912.
Pack, Roger, ed. ‘Auctoris Incerti De Physiognomonia Libellus.” Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age 41 (1975): 113–38.
Paris, Matthew. Chronica majora. Ed. H. R. Luard. 7 vols. RS. London, 1872–83.
———. Matthaei Parisensis, Monachi Sancti Albani, Historia Anglorum. Ed. Frederic Madden. 3 vols. London: Longmans, 1866–69.
———. Matthew Paris’s English History. 3 vols. Trans. J. A. Giles. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1852–54.
Paulinus of Nola. Carmina. Ed. Guilelumus de Hartel. CSEL 30 (1894).
Peter Comestor. Historia scholastica. PL 198:1049–1722.
Peter of Cornwall. Pantheologus. BL, MS Royal 7.C.XIV.
Peter of Eboli. Liber ad Honorem Augusti di Pietro da Eboli. Ed. G. B. Siragusa. Rome: Forzani, 1905.
Peter the Chanter. Verbum abbreviatum. PL 205:21–370.
Peter the Venerable. Petri Venerabilis: Adversus Iudeorum inverteratam duritiem. Ed. Yvonne Friedman. CCCM 58 (1985).
———. Adversus sectam saracenorum. PL 189:659–720.
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Pliny the Elder. Pliny: Natural History. Vol. 1. Ed. and trans. H. Rackham. Loeb Classical Library. 1938. Reprint, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979.
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Pseudo-Jerome. Breviarium in Psalmos. PL 26:863–1382.
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Pseudo-Methodius. “The Middle English Metrical Version of the Revelations of Methodius.” Ed. Charlotte d’Evelyn. Publications of the Modern Language Association 33 (1918).
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Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos. Ed. and trans. F. E. Robbins. Loeb Classical Library. 1940. Reprint, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994.
Ratramnus of Corbie. Epistola de Cynocephalis. PL 121:1153–56.
———. “Epistola 12.” In Epistolae Karolini aevi. Ed. Ernst Dummler. MGH Epistolarum 6. Berlin: Weidmann, 1925.
Ricold of Monte Croce. Itinerarium. In Peregrinatores Medii Aevi Quattuor. Ed. J.C.M. Laurent. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs Bibliopola, 1864.
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